1 continuous chemical reactor
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > continuous chemical reactor
2 continuous chemical reactor
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > continuous chemical reactor
3 reactor
1) хим. реактор, реакционный аппарат4) катушка индуктивности; дроссель; элемент с реактивным сопротивлением5) бтх ферментёр; реактор6) авто нейтрализатор токсичности•-
adiabatic reactor
adjustable reactor
air-cored reactor
air reactor
air-cooled reactor
air-lift loop reactor
annular biological reactor
annular-cooling-space reactor
arc-furnace reactor
backmix-plug-flow reactor
bare reactor
barrel-type reactor
batch reactor
belt-screw-pinch reactor
biological film reactor
breeder reactor
bus reactor
C02-graphite reactor
capillary liquid-fuel reactor
carbon reactor
carbon-uranium reactor
catalytic reactor
chemical reactor
chemical vapor deposition reactor
circulating reactor
clean reactor
closed-cycle reactor
closely packed reactor
CO2-D2O reactor
colloidal nuclear reactor
commercial-scale reactor
commercial reactor
concrete reactor
contained nuclear explosion breeder reactor
continuous reactor
controlled thermonuclear reactor
convergent reactor
converter reactor
coupling reactor
critical reactor
current-limiting reactor
CVD reactor
cylindrical plasma etching reactor
cylindrical plasma reactor
cylindrical rotating smelting-converting reactor
D2O reactor
D2O-reflected reactor
damping reactor
demonstration reactor
deuterium-moderated reactor
deuterium reactor
development reactor
differential-type tubular flaw reactor
differential tubular flaw reactor
direct-cycle reactor
divergent reactor
dividing reactor
dry-etching reactor
dry-type reactor
dual-cycle reactor
dual-purpose reactor
dynamic reactor
earthing reactor
electrical reactor
electrochemical reactor
electronuclear reactor
engineering reactor
enzyme reactor
epithermal reactor
etching reactor
evaporating-blanket fusion reactor
experimental reactor
fast-fission reactor
fast reactor
feeder reactor
feed reactor
filter reactor
fired-heater reactor
fission-type reactor
fission reactor
fixed reactor
fixed-bed reactor
fixed-fuel reactor
flow reactor
fluidized bed reactor
food-irradiation reactor
forgiving reactor
full-scale reactor
fused-salt reactor
fusion-fission reactor
fusion-type reactor
gas-cooled reactor
gas-core nuclear reactor
gas-insulated shunt reactor
generator neutral reactor
generator reactor
graphite-moderated reactor
graphite reactor
graphite-uranium reactor
heat-pipe cooled reactor
heavy-ion beam fusion reactor
heavy-water reactor
helium-cooled reactor
heterogeneous reactor
high-power reactor
high-power-density reactor
high-temperature reactor
homogeneous reactor
indirect-cycle reactor
intermediate reactor
ion-exchange reactor
iron-core reactor
jacketed reactor
laser fusion reactor
light-ion beam fusion reactor
light-water-moderated reactor
light-water reactor
linear accelerator driven reactor
linear reactor
liquid-core nuclear reactor
liquid-metal-cooled reactor
liquid-moderated reactor
load reactor
low-power reactor
low-temperature reactor
magnox reactor
mixed-flow reactor
mixed-spectrum reactor
modular stellarator-reactor
molten-salt reactor
moving-bed reactor
multiple-hearth reactor
multiple-shell reactor
multiple-tubular reactor
mutually coupled reactor
naked reactor
neutral-earthing reactor
neutralizing reactor
nonlinear reactor
nuclear power reactor
nuclear reactor
nylon shavings enzyme reactor
oil-circulating reactor
oil-immersed reactor
one-region reactor
open-cycle nuclear reactor
orbital nuclear reactor
organic-cooled reactor
organic-moderated reactor
oxidation reactor
packed-bed reactor
packed-shell reactor
packed-tube reactor
paralleling reactor
pebble-bed reactor
petal-like nuclear reactor
planar plasma etching reactor
planar plasma reactor
plasma etching reactor
plasma reactor
plutonium reactor
polyphase reactor
pool reactor
power reactor
pressure-tube reactor
pressurized water reactor
production reactor
protective reactor
pulse reactor
pyrolysis reactor
recycling reactor
reduced enrichment research reactor
research reactor
rotating bed reactor
rotating-tube reactor
rubber-coated reactor
runaway reactor
saturable-core reactor
saturable reactor
saturated reactor
semibatch reactor
series reactor
shuntings reactor
shunt reactor
single-purpose reactor
single-region reactor
slow-neutron reactor
slow reactor
smoothing reactor
sodium-cooled reactor
sodium-deuterium reactor
sodium-graphite reactor
solid-core nuclear reactor
solid-fuel reactor
source reactor
space nuclear reactor
split-flow reactor
stabilizing reactor
staged reactor
starting reactor
steam-blown reactor
subcritical reactor
supercritical reactor
swimming-pool reactor
switching reactor
synchronizing reactor
tank reactor
teaching reactor
testing reactor
test reactor
thermal reactor
thermal-neutron reactor
thermionic conversion power reactor
thermoelectric conversion power reactor
thermonuclear reactor
thorium reactor
three-phase shunt reactor
thyristor-controlled reactor
thyristor-controlled saturated reactor
thyristor-switched reactor
tokamak power reactor
torque converter reactor
tower-loop reactor
training reactor
transition reactor
transpiration-cooled reactor
tubular reactor
U-D2O reactor
Universities research reactor
upflow reactor
uranium reactor
vapor-heated reactor
vortex reactor
water-cooled reactor
water-moderated reactor
zero-power reactor -
4 pump
1) насос || подавать [нагнетать\] насосом, качать2) электрон. накачка, возбуждение || накачивать, возбуждать3) электрон. генератор накачки4) электрон. излучение накачки•to pump in — накачивать;to pump off — 1. откачивать 2. (быстро) опоражнивать ( скважину скважинным насосом);to port the pump — подсоединять линию к насосу;to supercharge pump — подпитывать насос, создавать давление на всасывании насоса-
absorption heat pump
accelerating pump
accelerator pump
acid treatment pump
adjustable pump
adsorption pump
aeration jet pump
afteroiling pump
air pump
air-driven pump
air-to-air heat pump
air-water heat pump
American pump
angular flow pump
appendage pump
atmospheric inlet pump
autopriming pump
auxiliary feedwater pump
auxiliary turbine-driven feed pump
axial-flow pump
axial-piston pump
axial-suction pump
backing pump
ball piston pump
ballast pump
beet lifting pump
beet pump
beet pulp pump
bent axis-piston pump
bilge pump
blade sideshift pump
blower pump
boojee pump
boost pump
borehole pump
brake release pump
brine injection pump
Butterworth pump
cam-vane pump
canned pump
cargo pump
cartridge pump
casing sucker rod pump
casing pump
centrifugal pump
charging pump
chemical cleaning pump
chemical heat pump
chemical proportioning pump
chemical pump
circular casing pump
circulating pump
clean ballast pump
clean pump
coal pump
coherent pump
coil pump
cold pump
cold-cathode getter-ion pump
combination fuel pump
combination gear pump
compensated pump
compression pump
concrete pump
condensate pump
condenser pump
constant horsepower output pump
constant pressure pump
continuous flow pump
control pump
controlled pump
controlled-circulating pump
controlled-volume pump
coolant pump
corrosion-resistant water pump
crank pump
cryogenic pump
cryosorption pump
deep-well pump
delivery pump
dewatering pump
diagonal-flow pump
diaphragm lift pump
diaphragm pump
diffuser pump
diffusion pump
direct-acting pump
direct-injection pump
discharge pump
dispensing pump
displacement pump
donkey pump
dope transfer pump
dosing pump
double pump
double-acting pump
double-entry pump
double-stage pump
double-stroke pump
double-suction pump
double-volute pump
drainage pump
dredge pump
drilling mud transfer pump
drowned pump
drum pump
dry pump
dual-pressure pump
duplex pump
dye laser pump
earth-coupled heat pump
ejector pump
ejector-compression heat pump
electric pump
electromagnetic pump
electroosmotic pump
emulsifying pump
end-suction pump
energy pump
evaporation pump
exhaust pump
external gear pump
extraction pump
feathering pump
feeding pump
feed pump
feedwater pump
fire pump
fire-and-bilge pump
fish pump
fixed frequency pump
fixed-delivery pump
flexible hose pump
fluid jet pump
fluming water pump
flushing pump
focused pump
foot-mounted pump
force pump
fore pump
Francis-type pump
fresh feed pump
fuel backup pump
fuel feed pump
fuel injection pump
fuel lift pump
fuel priming pump
fuel pump
fuel transfer pump
fuel-oil pump
full-size boiler feed pump
gasoline pump
gas-powered pump
gear-type pump
getter pump
getter-ion pump
gravel pump
ground-driven steer pump
grouting pump
grout pump
half-size boiler feed pump
hand-operated pump
hand pump
hand-priming pump
harbor pump
heat pump
heeling pump
helical rotor pump
high-capacity pump
high-lift pump
high-pressure injection pump
high-pressure intensifier pump
high-speed pump
high-vacuum pump
horizontal pump
hot melt pump
house service pump
hydraulic pump
hypothetical pump
ice-cream pump
ice-maker heat pump
immersed pump
impeller pump
inclined rotor pump
incoherent pump
individual injection pump
injection pump
ink pump
in-line pump
insert oil-well pump
insert pump
integral auxiliary pump
internal gear pump
ion pump
jerk pump
jerker pump
jet pump
Kaplan-type pump
light pump
line pump
linearly polarized pump
liquid jet pump
liquid metal pump
lobe pump
low-lift pump
low-pressure injection pump
low-speed pump
lubricant pump
magnetic heat pump
magnetic-drive pump
main circulating pump
makeup pump
manual pump
marine pump
mash pump
mercury vapor diffusion pump
mercury diffusion pump
metal hydride heat pump
metering pump
mine pump
mixed-flow pump
molecular pump
monitor feed pump
mortar pump
motor pump
mud pump
multicellular pump
multicircuit pump
multicylinder pump
multiflow lubricating pump
multiple gear pump
multiple-impeller pump
multiple-piston pump
multiplunger pump
multiscrew pump
multistage pump
noncompensated pump
nonpositive displacement pump
nonuplex pump
normal-speed pump
oil fuel pump
oil pump
oil well pump
oil-diffusion pump
oil-free pump
oil-measuring pump
oil-sealed rotary pump
oil-transfer pump
oil-vapor pump
open circuit pump
optical pump
overboard pump
packaged heat pump
packmix pump
Penning type pump
Penning pump
peripheral pump
peristaltic pump
photovoltaic water pump
pickup pump
piston pump
Pitot tube pump
plunger pump
positive displacement pump
power control pump
power pump
precharge pump
preevacuation pump
pressure balanced pump
pressure pump
primary boiler-feed pump
primary circuit pump
priming pump
propeller pump
proportioning pump
pulse-free pump
pulverized-coal pump
purge pump
pusher pump
push-pull stem control pump
quench pump
quintuplex pump
radial piston pump
radial-flow pump
ram-type pump
ram pump
raw oil pump
reactor containment sump pump
reactor coolant pump
recharging manual pump
recharging pump
reciprocating pump
recirculating pump
recycling pump
reflux pump
replenishing pump
reverser pump
reversible pump
rodless pump
rod-line pump
roller-vane pump
Roots blower pump
Roots pump
rotary pump
rotating swash-plate pump
rotodynamic pump
rotor-type pump
roughing pump
rough pump
salt-water pump
salt-water-service pump
salvage pump
sand pump
sanitary pump
satellite pump
scavenge pump
scavenging oil pump
scoop pump
screen-wash pump
screw pump
scum pump
sealing water pump
sea-water pump
self-contained heat pump
self-priming pump
semirotary pump
septuplex pump
service pump
servo-controlled pump
sewage pump
shell pump
shuttle-block oil pump
side-channel pump
side-suction pump
simplex pump
single direct-acting pump
single-boiler feed pump
single-cylinder pump
single-entry pump
single-plunger pump
single-stage pump
single-stroke pump
sinking pump
sliding-vane pump
sludge pump
slurry pump
slush pump
soda-circulating pump
solar diaphragm pump
solar-assisted neat pump
sorption pump
space conditioning heat pump
spinning pump
split-packaged heat pump
squirt pump
steam jet air pump
steam jet pump
steam-driven pump
steam-oil pump
steering pump
storage pump
straight-flow pump
stripping pump
submerged-type pump
submerged pump
submersible pump
subsurface pump
sucker-rod pump
suction pump
sump pump
swinging-vane oil pump
tandem pump
tank cleaning pump
test pump
thermal pump
thermoelectric heat pump
three-screws pump
thrust augmentor pump
tilted-body pump
torque flow pump
transfer pump
traveling-barrel pump
trimming pump
trim pump
triplex pump
tubing oil-well pump
tubing pump
turbine pump
turbo-molecular pump
two-lobe rotary pump
two-stage pump
two-volume pump
unit pump
vacuum pump
valveless pump
vane pump
vapor-jet pump
vapor pump
variable-capacity pump
variable-displacement pump
variable-stroke plunger pump
vertical pump
volumetric pump
volute pump
vortex pump
vortex-free pump
wash-deck pump
water pump
water-air heat pump
water-jet air pump
well pump
wellpoint pump
wet-pit pump
wheel pump
wind pump
wing pump
wrecking pump
yoke-type bent-axis pump
zeolite pump -
5 plant
1) завод; фабрика; предприятие2) установка; агрегат3) электрическая станция, электростанция, ЭС (см. тж
station)4) энергоблок5) цех; отделение; мастерская6) установка сейсмоприёмника в грунте || устанавливать сейсмоприёмник в грунт•-
absorption plant
absorption refrigerating plant
accumulator plant
acetylene compressing plant
acid recovery acid restoring plant
acid recovery plant
adsorption plant
aerodrome accumulator plant
agglomeration plant
air separation plant
air-cooled refrigerating plant
aircraft development plant
aircraft manufacturing plant
aircraft overhaul plant
aircraft plant
aircraft washing plant
air-storage gas turbine plant
air-storage power plant
alkylation plant
arc-furnace plant
arc-welding plant
asphalt plant
assembly plant
atomic marine plant
atomic power plant
automatic flour handling plant
auto-shredding plant
auxiliary gas turbine power plant
back-pressure heat generation plant
bakery plant
baling plant
basic arc-furnace plant
basic slag-grinding plant
batching plant
batch-weighing plant
Bessemer plant
biogas producing plant
blackout plant
blast-furnace plant
blending plant
bob-tail plant
boiler plant
bow-type plant
box plant
bread-making plant
breaking plant
brick-making plant
brine refrigerating plant
bulk plant
butter-making plant
by-product coke plant
by-product recovery plant
by-products plant
can-making plant
canning plant
captive plant
car assembly plant
carbon dioxide refrigerating plant
carbon plant
car-repair plant
casinghead gasoline plant
casting plant
CDQ plant
cell plant
centralized photovoltaic power plant
central-mixing plant
centrifugal refrigerating plant
centrifuge isotope separation plant
charge preparation plant
cheese-making plant
chemical desalting plant
chemical separation plant
circulation degassing plant
clarification plant
clay-drying plant
closed-cycle cryogenic plant
coal gasification-gas cleaning plant
coal-cleaning plant
coal-conveying plant
coal-fired plant
coal-injection plant
coal-liquefaction plant
coal-preparation plant
coal-pulverizing plant
coal-reduction plant
coal-to-methanol plant
coal-washing plant
cogeneration plant
coke dry-quenching plant
coke-handling plant
coke-pitch plant
coke-quenching plant
coking plant
combination topping and cracking plant
combined heat power plant
combined photovoltaic-deolian electric plant
combined-cycle plant
combined-cycle steam plant
combiner plant
compressor plant
concentration plant
concrete product plant
concrete-mixing plant
concreting plant
condensate liquid recovery plant
condensate purification plant
condensing plant
confectionary producing plant
confectionary plant
constant-head plant
contactor centrifuge acid treating plant
continuous-casting plant
conventional power plant
converter plant
cooling plant
copper-smelting plant
countercurrent ion exchange plant
CR plant
crushing plant
cryogenic freezing plant
cryogenic power generation plant
crystal drawing plant
cutting and shearing plant
cycle-degassing plant
cycling plant
deaerating plant
degreasing plant
dendro-thermal power plant
desalting plant
desinfection plant
detinning plant
dewatering plant
diesel engine power plant
direct-expansion refrigerating plant
disposal plant
distilling plant
district-heating plant
diversion plant
double-strand plant
drainage pumping plant
drop-hammer plant
dry-process plant
dual-purpose turbine plant
dust extraction plant
dust handling plant
earth-freezing plant
earth-moving plant
EBM plant
EBR plant
ECM plant
edible fat plant
EDR plant
effluent treatment plant
eight-strand plant
ejector refrigerating plant
electric pig-iron plant
electric power plant
electrical propulsion plant
electricity distribution plant
electrochemical machining plant
electrodialysis plant
electrodialysis reversal plant
electrolytic tinning plant
electron-beam-melting plant
electron-beam-refining plant
electrostatic precipitation desalting plant
engineering plant
evaporation plant
extraction plant
extra-terrestrial power plant
fabric-dipping plant
feed milling
fermentation plant
filter plant
finishing plant
fish processing plant
fission power plant
fixed plant
fixed-head power plant
flexible manufacturing plant
flexing generating plant
floating nuclear power plant
floating pile-driving plant
floating power plant
flotation plant
flour milling plant
folding carton plant
food concentrate plant
force ventilation plant
formcoke plant
fossil-fuel plant
fractional horsepower refrigerating plant
fractional ton refrigerating plant
fragmentation plant
freezing plant
fruit-and-vegetable processing plant
fuel-pulverizing plant
full-fashioned sweater plant
full-scale plant
fume-cleaning plant
fume-extraction plant
furniture plant
fusion power plant
galvanizing plant
gas absorption plant
gas fire extinguishing plant
gas fractionation plant
gas liquids plant
gas plant
gas turbine power plant
gas turbine plant
gas-and-oil-buming power plant
gas-carburizing plant
gas-cleaning plant
gas-compressor plant
gaseous-diffusion plant
gas-fired plant
gas-generator plant
gasification-based combined cycle plant
gasifier-combined cycle plant
gasoline plant
gas-producer plant
gas-treating plant
gas-washing plant
generating plant
geothermal power plant
glass-manufacturing plant
glass-recycling plant
grading plant
graphite plant
graphite recovery plant
grease plant
hardening plant
H-cycle plant
heat power plant
heat pump plant
heat raising plant
heat-electric generating plant
heating and power plant
heating network plant
heating plant
heating-water converter plant
heavy-water plant
high-capacity refrigerating plant
high-head power plant
H-iron plant
hot dip filming plant
hot water peaking boiler plant
hybrid wind-photovoltaic plant
hydroelectric power plant
hydroelectric plant
hydroelectric pumped storage power plant
hydro-photovoltaic plant
ice plant
incinerator plant
indicator plant
industrial power plant
industrial steam plant
industrial waste treatment plant
industrial-scale plant
in-house printing plant
intake plant
integral coal gasification combined cycle plant
integrated steel plant
interlocking plant
intermediate solar plant
internal combustion power plant
ion-exchange plant
ion-exchange softening plant
iron powder plant
iron-ore pelletizing plant
isolated generating plant
isotope separation plant
jobbing plant
Kaldo-steelmaking plant
Kaldo plant
killing plant
laboratory-scale plant
ladle degassing plant
ladle-spraying plant
LD plant
LDAC oxygen-steelmaking plant
light plant
liquefied natural gas plant
liquefied petroleum gas plant
liquid freezing plant
liquor plant
loading plant
local plant
locomobile power plant
locomotive repair plant
loop plant
low-capacity refrigerating plant
low-head power plant
lube plant
machine tool plant
magnetohydrodynamic power plant
main propulsion machinery plant
marine reactor plant
marine refrigerating plant
meat packing plant
meat producing plant
mechanical air-conditioning plant
mechanical drive gas turbine plant
mechanical refrigerating plant
medium-head power plant
merchant-coke plant
metals-recovery plant
MHD power plant
midget power plant
milk plant
milling plant
mine-mouth power plant
mixed pumped-storage plant
mixing plant
mobile power plant
mold degassing plant
mold hydraulic cleaning plant
mortar-mixing plant
muck-shifting plant
mud-mixing plant
multiple-unit power plant
multipurpose sea-water desalination plant
multistrand plant
multiunit power plant
naphtha-treating plant
natural gasoline plant
natural gas-sweetening plant
noncondensing power plant
nonintegrated steel plant
nonterrestrial power plant
nuclear cogeneration plant
nuclear gas turbine plant
nuclear heating plant
nuclear power plant
nuclear steam power plant
oil shale retorting plant
oil-and-gas gathering plant
oil-burning power plant
oil-desulfurization plant
oil-extraction plant
oil-fired plant
oil-reclamation plant
oil-treating plant
on-line gas plant
open-coil annealing plant
open-cycle gas turbine plant
open-hearth plant
orbital power plant
orbital solar power plant
ore-bedding plant
ore-blending plant
ore-breaker plant
ore-conditioning plant
ore-dressing plant
ore-roasting plant
ore-washing plant
outdoor-type power plant
oxidizing plant
oxygen-converter plant
ozone plant
packaged power plant
packaged refrigerating plant
packing plant
paint varnish and lacquer plant
pallet conveyor mold-type plant
paperboard plant
peaking power plant
peaking boiler plant
peak-shaving liquefied natural gas plant
pellet plant
petroleum chemical plant
photovoltaic power plant
physical plant
pickling plant
pig-casting plant
pilot plant
plating plant
plywood manufacturing plant
polymerization plant
pontoon pile-driving plant
power plant
preserving plant
printing plant
process gas turbine plant
processing plant
Prolerizing plant
propulsion plant
public utility power plant
public-service power plant
pulverized-coal-fired plant
pulverizing plant
pump plant
pumped-storage plant
pumping plant
pumping-generating plant
quick-freezing plant
radiant freeze-drying plant
ready-mix plant
recovery plant
reforming plant
refrigerating plant
refuse-fired plant
regasifying plant
regenerative gas turbine plant
relift pumping plant
rendering plant
retreading plant
reverse osmosis plant
rolling plant
route interlocking plant
run-of-river plant
sack filling plant
salt plant
sand-preparing plant
satellite printing plant
scrap-shredding plant
screening plant
sea-water desalting plant
sedimentation plant
self-contained rail welding plant
self-contained refrigerating plant
self-sufficient plant
semiclosed-cycle gas turbine plant
semiunderground plant
separating plant
sewage disposal plant
simple-cycle gas turbine plant
simulated power plant
single-pool power plant
single-strand plant
single-unit plant
sinking plant
sintering plant
sizing plant
skimming plant
slab-producting plant
slag-expanding plant
slag-screening plant
slaughtering and meat processing plant
slaughtering plant
sludge filtration plant
small-size refrigerating plant
smoke extractor plant
soap plant
solar ice plant
solar plant
solar power plant
solar tower plant
solvent-extraction plant
split-shaft gas turbine plant
sputtering plant
stabilization plant
stand-alone solar power plant
standby plant
stationary gas turbine plant
stationary refrigerating plant
steam condensing plant
steam plant
steam power plant
steam-electric-turbine plant
steaming plant
steel continuous casting plant
steel plant
storage plant
stream degassing plant
stripping plant
sugar refining plant
sulfur recovery plant
sunken-type plant
superposed plant
supplementary fired combined cycle plant
supplementary heating plant
sweater knitting plant
tap-degassing plant
tar-boiling plant
tea plant
television plant
tertiary plant
thermal power plant
thermal plant
thermodynamic solar power plant
thermoelectric refrigerating plant
tidal power plant
tiger topping plant
tinning plant
tin-refining plant
tin-smelting plant
tonnage oxygen plant
top-blown oxygen vessel plant
topping plant
tower-type plant
train washing plant
transformer plant
trash-fired power plant
traveling pneumatic grain-discharging plant
treatment plant
tritium removal plant
turbine plant
turbo-refrigerating plant
two-axes focusing solar plant
two-shaft plant
ultrafiltration concentration plant
undercar power plant
underground nuclear power plant
underwater nuclear power plant
unit refrigerating plant
uranium enrichment plant
vacuum casting plant
vacuum degassing plant
vacuum dezincing plant
vacuum gas turbine plant
vacuum metallothermic plant
vacuum molding plant
vacuum-decarburization plant
variable-head power plant
variable-load power plant
vertical plant
vulcanizing plant
washing plant
waste disposal plant
waste-to-energy cogeneration plant
waste-to-energy plant
water demineralization plant
water softening plant
water treatment plant
water-cooling plant
waterpower plant
wave energy plant
wax plant
wet-process plant
wind-mill electric generating plant
wire-drawing plant
year-round air-conditioning plant
zero-discharge plant
zinc ore roasting plant
zinc-smelting plant -
1) Американизм: Crude Birth Rate, Currently Being Revised2) Спорт: Championship Bull Riding, Circuit Based Racer, City Bike Race, Classic Bike Rider, Closed Body Racer3) Военный термин: chemical, biological, and radiological4) Техника: commercial breeder reactor, computer-based recording5) Шутливое выражение: Calculator Based Ranger6) Юридический термин: Central Bank of Russia, ЦБ РФ7) Бухгалтерия: cash book - receipts side8) Оптика: chemical, biological, radiological9) Телекоммуникации: Constant Bit Rate (ATM)10) Сокращение: California Bearing Ratio (measure of ability for airfield surface to support aircrarft), Chemical, Biological, Radiological warfare, Common Bomb Rack, Phosgene and arsenious chloride chemical warfare mixture, California bearing ratio, comprehensive beacon radar, cocoa butter replacer11) Университет: Center for Biomedical Research12) Вычислительная техника: Case Based Reasoning, case-based reasoning, Constant Bit Rate (ATM, VBR, ABR, UBR, QOS, BIT)13) Нефть: Californian bearing ratio14) Связь: constant bit rate15) Транспорт: Can't Bloody Ride, Check Before Running16) Фирменный знак: Caf Banquet Room, Claud Butler Racing, Cry Baby Records17) Экология: chemical, biological and radiological18) Деловая лексика: Certified Buyers Representative19) Образование: Certificate Of Botanical Recognition20) Сетевые технологии: content-based retrieval, continuous bit rate, постоянная скорость передачи в битах, постоянная скорость передачи двоичных данных21) Фармация: Clinical Benefit Response Rate22) Майкрософт: постоянная скорость23) Аэропорты: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia -
1) Общая лексика: cup-disc ratio, соотношение диаметров экскавации к диску зрительного нерва2) Компьютерная техника: Compact Disc Rom, Compact Disk Recordable, Copy Density Range, call detail recording3) Авиация: chip data ready, Conditional Route( условный маршрут)4) Военный термин: cargo delivery receipt, civil defense receiver, coastal defense radar, command destruct receiver, command distribution rack, commander, complete design release, composite damage risk, consolidated data report, constant dose rate, construction discrepancy report, contract data requirements, contract definition report, critical design review, cumulative data report5) Техника: CO2-D2O reactor, conceptual design report, conceptual design requirement, core damage risk, corona discharge reactor, current directional relay6) Шутливое выражение: Create Duplicate Rip7) Автомобильный термин: Chrysler diagnostic readout8) Биржевой термин: China Depository Receipts9) Грубое выражение: Crappy Demo Recordings10) Металлургия: Технология прямого восстановления хрома ( Krupp) (Chrome Direct Reduction), Технология прямого восстановления хрома (Krupp)11) Телекоммуникации: Call Data Records, Call Detail Records, Clock and Data Recovery, сбор и обработка информации по вызовам, учётная запись о звонке, (Call Detail Record) CDR-запись, (Call Detail Record) запись о вызове, Информация о совершенных вызовах (с сайта cisco), детализация вызова, детализация звонка, Call Drop Rate12) Сокращение: Close Defence Relations, Contents of the Decrement part of the Register (LISP), Carbon dioxide - Deuterium oxide Reactor, Compact Disc Recordable13) Электроника: Chemical distribution room, Compact Disc Rewriteable, Current Drain Reduction14) Вычислительная техника: constant density recording, расширение файлов векторной графики CorelDRAW, Compact Disk - Recordable (CD), call detail record, файл с документом CorelDraw15) Нефть: continuous drilling rate16) Иммунология: Clinical Data Repository, Computerized Digital Radiography, complementarity-determining region, complementarity determining regions (гипервариабельные участки; районы, определяющими комплементарность), complementary determining region, complementary determining region, комплементарно определяемая область18) Космонавтика: защита рабочего проекта, защита технического проекта, критический анализ проектных работ19) Транспорт: Coded Departure Routes20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: logging tool for MWD21) Программирование: Content Of Decrement Register, Contents Data Register, Contents Of Data Register, критический обзор проектных решений (см. critical design review)22) Сахалин Ю: commitment deviation request23) Расширение файла: Common Data Representation, CorelDraw format Vector graphics, Vector graphics format (CorelDraw)24) Общественная организация: Center for Democratic Renewal25) Аэропорты: Comodoro Rivadavia City Airport, Patagonia, Argentina -
1) Общая лексика: Magnetical Character Recognition, Middle Common Room2) Компьютерная техника: Mirror Consistence Recovery3) Авиация: max cruise rating, Maximum Cruise4) Морской термин: мощность энергетической установки5) Медицина: меланокортиновые рецепторы6) Американизм: Middle Combination Room7) Военный термин: Marine Corps reserve, Mediterranean communications region, Message Completion Rate, Military Command Region, maintenance control report, manpower control report, maximum combat readiness, military compact reactor, mine clearing roller, mobile control room, movement control regiment, multichannel receiver8) Техника: Maximum Continuous Rating, максимальная продолжительная мощность, material certification report, material control record, mean conversion ratio9) Шутливое выражение: My Chemical Romance10) Химия: Magic Carpet Ride11) Телевидение: Master Control Room, АЦ, центральная аппаратная12) Телекоммуникации: Minimum Cell Rate (ATM)13) Сокращение: Magnetic Character Recognition, Manufacturing Capability Requirements, Mission Capable Rate, Mobile Cellular Radio, Mobile Communication Radio, Multi-Channel Recorder, manual change request, master change record, Monitor Console Routine14) Вычислительная техника: Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)15) Нефть: Microcarbon residue16) Энергетика: Modular Capacity Regulator17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion record, Monthly Cost Report18) Нефтегазовая техника ГДП (Main Control Room - Главный диспетчерский пульт управления), Главный диспетчерский пульт управления19) Образование: Modified Compliance Review20) Полимеры: maximum continuous rating21) Сахалин Ю: main control room22) Расширение файла: Master Control Routine, Modem Control Register23) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: maximum continuous rating (максимально допустимая непрерывная нагрузка)24) Карачаганак: operations management center (also main control center / room MCC)25) Правительство: Michigan Court Rules26) NYSE. M F S Charter Income Trust Fund -
9 mcr
1) Общая лексика: Magnetical Character Recognition, Middle Common Room2) Компьютерная техника: Mirror Consistence Recovery3) Авиация: max cruise rating, Maximum Cruise4) Морской термин: мощность энергетической установки5) Медицина: меланокортиновые рецепторы6) Американизм: Middle Combination Room7) Военный термин: Marine Corps reserve, Mediterranean communications region, Message Completion Rate, Military Command Region, maintenance control report, manpower control report, maximum combat readiness, military compact reactor, mine clearing roller, mobile control room, movement control regiment, multichannel receiver8) Техника: Maximum Continuous Rating, максимальная продолжительная мощность, material certification report, material control record, mean conversion ratio9) Шутливое выражение: My Chemical Romance10) Химия: Magic Carpet Ride11) Телевидение: Master Control Room, АЦ, центральная аппаратная12) Телекоммуникации: Minimum Cell Rate (ATM)13) Сокращение: Magnetic Character Recognition, Manufacturing Capability Requirements, Mission Capable Rate, Mobile Cellular Radio, Mobile Communication Radio, Multi-Channel Recorder, manual change request, master change record, Monitor Console Routine14) Вычислительная техника: Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)15) Нефть: Microcarbon residue16) Энергетика: Modular Capacity Regulator17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion record, Monthly Cost Report18) Нефтегазовая техника ГДП (Main Control Room - Главный диспетчерский пульт управления), Главный диспетчерский пульт управления19) Образование: Modified Compliance Review20) Полимеры: maximum continuous rating21) Сахалин Ю: main control room22) Расширение файла: Master Control Routine, Modem Control Register23) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: maximum continuous rating (максимально допустимая непрерывная нагрузка)24) Карачаганак: operations management center (also main control center / room MCC)25) Правительство: Michigan Court Rules26) NYSE. M F S Charter Income Trust Fund -
10 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
11 CRC
1) Общая лексика: Cultural Resource Contractor (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Checksum Recovery Correction, Common Recursive Classes, Cyclical Redundancy Checking, контроль с помощью циклического избыточного кода3) Авиация: camera ready copy, continuous repetitive chime, crew rest compartment, Corporate Research Center, Корпоративный исследовательский центр4) Американизм: Cooperative Research Centre6) Военный термин: CONUS Replacement Center, Canadian Retraining Centre, Central Reporting Center, Chief of Reserve Components, Close Range Correction, Coleman Research Corporation, Command and Reporting Center, Common Reference Code, Communications Research Centre, Cooperative Requirements Capture, combat reporting center, command reporting center, communications relay center, communications security repair center, complete round chart, contractor-recommended codes, control and reporting center, coordinating research council, crew chief, crisis response cell, центр управления и оповещения ( ЦУО) (Control and Reporting Center), комплексное управление и оповещение (КУО)7) Техника: Cable Communications Research Center, Communications Research Center, Coordinate Research Council, Coordinating Research Committee, carriage return contact, class, collaboration, computer robot control, control rod cluster, cosmic radio communications, cost reimbursement contract, critical reactor component, cycling redundancy check, responsibility, Cyclic Redundant Check( проверка циклической контрольной суммы) (при передаче данных)8) Шутливое выражение: Cynical Redundancy Check9) Бухгалтерия: current replacement cost10) Фармакология: Case Review Committee11) Грубое выражение: Can't Remember Crap12) Металлургия: Холоднокатанный лист в рулоне (Cold-Rolled Coil), Casting and Rolling Complex (ЛПК - Литейно-прокатный комплекс, город Выкса)13) Сокращение: Cambridge Research Center, Chemical Rubber Company, Civil Rights Commission, Container Research Corp. (USA), Control & Reporting Centre, Costa Rica Colon, cyclic redundancy checking, Camera-Ready Copy, cost-reimbursement contract, colorectal cancer14) Университет: Class Responsibilities And Collaboration, Class Responsibility Collaborator, Computing Resource Center15) Физиология: Centre Remedial Clinic17) Вычислительная техника: Cyclic Redundancy Check (sum), class-responsibility-collaboration, cyclical redundancy check18) Нефть: Научно-исследовательский совет по коррозии, периодическая проверка резервирования (cyclic redundancy checking), Coordinating Research Council, Inc. (USA)19) Иммунология: Clinical Research Center20) Онкология: Colo-Rectal Carcinoma, Cancer Research Campaign (UK), colorectal cancer (колоректальный рак)21) Космонавтика: циклический контроль избыточности, циклический контроль по избыточности22) Фирменный знак: Customer Response Center23) Энергетика: циклический контроль резерва24) Деловая лексика: Commit Reconcile Consistency, Customer Relations Center25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cyclic redundancy code26) Нефтегазовая техника Научно-исследовательский совет по коррозии (Corrosion Research Council)27) Образование: Character Report Card28) Сетевые технологии: class, responsibility and collaboration, класс, событие и взаимодействие, контроль с использованием циклического избыточного кода, контроль циклическим избыточным кодом, контрольная циклическая сумма, циклический избыточный код29) Полимеры: Corrosion Research Council30) Автоматика: computerized robot control31) Пластмассы: The Chemical Rubber Company32) Прокат: холоднокатаный рулон (Cold Rolled Coil)33) Международное право: Комитет( ООН) по правам ребёнка (/(United Nations) Committee on the Rights of the Child/)34) Расширение файла: Cyclic Redundancy Check, Cyclic Redundancy Checksum35) Нефть и газ: Contract Review Committee36) Военно-политический термин: Crisis Response Centre37) Яхтенный спорт: Коста-Рика (Обозначения на парусах)38) Электротехника: constant reactive current39) Водоснабжение: общий остаточный хлор40) Майкрософт: контрольная сумма (алгоритм контроля правильности передачи данных)41) Общественная организация: Camp Robinson Crusoe, Chapters Regional Conference, Children's Rights Council, Circles of Recovery Conference42) Должность: Component Responsibility Collaborator, Corrosion Reaction Consultants43) НАСА: Cyclical Redundancy Coding44) Программное обеспечение: Classes Responsibilities And Collaborators -
12 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция2) конструкция; устройство; схема3) структура; строение4) система6) форма; вид7) эл. опора•- accordion stitch structure -
acicular structure
active substrate structure
air-inflated structure
air structure
aligned structure
alignment structure
all-metal structure
angle structure
antiavalanche structure
appurtenant structure
Aran structure
arborescent structure
aromatic structure
array structure
as-hardened structure
atlas structure
atomic structure
austenitic structure
automatically erectable structure
avalanche injection structure
backbone structure
backward-wave structure
balanced atlas structure
balloon structure
band structure
barrier injection structure
base-coupled structure
basic structure
bearing structure
bearing-wall structure
benzene-like structure
bipolar diffused structure
bipolar junction structure
bird's eye backing jacquard structure
blackberry stitch structure
blister structure
block structure
block-graft structure
body structure
boundary structure
bourrelet structure
box-like space structure
braced structure
branched structure
bubble stitch structure
building structure
bulk structure
buried structure
buried-collector structure
buried-gate structure
buried-oxide MOS structure
bus-organized structure
bus structure
cable stitch structure
cable-stayed structure
camera structure
catenary suspension structure
cellular structure
chain structure
chain-packed structure
charge injection structure
charge transfer structure
charge-coupled structure
check structure
chemical structure
cholesteric structure
circus-support structure
closed structure
close-grained structure
close-packed structure
clustered structure
coagulation structure
coast-protecting structure
collector-coupled structure
columnar structure
complementary MOS structure
compliance structure
condensation structure
continuous structure
control structure
controlled eutectic structure
core support structure
course structure
crest structure
cross plating structure
cross-armless structure
cross-linked structure
cross-miss structure
cross-rope suspension structure
cross-tuck structure
crystalline structure
crystal structure
cubic structure
cutting structure
daisy-chain structure
dangerous structure
data structure
dead-end structure
debris retaining structure
deep structure
delay-line structure
dendrite structure
determinate structure
diffused-gate structure
disordered structure
docking module launch support structure
domain structure
dotted structure
double epitaxial structure
double-avalanche structure
double-diffused MOS structure
double-implanted structure
double-polysilicon structure
double-poly structure
drawing file structure
drilling bit bearing structure
drill bit bearing structure
drop structure
dropped stitch structure
duplex structure
earth structure
earthquake-proof structure
earth-retaining structure
eightlock structure
embroidery plating structure
emitter-coupled structure
energy-band structure
engineering structure
epitaxial structure
evermonte structure
exterior structure
eyelet structure
fabric structure
fabricated structure
fail-safe structure
fancy stitch structure
faulted structure
fendering structure
fibrous structure
field structure
field-interleaved structure
file structure
filiform molecule structure
filler structure
film guiding structure
film handling structure
film structure
fine structure
fine-grain structure
fire-tree structure
fish protection structure
flaky structure
flexible structure
float plated fishnet structure
float plated structure
float stitch structure
floated-in structure
floating dock structure
floating gate MOS structure
floating gate structure
flood-regulating structure
floor structure
flow-measuring structure
folded-plate structure
frame structure
framed structure
frame-like structure
French pique structure
fringe structure
full cardigan rib structure
full cardigan structure
full tricot structure
full-jacquard structure
functional structure
gate-operation structure
gel structure
geological structure
glass structure
glass-like structure
grade separation structure
graded structure
graphoepitaxial structure
gravity-dependent structure
gravity structure
grid structure
groundwater intake structure
guard-ring structure
guide structure
hairpin structure
half-cardigan structure
half-transfer stitch structure
herringbone twill structure
heteroepitaxial structure
heterogeneous structure
heterojunction structure
H-frame structure
hierarchical sensory-control structure
hierarchical structure
highly refined structure
high-performance MOS structure
homogeneous structure
honeycomb structure
horizontal striped backing jacquard structure
hydraulic structure
hydrodynamic dissipative structure
hyperfine structure
hyperstatic structure
image structure
indeterminate structure
industrial structure
inflatable structure
ingot structure
inlay lap stitch structure
in-line structure
instruction structure
insulated gate structure
insulated substrate structure
intake structure
interdigital structure
interior structure
interlock stitch structure
ionic gating structures
ion gating structures
ion-implanted structure
ion-selective field-effect structure
isle structure
jacquard structure
jersey structure
jointless structure
jumbo structure
junction field-effect structure
junction-isolated structure
knitted structure
knock-off lap stitch structure
lace stitch structure
ladder structure
ladderproof structure
lamellar structure
laminated structure
lateral structure
lattice structure
layer-like structure
light-trapping structure
line structure
linear structure
line-interleaved structure
line-locked structure
line-quincunx structure
linked structure
links-links structure
liquid-like structure
list structure
locknit structure
logical structure
logic structure
looped plush structure
looped tuck structure
loosely packed structure
macromolecular structure
magnetic structure
mammoth structure
manipulator erectable structure
manually erectable structure
marine structure
marquisette structure
mat structure
mesa strip structure
mesa structure
mesh structure
metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
metallized semiconductor gate structure
metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor structure
metal-nitride-semiconductor structure
metal-oxide-metal structure
metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
microgel structure
micromesh structure
Milano rib structure
mock rib structure
mode structure
modular structure
mosaic structure
moss stitch structure
multicollector structure
multiemitter structure
multilayer structure
multilevel structure
multi-microprocessor structure
multispan structure
multituck structure
n-channel structure
nematic structure
net structure
netting structure
network structure
nipple stitch structure
n-MOS structure
nonbearing structure
n-p-n structure
nuclear structure
ocean structure
ocean thermal structure
offshore marine structure
offshore structure
open stitch structure
open structure
open-neck structure
open-pile braced structure
orbiting structure
ordered structure
orthogonal structure
orthorhombic structure
ottoman structure
overaged structure
pattern purl stitch structure
patterned structure
p-channel structure
pelerine structure
periodic structure
permanent structure
photovoltaic equipped parking and shade structure
p-i-n structure
pin tuck structure
planar structure
p-MOS structure
p-n-p structure
polycrystalline structure
polycrystal structure
ponte di Roma structure
popcorn stitch structure
portal structure
power system structure
pressurized structure
prestressed structure
primary structure
protecting structure
purification structure
purl structure
quarternary structure
queenscord structure
quenched-and-tempered structure
rack stitch structure
racked full-cardigan structure
racked half-cardigan structure
racked rib structure
random structure
reactor top structure
redundant structure
reflecting structure
regular crystal structure
regular structure
reticular structure
reverse locknit structure
reversed mesa structure
reversible jacquard structure
reversible racked rib structure
rhombic structure
rhombohedral structure
rib structure
rib transfer stitch structure
rib-jacquard structure
rigid structure
ring structure
ring-like structure
ripple stitch structure
rod-like structure
rotorcraft flight structure
rugged structure
run-resist structure
sandwich structure
satin stripe structure
Schottky-gate structure
screwdown structure
seam structure
secondary structure
segregation-free structure
selected backing jacquara structure
self-aligned gate structure
self-floating structure
self-registered gate structure
semiconductor structure
semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structure
separation structure
shaft structure
sharkskin structure
shell stitch structure
shell structure
shutter structure
silicon-on-insulator structure
silicon-on-sapphire structure
simple structure
single Lacoste structure
single-crystal structure
single-layer structure
single-level structure
single-pique structure
sinker mesh structure
skeleton structure
skin-core structure
slaty structure
slowing structure
sluiceway structure
smectic structure
soil structure
solar animal structure
solid-state structure
solid structure
space structure
spiral cloud structure
stable structure
stacked structure
star-type structure
star structure
statically determinate structure
statically indeterminate structure
stockinette structure
streaky structure
stressed-skin structure
stress-relieved structure
subgrain structure
submerged structure
submicrometer structure
substatic structure
subsurface ingot structure
superlattice structure
supporting structure
surface structure
suspension structure
Swiss pique structure
tailrace structure
tangent structure
tank supporting structure
temporary structure
terry stitch structure
tertiary structure
test structure
tetragonal structure
texipique structure
thin-slab structure
three-dimensional structure
tidal regulating structure
tied-in floats structure
torsion box structure
tower-base structure
track structure
training structure
transferred sinker stitch structure
trashrack structure
tree-type structure
tree structure
triclinic structure
trigonal structure
tuck purl structure
tuck rib honeycomb structure
tuck ripple structure
tuck-interlock structure
tunnel access structure
turnout structure
twill backing jacquard structure
twin structure
twist nematic structure
two-needle overlap stitch structure
underground structure
underlying structure
unipolar structure
unstable structure
variable-gap structure
vesicular structure
V-groove MOS structure
void structure
warp knit meshes structure
water conveyance structure
water-diverting structure
waterflow retarding structure
waterfront structure
water-retaining structure
waterside structure
weft insertion structure
welt structure
woody structure
wrap embroidery structure
wrought structure -
13 pump
2) насос; помпа; накачивание; нагнетание; выкачивание; откачивание (процесс действия насоса); II качать насосом; нагнетать; работать насосом; закачивать (воздух и пр.); накачивать (шины и пр.); откачивать; выкачивать; опорожнять- pump adjustment screw - pump-and-accumulator station - pump and injector unit filter - pump and injector unit follower - pump and injector unit nut - pump and injector unit plunger - pump basket - pump beam - pump blade - pump block - pump body - pump bonnet - pump bowl - pump box - pump braking - pump bucket - pump capacity per revolution - pump cavitation - pump cell - pumping circuit - pump circulation - pump control console - pump cradle- pump cup- pump current - pumping current - pump diameter - pump discharge - pump discharge pressure - pump discharge valve - pump disk - pump displacement - pump distribution gear unit - pump-down - pump-down time - pump duty - pump element - pump end thrust - pump-fed rocket - pump filter - pump flow - pump outputflow - pump for gas transporting - pump for injection of mortar - pump frequency - pumping frequency - pump fuel feed - pump governor - pump gun - pump-handle - pump head - pump house - pump housing - pump injection - pump-injector - pump inlet - pump inlet capability - pump inlet pressure - pump installation - pump intake - pump intake pressure - pump jet propeller - pump jet propulsion system - pump-jet propulsion unit - pump jig - pump kettle - pump leak - pump lift - pump line - pump liner - pump-lubricated - pump lubrication - pump main - pump manifold - pump mechanized - pump mode - pump motor - pump-motor - pump-motor unit - pump noise - pump off - pump open sliding side door - pump out - pump output - pump output flow - pump over - pump performance - pump pipelining - pump piping - pump plunger - pump power end - pump pressure - pump price - pump priming - pump priming characteristic - pump pulsation damper - pump ram - pump rate - pump rating - pump recirculation system - pump riser - pump rod - pump rod joint - pump room - pump runner - pump screen - pump seat - pump seating - pump shaft - pump shell - pump slippage - pump specifications - pump speed - pump speed indicator - pump spindle - pump-starving filter condition - pump station - pump stock reserve - pump strainer - pump stripping - pump stroke counter - pump stroke rate - pump suction - pump suction head - pump suction line - pump suction tube - pump suction-valve cage - pump-system water cooling - pump thrust - pump thrust plate - pump traveling valve cage - pump turbine - pump-type circulation lubrication - pump unit - pump unloading - pump unloading hydraulic circuit - pump up - pump vacuum rating - pump volume - pump volume indicator - pump warm-up line - pump water feed - pumped water feed - pump wheel - pump with external bearing - pump with internal bearing - pump with overhung impeller - pump withdrawal - pump working barrel valve seat - pump works - adsorption pump - adsorption vacuum pump - aeration jet pump- air pump- air-driven pump - air-operated pump - air-operated grouting pump- air pump- ammonia pump - annular casing pump - armored pump - aspirator pump - aspiring pump - axial flow pump - axial flow turbine pump - axially split pump - axial piston pump - axial-piston distribution pump - axial piston pump of the rotary cylinder-type - axial suction pump - backing vacuum pump - barrel insert pump - beam pump - blower pump - boom concrete pump - bore-hole pump - brine-circulating pump - canned pump - canned motor pump - cargo pump - cementing piston pump - centrifugal pump with shrouded impeller - circular casing pump - chain pump - combined vacuum pump - Common-Rail high-pressure pump - condensation pump - condensation return pump - constant discharge pump - constant volume pump - continuous-pressure pump - controlled capacity plunger pump - controlled-volume pump - coolant pump - cooled pump - cooling-water pump - corrosion-resistant water pump - cutter lubricant pump - deep-well pump - differential pump - discharge pump - disintegrating pump - dispensing pump - displacement pump - distributor fuel injection pump - donkey pump - dosing pump - double-acting pump - double-diaphragm pump - double-displacement pump - double-entry pump - double-plunger pump - double-suction pump - double-volute pump - Downton pump - drainline pump - dredge pump - dredging pump - drowned pump - ejector jet pump - electrically driven pump - electrical centrifugal pump - electromagnetic pump - electropneumatic tyre pump - electrosubmersible pump - elevator pump - emergency pump - end suction pump - entrapment pump - epitrochoidal pump - excavating pump - external gear pump - extraction pump - fixed pump - fixed-delivery pump - fixed displacement pump - fixed volume pump - flexible tube pump - flexible tubes for grease pump - flow-type pump - flow-type fuel pump - fluid pump - fluid-packed pump - flywheel pump - force pump - fractionating diffusion pump - fuel booster pump- gas pump- gas jet pump - gear-driven pump - gear-type pump - gear wheel pump - hand desoldering pump with antistatic teflon tip - hand-operated grouting pump - hand-priming pump - hand suction pump for battery liquid - hand vacuum-pressure pump for checking vacuum advance in conjunction and timing light - turbo wastengate control valve and etc. - heat pump - heated pump - helical rotor pump - high duty pump - high-flow pump - high-lift pump - high-low pressure pump - high-pressure pump - high-pressure fuel pump - high-vacuum pump - hot-oil pump - house service pump - impeller pump - in-line pump - in-line fuel injection pump - internal gear pump - internal spur gear pump - irrigating pump - jacketed pump- jet pump- jet vacuum pump - jury pump - kinetic pump - liquid jet pump - liquid-packed ring pump - liquid ring vacuum pump - liquid-sealed vacuum pump - lobular pump - low-lift pump - lubrication pump - main pump - make-up pump - manual pump - manual pump for injector testing - marine pump - mechanical pump - membrane pump - mine pump - monocylindrical fuel injection pump - motor pump - mud pump - multicellular pump - multicylinder pump - multicylinder fuel injection pump - multijet vacuum pump - multiple-piston pump - multiplunger pump - multiscrew pump- oil pump- oil-line pump - oil-refinery pump - oil scavenge pump - oil-sealed vacuum pump - oil suction pump - oil supply pump - oil-vapor vacuum pump - oscillating displacement pump - papermill pump - peripheral pump - peristaltic pump - port the pump - portable pump - positive-displacement pump - positive-displacement fuel pump - power-steering pump - power take-off mounted pump - precharge pump - press pump - pressure test pump - pressurizing pump - prime a pump - PTO-mounted pump - pulse-free pump - pusher pump - radial flow turbine pump - radial piston pump - radially split pump - rapid approach pump - rayon pump - reactor coolant pump - reciprocating pump - reciprocating fuel injection pump - reciprocating vacuum pump - recirculating pump - reciprocation pump - refrigerant pump - regulator pump - reversible pump - reversing pump - roller-cell pump - roller vane pump - roots vacuum pump - rotary pump - rotary air pump - rotary-displacement pump - rotary fuel injection pump - rotary gear pump - rotary lobe pump - rotary piston lobe-type pump - rotary plunger pump - rotary vane-type pump - rotodynamic pump - roughing-down pump - roughing vacuum pump - rough vacuum pump - sand pump - scavenge pump - scavenging pump - scoop pump - screw pump - scrum pump - self-bleeding pump - self-priming pump - self-purifying diffusion pump - semirotary pump - servo pump - service pump - sewage pump - sewage water pump - shallow well pump - side channel pump - side suction pump - simplex pump - single-acting pump - single-acting hand pump - single-acting piston pump - single-cylinder pump - single-stage pump - sinking pump - sliding vane pump - sliding vane rotary pump - slime pump - sludge pump - sluice pump - slush pump - small capacity pump - sorption pump - sorption vacuum pump - spur gear pump - sputter ion pump - stage chamber pump - stand-by pump - start a pump - stationary pump - stationary concrete pump - steam pump - steering pump - stripping pump - sublimation pump - sublimation vacuum pump - submerged pump - submersible pump - subsurface pump - sucking pump - suction pump - suds pump - supercharging pump - supply pump - surge pump - swash-plate pump - swash-plate operated pump - tank pump - tar-and-residuum pump - test pump - thermal pump - three-cylinder pump - three-screw pump - tire pump - truck-mounted concrete pump - torque flow pump - transfer pump - trim pump - triplex pump - triplex plunger pump - trochoid pump - turbine pump - turbine-driven pump - turn on a pump - tyre pump - twin pump - two-cylinder pump - two-screw pump - two-stage pump - two-volume pump - unbalanced pump - unit construction pump - V-type pump - V-type piston pump - vacuum pump - valveless pump - vane pump - vane-type pump - vapor jet pump - variable capacity pump - variable-delivery pump - variable displacement pump - variable speed pump - variable volume pump - vee fuel injection pump - volute pump - water pump - water-jet pump - well pump - wet-air pump - wet motor pump - wet-pit pump - wide-spray fire pump - windmill pump - windshield washer pump - wing pump - work a pump
См. также в других словарях:
Chemical reactor — In chemical engineering, chemical reactors are vessels designed to contain chemical reactions. The design of a chemical reactor deals with multiple aspects of chemical engineering. Chemical engineers design reactors to maximize net present value… … Wikipedia
Continuous reactor — Continuous reactors (alternatively referred to as flow reactors) carry material as a flowing stream. Reactants are continuously fed into the reactor and emerge as continuous stream of product. Continuous reactors are used for a wide variety of… … Wikipedia
Chemical Automatics Design Bureau — (CADB), also KB Khimavtomatika (Russian: Конструкторское бюро химавтоматики, КБХА, KBKhA) is a Russian Design Bureau founded by the NKAP (People’s Commissariat of the Aircraft Industry) in 1941 and led by Semyon Kosberg until his death in 1965.… … Wikipedia
Continuous stirred-tank reactor — CSTR symbol The continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), also known as vat or backmix reactor, is a common ideal reactor type in chemical engineering. A CSTR often refers to a model used to estimate the key unit operation variables when using a… … Wikipedia
reactor — /ree ak teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that reacts or undergoes reaction. 2. Elect. a device whose primary purpose is to introduce reactance into a circuit. 3. Immunol., Vet. Med. a patient or animal that reacts positively towards a foreign… … Universalium
Plug flow reactor model — The plug flow reactor (PFR) model is used to describe chemical reactions in continuous, flowing systems. The PFR model is used to predict the behaviour of chemical reactors, so that key reactor variables, such as the dimensions of the reactor,… … Wikipedia
Huntsman (chemical plant) — Huntsman Chemical Company of Australia Pty Ltd (HCCA)operate a complex chemical manufacturing plant in Somerville Rd Brooklyn in Melbourne. The site is approximately 40 hectares in size and is located in the City of Brimbank. HCCA is partially… … Wikipedia
Fluidized bed reactor — A fluidized bed reactor (FBR) is a type of reactor device that can be used to carry out a variety of multiphase chemical reactions. In this type of reactor, a fluid (gas or liquid) is passed through a granular solid material (usually a catalyst… … Wikipedia
Batch reactor — The Batch reactor is the generic term for a type of vessel widely used in the process industries. Its name is something of a misnomer since vessels of this type are used for a variety of process operations such as solids dissolution, product… … Wikipedia
nuclear reactor — Physics. reactor (def. 4). Also called nuclear pile. [1940 45] * * * Device that can initiate and control a self sustaining series of nuclear fission reactions. Neutrons released in one fission reaction may strike other heavy nuclei, causing them … Universalium
Pebble bed reactor — Sketch of a pebble bed reactor in Italian … Wikipedia