1 constant address
address bus — шина адреса; адресная шина
2 constant address
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > constant address
3 constant address
second-level address — адрес второго уровня; косвенный адрес
invalid address — недействительный адрес; неправильный адрес
address computation — формирование адреса; вычисление адреса
4 constant address
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > constant address
5 constant address
Вычислительная техника: базовый адрес -
6 constant address
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > constant address
7 constant address
8 constant address
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > constant address
9 constant address
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > constant address
10 constant address
11 constant-address expression
Вычислительная техника: адресное выражение-константаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > constant-address expression
12 constant-address expression
English-Russian information technology > constant-address expression
13 constant
1) константа, постоянная (величина)2) коэффициент3) модуль4) постоянный; неизменный•to calibrate a constant — точно определять значение постояннойconstant of motion — интеграл движенияconstant of proportionality — коэффициент пропорциональности-
absolute dielectric constant
absolute gas constant
acidity constant
additive constant
address constant
amplification constant
anisotropic elastic constants
anodization constant
arbitrary constant
atomic constant
attenuation constant
Avogadro constant
basicity constant
biological-decay constant
boiling-point gravity constant
boiling-point-viscosity constant
Boltzmann constant
calibration constant
character constant
chemical constant
circuit constant
coagulation constant
coil constant
compile-time constant
complex constant
complex dielectric constant
condenser constant
contiguous constant
corrosion constant
couple-stress constant
coupling constant
CR time constant
CR constant
damping constant
decay constant
deferred constant
dielectric attenuation constant
dielectric constant
dielectric phase constant
diffusion constant
dimensional constant
dimensionless constant
direct-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
dissociation constant
distributed constants
effective decay constant
elastic constant
electric charge time constant
electric constant
electric discharge time constant
electrochemical constant
electromagnetic time constant
electromechanical time constant
electrooptic constant
electrostrictive constant
emission constant
empirical constant
exposure constant
fall time constant
Faraday constant
Fermi constant
gain constant
gas constant
generalized constants
gravitational constant
Hall constant
harmonic constant
Hollerith constant
hysteresis material constant
hysteresis constant
ideal gas constant
image transfer constant
instructional constant
instrument constant
instrumental stadia constant
integer constant
integration constant
intermolecular energy constant
ionization constant
Joule's constant
Kerr constant
lattice constant
literal constant
logical constant
loop-time constant
lumped circuit constants
magnetic constant
manifest constant
mechanical time constant
migration constant
multiplication constant
multiplying constant
network constant
noncontiguous constant
nondimensional constant
nuclear constant
numerical constant
numeric constant
open-circuit time constant of armature winding
open-circuit time constant
Pascal constant
permittivity constant
phase-change constant
phase constant
photoelastic constant
photometric constant
Planck constant
principal elastic constants
propagation constant
proportionality constant
quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
radiation constant
radioactive decay constant
radiological decay constant
reaction constant
reactor time constant
real constant
relative dielectric constant
reproduction constant
resistivity constant
resonance constant
Seebeck constant
sensitization constant
short-circuit time constant of armature winding
short-circuit time constant
slot-reactance constant
solar constant
spring constant
stadia constant
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
stored energy constant
strain-hardening constant
strain-optic constant
structured constant
thermal time constant
thermodynamic constant
time constant
torsion constant
transfer constant
transformation constant
transient time constant
transmission constant
universal constant
Van der Waals constant
viscosity-gravity constant
wavelength constant
wedge constant -
14 constant
1) константаб) постоянная; коэффициент; модуль2) постоянный; не изменяющийся; неизменяемый; фиксированный3) вчт литерал, самозначимый символ или самозначимая группа символов, проф. буквальный символ или буквальная группа символов ( в тексте программы)•- acoustical attenuation constant
- acoustical phase constant
- acoustical propagation constant
- adaptation constant
- address constant
- adiabatic dielectric constant
- anisotropy constant
- aperiodic time constant
- arbitrary constant
- attenuation constant
- Boltzmann constant
- capacitor constant
- charge-storage time constant
- clamped dielectric constant
- coil constant
- collector-base time constant
- collector depletion-layer time constant
- complex constant
- complex dielectric constant
- compliance constant
- constant-strain electrooptic constant
- constant-stress electrooptic constant
- Cotton-Mouton constant
- Coulomb force constant
- coupling constant
- damping constant
- decay constant
- decimal constant
- demagnetizing constant
- derivative-active time constant
- dielectric constant
- dielectric constant at constant strain
- dielectric constant at constant stress
- dielectric phase constant
- differential dielectric constant
- diffusion constant
- direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- distributed constant
- distribution constant
- effective dielectric constant
- elastic compliance constant
- elastic stiffness constant
- elastoresistive constant
- electric constant
- electric charge time constant
- electric discharge time constant
- electrocaloric constant
- electromagnetic constant
- electron diffusion constant
- electron-phonon coupling constant
- electrooptic constant
- electrostrictive constant
- equilibrium-distribution constant
- exchange interaction constant
- Faraday constant
- fast time constant
- Feigenbaum constant
- fine-structure constant
- first-order anisotropy constant
- floating-point constant
- fundamental constant
- galvanometer constant
- grating constant
- Hall constant
- Hall-effect constant
- hole diffusion constant
- hyperfine coupling constant
- hysteresis material constants
- image attenuation constant
- image phase constant
- image phase-change constant
- image transfer constant
- imaginary constant
- inertia constant
- initial dielectric constant
- integer constant
- integral-action time constant
- Kerr constant
- Lame constants
- lattice constant
- longitudinal piezoresistive constant
- lumped constant
- magnetic constant
- magnetic anisotropy constant
- magnetic hysteresis constants
- magnetoelastic coupling constant
- magnetoelectric constant
- magnetoresistive constant
- magnetostriction constant
- Margie-Righi-Leduc constant
- molecular-field constant
- momentum constant
- morphic constant
- Nernst-Ettingshausen constants
- network constants
- network attenuation constant
- network phase constant
- network transfer constant
- numeric constant
- Peltier constant
- phase constant
- phase-change constant
- phenomenological constant
- photoelectric constant
- piezoelectric constant
- piezomagnetic constant
- piezooptic constant
- piezoresistive constant
- Planck constant
- propagation constant
- pulse-fall time -constant
- pulse-rise time constant
- pyroelectric constant
- pyromagnetic constant
- quadratic electrooptic constant
- quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- quadrupole coupling constant
- Rayleigh constants
- RC constant
- real constant
- reciprocity constant
- recoil constant
- reduced Planck's constant
- register constant
- relative dielectric constant
- relative stress optical constant
- reversible dielectric constant
- Righi-Leduc constant
- Rydberg constant
- scintillation-counter energy-resolution constant
- screening constant
- Seebeck constant
- shielding constant
- solar constant
- specific gamma-ray constant
- spin-lattice coupling constant
- spin-orbit coupling constant
- spread constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- stored-energy constant
- thermal-stress constant
- thermal time constant
- third-order elastic constant
- time constant
- transfer constant
- transmission constant
- transmission-line constants
- Verdet constant
- wavelength constant
- Weiss constant
- Weiss-field constant
- Zeeman splitting constant -
15 constant
1) константаб) постоянная; коэффициент; модуль2) постоянный; не изменяющийся; неизменяемый; фиксированный3) вчт. литерал, самозначимый символ или самозначимая группа символов, проф. буквальный символ или буквальная группа символов ( в тексте программы)•- acoustical attenuation constant
- acoustical phase constant
- acoustical propagation constant
- adaptation constant
- address constant
- adiabatic dielectric constant
- anisotropy constant
- aperiodic time constant
- arbitrary constant
- attenuation constant
- Boltzmann constant
- capacitor constant
- charge-storage time constant
- clamped dielectric constant
- coil constant
- collector depletion-layer time constant
- collector-base time constant
- complex constant
- complex dielectric constant
- compliance constant
- constant-strain electrooptic constant
- constant-stress electrooptic constant
- Cotton-Mouton constant
- Coulomb force constant
- coupling constant
- damping constant
- decay constant
- decimal constant
- demagnetizing constant
- derivative-active time constant
- dielectric constant at constant strain
- dielectric constant at constant stress
- dielectric constant
- dielectric phase constant
- differential dielectric constant
- diffusion constant
- direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- distributed constant
- distribution constant
- effective dielectric constant
- elastic compliance constant
- elastic stiffness constant
- elastoresistive constant
- electric charge time constant
- electric constant
- electric discharge time constant
- electrocaloric constant
- electromagnetic constant
- electron diffusion constant
- electron-phonon coupling constant
- electrooptic constant
- electrostrictive constant
- equilibrium-distribution constant
- exchange interaction constant
- Faraday constant
- fast time constant
- Feigenbaum constant
- fine-structure constant
- first-order anisotropy constant
- floating-point constant
- fundamental constant
- galvanometer constant
- grating constant
- Hall constant
- Hall-effect constant
- hole diffusion constant
- hyperfine coupling constant
- hysteresis material constants
- image attenuation constant
- image phase constant
- image phase-change constant
- image transfer constant
- imaginary constant
- inertia constant
- initial dielectric constant
- integer constant
- integral-action time constant
- Kerr constant
- Lame constants
- lattice constant
- longitudinal piezoresistive constant
- lumped constant
- magnetic anisotropy constant
- magnetic constant
- magnetic hysteresis constants
- magnetoelastic coupling constant
- magnetoelectric constant
- magnetoresistive constant
- magnetostriction constant
- Margie-Righi-Leduc constant
- molecular-field constant
- momentum constant
- morphic constant
- Nernst-Ettingshausen constants
- network attenuation constant
- network constants
- network phase constant
- network transfer constant
- numeric constant
- Peltier constant
- phase constant
- phase-change constant
- phenomenological constant
- photoelectric constant
- piezoelectric constant
- piezomagnetic constant
- piezooptic constant
- piezoresistive constant
- Planck constant
- propagation constant
- pulse-fall time-constant
- pulse-rise time constant
- pyroelectric constant
- pyromagnetic constant
- quadratic electrooptic constant
- quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- quadrupole coupling constant
- Rayleigh constants
- RC constant
- real constant
- reciprocity constant
- recoil constant
- reduced Planck's constant
- register constant
- relative dielectric constant
- relative stress optical constant
- reversible dielectric constant
- Righi-Leduc constant
- Rydberg constant
- scintillation-counter energy-resolution constant
- screening constant
- Seebeck constant
- shielding constant
- solar constant
- specific gamma-ray constant
- spin-lattice coupling constant
- spin-orbit coupling constant
- spread constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- stored-energy constant
- thermal time constant
- thermal-stress constant
- third-order elastic constant
- time constant
- transfer constant
- transmission constant
- transmission-line constants
- Verdet constant
- wavelength constant
- Weiss constant
- Weiss-field constant
- Zeeman splitting constantThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > constant
16 constant
постоянная величина, константа || постоянный; неизменный- acceptability constant
- address constant
- amplification constant
- attenuation constant
- block constant
- calibration constant
- cell constant
- constant of gravitation
- constant of inertia
- constant of nutation
- damping constant
- decay constant
- decay time constant
- dielectric constant
- distributed constants
- electric charge time constant
- electric discharge time constant
- electromechanic time constant
- empirical constant
- force constant
- gain constant of the plant
- gain constant
- hydraulic spring constant
- input time constant
- instrument constant
- integration constant
- lumped constants
- mechanical time constant
- numeric constant
- numerical constant
- phase constant
- phase delay constant
- position constant
- proportionality constant
- real constant
- residual time constant
- restoration constant
- roundoff constant
- time constant
- total time constant
- transfer constant
- variable held constantEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > constant
17 address
адрес || адресовать- absolute address
- actual address
- address of address
- allophone address
- arithmetic address
- auxiliary address
- B address
- base address
- binary-coded address
- blank address
- block address
- broadcast address
- broken address
- calculated address
- call address
- constant address
- coordinate address
- core memory address
- current address
- data address
- destination address
- direct address
- dot address
- drop address
- dummy address
- effective address
- e-mail address
- end address
- entry-point address
- executive address
- explicit address
- external device address
- external address
- extra address
- final address
- first-level address
- fixed address
- floating address
- floating-point address
- foreign address
- frame address
- generated address
- global address
- hash address
- high load address
- higher address
- home address
- host address
- host apparent address
- immediate address
- implicit address
- indexed address
- indexing address
- indirect address
- initial address
- instruction address
- interleaved addresses
- invalid address - key address
- last field address
- leading address
- link address
- linkage address
- listener address
- load-point address
- load address
- location address
- logical address
- lower address - memory address
- multicast address
- multilevel address
- native address
- network address
- Nth-level address
- number address
- octal address
- offset address
- one-level address
- operand address
- out-of-range address
- overflow exit address
- page address
- physical address
- pointer address
- preset address
- presumptive address
- program address
- real address
- reference address
- regional address
- relative address
- relocatable address
- relocation address
- restart address
- result address
- return address
- second-level address
- self-relative address
- sense address
- single-level address
- source address
- specific address
- starting address
- start address
- stop address
- storage address
- store address
- subnet address
- subroutine return address
- symbolic address
- synthetic address
- talker address
- talk address
- transport address
- true address
- two-coordinate address
- two-level address
- unique address
- unload address
- variable address
- vector address
- virtual address
- windowed address
- word address
- zero address
- zero-level addressEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > address
18 constant
константа, постоянная величина; постоянный коэффициент || постоянный; неизменный- address constant
- arbitrary constant
- block constant
- character constant
- complex values constant
- complex constant
- constant of integration
- constant of inversion
- constant of proportionality
- contiguous constant
- C-type constant
- decay time constant
- decay constant
- decimal constant
- deffered constant
- dielectric constant
- diffusion constant
- distributed constants
- figurative constant
- floating-point constant
- grouped constant
- instructional constant
- integer constant
- Kerr constant
- label constant
- layout constant
- literal constant
- logical constant
- long constant
- named constant
- noncontiguous constant
- numerical constant
- numeric constant
- P-type constant
- real constant
- statement label constant
- structural constant
- structured constant
- system constant
- time constant
- transfer constant
- X-type constant
- Y-type constant
- Z-type constantEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > constant
19 address
= ADR; = addr1) адресуникальный идентификатор, код или номер, присваиваемый регистру, ячейке памяти, устройству, компьютеру, системе или объекту для операций с ним. Одно из основополагающих понятий вычислительной техники. Адреса бывают физическими, логическими и сетевыми.а) уникальный номер ячейки [полупроводниковой] памяти, служащий для её идентификации при операциях чтения/записи.Syn:см. тж. absolute address, address arithmetic, address bus, address computation, address constant, address decoder, address field, address format, address latch, address mapping, address modification, address overflow, address part, address range, address register, address space, address strobe, address translation, address unit, destination address, effective address, global address, immediate address, location, memory address, on-chip address, physical address, real address, relative address, relocatable address, reset address, return address, source address, starting addressб) номер регистра или порта ввода-вывода, закодированный в командесм. тж. port addressв) номер дорожки и номер сектора для определения адреса при выполнении дисковых операций и т. д.Примером логического адреса служит номер кластера на диске или адрес ячейки электронной таблицы (см. тж. logical address, logical drive, row address, virtual address).Сетевые адреса, такие, как адреса электронной почты, Web-серверов и др., в разных сетях устроены по-разному. Обычно это одна или несколько групп символов, содержащихся в тексте сообщения, по которым определяется получатель или отправитель пересылаемых данных. Стандарты IEEE 802.3 и 802.5 рекомендуют наличие уникального адреса в мире для каждого устройства."The machine designated by the complete address,, didn't answer, or didn't exist, at least not now" (Т. Shimomura). — Машина, обозначенная полным адресом, не отвечала на запросы или вообще не существовала, по крайней мере в данный момент см. тж. Email address, IP address, unicast address, URL, Web address
2) глаг. адресовать, направлятьАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > address
20 constant
[ˈkɔnstənt]address constant вчт. адресная константа all other things constant при прочих равных условиях basic real constant вчт. базисная вещественная константа block constant вчт. признак группы c-type constant вчт. символьная константа case constant вчт. константа варианта character constant вчт. символьная константа compile-time constant вчт. статическая константа complex constant вчт. комплексная константа constant верный constant константа constant неизменный, неослабный constant неизменный constant непрерывный constant физ., мат. постоянная (величина), константа; constant of friction коэффициент трения constant постоянная constant постоянная величина constant постоянный; in terms of constant prizes в неизменных ценах constant постоянный constant твердый; верный (идее и т. п.) constant устойчивый constant физ., мат. постоянная (величина), константа; constant of friction коэффициент трения contiguous constant вчт. зависимая константа decay constant вчт. постоянная затухания deferred constant вчт. задержанная постоянная deferred constant вчт. константа времени выполнения diffusion constant вчт. коэффициент диффузии figurative constant вчт. данные файла figurative constant вчт. фигуральная константа floating constant вчт. плавающая константа function constant вчт. функциональная константа group constant вчт. групповая константа grouped constant вчт. табличная константа hexadecimal constant вчт. шестнадцатеричная константа constant постоянный; in terms of constant prizes в неизменных ценах integer constant вчт. целочисленная константа layout constant вчт. макет расположения layout constant вчт. шаблон manifest constant вчт. именованная константа manifest constant вчт. переименованная константа multiplicative constant вчт. постоянный множитель named constant вчт. именованная константа nonconfiguous constant вчт. независимая константа notation constant вчт. нотационная константа numeric constant вчт. числовая константа octal constant вчт. восьмеричная константа predicate constant вчт. предикатная константа proportionality constant вчт. коэффициент пропорциональности real constant вчт. вещественная константа row constant вчт. ограничение по строкам run-time constant вчт. константа времени выполнения sign constant вчт. знаковая константа smoothing constant вчт. сглаживающая постоянная static constant вчт. статическая константа string constant вчт. строковая константа structured constant вчт. структурная константа system constant вчт. константа операционной системы transfer constant вчт. коэффициент передачи type constant вчт. типизованная константа typed constant вчт. типированная постоянная zero constant вчт. константа нуль
См. также в других словарях:
constant address — bazinis adresas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. base address; constant address; presumptive address; reference address vok. Basisadresse, f; Bezugsadresse, f; Grundadresse, f rus. базовый адрес, m; опорный адрес, m pranc. adresse… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Constant folding — and constant propagation are related compiler optimizations used by many modern compilers. An advanced form of constant propagation known as sparse conditional constant propagation can more accurately propagate constants and simultaneously remove … Wikipedia
Constant (programming) — const redirects here. For the keyword, see const correctness. In computer programming, a constant is an identifier whose associated value cannot typically be altered by the program during its execution (though in some cases this can be… … Wikipedia
address constant — adresinė konstanta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. address constant; Y type constant vok. Adressenkonstante, f; Y Typ Adreßkonstante, f rus. адресная константа, f pranc. constante d adresse type Y, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Constant Vanden Stock Stadium — Astrid Park … Wikipedia
address constant — adresinė konstanta statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Skaitinė konstanta, kurios reikšmė skirta operacijoms su kompiuterio atminties adresais. Naudojama, kai reikia perskaičiuoti santykinius adresus į absoliučiuosius arba kai programa… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
base address — bazinis adresas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. base address; constant address; presumptive address; reference address vok. Basisadresse, f; Bezugsadresse, f; Grundadresse, f rus. базовый адрес, m; опорный адрес, m pranc. adresse… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
presumptive address — bazinis adresas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. base address; constant address; presumptive address; reference address vok. Basisadresse, f; Bezugsadresse, f; Grundadresse, f rus. базовый адрес, m; опорный адрес, m pranc. adresse… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
reference address — bazinis adresas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. base address; constant address; presumptive address; reference address vok. Basisadresse, f; Bezugsadresse, f; Grundadresse, f rus. базовый адрес, m; опорный адрес, m pranc. adresse… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Andrew Jackson: Farewell Address — ▪ Primary Source In his Farewell Address, written with the help of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and delivered March 4, 1837, Andrew Jackson reviewed the accomplishments of his administration and explained the motivation of some of… … Universalium
The Constant — Infobox Television episode Title = The Constant Series = Lost Caption = The helicopter returns to the freighter Season = 4 Episode = 5 Writer = Carlton Cuse Damon Lindelof Director = Jack Bender Guests = Jeff Fahey Alan Dale Sonya Walger Graham… … Wikipedia