1 configuration enhancement
2 enhancement
1. расширение (технических) возможностей; (у)совершенствование2. усилениеagility enhancementcapability enhancementcombustion enhancementconfiguration enhancementdivergence enhancementfatigue enhancementflutter speed enhancementflutter stability enhancementg-tolerance enhancementjet-wing enhancementmaneuver enhancementperformance enhancementproducibility enhancementrecovery enhancementsoftware enhancementstability enhancementstructural enhancementsurvivability enhancementtechnology enhancement -
3 ME
1) Общая лексика: МП (машиностроительное предприятие - machine-building enterprise)2) Компьютерная техника: Microarray Expression, Multimedia Engineering3) Медицина: myalgic encephalomyelitis (миалгический энцефаломиелит)4) Спорт: Mental Error5) Военный термин: Mission Environment, Munitions Effectiveness, magnitude estimation, main engine, management engineering, manpower estimate, manual of engineering, map exercise, measuring element, mechanical engineer, mechanical equipment, medium equipment, military education, military electronics, military engineer, military engineering, minimum elevation, miscellaneous equipment, missile electrician, mission envelope, mobility equipment, multi-engine, muzzle energy6) Техника: maintenance effectiveness, master element, mean effective, meter, microelectronic, milliequivalent, milligram-equivalent, moisture content7) Сельское хозяйство: mature equivalent, metabolizable energy, МКЭ (напр., в названиях препаративных форм пестицидов: Кинмикс, МКЭ), микрокапсулированная эмульсия8) Шутливое выражение: Maximum Envy, Microsoft Exasperation, Migraine Edition, Mistake Edition, Music And Eats, Mutant Enemy9) Математика: оценка момента (moment estimator)10) Религия: Methodist Episcopal11) Британский английский: нейромиастения (повышенная утомляемость)12) Железнодорожный термин: Morristown and Erie Railway Incorporated13) Юридический термин: Mostly Enraging14) Страхование: Mobile Equipment (Вид страхования, включаемый в классификацию страхования технических рисков), Страхование передвижного оборудования15) Биржевой термин: Montreal Exchange16) Ветеринария: Metabolic Energy17) Телекоммуникации: Mobile Equipment18) Сокращение: Maine (US state), Maintenance Error, Manoeuvre Enhancement mode, Marine Engineering, Mass Effectiveness, Master of Education, Middle East, Most Excellent, marine engineer, marriage encounter, measuring equipment, mechanical efficiency, mechanical/electrical, medical examiner, mining engineer, miter end, molecular electronics19) Физиология: Mental Efficiency, My Eye, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis20) Вычислительная техника: Mapping Entity, архитектура сопроцессорных плат-акселераторов, процессор среды, Millennium Edition (MS, Windows)21) Литература: Master Evaluator22) Нефть: горный инженер (mining engineer), оборудование для технического обслуживания (maintenance equipment)23) Банковское дело: Фондовая биржа Монреаля (Montreal Stock Exchange; Канада)24) Воздухоплавание: Magnetic Estimation25) Фирменный знак: Memory Express (Company)26) СМИ: Media Engineering, Mobile Entertainment27) Деловая лексика: Minimum Effort, My Effectiveness28) Бурение: Ближний Восток (Middle East), Средний Восток (Middle East)29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: MEDT of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation30) Образование: Management Evaluation, Marketing Education31) Инвестиции: Montreal Stock Exchange32) Сетевые технологии: media engine33) Полимеры: maintenance equipment34) Программирование: Method Entry, More Errors35) Автоматика: manufacturing engineer, mechanical engineering36) Контроль качества: maintenance of equipment37) Сахалин Р: Ministry of Economy38) Макаров: matastable evaporation39) Молочное производство: Mercaptoethanol40) Безопасность: Malicious Environment, Message Encryption41) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with me macros, MultiEdit Configuration, MultiEdit configuration (MultiEdit), Ascii text (READ.ME), Text file READ.ME42) Нефть и газ: expected monetary value43) Электротехника: magnetoelectric44) Должность: Master Of Engineering45) НАСА: Mission Engineer46) Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Explorer, Millenium Edition, Millennium Edition47) Федеральное бюро расследований: Memphis Field Office -
4 Me
1) Общая лексика: МП (машиностроительное предприятие - machine-building enterprise)2) Компьютерная техника: Microarray Expression, Multimedia Engineering3) Медицина: myalgic encephalomyelitis (миалгический энцефаломиелит)4) Спорт: Mental Error5) Военный термин: Mission Environment, Munitions Effectiveness, magnitude estimation, main engine, management engineering, manpower estimate, manual of engineering, map exercise, measuring element, mechanical engineer, mechanical equipment, medium equipment, military education, military electronics, military engineer, military engineering, minimum elevation, miscellaneous equipment, missile electrician, mission envelope, mobility equipment, multi-engine, muzzle energy6) Техника: maintenance effectiveness, master element, mean effective, meter, microelectronic, milliequivalent, milligram-equivalent, moisture content7) Сельское хозяйство: mature equivalent, metabolizable energy, МКЭ (напр., в названиях препаративных форм пестицидов: Кинмикс, МКЭ), микрокапсулированная эмульсия8) Шутливое выражение: Maximum Envy, Microsoft Exasperation, Migraine Edition, Mistake Edition, Music And Eats, Mutant Enemy9) Математика: оценка момента (moment estimator)10) Религия: Methodist Episcopal11) Британский английский: нейромиастения (повышенная утомляемость)12) Железнодорожный термин: Morristown and Erie Railway Incorporated13) Юридический термин: Mostly Enraging14) Страхование: Mobile Equipment (Вид страхования, включаемый в классификацию страхования технических рисков), Страхование передвижного оборудования15) Биржевой термин: Montreal Exchange16) Ветеринария: Metabolic Energy17) Телекоммуникации: Mobile Equipment18) Сокращение: Maine (US state), Maintenance Error, Manoeuvre Enhancement mode, Marine Engineering, Mass Effectiveness, Master of Education, Middle East, Most Excellent, marine engineer, marriage encounter, measuring equipment, mechanical efficiency, mechanical/electrical, medical examiner, mining engineer, miter end, molecular electronics19) Физиология: Mental Efficiency, My Eye, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis20) Вычислительная техника: Mapping Entity, архитектура сопроцессорных плат-акселераторов, процессор среды, Millennium Edition (MS, Windows)21) Литература: Master Evaluator22) Нефть: горный инженер (mining engineer), оборудование для технического обслуживания (maintenance equipment)23) Банковское дело: Фондовая биржа Монреаля (Montreal Stock Exchange; Канада)24) Воздухоплавание: Magnetic Estimation25) Фирменный знак: Memory Express (Company)26) СМИ: Media Engineering, Mobile Entertainment27) Деловая лексика: Minimum Effort, My Effectiveness28) Бурение: Ближний Восток (Middle East), Средний Восток (Middle East)29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: MEDT of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation30) Образование: Management Evaluation, Marketing Education31) Инвестиции: Montreal Stock Exchange32) Сетевые технологии: media engine33) Полимеры: maintenance equipment34) Программирование: Method Entry, More Errors35) Автоматика: manufacturing engineer, mechanical engineering36) Контроль качества: maintenance of equipment37) Сахалин Р: Ministry of Economy38) Макаров: matastable evaporation39) Молочное производство: Mercaptoethanol40) Безопасность: Malicious Environment, Message Encryption41) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with me macros, MultiEdit Configuration, MultiEdit configuration (MultiEdit), Ascii text (READ.ME), Text file READ.ME42) Нефть и газ: expected monetary value43) Электротехника: magnetoelectric44) Должность: Master Of Engineering45) НАСА: Mission Engineer46) Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Explorer, Millenium Edition, Millennium Edition47) Федеральное бюро расследований: Memphis Field Office -
5 me
1) Общая лексика: МП (машиностроительное предприятие - machine-building enterprise)2) Компьютерная техника: Microarray Expression, Multimedia Engineering3) Медицина: myalgic encephalomyelitis (миалгический энцефаломиелит)4) Спорт: Mental Error5) Военный термин: Mission Environment, Munitions Effectiveness, magnitude estimation, main engine, management engineering, manpower estimate, manual of engineering, map exercise, measuring element, mechanical engineer, mechanical equipment, medium equipment, military education, military electronics, military engineer, military engineering, minimum elevation, miscellaneous equipment, missile electrician, mission envelope, mobility equipment, multi-engine, muzzle energy6) Техника: maintenance effectiveness, master element, mean effective, meter, microelectronic, milliequivalent, milligram-equivalent, moisture content7) Сельское хозяйство: mature equivalent, metabolizable energy, МКЭ (напр., в названиях препаративных форм пестицидов: Кинмикс, МКЭ), микрокапсулированная эмульсия8) Шутливое выражение: Maximum Envy, Microsoft Exasperation, Migraine Edition, Mistake Edition, Music And Eats, Mutant Enemy9) Математика: оценка момента (moment estimator)10) Религия: Methodist Episcopal11) Британский английский: нейромиастения (повышенная утомляемость)12) Железнодорожный термин: Morristown and Erie Railway Incorporated13) Юридический термин: Mostly Enraging14) Страхование: Mobile Equipment (Вид страхования, включаемый в классификацию страхования технических рисков), Страхование передвижного оборудования15) Биржевой термин: Montreal Exchange16) Ветеринария: Metabolic Energy17) Телекоммуникации: Mobile Equipment18) Сокращение: Maine (US state), Maintenance Error, Manoeuvre Enhancement mode, Marine Engineering, Mass Effectiveness, Master of Education, Middle East, Most Excellent, marine engineer, marriage encounter, measuring equipment, mechanical efficiency, mechanical/electrical, medical examiner, mining engineer, miter end, molecular electronics19) Физиология: Mental Efficiency, My Eye, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis20) Вычислительная техника: Mapping Entity, архитектура сопроцессорных плат-акселераторов, процессор среды, Millennium Edition (MS, Windows)21) Литература: Master Evaluator22) Нефть: горный инженер (mining engineer), оборудование для технического обслуживания (maintenance equipment)23) Банковское дело: Фондовая биржа Монреаля (Montreal Stock Exchange; Канада)24) Воздухоплавание: Magnetic Estimation25) Фирменный знак: Memory Express (Company)26) СМИ: Media Engineering, Mobile Entertainment27) Деловая лексика: Minimum Effort, My Effectiveness28) Бурение: Ближний Восток (Middle East), Средний Восток (Middle East)29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: MEDT of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation30) Образование: Management Evaluation, Marketing Education31) Инвестиции: Montreal Stock Exchange32) Сетевые технологии: media engine33) Полимеры: maintenance equipment34) Программирование: Method Entry, More Errors35) Автоматика: manufacturing engineer, mechanical engineering36) Контроль качества: maintenance of equipment37) Сахалин Р: Ministry of Economy38) Макаров: matastable evaporation39) Молочное производство: Mercaptoethanol40) Безопасность: Malicious Environment, Message Encryption41) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with me macros, MultiEdit Configuration, MultiEdit configuration (MultiEdit), Ascii text (READ.ME), Text file READ.ME42) Нефть и газ: expected monetary value43) Электротехника: magnetoelectric44) Должность: Master Of Engineering45) НАСА: Mission Engineer46) Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Explorer, Millenium Edition, Millennium Edition47) Федеральное бюро расследований: Memphis Field Office -
1) Общая лексика: A Company Makes Everything (обозначение любой компании, фраза пошла из Диснеевских мультфильмов)2) Разговорное выражение: A Company that Makes Everything3) Военный термин: aircraft component mating evaluation4) Техника: antenna contour measuring equipment, attitude control and maneuvering electronics, automatic control and maneuvering electronics5) Математика: The Advisory Committee For Mathematics Education6) Сокращение: Advanced-Core Military Engine, Aircrew Combat Mission Enhancement, Advisory Council on Medical Education (Консультативный совет по вопросам медицинского образования (США)), Association of Consulting Management Engineers (ассоциация инженеров — консультантов по организации производства (США))7) Университет: Academic Credit For Military Experience, American Company Makes Everything, The Academy Of Criminology, Mathematics, and Education8) Физиология: Anticipate Compensate Meta-cognition Error checking9) Экология: Assembling Configuration Management Environments10) Деловая лексика: Activities Committee For Metro Employees, Annual Creative Marketing Extravaganza11) Образование: Action Conflict Mystery And Emotion, Athena Competition Mastery And Enrichment, Atlanta Chapter Model Education, The Association For Chinese Management Educators12) Океанография: Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment13) НАСДАК: Acme Communications14) Правительство: The Association Of Consulting Municipal Engineers -
7 acme
1) Общая лексика: A Company Makes Everything (обозначение любой компании, фраза пошла из Диснеевских мультфильмов)2) Разговорное выражение: A Company that Makes Everything3) Военный термин: aircraft component mating evaluation4) Техника: antenna contour measuring equipment, attitude control and maneuvering electronics, automatic control and maneuvering electronics5) Математика: The Advisory Committee For Mathematics Education6) Сокращение: Advanced-Core Military Engine, Aircrew Combat Mission Enhancement, Advisory Council on Medical Education (Консультативный совет по вопросам медицинского образования (США)), Association of Consulting Management Engineers (ассоциация инженеров — консультантов по организации производства (США))7) Университет: Academic Credit For Military Experience, American Company Makes Everything, The Academy Of Criminology, Mathematics, and Education8) Физиология: Anticipate Compensate Meta-cognition Error checking9) Экология: Assembling Configuration Management Environments10) Деловая лексика: Activities Committee For Metro Employees, Annual Creative Marketing Extravaganza11) Образование: Action Conflict Mystery And Emotion, Athena Competition Mastery And Enrichment, Atlanta Chapter Model Education, The Association For Chinese Management Educators12) Океанография: Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment13) НАСДАК: Acme Communications14) Правительство: The Association Of Consulting Municipal Engineers -
8 mode
1) модаа) нормальный тип колебаний, собственный тип колебаний; нормальный тип волн, собственный тип волн3) способ; метод4) тип; форма ( выражения или проявления чего-либо)6) ак. лад; тональность•- π-mode- 1284 compliance mode
- 32-bit mode
- 32-bit transfer mode
- 8086 real mode
- accelerated transit mode
- accumulation-layer mode
- acoustic mode
- active mode
- address mode
- adjacent modes
- all points addressable mode
- alpha mode
- alphanumeric mode
- alternate mode
- AN mode
- analog mode
- angular dependent mode
- angular mode
- anomalous mode
- answer mode
- antiferrodistortive mode
- antiferromagnetic mode
- anti-Stokes mode
- antisymmetric mode
- APA mode
- aperiodic mode
- asymmetric mode
- asynchronous balanced mode
- asynchronous response mode
- asynchronous transfer mode
- auto-answer mode
- auto-dial mode
- avalanche mode
- axial mode
- background mode
- backward mode
- beam mode
- beam-waveguide mode
- Bi-Di mode
- bidirectional mode
- BIOS video mode
- birefringent mode
- bistable mode
- bitmap mode
- black-and-white mode
- block mode
- block-multiplex mode
- blow-up mode
- browse mode
- burst mode
- byte mode
- calculator mode
- central mode
- characteristic mode
- chat mode
- chip test mode
- CHS mode
- circle-dot mode
- circular mode
- circularly polarized mode
- circularly symmetric mode
- clockwise mode
- CMY mode
- CMYK mode
- collective modes
- color mode
- command mode
- common mode
- communications mode
- compatibility mode
- competing modes
- concert hall reverberation mode
- configuration mode
- constant-frequency mode
- contention mode
- continuous-wave mode
- contour modes
- control mode
- conversational mode
- cooked mode
- correlator mode
- counter mode
- counterclockwise mode
- coupled modes
- crossover mode
- current mode
- cutoff mode
- cw mode
- cyclotron mode
- cylinder-head-sector mode
- damped mode
- data-in mode
- data-out mode
- Debye mode
- Debye-like mode
- defocus-dash mode
- defocus-focus mode
- degenerate mode
- delayed domain mode
- depletion mode
- deposition mode
- difference mode
- differential mode
- diffusive mode
- digital mode
- dipole mode
- direct memory access transfer mode
- disk-at-once mode
- display mode
- dissymmetric mode
- DMA transfer mode
- domain mode
- dominant mode
- dot-addressable mode
- dot-dash mode
- doze mode
- draft mode
- drift mode
- ducted mode
- duotone mode
- duplex mode
- dynamic mode
- dynamic scattering mode
- E mode
- Emn mode
- ECHS mode
- ECP mode
- edge mode
- edit mode
- eigen mode
- electromagnetic mode
- elementary mode
- elliptically polarized mode
- embedded mode
- end-fire mode
- enhanced parallel port mode
- enhanced virtual 8086 mode
- enhanced virtual 86 mode
- enhancement mode
- EPP mode
- equiamplitude modes
- EV8086 mode
- EV86 mode
- evanescent mode
- even mode
- even-order mode
- even-symmetrical mode
- exchange mode
- exchange-dominated mode
- excited mode
- exciting mode
- extended capability port mode
- extended cylinder-head-sector mode
- extensional mode
- extraordinary mode
- FA mode
- face shear modes
- failure mode
- fast mode
- fast-forward mode
- ferrite-air mode
- ferrite-dielectric mode
- ferrite-guided mode
- ferrite-metal mode
- ferrodistortive mode
- ferroelectric mode
- file mode
- first mode
- FM mode
- forbidden mode
- force mode
- foreground mode
- forward mode
- forward-bias mode
- forward-propagating mode
- forward-scattered mode
- four-color mode
- four-output mode
- free-running mode
- full on mode
- fundamental mode
- gate mode
- Gaussian mode
- Goldstone mode
- graphic display mode
- graphic mode
- gray-level mode
- grayscale mode
- guided mode
- guided-wave mode
- Gunn mode
- gyromagnetic mode
- H mode
- Hmn mode
- half-duplex mode
- half-tone mode
- hard mode
- harmonic mode
- helicon mode
- Hermite-Gaussian mode
- higher mode
- higher-order mode
- HLS mode
- HSB mode
- HSV mode
- hybrid mode
- idling mode
- impact avalanche transit-time mode
- IMPATT mode
- indexed color mode
- inhibited domain mode
- initialization mode
- injection locked mode
- insert mode
- interactive mode
- internally-trapped mode
- interstitial diffusion mode
- ion-implantation channel mode
- ion-sound mode
- kernel mode
- kiosk mode
- L*a*b* mode
- landscape mode
- large disk mode
- lasing mode
- lattice mode
- laying mode
- LBA mode
- LCH mode
- leaky mode
- left-hand polarized mode
- left-handed polarized mode
- length modes
- letter mode
- LH mode
- limited space-charge accumulation mode
- line art mode
- local mode
- lock mode
- logical block addressing mode
- log-periodically coupled modes
- longitudinal mode
- loopback mode
- lowest mode
- lowest-order mode
- low-power mode
- LSA mode
- magnetic mode
- magnetodynamical mode
- magnetoelastic mode
- magnetosonic mode
- magnetostatic mode
- magnetron mode
- main mode
- masing mode
- master/slave mode
- mixed mode
- mode of excitation
- mode of operation
- modified semistatic mode
- modulated transit-time mode
- module test mode
- mono mode
- mono/stereo mode
- monopulse mode
- moving-target indication mode
- MTI mode
- multi mode
- multichannel mode
- multimode mode
- multiple sector mode
- multiplex mode
- mutual orthogonal modes
- native mode
- natural mode
- near-letter mode
- nibble mode
- nondegenerated mode
- non-privileged mode
- nonpropagating mode
- nonresonant mode
- nonuniform processional mode
- normal mode
- normal-incidence mode
- odd mode
- odd-order mode
- odd-symmetrical mode
- off mode
- off-axial mode
- off-line mode
- omni mode
- on mode
- on-line mode
- operation mode
- optical mode
- ordinary mode
- original mode
- originate mode
- orthogonal modes
- OS/2 compatible mode
- overdamped mode
- overtype mode
- packet mode
- packet transfer mode
- page mode
- parallel port FIFO mode
- parametric mode
- parasitic mode
- pedestal-current stabilized mode
- penetration mode
- persistent-current mode
- perturbated mode
- phonon mode
- pi mode
- PIO mode
- plane mode
- plane polarized mode
- plasma mode
- plasma-guide mode
- playback mode
- polarized mode
- poly mode
- portrait mode
- preferred mode
- principal mode
- privileged mode
- programmed input/output mode
- promiscuous mode
- protected mode
- protected virtual address mode
- proton mode
- pseudo-Rayleigh mode
- pseudospin mode
- pseudospin-wave mode
- pulse mode
- quadrupole mode
- quadtone mode
- quasi-degenerated mode
- quenched domain mode
- quenched multiple-domain mode
- quenched single-domain mode
- question-and-answer mode
- radial mode
- radiating mode
- radiation mode
- Raman active mode
- ranging mode
- rare mode
- raw mode
- RB mode
- read multiple mode
- read-mostly mode
- real address mode
- real mode
- real-time mode
- receive mode
- reflected mode
- reflection mode
- refracted mode
- rehearse mode
- relaxational mode
- resonant mode
- return-beam mode
- reverberation mode
- reverse-bias mode
- rewind mode
- RGB mode
- RH mode
- rho-rho mode
- right-hand polarized mode
- right-handed polarized mode
- safe mode
- saturated-off mode of operation
- saturation mode
- saving mode
- scan mode
- search mode
- secondary-emission pedestal mode
- second-breakdown mode
- self-localized mode
- self-locked mode
- semistatic mode
- shear mode
- shutdown mode
- side modes
- simplex mode
- single mode
- single-vortex cycle mode
- slave mode
- sleep mode
- slow mode
- small room reverberation mode
- soft mode
- softened mode
- sorcerer's apprentice mode
- space-charge feedback mode
- space-charge mode
- spatially orthogonal modes
- special fully nested mode
- spiking mode
- spin mode
- spin-wave mode
- SPP mode
- spurious mode
- spurious pulse mode
- stable mode
- stable-negative-resistance mode
- standard parallel port mode - stationary mode
- Stokes mode
- stop clock mode
- stop mode
- stream mode
- subharmonic mode
- substitutional-diffusion mode
- subsurface mode
- sum mode
- superradiant mode
- supervisor mode
- surface skimming mode
- surface-wave mode
- suspend mode
- SVGA mode
- switching mode
- symmetric mode
- symmetry breaking mode
- symmetry restoring mode
- system management mode
- system test mode
- Tmnp wave resonant mode
- task mode
- TE mode
- TEmnp wave resonant mode
- tearing mode
- telegraph mode
- TEM mode
- terminal mode
- test mode
- text mode
- thermal mode
- thickness modes
- three-color mode
- through mode
- time-difference mode
- time-sharing mode
- TM mode
- TMmnp wave resonant mode
- torsional modes
- total-internal reflection mode
- track-at-once mode
- transfer mode
- transient mode
- transit-time domain mode
- transit-time mode
- transmission mode
- transmitted mode
- transmitting mode
- transverse electric mode
- transverse electromagnetic mode
- transverse magnetic mode
- transverse mode
- transversely polarized mode
- transverse-symmetrical mode
- TRAPATT mode
- trapped mode
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time mode
- trapped-domain mode
- traveling space-charge mode
- traveling-wave mode
- tristate test mode
- tritone mode
- truncated mode
- twist mode
- twisted nematic mode
- TXT mode
- typeover mode
- uncoupled modes
- undamped mode
- underdamped mode
- unguided mode
- unidirectional mode
- unilateral mode
- unperturbed mode
- unreal mode
- unstable mode
- unwanted mode
- user mode
- V8086 mode
- V86 mode
- VGA mode
- vibration mode
- video mode
- virtual 8086 mode
- virtual 86 mode
- virtual real mode
- volume magnetostatic mode
- wait for key mode
- waiting mode
- Walker mode
- walk-off mode
- wave mode
- waveguide mode
- whispering-gallery mode
- whistler mode
- width modes
- write mode
- write multiple mode
- zero-frequency mode
- zero-order modeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > mode
См. также в других словарях:
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Cisco PIX — PIX 535 Firewall Cisco PIX (Private Internet eXchange) is a popular IP firewall and network address translation (NAT) appliance. It was one of the first products in this market segment. In 2005, Cisco introduced the newer Adaptive Security… … Wikipedia
Transistor — For other uses, see Transistor (disambiguation). Assorted discrete transistors. Packages in order from top to bottom: TO 3, TO 126, TO 92, SOT 23 A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and power. It… … Wikipedia
F-16 Fighting Falcon — infobox Aircraft name= F 16 Fighting Falcon caption=A USAF F 16 over Iraq after refueling, 2008 type= Multirole fighter national origin = United States manufacturer= General Dynamics Lockheed Martin first flight= 2 February avyear|1974… … Wikipedia
F-16 Fighting Falcon variants — A large number of F 16 Fighting Falcon variants have been produced by General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and various licensed manufacturers. These versions, along with major modification programs and derivative designs significantly influenced by … Wikipedia
MOSFET — Two power MOSFETs in the surface mount package D2PAK. Operating as switches, each of these components can sustain a blocking voltage of 120 volts in the OFF state, and can conduct a continuous current of 30 amperes in the ON state, dissipating up … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
IRCd — G line redirects here. For other uses, see G line (disambiguation). K line redirects here. For other uses, see K line (disambiguation). An IRCd, short for Internet Relay Chat daemon, is server software that implements the IRC protocol, enabling… … Wikipedia
Database — A database is an organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality (for example, the availability of rooms in hotels), in a way that supports… … Wikipedia
Field-effect transistor — FET redirects here. For other uses, see FET (disambiguation). High power N channel field effect transistor The field effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that relies on an electric field to control the shape and hence the conductivity of a… … Wikipedia