1 consignment payments
Экономика: оплата партий товара -
2 consignment payments
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > consignment payments
3 payment
n1) погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот
- additional payment
- advance payment
- alimony payment
- allowance payment
- amortization payment
- annual payment
- annuity payment
- anticipated payment
- average payment
- back payment
- balloon payment
- benefit payment
- bi-annual payment
- bilateral payments
- bonus payment
- budgetary payments
- cash payment
- cash down payment
- cash payments in advance
- cashless payment
- cheque payment
- clearing payment
- collection payment
- commercial payments
- commission payment
- compensation payment
- compensatory payment
- compulsory payment
- consignment payments
- contractual payments
- contractual termination payments
- coupon payments
- credit payments
- cross-border payments
- currency payments
- current payments
- cyclic interest payment
- debt service payment
- deductible alimony payment
- deferred payment
- delayed payment
- demurrage payment
- direct payment
- direct bonus payment
- direct financial payment
- dividend payment
- dividend payments on equity issues
- down payment
- due payment
- early bird payment
- easy payments
- electronic payments for goods and services
- encouragement payment
- end-of-year payment
- entitlement payment
- excess payment
- exchange payments
- excise payment
- ex gratia payment
- extended payment
- external payments
- extra payment
- facilitation payments
- final payment
- financial payment
- first payment
- fixed payments
- fixed-rate payment
- foreign payment
- franked payments
- freight payment
- full payment
- golden parachute payment
- guarantee payment
- guaranteed payment
- hire payments from leasing of movable property
- housing and communal utilities payments
- immediate payment
- incentive payment
- inclusive payment
- incoming payments
- initial payment
- installment payment
- insufficient payment
- insurance payment
- interest payment
- interim payment
- intermediate payment
- internal payments
- international payments
- irregular payments
- job work payment
- late payment
- lease payment
- licence fee payment
- lump-sum payment
- minimum payment
- monetary payment
- monthly payment
- multilateral payments
- mutual payments
- net payment
- noncash payment
- noncommercial payment
- nontax payment
- obligatory payment
- one-off payment
- one-time payment
- onward payment
- other payments
- outstanding payment
- overdue payment
- overtime payment
- paperless payment
- partial payment
- past due payment
- patent licence payments
- payroll payment
- pension payment
- periodical payments
- preferential payment
- premium payment
- pressing payment
- previous payment
- principal payment
- progress payments
- prolonged payment
- prompt payment
- proportionate payments
- public welfare payments
- punctual payment
- quarter payment
- quarterly payment
- recovering payment
- redundancy payment
- rental payment
- requited payment
- royalty payment
- semi-annual payment
- seniority benefits payment
- separation payment
- settlement payments
- severance payment
- short payment
- sight payment
- single payment
- sinking fund payment
- social payments
- social security payments
- stop payment
- stopped payment
- subsequent payment
- subsidy payment
- successive payments
- sundry payments
- superannuation payments
- supplementary payment
- tax payment
- taxable payments
- terminal payment
- threshold payment
- time payment
- timely payment
- token payment
- transfer payments
- unpaid payment
- unreimbursed payment
- up-front payment
- wage payment
- warranty payment
- weekly payment
- welfare payment
- wrongful payments
- yearly payment
- payment after delivery
- payment against a bank guarantee
- payment against delivery of documents
- payment against dock receipt
- payment against documents
- payment against drafts
- payment against an invoice
- payment against a L/C
- payment against indebtedness
- payment against payment documents
- payment against presentation of documents
- payment against shipping documents
- payment against statement
- payment ahead of schedule
- payment ahead of time
- payment as per tariff
- payment at destination
- payment at sight
- payment before delivery
- payment by acceptance
- payment by cable transfers
- payment by cash
- payment in cash
- payment by cheque
- payment by deliveries of products
- payment by drafts
- payment by the hour
- payment in installments
- payment by installments
- payment by the job
- payment by a L/C
- payment by money transfers
- payment by the piece
- payment by postal transfers
- payment by remittance
- payment by results
- payment by the time
- payment by transfers
- payment for auditing services
- payment for breakage
- payment for carriage of goods
- payment for collection
- payments for credits
- payment for deliveries
- payment for documents
- payment for goods
- payment for honour
- payment for services
- payment for shipments
- payment for technical documentation
- payment forward
- payment for work
- payment from abroad
- payment in advance
- payment in and out of the current account
- payment in anticipation
- payment in arrears
- payment in cash
- payment in clearing currency
- payment in dollars
- payment in due course
- payment in favour of smb
- payment in foreign currency
- payment in full
- payment in gold
- payment in kind
- payment in lieu of vacation
- payment in local currency
- payment in national currency
- payment in part
- payments in settlement
- payment in specie
- payment into an account
- payment into the bank
- payment in total
- payment of an account
- payment of an advance
- payment of an amount
- payment of arrears
- payment of arrears of interest
- payment of an award
- payment of the balance
- payment of a bill
- payment of a bonus
- payment of charges
- payment of charter hire
- payment of a cheque
- payment of claims
- payment of a collection
- payment of a commission
- payment of compensation
- payment of costs
- payment of coupon yield
- payment of customs duties
- payment of damages
- payment of a debt
- payment of demurrage
- payment of a deposit
- payment of dismissal wage
- payment of dispatch
- payment of dividends
- payment of a draft
- payment of dues
- payment of a duty
- payment of expenses
- payment of fees
- payment of a fine
- payment of freight
- payment of gains obtained
- payment of a guarantee sum
- payment of hospital expenses
- payment of an indemnity
- payment of the initial fee
- payment of insurance indemnity
- payment of insurance premium
- payment of interest
- payment of interest on coupons
- payment of interest on deposits
- payment of an invoice
- payment of a margin
- payment of medical expenses
- payment of money
- payment of a note
- payment of past-due interest
- payment of the penalty
- payment of a premium
- payment of principal
- payment of principal and interest
- payment of profits
- payment of property taxes
- payment of remuneration
- payment of restitution
- payment of retention money
- payment of royalty
- payment of salary
- payment of a sum
- payment of taxes
- payment of transportation charges
- payment of unemployment benefits
- payment of wages
- payment on account
- payment on cheque
- payment on a clearing basis
- payment on a collection basis
- payment on a deferred basis
- payment on delivery
- payment on demand
- payment on dividends
- payment on due date
- payment on an invoice
- payment on mortgages
- payment on an open account
- payment on open account billing
- payments on orders
- payment on presentation
- payment on request
- payment on the spot
- payment supra protest
- payment through a bank
- payment through clearing
- payment to the state budget
- payments under a contract
- payments under loans
- failing payment
- in payment
- payment received
- accelerate payment
- accept as payment
- adjust payments
- anticipate payment
- apply for payment
- approve payment
- arrange payment
- authorize payment
- be behind with one's payments
- cease payments
- claim payment
- collect payment
- complete payments
- default on mortgage payments
- defer payment
- delay payment
- demand payment
- do payment
- effect payment
- enforce payment
- exempt from payment
- expedite payment
- fix payment
- forgo payment of a dividend
- forward payment
- fulfil payment
- guarantee payment
- hold up payment
- impose payment
- make payment
- make a cash payment
- miss interest and dividend payments
- negotiate payment of fees
- outlaw payment of bribes
- pass for payment
- postpone payment
- present for payment
- press for payment
- process payment
- prolong payment
- put off payment
- receive payment
- refuse payment
- release from payment
- remit payment
- request payment
- require payment
- reschedule pledged payments
- restructure payments
- resume payments
- secure payment
- settle payments
- speed up payment
- spread payments
- stop payments
- stretch out payments
- suspend payments
- transact payment
- transfer payment
- waive dividend payments
- withhold paymentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > payment
4 period
nпериод, срок; время
- accrual period
- accounting period
- actual period
- additional period
- adjustment period
- annual accounting period
- apprehensive period
- assessment period
- audit period
- availability period
- average period
- average collection period
- bailout period
- base period
- bidding period
- blocked period
- blocking period
- breaking-in period
- broken period
- budgeting period
- business period
- busy period
- calendar period
- collection period
- collection period on debts
- commissioning period
- commitment period
- comparable period
- compensation period
- consignment period
- contractual period
- convention priority period
- conversion period
- cooling-off period
- credit period
- crediting period
- credit repayment period
- crisis period
- current period
- cycle period
- delivery period
- depression period
- design period
- discount period
- disinflation period
- dispatch period
- drawdown period
- earning period
- economic period
- effective period
- emergency period
- employment period
- erection period
- evaluation period
- execution period
- exhibition period
- expired period
- exploration period
- extended period for filing
- filing period
- financial period
- fiscal period
- fixed period
- fixed assets turnover period
- full period
- grace period
- guarantee period
- guarantee-covered period
- holding period
- idle period
- implementation period
- inaction period
- indefinite period
- indemnity period
- indicated period
- inexpired period
- inflationary period
- installation period
- insurance period
- insured period
- interest period
- interest capitalization period
- interest paying period
- introduction period
- inventory period
- lease period
- leasing period
- licence period
- life period of capital
- loading period
- long period
- long-run period
- maintenance period
- maturity period
- maximum period
- minimum period
- motion period
- negotiation period
- nonextendable period
- normal operating period
- normative period
- observation period
- offering period
- off-season period
- operating period
- operation period
- order period
- organization period
- past period
- payback period
- payment period
- payoff period
- payout period
- payroll period
- peak period
- peak trading period
- peak traffic period
- planned period
- planning period
- policy period
- prior period
- priority period
- probationary period
- processing period
- project period
- projected period
- prolonged period
- qualifying period
- quoted period
- recessionary period
- recoupment period
- recovery period
- redemption period
- reference period
- renewal period
- reorder period
- repayment period
- replenishment period
- reporting period
- repricing period
- reproduction period
- reserve computation period
- reserve maintenance period
- rest period
- revaluation period
- review period
- running period
- running-in period
- run time period
- scheduling period
- service period
- shipping period
- short period
- shutdown period
- slack period
- specified period
- standard period
- standby period
- starting period
- start-up period
- stated period
- statutory period
- subscription period
- succeeding period
- taxable period
- taxation period
- tendering period
- tender validity period
- testing period
- time period
- training period
- transitional period
- trial period
- turnover period
- unemployment period
- usage period
- useful life period
- validity period
- waiting period
- warranty period
- wearout period
- working period
- write-off period
- period for exchange
- period for eligibility for benefits and deductions
- period for making a claim
- period of adjustment
- period of an agreement
- period of availability
- period of cancellation
- period of circulation
- period of consignment
- period of a contract
- period of coupon payments
- period of credit
- period of delay
- period of delivery
- period of designing
- period of dispatch
- period of distribution
- period of employment
- period of encumbrance
- period of execution of a contract
- period of forecast
- period of grace
- period of guarantee
- period of high demand
- period of inflation
- period of insurance
- period of a licence
- period of a licence agreement
- period of limitation
- period of loan repayment
- period of maturity
- period of migration
- period of nonuse
- period of notice
- period of operation
- period of probation
- period of production
- period of recession
- period of reconstruction
- period of recoupment
- period of rehabilitation
- period of repayment
- period of rescheduling
- period of restructuring
- period of service
- period of storage
- period of storing
- period of studies
- period of survey operation
- period of time
- period of training
- period of transition
- period of transportation
- period of turnover
- period of unemployment
- period of upward tendency
- period of upward trend
- period of use
- period of validity
- period of warranty
- period to maturity
- period under report
- period under review
- for a period of
- over a period
- over the period to maturity
- within the prescribed period
- period allowed for appealing
- exceed a period
- extend a period
- grant an additional period
- prolong a period
- prolong a guarantee period
- quote a periodEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > period
5 advance ruling
предварительное решение
На основе всех необходимых данных и документов, представленных предварительно, таможенная служба принимает предварительное решение о надлежащих платежах за конкретную поставку товара; предварительное решение становится обязательным, если поставка товара соответствует описанию в документах
[Упрощение процедур торговли: англо-русский глоссарий терминов (пересмотренное второе издание) НЬЮ-ЙОРК, ЖЕНЕВА, МОСКВА 2011 год]EN
advance ruling
On the basis of all required data and documents submitted in advance, customs makes an advance ruling on the payments due for the specific consignment; the ruling is then binding, if the consignment corresponds to what is described in the documents
[Trade Facilitation Terms: An English - Russian Glossary (revised second edition) NEW YORK, GENEVA, MOSCOW 2019]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > advance ruling
6 agreement
n1) соглашение; договор; контракт
- accord-cadre framework agreement
- after-sales servicing agreement
- agency agreement
- arbitration agreement
- area agreement
- assignment agreement
- average demurrage agreement
- bank agreement
- barter agreement
- best-efforts agreement
- bilateral agreement
- blanket agreement
- bonus agreement
- brokerage agreement
- business agreement
- buy-and-sell agreement
- buy-back agreement
- cartel agreement
- clearing agreement
- collateral agreement
- collective agreement
- collective wage agreement
- commercial agreement
- compensation agreement
- complete agreement
- composition agreement
- composition agreement with creditors
- consignment agreement
- contractual agreement
- coproduction agreement
- credit agreement
- credit trading agreement
- crosslease agreement
- cross-licensing agreement
- double taxation agreement
- Dutch agreement
- early agreement
- economic agreement
- economic cooperation agreement
- employment agreement
- engineering agreement
- financial agreement
- foreign economic agreement
- framework agreement
- franchise agreement
- free-trade agreement
- general agreement
- General agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- gentlemen's agreement
- global agreement
- government agreement
- hire purchase agreement
- indemnity agreement
- interbank agreement
- intergovernmental agreement
- international agreement
- international commodity agreement
- interstate agreement
- joint liability agreement
- joint venture agreement
- knock-for-knock agreement
- lease agreement
- leasing agreement
- licence agreement
- licensing agreement
- loan agreement
- long-standing agreement
- long-term agreement
- loss-sharing agreement
- maintenance agreement
- management agreement
- market sharing agreement
- matched sale-purchase agreement
- monetary agreement
- multilateral agreement
- mutual agreement
- national agreement
- negotiated agreement
- one-time agreement
- operating agreement
- original agreement
- package agreement
- partnership agreement
- patent agreement
- payments agreement
- preferential agreement
- preliminary agreement
- price fixing agreement
- private agreement
- procedural agreement
- production cooperation agreement
- provisional agreement
- project agreement
- reciprocal agreement
- reciprocity agreement
- recourse agreement
- rental agreement
- repurchase agreement
- revolving credit agreement
- sale and repurchase agreement
- salvage agreement
- selective distribution agreement
- service agreement
- servicing agreement
- ship's agency service agreement
- short-term agreement
- sole agency agreement
- standby agreements
- standard agreement
- standstill agreement
- sublicence agreement
- submission agreement
- surety bond agreement
- tacit agreement
- tariff agreement
- tax exemption agreement
- temporary agreement
- tenancy agreement
- tentative agreement
- threshold agreement
- trade agreement
- trade-and-payments agreement
- trademark agreement
- trust agreement
- trusteeship agreement
- underwriting agreement
- unilateral agreement
- verbal agreement
- working agreement
- agreement in force
- agreement of intent
- agreement on cooperation
- agreement on delivery
- agreement on supply
- agreement on tariffs and trade
- agreement on tourism
- agreement on trade and navigation
- agreement to sell
- accede to an agreement
- achieve agreement
- amend a trade agreement
- annul an agreement
- attain agreement
- break an agreement
- bring an agreement into force
- cancel an agreement
- come to an agreement
- conclude an agreement
- confirm an agreement
- contract out of an agreement
- dissolve an agreement
- draft an agreement
- draw up an agreement
- enter into an agreement
- finalize an agreement
- infringe an agreement
- initial an agreement
- join an agreement
- keep an agreement
- make an agreement
- observe an agreement
- prolong an agreement
- ratify an agreement
- reach agreement
- renew an agreement
- repudiate an agreement
- rescind an agreement
- revise an agreement
- revoke an agreement
- sign an agreement
- terminate an agreement
- violate an agreement
- witness an agreementEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > agreement
7 transaction
trænˈzækʃən сущ.
1) дело;
сделка, соглашение to conduct transactions ≈ заключать сделки, вести переговоры delicate transaction ≈ щекотливое дело business transactions ≈ деловые операции financial transactions ≈ финансовые операции temporary transactions ≈ временные сделки Syn: bargain, deal
2) ведение (дела)
3) мн. труды, протоколы( научного общества)
4) юр. урегулирование спора путем соглашения сторон или компромисса (the *) ведение (деловых операций) - the * of affairs ведение дел (экономика) экономическая операция, акт хозяйственной деятельности - business *s деловые операции сделка;
трансакция - profitable * выгодная сделка - cash * сделка за наличный расчет - engaged in various *s занятый разными делами - mixed up in shady *s замешанный в сомнительных сделках общение;
взаимодействие (юридическое) урегулирование спора путем соглашения сторон или компромисса;
мировая сделка - international * международный акт pl труды, протоколы (научного общества) - Transactions of the Philological Society труды филологического общества (компьютерное) транзакция, короткое сообщение arbitrage ~ арбитражная операция bank ~ банковская сделка banking ~ банковская сделка barter ~ бартерная сделка barter ~ бартерный обмен bear ~ бирж. игра на понижение bilateral legal ~ законная двусторонняя сделка bogus ~ фиктивная сделка bull ~ бирж. спекуляция на повышение business ~ коммерческая сделка capital ~ капитальная операция cash ~ сделка за наличный расчет commercial compensation ~ компенсационная коммерческая сделка commercial ~ коммерческая сделка commodity ~ товарная сделка compensation ~ компенсационная сделка consignment ~ сделка с коносаментом contango ~ бирж. сделка с отсрочкой расчета countertrade ~ товарообменная сделка covering ~ операция покрытия credit ~ сделка в кредит currency option ~ сделка валютного опциона currency ~ валютная сделка customer forward ~ сделка с клиентом на срок customer forward ~ срочная сделка с клиентом customer forward ~ форвардная сделка с клиентом customer ~ сделка с клиентом documentary credit ~ сделка с документарным аккредитивом dollar ~ сделка за доллары dollar ~ торговая операция за доллары dummy ~ фиктивная сделка economic ~ сделка effect a ~ осуществлять сделку exchange ~ валютная операция exempt ~ освобождать сделку от налогообложения exempt ~ сделка, освобожденная от налогообложениян export ~ экспортная сделка fictitious ~ фиктивная операция fictitious ~ фиктивная сделка financial ~ финансовая операция financial ~ финансовая сделка financing ~ финансовая операция financing ~ финансовая сделка foreign exchange ~ валютная операция foreign exchange ~ валютная сделка foreign ~ зарубежная сделка forward exchange ~ форвардная валютная сделка forward ~ бирж. сделка на срок forward ~ бирж. форвардная сделка forward-forward ~ бирж. сделка "форвард-форвард" futures ~ операция на срок, срочная операция futures ~ бирж. сделка на срок futures ~ бирж. срочная сделка giro ~ операция в системе жиросчетов goods ~ товарная сделка hedging ~ бирж. хедж illegal ~ противозаконная сделка instalment ~ сделка с оплатой в рассрочку intercompany ~ межфирменная сделка interest arbitrage ~ сделка с процентным арбитражем intergroup ~ межфирменная сделка internal ~ бухгалтерская операция internal ~ бухгалтерская проводка internal ~ внутренняя хозяйственная операция investment ~ инвестиционная сделка irregular ~ незаконная сделка legal ~ законная сделка linked ~ связанная операция loan ~ кредитная сделка margin ~ бирж. сделка с маржой merchandise ~ торговая операция merchandise ~ торговая сделка mock ~ имитация операции monetary ~ валютная операция monetary ~ валютная сделка monetary ~ денежная операция monetary ~ денежная сделка nonrecurrent ~ разовая сделка option ~ бирж. опционная сделка payment ~ платеж payment ~ платежная операция profitable ~ выгодная сделка protected ~ защищенная сделка reinsurance ~ операция перестрахования repurchase ~ операция обратной покупки revenue generating ~ сделка, дающая доход routine ~ текущая операция secured ~ обеспеченная сделка securities ~ сделка с ценными бумагами security ~ сделка с ценными бумагами setoff ~ компенсационная сделка sham ~ фиктивная операция sham ~ фиктивная сделка significant inter-company ~ важная сделка между фирмами simulated ~ фиктивная сделка single ~ одиночная сделка speculative ~ спекулятивная сделка spot exchange ~ биржевая сделка с немедленной оплатой spot exchange ~ биржевая сделка с расчетом наличными spot ~ кассовая сделка spot ~ сделка за наличные spot ~ сделка на наличный товар stock market ~ фондовая операция stock-exchange ~ фондовая операция stock-exchange ~ фондовая сделка swap ~ бартерная сделка swap ~ меновая торговля swap ~ своп на валютном рынке swap ~ товарообменная сделка switch ~ валютная спекуляция на курсовой разнице switch ~ ликвидация обязательства по сдаче одних ценных бумаг и одновременная запродажа других switch ~ операция по использованию клирингового счета switch ~ переуступка третьей стране остатка на клиринговом счете transaction ведение (дела) ~ ведение (деловых операций) ~ ведение дел ~ дело;
сделка ~ дело ~ мировая сделка ~ операция ~ сделка ~ вчт. транзакция ~ pl труды, протоколы (научного общества) ~ урегулирование спора путем компромисса ~ урегулирование спора путем соглашения сторон ~ юр. урегулирование спора путем соглашения сторон или компромисса ~ for actual performance бирж. текущая сделка ~ for forward delivery бирж. форвардная сделка ~ for joint account сделка за общий счет ~ for purpose of speculation спекулятивная сделка ~ in fulfilment of obligation мировая сделка на основе выполнения обязательства ~ of payments производство платежа ~ on account биржевая сделка, подлежащая урегулированию в следующем расчетном периоде underlying ~ основная операция unilateral ~ односторонняя сделка void ~ сделка, не имеющая юридической силы voidable ~ сделка, которая может быть аннулирована в силу определенных причинБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > transaction
8 receipt
n1) получение2) расписка в получении; квитанция3) pl денежные поступления; выручка; доход
- accountable receipt
- actual receipts
- additional receipts
- air mail receipt
- American depositary receipt
- annual receipts
- application receipt
- average annual growth receipts
- baggage receipt
- banker's receipt
- bank deposit receipt
- budgetary receipts
- business receipts
- cargo receipt
- carrier's receipt
- cash receipts
- clean receipt
- clean dock receipt
- compiled receipts
- consignee's receipt
- continental depositary receipt
- contract receipts
- courier receipt
- currency receipts
- current receipts
- custodianship receipt
- custody receipt
- customs receipt
- customs receipts
- daily receipts
- day's receipts
- delayed receipt of cargo
- delayed receipt of payment
- delivery receipt
- depositary receipt
- dock receipt
- duplicate receipt
- duty receipt
- excess receipts
- export receipts
- filing receipt
- foreign exchange receipts
- goods receipt
- government receipts
- gross receipts
- inland revenue receipts
- insufficient receipts
- insufficient receipt of subventions from the federal budget
- insufficient budget receipts
- interest receipts
- interim receipt
- late receipt
- loan receipt
- luggage receipt
- master's receipt
- mate's receipt
- monthly receipts
- net receipts
- nontaxable receipts
- official receipt
- original receipt
- other receipts
- parcel receipt
- parcel post receipt
- port authorities receipt
- post receipt
- postal receipt
- post-office receipt
- premium receipt
- proprietary receipts
- provisional receipt
- public receipts
- quay receipt
- railway receipt
- register receipt
- registered mail receipt
- rent receipts
- revenue receipts
- share depositary receipt
- stock receipt
- subscription receipt
- tallyman's receipt
- tax receipts
- temporary receipt
- terminal receipt
- total receipts
- transfer receipt
- transhipment receipt
- trust receipt
- warehouse receipt
- warehouse-keeper's receipt
- wharfinger's receipt
- withdrawal receipt
- yearly receipts
- receipt for the balance
- receipt for depositor
- receipt for the premium
- receipt for a sum
- receipts from business transactions
- receipts from customs duties
- receipts from foreign investments
- receipts from freight
- receipts from taxes
- receipts from trade
- receipt from a warehouse
- receipt in full
- receipt in part
- receipt of an advice
- receipt of cargo
- receipt of competitive offers
- receipt of a consignment
- receipt of a credit
- receipt of a deposit
- receipt of documents
- receipt of documents for collection
- receipt of funds
- receipt of goods
- receipt of a licence
- receipt of money
- receipt of a notice
- receipt of a notification
- receipt of an order
- receipt of a patent
- receipt of tax payments
- receipt of payment
- receipt of transfer
- receipt of a visa
- against receipt
- on receipt
- pending receipt
- prior receipt
- receipts and expenditures
- acknowledge receipt
- confirm receipt
- derive receipts
- give a receipt
- issue a receipt
- make out a receipt
- present a receipt
- register receipt
- submit a receiptEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > receipt
9 agreement
1) соглашение; договор; контракт•The agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto. — Настоящий договор имеет обязательную юридическую силу в отношении и в пользу всех договаривающихся сторон.
10 transaction
[trænˈzækʃən]arbitrage transaction арбитражная операция bank transaction банковская сделка banking transaction банковская сделка barter transaction бартерная сделка barter transaction бартерный обмен bear transaction бирж. игра на понижение bilateral legal transaction законная двусторонняя сделка bogus transaction фиктивная сделка bull transaction бирж. спекуляция на повышение business transaction коммерческая сделка capital transaction капитальная операция cash transaction сделка за наличный расчет commercial compensation transaction компенсационная коммерческая сделка commercial transaction коммерческая сделка commodity transaction товарная сделка compensation transaction компенсационная сделка consignment transaction сделка с коносаментом contango transaction бирж. сделка с отсрочкой расчета countertrade transaction товарообменная сделка covering transaction операция покрытия credit transaction сделка в кредит currency option transaction сделка валютного опциона currency transaction валютная сделка customer forward transaction сделка с клиентом на срок customer forward transaction срочная сделка с клиентом customer forward transaction форвардная сделка с клиентом customer transaction сделка с клиентом documentary credit transaction сделка с документарным аккредитивом dollar transaction сделка за доллары dollar transaction торговая операция за доллары dummy transaction фиктивная сделка economic transaction сделка effect a transaction осуществлять сделку exchange transaction валютная операция exempt transaction освобождать сделку от налогообложения exempt transaction сделка, освобожденная от налогообложениян export transaction экспортная сделка fictitious transaction фиктивная операция fictitious transaction фиктивная сделка financial transaction финансовая операция financial transaction финансовая сделка financing transaction финансовая операция financing transaction финансовая сделка foreign exchange transaction валютная операция foreign exchange transaction валютная сделка foreign transaction зарубежная сделка forward exchange transaction форвардная валютная сделка forward transaction бирж. сделка на срок forward transaction бирж. форвардная сделка forward-forward transaction бирж. сделка "форвард-форвард" futures transaction операция на срок, срочная операция futures transaction бирж. сделка на срок futures transaction бирж. срочная сделка giro transaction операция в системе жиросчетов goods transaction товарная сделка hedging transaction бирж. хедж illegal transaction противозаконная сделка instalment transaction сделка с оплатой в рассрочку intercompany transaction межфирменная сделка interest arbitrage transaction сделка с процентным арбитражем intergroup transaction межфирменная сделка internal transaction бухгалтерская операция internal transaction бухгалтерская проводка internal transaction внутренняя хозяйственная операция investment transaction инвестиционная сделка irregular transaction незаконная сделка legal transaction законная сделка linked transaction связанная операция loan transaction кредитная сделка margin transaction бирж. сделка с маржой merchandise transaction торговая операция merchandise transaction торговая сделка mock transaction имитация операции monetary transaction валютная операция monetary transaction валютная сделка monetary transaction денежная операция monetary transaction денежная сделка nonrecurrent transaction разовая сделка option transaction бирж. опционная сделка payment transaction платеж payment transaction платежная операция profitable transaction выгодная сделка protected transaction защищенная сделка reinsurance transaction операция перестрахования repurchase transaction операция обратной покупки revenue generating transaction сделка, дающая доход routine transaction текущая операция secured transaction обеспеченная сделка securities transaction сделка с ценными бумагами security transaction сделка с ценными бумагами setoff transaction компенсационная сделка sham transaction фиктивная операция sham transaction фиктивная сделка significant inter-company transaction важная сделка между фирмами simulated transaction фиктивная сделка single transaction одиночная сделка speculative transaction спекулятивная сделка spot exchange transaction биржевая сделка с немедленной оплатой spot exchange transaction биржевая сделка с расчетом наличными spot transaction кассовая сделка spot transaction сделка за наличные spot transaction сделка на наличный товар stock market transaction фондовая операция stock-exchange transaction фондовая операция stock-exchange transaction фондовая сделка swap transaction бартерная сделка swap transaction меновая торговля swap transaction своп на валютном рынке swap transaction товарообменная сделка switch transaction валютная спекуляция на курсовой разнице switch transaction ликвидация обязательства по сдаче одних ценных бумаг и одновременная запродажа других switch transaction операция по использованию клирингового счета switch transaction переуступка третьей стране остатка на клиринговом счете transaction ведение (дела) transaction ведение (деловых операций) transaction ведение дел transaction дело; сделка transaction дело transaction мировая сделка transaction операция transaction сделка transaction вчт. транзакция transaction pl труды, протоколы (научного общества) transaction урегулирование спора путем компромисса transaction урегулирование спора путем соглашения сторон transaction юр. урегулирование спора путем соглашения сторон или компромисса transaction for actual performance бирж. текущая сделка transaction for forward delivery бирж. форвардная сделка transaction for joint account сделка за общий счет transaction for purpose of speculation спекулятивная сделка transaction in fulfilment of obligation мировая сделка на основе выполнения обязательства transaction of payments производство платежа transaction on account биржевая сделка, подлежащая урегулированию в следующем расчетном периоде underlying transaction основная операция unilateral transaction односторонняя сделка void transaction сделка, не имеющая юридической силы voidable transaction сделка, которая может быть аннулирована в силу определенных причин
См. также в других словарях:
account — a record of a business transaction. When you buy something on credit, the company you are dealing with sets up an account . This means it sets up a record of what you buy and what you pay. You will do the same thing with any customers to whom you … Financial and business terms
Medici bank — Infobox Defunct Company company name = Medici bank company fate = Shut down by authorities successor = foundation = c. 1397 defunct = 1494 location = Various; home branch in Florence, Italy industry = Banking key people = Giovanni di Bicci,… … Wikipedia
Medici Bank — For the private bank in Austria that failed due to its investment in Bernard Madoff s Ponzi scheme, see Bank Medici. Medici Bank Industry Banking Key people Giovanni di Bicci, Cosimo de Medici, Piero di Cosimo, Lorenzo de Medici, Francesco… … Wikipedia
List of Minder episodes — This episode list gives brief descriptions and some other details of the episodes of the ITV television series Minder. Series 1 – 7 focus on Arthur Daley, a middle aged car salesman and self described entrepreneur. He is assisted/minded by Terry… … Wikipedia
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam — The official emblem of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam as designed by Rishi Suresh. Dates of operation May 5, 1976 – present Leader Velupillai Prabhakaran Motives The cr … Wikipedia
labour economics — Study of how workers are allocated among jobs, how their rates of pay are determined, and how their efficiency is affected by various factors. The labour force of a country includes all those who work for gain in any capacity as well as those who … Universalium
MicroConsignment — The MicroConsignment Model (MCM) establishes profitable income generating opportunities (and the infrastructure and network for a national, local social enterprise) for primarily women that to date are selling products such as wood burning stoves … Wikipedia
amortization — Synonyms and related words: abalienation, acquitment, acquittal, acquittance, alienation, amortizement, assignation, assignment, bargain and sale, barter, bequeathal, binder, cash, cash payment, cession, clearance, conferment, conferral,… … Moby Thesaurus
settlement — Synonyms and related words: abalienation, abatement of differences, absolute indication, absolute interest, accommodation, acquitment, acquittal, acquittance, adjustment, affirmation, agreement, alienation, ally, amortization, amortizement,… … Moby Thesaurus
Neil Papiano — born November 25, 1934 (1934 11 25) (age 76), in Salt Lake City, Utah, is an American lawyer, and managing partner of Iverson, Yoakum, Papiano Hatch.[1] He received B.A. and M.A. degrees from Stanford University, the latter in 1957,[1] and… … Wikipedia
Dates of 2008 — ▪ 2009 January As we meet tonight, our economy is undergoing a period of uncertainty.… At kitchen tables across our country, there is a concern about our economic future. U.S. Pres. George W. Bush, in his final state of the union address, January … Universalium