1 consumer jury test
марк. метод "потребительского жюри"* (метод тестирования рекламы, при котором потребителей просят сравнить, проранжировать различные рекламные объявления, или как-то иначе оценить их)See: -
2 consumer's test
марк. = consumer use tests -
3 consumer acceptance test
Контроль качества: приёмочные испытания, проводимые заказчикомУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > consumer acceptance test
4 consumer jury test
Реклама: исследование потребительского жюри -
5 consumer opinion test
Реклама: исследование потребительских мнений -
6 consumer preference test
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > consumer preference test
7 consumer risk test
1) Экономика: оценка риска заказчика2) Контроль качества: проверка риска заказчика -
8 consumer risk test
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > consumer risk test
9 consumer preference test
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > consumer preference test
10 consumer risk test
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > consumer risk test
11 consumer acceptance test
приёмочные испытания, проводимые заказчикомThe English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > consumer acceptance test
12 consumer
сущ.1) эк. потребитель; покупательATTRIBUTES: average 2. 1), 2. 2), conventional 2. 2), end 1. 1), final 1. 1), individual 1. 2), industrial 1. 1), а, loyal 1. 1), potential 2. 2), prospective 2. 2), rational 2. 1), reasonable 2. 1), representative 2. 2), n2, target 3. 1), ultimate 2. 2), n1
British consumers are paying much more than their counterparts in mainland Europe for a wide range of goods. — Британские потребители покупают многие товары по значительно более высокой цене, чем потребители материковой Европы.
Our consumers expect products which are not only delicious (and safe) but which have been produced fairly and ethically. — Наши потребители ожидают таких продуктов, которые не только вкусны и безопасны для здоровья, но еще и были произведены надлежащим образом и в согласии с этическими нормами.
An average consumer for heating in Turkey uses fuel wood at a rate of 0.75 m3 yr. — Среднестатистический потребитель отопления в Турции использует 0,75 м3 в год древесного топлива.
See:average consumer, conventional consumer, disadvantaged consumer, end consumer, end-consumer, fickle consumer, final consumer, green consumers, heat consumer, individual consumer, industrial consumer, interested consumer, intermediate consumer, loyal consumer, manipulated consumer, potential consumer, price-conscious consumer, price-sensitive consumer, prospective consumer, rational consumer, reasonable consumer, representative consumer, savvy consumer, target consumer, ultimate consumer, water consumer, consumer acceptance, consumer account, consumer activist, consumer advertisement, consumer advertising, consumer advisory board, consumer advisory council, consumer advocate, consumer affluence, consumer analysis, consumer anticipations, consumer appeal, consumer attitude, consumer audience, consumer awareness, consumer bank, consumer basket, consumer behaviour, consumer benefit, consumer boom, consumer brochure, consumer budget, consumer business, consumer buying decision, consumer capitalism, consumer choice, consumer clinic, consumer club, consumer commodities, consumer communications, consumer comparison, consumer complaint, consumer confidence, consumer container, consumer cooperation, consumer cooperative, consumer council, consumer credit, consumer culture, consumer debenture, consumer decision making, consumer deficit, consumer delivery, consumer demand, consumer diary, consumer discrimination, consumer durable product, consumer durables, consumer economics, consumer education, consumer effect, consumer electronics, consumer environment, consumer equilibrium, consumer evaluation, consumer expectations, consumer expenditure, consumer favour, consumer feedback, consumer finance company, consumer flow, consumer franchise, consumer fraud, consumer goods, consumer group, consumer guide, consumer habit, consumer impression, consumer income, consumer inertia, consumer information, consumer inquiry, consumer insurance, consumer interest, consumer interview, consumer items, consumer jury, consumer knowledge, consumer language, consumer law, consumer learnings, consumer lease, consumer leasing, consumer legislation, consumer lifestyle, consumer lines, consumer list, consumer loan, consumer lobby, consumer loyalty, consumer magazine, consumer market, consumer marketing, consumer motivation, consumer movement, consumer needs, consumer non-durables, consumer orientation, consumer pack, consumer panel, consumer patronage, consumer perception, consumer personality, consumer policy, consumer population, consumer practice, consumer preferences, consumer premium, consumer pressure, consumer price, consumer products, consumer profile, consumer promotion, consumer properties, consumer protection, consumer psychologist, consumer psychology, consumer publication, consumer purchase, consumer purchaser, consumer rating, consumer reaction, consumer relations, consumer report, consumer research, consumer resistance, consumer response, consumer rights, consumer sale, consumer sales, consumer satisfaction, consumer segment, consumer service, consumer services, consumer setting, consumer shopping, consumer society, consumer sophistication, consumer sovereignty, consumer spending, consumer spendings, consumer study, consumer surplus, consumer survey, consumer tastes, consumer trade practices, consumer trends, consumer use tests, consumer utility, consumer valuation, consumer value, consumer vulnerability, consumer warranty, consumer waste, consumer wealth, consumer welfare, consumer's account, consumers' attitude, consumer's choice, consumer's cooperative, consumer's demand, consumers expenditure, consumer's goods, consumer's indifference curve, consumers market, consumers' market, consumers' panel, consumer's point, consumers' preference, consumers' remedy, consumer's surplus, consumers' surplus, consumer's test, consumer's wants, cost to consumer, price to consumer COMBS: business to consumer, business-to-consumer, business-to-consumer firm, competition for the consumer's dollar, Consumer Credit Act 1974, Consumer Credit Protection Act, Consumer Goods Pricing Act, Consumer Magazine and Agri-Media Rates and Data, Consumer Product Safety Act, Consumer Products Warranties Act, Consumer Protection Act 1961, Consumer Protection Act 1971, Consumer Reports, Consumer Safety Act 1978, Department of Banking and Consumer Finance v. Clarke, Ethical Consumer, Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act, Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act 1991, Uniform Consumer Credit Code, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Consumer Bankers Association, consumer confidence, consumer expenditure2) биол., эк. прир. консумент (организм, который потребляет другие организмы; выделяют первичные, вторичные и третичные консументы)See:
* * *
потребитель: лицо, которое в конечном итоге пользуется данным товаром или услугой (это не всегда покупатель).* * * -
13 test
1. сущ.1) общ. проба, опробование; анализ2) тест, испытание, испытания; проверкаа) общ. (определение соответствия знаний, компетенции или квалификации установленным требованиям)See:activity test, advertisement test, advertising test, advertising effectiveness test, consumer use tests, consumer's test, vendor test, direct test of financial balance, test of compliance, test of transaction, test panelб) марк. (продвижение на рынок новой продукции или проведение новой рекламной компании в малых масштабах с целью определения реакции потребителей)в) бирж. (исследование приближения цены к точке сопротивления или поддержки; цена проходит тест, если такая точка не проходится, т. е. цена не выходит на новый нижний или верхний уровень)See:г) фин. (расчет какого-л. финансового коэффициента и сравнение его со стандартным или желаемым значением)See:3) мет. показатель; критерий ( соответствия требованиям), признак (напр., финансовый показатель, применяемый для оценки кредитоспособности заемщика)4) общ. дегустацияSyn:2. гл.общ. подвергать испытанию, проверять3. прил.общ. испытательный, пробный, контрольный, проверочныйSee:
* * *
тест, проверка: 1) критерий соответствия требованиям (напр., критерий исполнения различного рода финансовых соотношений в банковском надзоре); 2) приближение цены к точке сопротивления или поддержки; цена проходит "тест", если такая точка не проходится, т. е. не выходит на новый уровень; см. resistance/support level; 3) определение финансового коэффициента.* * *испытание; проверка; критерий. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
14 test
1) тест, испытание, испытания; проверка || испытывать, проводить испытания; проверять2) показатель; стат. критерий, признак- odd test -
15 test
1. n1) испытание2) контроль, проверка3) анализ, проба
- ability test
- acceptance test
- acid test
- actual-service test
- actual-use test
- adaptability test
- approval tests
- assessment test
- balance test
- certification test
- check test
- commercial tests
- commissioning tests
- comprehensive tests
- consumer risk test
- credit test
- customer-request test
- day-to-day test
- doubling test
- duplicate test
- economy test
- efficiency test
- engineering test
- engineering development test
- engineering evaluation test
- engineering feasibility test
- equipment test
- evaluation test
- experimental test
- exploratory test
- factory test
- field test
- final test
- formal test
- fundamental test
- graphic test
- graphical test
- guarantee test
- in-process test
- inspection test
- material test
- normal service test
- objective test
- odd test
- official test
- one-tailed test
- operating test
- operational test
- operational stability test
- output test
- overall test
- performance test
- preliminary test
- preproduction test
- product test
- production test
- production acceptance test
- production line test
- production reliability test
- proof test
- prototype test
- proving test
- quality test
- random test
- reliability test
- repeat test
- repeated test
- repetition test
- road test
- routine test
- running test
- sample test
- serial test
- service test
- shop test
- standard test
- taking-over test
- technical test
- warranty test
- wearout test
- test of business capacity
- test of independence
- test of infringement
- test of patentability
- test of samples
- test of similarity of goods
- test of validity
- test on model
- test on site
- be under test
- carry out a test
- conduct a test
- delay a test
- fail a test
- make a test
- operate a test
- pass a test
- perform a test
- put off a test
- put to the test
- run a test
- sponsor tests
- start a test
- undergo a test
- witness a test2. vпроводить испытания; проверять; опробовать -
16 consumer jury
марк. = consumer panelSee:
* * *
жюри потребителей; см. consumer panel.* * *метод представления новых товаров или оценки эффективности рекламных объявлений, состоящий в предъявлении их потенциальным потребителям или адресатам рекламы, мнения которых специально регистрируются -
17 consumer use tests
марк. испытание потребителями* (этап создания новинки, в ходе которого новый товар и маркетинговую стратегию опробуют в обстановке реального использования; испытания проводятся для выявления взглядов потребителей и дилеров на особенности эксплуатации и применения товара, для установления схемы его продажи и определения емкости рынка)Syn: -
18 test store
марк. экспериментальный магазин (в котором проверяют скорость оборачиваемости товаров, исследуют покупательские привычки, опробуют новые приемы торговли)See: -
19 consumer goods marketing
20 consumer home-use test
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > consumer home-use test
См. также в других словарях:
Consumer expectations test — In legal disputes regarding product liability, a consumer expectations test is used to determine whether the product is negligently manufactured or whether a warning on the product is defective. Under this test, the product is considered… … Wikipedia
Consumer Reports — cover dated November 2005 Editorial Director Kevin McKean Categories Consumer advocacy Frequency Monthly … Wikipedia
Consumer organization — Consumer organizations are advocacy groups that seek to protect people from corporate abuse like unsafe products, predatory lending, false advertising, astroturfing and pollution. Consumer organizations may operate via protests, campaigning or… … Wikipedia
Consumer ethnocentrism — is derived from the more general psychological concept of ethnocentrism. Basically, ethnocentric individuals tend to view their group as superior to others. As such, they view other groups from the perspective of their own, and reject those that… … Wikipedia
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act — Consumer Safety Act Full title Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Acronym CPSIA Colloquial name(s) Consumer Act Enacted by the 110th United States Congress Effective … Wikipedia
Consumer Credit Act 1974 — United Kingdom Parliament Long title An Act to establish for the protection of consumers a new system, administered by the Director General of Fair Trading, of licensing and other control of traders concerned with the provision of credit, or the … Wikipedia
Consumer neuroscience — is the combination of consumer research with modern neuroscience. The goal of the field is to find neural explanations for consumer behaviors in both normal and diseased individuals. Contents 1 Consumer Research 2 Advertising 2.1 Advertising and… … Wikipedia
Consumer Protection Act 1987 — United Kingdom Parliament Long title An Act to make provision with respect to the liability of persons for damage caused by defective products; to consolidate with amendments the Consumer Safety Act 1978 and the Consumer Safety (Amendme … Wikipedia
Test Track — Localisation Parc : EPCOT Zone : Future World Lieu : Orlando (Floride) … Wikipédia en Français
Consumer Revolt — Studio album by Cop Shoot Cop Released 1990 … Wikipedia
consumer debt — Debts incurred by an individual for primarily personal, family or household purposes. Taxes are not consumer debts; neither are business loans. The means test only applies to those with consumer debt. (Bankruptcy in Brief) Used to describe debts… … Glossary of Bankruptcy