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См. также в других словарях:

  • confirming — index conclusive (settled), consensual, convincing, demonstrative (illustrative) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • Confirming — El confirming es un tipo de servicio financiero ofrecido por ciertas entidades consistente en gestionar los pagos de una empresa a sus proveedores nacionales, y que incluye para el acreedor la posibilidad de cobrar las facturas con anterioridad a …   Wikipedia Español

  • Confirming — Factoring (deutsch: Forderungszession) ist eine Finanzdienstleistung, die der kurzfristigen Umsatzfinanzierung dient. Der Factor erwirbt die Forderungen seines Factoring Kunden gegen dessen Abnehmer (Debitor). Als Gegenleistung für die Abtretung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Confirming — Confirm Con*firm , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Confrmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Confirming}.] [OE. confermen, confirmen, OF. confermer, F. confirmer, fr. L. confirmare; con + firmare to make firm, fr. firmus firm. See {Firm}.] 1. To make firm or firmer; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • confirming house — Confirming houses represent their principals, foreign buyers insufficiently well known for a firm to supply them on credit terms, in return for a commission payable by the buyers. The buyer sends the order to the seller with the confirming house… …   Law dictionary

  • Confirming house — A confirming house is a specialised UK agency that purchases and arranges the export of goods on the behalf of overseas buyers. They finance the movement of goods into the country by offering short term credit to importers and guaranteeing, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Confirming Bank — The bank which has confirmed a letter of credit opened by another bank. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * confirming bank confirming bank ➔ bank1 * * * confirming bank UK US noun [C] ► BANKING, COMMERCE a bank in a country exporting goods that …   Financial and business terms

  • confirming house — An organization that purchases goods from local exporters on behalf of overseas buyers. It may act as a principal or an agent, invariably pays for the goods in the exporters own currency, and purchases on a contract that is enforceable in the… …   Accounting dictionary

  • confirming house — An organization that purchases goods from local exporters on behalf of overseas buyers. It may act as a principal or an agent, invariably pays for the goods in the exporters own currency, and purchases on a contract that is enforceable in the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • confirming house — /kən fa:mɪŋ haυs/ noun an organisation that confirms a buyer’s order with a supplier and makes transport arrangements ● A reputable confirming house acted for the buyers of the machinery. ● We will need a confirming house to arrange for a new… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • confirming house — /kənˈfɜmɪŋ haʊs/ (say kuhn ferming hows) noun a financial institution acting as an intermediary between overseas and local importers and exporters, and usually assisting by providing short term import finance to local traders and guaranteeing… …  

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