1 indordne sig
2 indordne
vb arrange;( indpasse) fit (i into);[ indordne noget i et system] arrange something according to a system, systematize something;[ indordne sig] adapt oneself;[ indordne sig under] conform to ( fx the rules), submit to ( fx his wishes). -
3 overens
adv:[ komme overens] agree, come to an agreement, come to terms ( med with);[ stemme overens] agree, tally, be consistent ( med with);( også) be in accordance with, conform to;[ ikke stemme overens] disagree ( med with). -
4 passe
become, care for, do, fit, foster, hang together, look after, nurse, scan, suit* * *I. vb( i kortspil) say no bid, say pass, pass.II. vb( have rigtigt mål) fit ( fx the coat does not fit);( være sand) be true ( fx that is(n't) true),( gælde) apply ( fx the argument does not apply in this case);( tage sig af) look after ( fx the garden, the children), take care of,( især midlertidigt) mind ( fx the children, the shop);( en syg) nurse;(maskine etc: betjene) operate;( forretning) be in charge of,( for kortere tid) look after, mind;( pligter) attend to;( have ansvar for) be in charge of;[ ikke passe] neglect ( fx one's duties, one's health);(se også sin);( være belejligt) be convenient;( med objekt) be convenient to, suit ( fx if it is convenient to you, if it suits you);[ det passer mig glimrende] it suits me fine,T it suits me down to the ground;[ når det passer dig] when it suits you, when you like,(dvs det haster ikke) in your own good time ( fx you can do it inyour own good time);[ passer det dig i morgen?] would tomorrow suit you (el. be all right)?(dvs uden hensyn til andre) suit oneself;[ med sb, adj:][ passe sit arbejde] go about (, F: attend to) one's work;[ passe børn] take care of (el. look after) children,( mens forældrene er ude) baby-sit,( have børnepasningsordning) be a child-minder;[ passe huset] look after the house,( stå for det hele) run the house;[ passe den lille] look after (el. mind) the baby;(dvs beløbet er rigtigt) that is the correct amount,(dvs behold resten) keep the change;[ passe telefonen] answer the telephone;[ passe tiden]( være præcis) be punctual,( holde øje med tiden) keep an eye on the time;[ med sig:][ passe sig]( være passende) be proper;[ passe sig for] become, be becoming for;[ det passer sig ikke for mig at kritisere ham] it is not for me to criticize him;[ passe sig selv] mind one's own business;( holde sig for sig selv) keep oneself to oneself;[ med præp el. adv:][ passe for] suit ( fx a job (, house) that suits him), be suitable for( fx a film that is suitable for children); be suited to ( fxsuited to the occasion; they are not well suited to each other);[ passe i] fit ( fx the key fits the lock);[ passe ind i] fit into;[ passe med] fit in with ( fx it fits in with what he said), beconsistent with;[ passe ham op] seek him out,( ligge på lur efter) waylay him,( antaste, F) accost him;[ passe på]( passe godt på) take good care of, be careful of ( fx one's newclothes, one's health), be careful with ( fx be careful with that gun!),(dvs tage sig af) take care of, look after ( fx the children),mind;( tage sig i agt for) take care of ( fx take care of the trains when you cross the tracks), mind ( fx mind the step (, your head)!), beware of ( fx beware of the dog (, of pickpockets)!);( iagttage) watch ( fx the time);[ uden objekt:][ passe `på]( være opmærksom) pay attention,( være forsigtig) look out, take care, be careful;[` passe på](dvs gælde, beskrive rigtigt) fit, apply ( fx this does not apply to him);[ pas på!] look out! watch out! take care!(T, ofte advarende, truende) watch it take care to ( fx do it correctly);[ passe på ikke at] take care not to;[ pas på du ikke falder] mind you don't fall;(se også smed);( om ting) go well together, match;[` passe til] fit ( fx the key fits the lock),(om farve etc: stå til) suit, go well with,( være egnet til) be suited for;( være i overensstemmelse med) conform to ( fx the specifications, the standards);[ passe noget til] adjust something;[ og konvolutter der passer til] and envelopes to match;[ et slips der passer til skjorten] a tie to match the shirt. -
5 rette
amend, correct, emend, level, mark, right, put right* * *I.:II. vb( gøre lige) straighten ( fx one's tie);( give retning) aim, turn,F direct,( henvende) address ( fx a few words to somebody);( fejl) correct,F rectify;( opgaver) correct,( rette og bedømme) mark,(am) grade;( kompas) adjust;[ med præp & adv:][ rette af]( gøre jævn) level off,( træ også) smooth;[ rette an] serve up,T dish up;[ der er rettet an] dinner (etc) is served;[ rette ind](mil.) ( rækker) dress (the ranks),( kanon) train;[ ret ind til højre!] right dress aim at,( mindre omhyggeligt) point at (el. towards) ( fx he aimed (,pointed) his gun at me; missiles aimed at Western Europe; with a loaded gun pointed towards me),(ved at hæve el. sænke) level at,( om kikkert, sigtemiddel) train on ( fx train the telescope (, the gun) on the tower),(, steps) towards the house);(fig: opmærksomhed, tanker) turn (, F: direct) to ( fx turn one's thoughts to somebody; turn (, direct) one's (, somebody's) attention to the problem); focus on ( fx focus one's attention (, thoughts) on something);[ der blev rettet alvorlige beskyldninger imod ham] serious charges were levelled against him, serious allegations were made against him;[ rette kritik mod] criticize;[ kritikken var rettet mod mig] the criticism was aimed at me;(dvs bevidst) direct the suspicion towards him,(se også ndf: rette sig mod);(se også angreb);[ rette op]( bringe i lodret stilling, bringe på ret køl) right ( fx the boat);( om bil med hensyn til styring) put the wheel straight, straighten out;( kvikke op) pick up, set up ( fx a holiday will set you up);[ rette én op]( moralsk) make somebody go straight;[ rette økonomien op] put the finances on a sound basis;[ rette op på skævheden] rectify the imbalance;[ rette på] adjust ( fx one's clothes, one's tie);( korrigere) correct ( fx his spelling);[` rette til](dvs stile til) address to,F direct to ( fx you must address (, direct) your complaints to the manager; his remarks were addressed (, directed) to theparents);[ rette en opfordring til] appeal to;[ rette et spørgsmål til] address (el. put) a question to;[ rette det tilbage] correct it back,F cancel the correction;[ rette ud] straighten (out);[ med sig:][ rette sig]( rette ryggen) straighten (el. draw) oneself up,( om skib) right itself,( blive rask) get better, recover,( moralsk) make good, go straight;(om pris etc) recover;( adlyde) obey, conform to ( fx the rules),F comply with ( fx his instructions, his requests, the rules, his wishes),( lade sig lede af) be guided by ( fx him, his wishes), go by (fx he always goes by the rules; go by what he says; I needsomething to go by), go along with ( fx what he says, hissuggestion);( bestemmes af) be determined by ( fx his views are determined by his surroundings; wages are determined by qualifications),( tilpasses efter) be regulated by ( fx wages were regulated by the price index),(gram.) agree with;[ jeg må vide hvad jeg har at rette mig efter] I must know where I stand;(dvs adlyde ham) do as he tells one;(dvs føje ham) give in to him,F comply with his wishes;[ mistanken rettede sig mod ham] suspicion centred on him, he came under suspicion;[ rette sig op] = rette sig.
См. также в других словарях:
conform — CONFÓRM, Ă, conformi, e, adj. 1. (Despre acte, copii etc.) Care are acelaşi cuprins cu...; identic. 2. Care este corespunzător; potrivit. ♦ (Adverbial) În conformitate cu..., la fel cu..., după. – Din fr. conforme. Trimis de Joseph, 15.12.2008.… … Dicționar Român
conform — con‧form [kənˈfɔːrm] verb [intransitive] to obey a law or rule: • The website owner must conform with the requirements of the Data Protection Act. • The property conformed to all the latest building regulations. * * * conform UK US /kənˈfɔːm/… … Financial and business terms
Conform — Con*form , v. i. 1. To be in accord or harmony; to comply; to be obedient; to submit; with to or with. [1913 Webster] A rule to which experience must conform. Whewell. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eng. Eccl. Hist.) To comply with the usages of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conform — con·form /kən fȯrm/ vi: to be in accordance: correspond in character; specif: to be in accordance with the provisions of a contract con·for·mance /kən fȯr məns/ n con·for·mi·ty /kən fȯr mə tē/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Web … Law dictionary
Conform — Con*form , a. [L. conformis; con + forma form: cf. F. conforme.] Of the same form; similar in import; conformable. Bacon. [1913 Webster] Care must be taken that the interpretation be every way conform to the analogy of faith. Bp.Hall. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Conform — Con*form , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conformed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conforming}.] [F. conformer, L. conformare, formatum; con + formare to form, forma form. See {Form}.] To shape in accordance with; to make like; to bring into harmony or agreement with; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conform — mid 14c., confourmen, from O.Fr. conformer conform (to), agree (to), make or be similar, be agreeable (13c.), from L. conformare to fashion, to form, to shape; educate; modify, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + formare to form (see FORM… … Etymology dictionary
conform — [v1] adjust, adapt accommodate, attune, be guided by, clean up act*, comply, coordinate, don’t make waves*, don’t rock the boat*, fall in with, fit, follow, follow beaten path*, follow the crowd, go by the book*, go with the flow*, harmonize,… … New thesaurus
conform — [kən fôrm′] vt. [ME conformen < OFr conformer < L conformare, to fashion, form < com , together + formare, to FORM] 1. to make the same or similar [to conform one s idea to another s] 2. to bring into harmony or agreement; adapt: often… … English World dictionary
Conform — (v. lat.), übereinstimmend. Daher Conformiren, übereinstimmen; sich c., beistimmen, sich fügen. Conformität, Gleichheit, Gleichförmigkeit, Übereinstimmung. Conformation, 1) Bildung, Einrichtung; 2) Zustimmung; 3) (Rhet.), so v. w. Prosopopöie … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Conform — Conform, lat., übereinstimmend; Conformität, Uebereinstimmung; Conformation, Einrichtung, Zustimmung … Herders Conversations-Lexikon