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  • 1 לערוך סדר

    conduct the Seder, conduct the Passover Seder, conduct and read the Haggadah during the Seder meal on the Jewish holiday of Passover

    Hebrew-English dictionary > לערוך סדר

  • 2 גיליון התנהגות

    conduct sheet

    Hebrew-English dictionary > גיליון התנהגות

  • 3 נהג

    נָהַג(b. h.) ( to drive an animal, to lead, conduct; to demean ones self; to be guided by, be wont to; to apply, be practiced. Keth.103b נְהוֹג, v. דָּמִים. Ḥull.VII, 1 נוֹהֵג, v. גִּיד. Sifra Tsav, Par. 11, ch. 18 שיִנְהוֹג הדבר לדורות which intimates that this order should be preserved at all times. Pes.IV, 1 מקום שנָהֲגוּוכ׳ where it is a local usage to Meg.6b כל מצות שנוֹהֲגוֹת בשניוכ׳ all laws that apply to the second (Adar) apply also to the first. Ib. 5b, a. e. דברים … ואחרים נָהֲגוּ בהן איסור things which are permitted, but which some treat as forbidden; a. v. fr.נ׳ כבוד, v. כָּבוֹד.נ׳ קלות (ראש), v. קַלּוּת.Ab. Zar.54b עולם … נוהג, v. מִנְהָג.Yalk. Num. 764 נ׳ שמניםוכ׳ he applied oils and baths. Hif. הִנְהִיג same, esp. 1) to drive, direct; to take possession of an animal by driving. Kil. VIII, 2 להַנְחִיג, v. מָשַךְ. Ib. 3 המַנְהִיג the driver of heterogeneous animals. B. Mets.I, 2 אחד רוכב ואחד מנהיג one rode (the animal that was found), and the other directed it (by leading). Ib. 8b רכוב במקום מנהיג the rights of the driver as against those of the leader. Ib. במנהיג ברגליו when the rider drives by means of his heels. Ib. תרי גווני מנהיג there are two ways of driving; a. fr.B. Bath. V, 1 ואת כל המַנְהִיגִין אותה and all the implements needed for directing the ship; a. e., v. מַנְהִיג. 2) to lead, conduct. Ber.35b הַנְהֵג בהן דרך ארץ combine with the study of the Law a secular occupation; Yalk. Deut. 863 תּנְהוֹג. Snh.92a כל פרנס שמנהיג … ומַנְהִיגָםוכ׳ a manager that leads a community with gentleness, will be privileged to lead it in the days to come (of resurrection); a. fr.Tosef.Bets.II, 15 ה׳ את בני רומיוכ׳ made it a custom among the Jews in Borne ה׳ עצמו ברבנות to assume airs of superiority. Sot.13b; a. fr. Hithpa. מִתְנַהֵג 1) to conduct ones self. Sifré Deut. 323 הִתְנַהֲגוּ זה את זהוכ׳ conduct yourselves towards one another in charity; a. fr. 2) to be conducted. Y.B. Kam.VI, 5c top רוח שהעולם מִתְנַהֵג בו a wind by which the world is maintained, i. e. an ordinary wind, opp. של אונסים a calamitous wind (Bab. ib. 60a רוח מצויה, v. מָצָא). 3) to move. Gen. R. s. 66 מתנהג בהוכ׳ moves with her (Israel) from tent to tent.V. נוֹהַג.

    Jewish literature > נהג

  • 4 נָהַג

    נָהַג(b. h.) ( to drive an animal, to lead, conduct; to demean ones self; to be guided by, be wont to; to apply, be practiced. Keth.103b נְהוֹג, v. דָּמִים. Ḥull.VII, 1 נוֹהֵג, v. גִּיד. Sifra Tsav, Par. 11, ch. 18 שיִנְהוֹג הדבר לדורות which intimates that this order should be preserved at all times. Pes.IV, 1 מקום שנָהֲגוּוכ׳ where it is a local usage to Meg.6b כל מצות שנוֹהֲגוֹת בשניוכ׳ all laws that apply to the second (Adar) apply also to the first. Ib. 5b, a. e. דברים … ואחרים נָהֲגוּ בהן איסור things which are permitted, but which some treat as forbidden; a. v. fr.נ׳ כבוד, v. כָּבוֹד.נ׳ קלות (ראש), v. קַלּוּת.Ab. Zar.54b עולם … נוהג, v. מִנְהָג.Yalk. Num. 764 נ׳ שמניםוכ׳ he applied oils and baths. Hif. הִנְהִיג same, esp. 1) to drive, direct; to take possession of an animal by driving. Kil. VIII, 2 להַנְחִיג, v. מָשַךְ. Ib. 3 המַנְהִיג the driver of heterogeneous animals. B. Mets.I, 2 אחד רוכב ואחד מנהיג one rode (the animal that was found), and the other directed it (by leading). Ib. 8b רכוב במקום מנהיג the rights of the driver as against those of the leader. Ib. במנהיג ברגליו when the rider drives by means of his heels. Ib. תרי גווני מנהיג there are two ways of driving; a. fr.B. Bath. V, 1 ואת כל המַנְהִיגִין אותה and all the implements needed for directing the ship; a. e., v. מַנְהִיג. 2) to lead, conduct. Ber.35b הַנְהֵג בהן דרך ארץ combine with the study of the Law a secular occupation; Yalk. Deut. 863 תּנְהוֹג. Snh.92a כל פרנס שמנהיג … ומַנְהִיגָםוכ׳ a manager that leads a community with gentleness, will be privileged to lead it in the days to come (of resurrection); a. fr.Tosef.Bets.II, 15 ה׳ את בני רומיוכ׳ made it a custom among the Jews in Borne ה׳ עצמו ברבנות to assume airs of superiority. Sot.13b; a. fr. Hithpa. מִתְנַהֵג 1) to conduct ones self. Sifré Deut. 323 הִתְנַהֲגוּ זה את זהוכ׳ conduct yourselves towards one another in charity; a. fr. 2) to be conducted. Y.B. Kam.VI, 5c top רוח שהעולם מִתְנַהֵג בו a wind by which the world is maintained, i. e. an ordinary wind, opp. של אונסים a calamitous wind (Bab. ib. 60a רוח מצויה, v. מָצָא). 3) to move. Gen. R. s. 66 מתנהג בהוכ׳ moves with her (Israel) from tent to tent.V. נוֹהַג.

    Jewish literature > נָהַג

  • 5 דבר

    דְּבַרch. sam(דברto join, arrange, lead), 1) to seize, take, lead, drive. Targ. Gen. 19:15; a. fr. (h. לקח).Ib. 31:18; a. fr. (h. נהג). 2) to conduct ones self (cmp. נָהַג). Erub.14b, a. e. פוק חזי מאי עמא ד׳ go out and see how the people conduct themselves (what the religious usage is). Koh. R. to IX, 10, v. כְּלוּם. Pa. דַּבַּר 1) to lead, drive. Targ. O. Ex. 3:1 ed. Berl. (ed. דְּבַר). Ib. XIV, 21 (ed. דְּבַר, h. text ויולך). Targ. Ez. 16:12; a. e.Keth.62b sq. עד כמה קא מְדַבְּרַת אלמנות חיים how long yet wilt thou lead a life of living widowhood (separation from a living husband)? 2) to carry off. Targ. Ezek. 33:6; a. e. Af. אַדְבֵּיר to take, lead. Targ. Is. 14:2; a. fr.Bets.21b אַדְבְּרֵיהוכ׳ took him out on a walk; ib. 29a. Y.Yeb.XIII, 13c bot. מַדְבְּרוּן לה גבר they introduce to her a suitor. Ithpa. אִיתְדַּבַּר, אִידַּבַּר, Ithpe. אִידְּבַר 1) to be seized, taken away. Targ. Prov. 24:11. Targ. Ez. 33:6. Targ. 2 Kings 2:9 sq.; a. e. 2) to conduct ones self. Targ. Gen. 33:14 אֵידַבַּר ed. Berl. (h. text אתנהלה).

    Jewish literature > דבר

  • 6 דְּבַר

    דְּבַרch. sam(דברto join, arrange, lead), 1) to seize, take, lead, drive. Targ. Gen. 19:15; a. fr. (h. לקח).Ib. 31:18; a. fr. (h. נהג). 2) to conduct ones self (cmp. נָהַג). Erub.14b, a. e. פוק חזי מאי עמא ד׳ go out and see how the people conduct themselves (what the religious usage is). Koh. R. to IX, 10, v. כְּלוּם. Pa. דַּבַּר 1) to lead, drive. Targ. O. Ex. 3:1 ed. Berl. (ed. דְּבַר). Ib. XIV, 21 (ed. דְּבַר, h. text ויולך). Targ. Ez. 16:12; a. e.Keth.62b sq. עד כמה קא מְדַבְּרַת אלמנות חיים how long yet wilt thou lead a life of living widowhood (separation from a living husband)? 2) to carry off. Targ. Ezek. 33:6; a. e. Af. אַדְבֵּיר to take, lead. Targ. Is. 14:2; a. fr.Bets.21b אַדְבְּרֵיהוכ׳ took him out on a walk; ib. 29a. Y.Yeb.XIII, 13c bot. מַדְבְּרוּן לה גבר they introduce to her a suitor. Ithpa. אִיתְדַּבַּר, אִידַּבַּר, Ithpe. אִידְּבַר 1) to be seized, taken away. Targ. Prov. 24:11. Targ. Ez. 33:6. Targ. 2 Kings 2:9 sq.; a. e. 2) to conduct ones self. Targ. Gen. 33:14 אֵידַבַּר ed. Berl. (h. text אתנהלה).

    Jewish literature > דְּבַר

  • 7 משךְ

    משַׁךְ(b. h.; cmp. מָשַׁח II) to draw, pull; to seize; (with מן) to withdraw; in gen. to stretch, produce a continuous line or flow; to conduct. Kil. VIII, 2 לחרוש לִמְשוֹךְ ולהנהיג to plough with, to pull (by the head, go in front of), and to drive. Gen. R. s. 86 שהיו מוֹשְׁכִיןוכ׳, v. infra. Mekh. Bo, s. 11 (ref. to Ex. 12:21) מִשְׁכוּ מי שיש לווכ׳ ‘lead forth (select), refers to him who has a lamb, ‘and buy, refers to one who has none. Ib. מִשְׁכוּ מע״ז withdraw from idolatry, Ib. שמוֹשְׁכִין את ידיהם ממנווכ׳ that you may withdraw your share in the Passover lamb as long as it has not been slaughtered (v. מָנָה); Pes.VIII, 3. Ib. IX, 10 אלו מושכין להן אחדוכ׳ the one company select one lamb, the other M. Kat. I, 3 מוֹשְׁכִים את המיםוכ׳ you may draw (conduct) the water in channels from tree to tree. Pesik. R. s. 26 שמא יִמְשוֹךְ לו חלב והוא אינו מוֹשֵׁךְ perhaps it (the breast) will yield him milk when sucking, but it did not yield. Ex. R. n. 52 התחילה מוֹשֶׁכֶת דינריוכ׳ it (the valley) began to give forth a flow of gold denars before their eyes. Tosef.Sot.XIV, 8; Sot.47b מוֹשְׁכֵי הרוק those who draw out their spittle (assume aristocratic airs). Ḥag.14a מושכין לבווכ׳ they draw the heart of the people as one conducts water, when they lecture; Sabb.87a (play on ויגד, Ex. 19:9, v. נָגַד) דברים שמושכין … כאגדה words which draw (attract) the heart of man like a lecture. Y.Ab. Zar. III. 42c top מָשְׁבוּ צינורות דםוכ׳ the gutters of Laodicea carried a flow of blood; a. v. fr.Esp. (law) to take possession by drawing or seizing an object, v. מְשִׁיכָה. B. Mets.IV, 2 מ׳ הימנו פירותוכ׳ if he took possession of fruits bought of him before paying. Ib. 47a לא הספיק לִמְשוֹךְוכ׳ he had not yet had time to take possession of the ass; a. v. fr.Zeb.6b סכין מוֹשְׁכַתָּן למה שהן the slaughtering knife takes possession of them for what they are to be, i. e. the slaughtering of the sacrifices decides their purpose; Shebu.12b.מ׳ ערלה to stretch the prepuce, to disguise circumcision. Y.Peah I, 16b; a. e.Part. pass. מָשוּךְ; f. מְשוּכָה; pl. מְשוּכִים, מְשוּכִין; מְשוּכוֹת a) straightlined, continuous. Nidd.57b אם מ׳ if the blood-stain has the shape of a line, opp. עגול. Y.Erub.I, 19b top היה מ׳ if the wall is straight-lined. Ib. שלא תהא הקורה מ׳וכ׳ that the beam be not prolonged more than Ib. במשוכין יותרוכ׳ when they are longer than ; a. fr.Mikv. V, 3, v. נָדָל.b) (with מ־) withdrawn. Pes.IX, 10 ידיך מ׳ משלךוכ׳ thy share be withdrawn from thy lamb, and be transferred to ours; a. e.c) v. מָשוּךְ. Nif. נִמְשַׁךְ 1) to be stretched. Y.Yeb.VIII, 8d bot. נִמְשְׁכָה מאליה if the prepuce overgrew the corona of itself, v. מָשוּךְ. 2) to be prolonged, continued. Hor.12a אין מושחין … כדי שתִּמָּשֵׁךְ מלכותן kings are anointed at a spring in order that their government may be prolonged (cmp. Ḥag. l. c.). Ib. נמשכה מלכותן their dynasty was prolonged; a. fr. 3) to be withdrawn. Tosef.Pes.VII, 7 רצו להִמָּשֵׁךְ ולהמנותוכ׳ (ed. Zuck. incorrect) if they desire to withdraw, and that others be entered, Ib. נִמְשָׁכִין והולכיןוכ׳ they may go on withdrawing, a. fr. 4) to be drawn after; to follow. Ex. R. s. 24. Gen. R. s. 86 לפדה שהיו מושכין … ולא היתה נִמְשֶׁכֶת like a cow which they attempt to pull to the slaughter-house, and which will not go; a. fr. 5) to be conducted in a channel. Tosef.Par.IX (VIII), 9 המים הנִמְשָׁכִיןוכ׳ well-water derived into a channel, v. מָרַץ; a. e. Hif. הִמְשִׁיךְ 1) to cause to extend. Keth.10b (the rain) מצדן ימַמְשִׁיךְ gives beauty and enlargement (to the fruits). 2) to draw, pull. Y.Kil.VIII, 31c top, a. e. הנהיגה הִמְשִׁיכָהּוכ׳ if he drove the animal, or pulled it, or called it. Ex. R. s. 20, beg. הִמְשַׁכְתִּיו ברסן I pulled him by the bridle; a. e. 3) to conduct water into channels. Tem.12b שאובה שהִמְשִׁיכוּהָ כולה a collection of drawn water all of which has been conducted through a channel. Y.Shebi.II, end, 34b להַמְשִׁיךְ to irrigate by gutters, contrad. to להשקות. Y.M. Kat. I, 80b top ה׳ המעייןוכ׳ he led the water of a well into it. Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 16 מַמְשִׁיכִין ייןוכ׳ you may let wine or oil run in gutters before bride and groom; Ber.50b; a. fr. 4) to prolong a meal, to add a course. Succ.27a, v. פַּרְפֶּרֶת.

    Jewish literature > משךְ

  • 8 משַׁךְ

    משַׁךְ(b. h.; cmp. מָשַׁח II) to draw, pull; to seize; (with מן) to withdraw; in gen. to stretch, produce a continuous line or flow; to conduct. Kil. VIII, 2 לחרוש לִמְשוֹךְ ולהנהיג to plough with, to pull (by the head, go in front of), and to drive. Gen. R. s. 86 שהיו מוֹשְׁכִיןוכ׳, v. infra. Mekh. Bo, s. 11 (ref. to Ex. 12:21) מִשְׁכוּ מי שיש לווכ׳ ‘lead forth (select), refers to him who has a lamb, ‘and buy, refers to one who has none. Ib. מִשְׁכוּ מע״ז withdraw from idolatry, Ib. שמוֹשְׁכִין את ידיהם ממנווכ׳ that you may withdraw your share in the Passover lamb as long as it has not been slaughtered (v. מָנָה); Pes.VIII, 3. Ib. IX, 10 אלו מושכין להן אחדוכ׳ the one company select one lamb, the other M. Kat. I, 3 מוֹשְׁכִים את המיםוכ׳ you may draw (conduct) the water in channels from tree to tree. Pesik. R. s. 26 שמא יִמְשוֹךְ לו חלב והוא אינו מוֹשֵׁךְ perhaps it (the breast) will yield him milk when sucking, but it did not yield. Ex. R. n. 52 התחילה מוֹשֶׁכֶת דינריוכ׳ it (the valley) began to give forth a flow of gold denars before their eyes. Tosef.Sot.XIV, 8; Sot.47b מוֹשְׁכֵי הרוק those who draw out their spittle (assume aristocratic airs). Ḥag.14a מושכין לבווכ׳ they draw the heart of the people as one conducts water, when they lecture; Sabb.87a (play on ויגד, Ex. 19:9, v. נָגַד) דברים שמושכין … כאגדה words which draw (attract) the heart of man like a lecture. Y.Ab. Zar. III. 42c top מָשְׁבוּ צינורות דםוכ׳ the gutters of Laodicea carried a flow of blood; a. v. fr.Esp. (law) to take possession by drawing or seizing an object, v. מְשִׁיכָה. B. Mets.IV, 2 מ׳ הימנו פירותוכ׳ if he took possession of fruits bought of him before paying. Ib. 47a לא הספיק לִמְשוֹךְוכ׳ he had not yet had time to take possession of the ass; a. v. fr.Zeb.6b סכין מוֹשְׁכַתָּן למה שהן the slaughtering knife takes possession of them for what they are to be, i. e. the slaughtering of the sacrifices decides their purpose; Shebu.12b.מ׳ ערלה to stretch the prepuce, to disguise circumcision. Y.Peah I, 16b; a. e.Part. pass. מָשוּךְ; f. מְשוּכָה; pl. מְשוּכִים, מְשוּכִין; מְשוּכוֹת a) straightlined, continuous. Nidd.57b אם מ׳ if the blood-stain has the shape of a line, opp. עגול. Y.Erub.I, 19b top היה מ׳ if the wall is straight-lined. Ib. שלא תהא הקורה מ׳וכ׳ that the beam be not prolonged more than Ib. במשוכין יותרוכ׳ when they are longer than ; a. fr.Mikv. V, 3, v. נָדָל.b) (with מ־) withdrawn. Pes.IX, 10 ידיך מ׳ משלךוכ׳ thy share be withdrawn from thy lamb, and be transferred to ours; a. e.c) v. מָשוּךְ. Nif. נִמְשַׁךְ 1) to be stretched. Y.Yeb.VIII, 8d bot. נִמְשְׁכָה מאליה if the prepuce overgrew the corona of itself, v. מָשוּךְ. 2) to be prolonged, continued. Hor.12a אין מושחין … כדי שתִּמָּשֵׁךְ מלכותן kings are anointed at a spring in order that their government may be prolonged (cmp. Ḥag. l. c.). Ib. נמשכה מלכותן their dynasty was prolonged; a. fr. 3) to be withdrawn. Tosef.Pes.VII, 7 רצו להִמָּשֵׁךְ ולהמנותוכ׳ (ed. Zuck. incorrect) if they desire to withdraw, and that others be entered, Ib. נִמְשָׁכִין והולכיןוכ׳ they may go on withdrawing, a. fr. 4) to be drawn after; to follow. Ex. R. s. 24. Gen. R. s. 86 לפדה שהיו מושכין … ולא היתה נִמְשֶׁכֶת like a cow which they attempt to pull to the slaughter-house, and which will not go; a. fr. 5) to be conducted in a channel. Tosef.Par.IX (VIII), 9 המים הנִמְשָׁכִיןוכ׳ well-water derived into a channel, v. מָרַץ; a. e. Hif. הִמְשִׁיךְ 1) to cause to extend. Keth.10b (the rain) מצדן ימַמְשִׁיךְ gives beauty and enlargement (to the fruits). 2) to draw, pull. Y.Kil.VIII, 31c top, a. e. הנהיגה הִמְשִׁיכָהּוכ׳ if he drove the animal, or pulled it, or called it. Ex. R. s. 20, beg. הִמְשַׁכְתִּיו ברסן I pulled him by the bridle; a. e. 3) to conduct water into channels. Tem.12b שאובה שהִמְשִׁיכוּהָ כולה a collection of drawn water all of which has been conducted through a channel. Y.Shebi.II, end, 34b להַמְשִׁיךְ to irrigate by gutters, contrad. to להשקות. Y.M. Kat. I, 80b top ה׳ המעייןוכ׳ he led the water of a well into it. Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 16 מַמְשִׁיכִין ייןוכ׳ you may let wine or oil run in gutters before bride and groom; Ber.50b; a. fr. 4) to prolong a meal, to add a course. Succ.27a, v. פַּרְפֶּרֶת.

    Jewish literature > משַׁךְ

  • 9 פרץ

    פָּרַץ(b. h.) 1) to break through, make a breach, invade. Pes.56a פּוֹרְצִין פרצותוכ׳ made breaches in the fences of their gardens ; (Tosef. ib. II (III), 21 פותחין גינותיהםוכ׳); Men.71a. Ber.63a כבר גדרת … יכול לִפְרוֹץ having once fenced in, thou canst not tear down, i. e. having once approved, you cannot now find fault. Y.Snh.I, 19c top, v. פּוּץ. Gen. R. s. 85 (ref. to Gen. 38:29) כל הפּוֹרְצִים ממךוכ׳ all conquerors shall rise from thee (Judah). Yalk. Mic. 551 פָּרַצְתִּי גדרו של עולם מפני יעקב I broke down the fence of the world (reversed the natural order of things) for the sake of Jacob (making his cattle extremely fecund); ולע״ל אני פורץ אותו לבניו and in the days to come I shall do so to his children. B. Kam.60b מלך פּוֹרֵץ … דרך the king may break through fences to pave a way for his army. Koh. R. to IX, 11 (ref. to Job 1:10) פ׳ גדרו של עולםוכ׳ his cattle reversed the order of things Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a top לא פָרַצְתָּ גדירןוכ׳ thou hast not torn down the fence of the scholars (not transgressed their law); Gen. R. s. 79, v. גָּדֵיר. Lev. R. s. 26, v. גֶּדֶר I; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּרוּץ; f. פְּרוּצָה; pl. פְּרוּצִים, פְּרוּצִין; פְּרוּצוֹת. Kil. IV, 4 העומד מרובה על הפ׳ the unimpaired portion of the fence is larger than the ruined part, v. עָמַד II. Y.Sabb.X, 12c top קופה פ׳ a bin which has been broken into (some of the contents of which has been taken); a. fr.Peah VII, 1 בצד הפרוצה Y. ed., v. פִּרְצָה. 2) (sub. גדר) to be lawless, unrestrained, dissolute. Y.Keth.I, 25a bot. שלא יִפְרְצוּ … בזימה in order that the daughters of Israel be not made heedless of chaste conduct (v. infra); a. e.Part. pass. as ab. dissolute, bold. Ib. מפני פ׳ אחד because there might be one dissolute man (who may go to the expense of marriage for the sake of his gratification, with the intention of charging his bride with faithlessness afterwards). Cant. R. to IV, 12 לא נמצא בהן אחד פ׳ בעיוה not one of them was of immoral conduct; Lev. R. s. 32 פְּרוּץ ערוה. Gitt.46a שלא יהו בנות … פ׳וכ׳ that the daughters of Israel may not be loose in moral conduct or in vows (v. supra). Gen. R. s. 70 (ref. to Gen. 29:21) אפי׳ אדם פ׳ אינווכ׳ even the most shameless man would not use such language. Sot.7a אבל פ׳ but if they are known to be of dissolute habits, opp. כשרין. Keth.2b, sq. משום פ׳ on account of loose women, opp. צנועות; a. fr. 3) to spread, increase. Sabb.13a; Tosef. ib. I, 14 עד היכן פָּרְצָה טהרהוכ׳ how far the observance of levitical cleanness has spread in Israeli!; a. e. Nif. נִפְרָץ 1) to be broken through, torn down. Tosef.Kil.III, 3 מחיצת הכרם שנִפְרְצָה if the partition of a vineyard has come down; גדרה ונ׳ if he repaired it, and it came down again. Erub.IX, 2 חצר גדולה שנפרצה לקטנה if the partition between a large court and a smaller one has been broken into. Yalk. Ez. 352 a good shepherd שנ׳ גדר צאנו the fold of whose flock was broken into; (Ruth R. introd. שנפלה). גדר Tanḥ. Bal. 13 ראה שישראל נִפְרָצִים שם he (Balak) saw that the Israelites would be broken into (sustain a great loss) there; Num. R. s. 20 שיש פרצים (corr. acc.). Ab. dR. N. ch. V ונִפְרְצוּוכ׳, v. פִּרְצָה; a. fr. 2) to be unrestrained, dissolute. Tanḥ. Vayera 9 לפי שנפרצו מעשיהם בזנות because their doings were unrestrained in matters of sexual morality; a. e. 3) to be spread, increased. Gen. R. s. 73 (ref. to Gen. 30:43) נִפְרְצָה לו פרצה מעיןוכ׳ an (abnormal) increase of wealth was granted to him similar to that expected in the days to come (v. Yalk. Mic. l. c.); Yalk. Gen. 130; Yalk. Koh. 989; a. e. 4) to be broken off, severed. Succ.III, 1 נפרצו עליו if its leaves are severed (and only kept together by a band), v. פָּרַד. Hif. הִפְרִיץ (denom. of פָּרִיץ) to be defiant. Tosef.Macc.V (IV), 13 אפי׳ עומד ומַפְרִיץוכ׳ even if he stands up defiantly (saying, he did not mind more lashes), you dare not add Hithpa. הִתְפָּרֵץ to become dissolute, be unrestrained, licentious. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. שלא תִתְפָּרֵץ that she may not assume immoral habits; ib. שלא יִתְפָּרְצוּ that people may not be unrestrained; Y.Bets. II, 61c.

    Jewish literature > פרץ

  • 10 פָּרַץ

    פָּרַץ(b. h.) 1) to break through, make a breach, invade. Pes.56a פּוֹרְצִין פרצותוכ׳ made breaches in the fences of their gardens ; (Tosef. ib. II (III), 21 פותחין גינותיהםוכ׳); Men.71a. Ber.63a כבר גדרת … יכול לִפְרוֹץ having once fenced in, thou canst not tear down, i. e. having once approved, you cannot now find fault. Y.Snh.I, 19c top, v. פּוּץ. Gen. R. s. 85 (ref. to Gen. 38:29) כל הפּוֹרְצִים ממךוכ׳ all conquerors shall rise from thee (Judah). Yalk. Mic. 551 פָּרַצְתִּי גדרו של עולם מפני יעקב I broke down the fence of the world (reversed the natural order of things) for the sake of Jacob (making his cattle extremely fecund); ולע״ל אני פורץ אותו לבניו and in the days to come I shall do so to his children. B. Kam.60b מלך פּוֹרֵץ … דרך the king may break through fences to pave a way for his army. Koh. R. to IX, 11 (ref. to Job 1:10) פ׳ גדרו של עולםוכ׳ his cattle reversed the order of things Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41a top לא פָרַצְתָּ גדירןוכ׳ thou hast not torn down the fence of the scholars (not transgressed their law); Gen. R. s. 79, v. גָּדֵיר. Lev. R. s. 26, v. גֶּדֶר I; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּרוּץ; f. פְּרוּצָה; pl. פְּרוּצִים, פְּרוּצִין; פְּרוּצוֹת. Kil. IV, 4 העומד מרובה על הפ׳ the unimpaired portion of the fence is larger than the ruined part, v. עָמַד II. Y.Sabb.X, 12c top קופה פ׳ a bin which has been broken into (some of the contents of which has been taken); a. fr.Peah VII, 1 בצד הפרוצה Y. ed., v. פִּרְצָה. 2) (sub. גדר) to be lawless, unrestrained, dissolute. Y.Keth.I, 25a bot. שלא יִפְרְצוּ … בזימה in order that the daughters of Israel be not made heedless of chaste conduct (v. infra); a. e.Part. pass. as ab. dissolute, bold. Ib. מפני פ׳ אחד because there might be one dissolute man (who may go to the expense of marriage for the sake of his gratification, with the intention of charging his bride with faithlessness afterwards). Cant. R. to IV, 12 לא נמצא בהן אחד פ׳ בעיוה not one of them was of immoral conduct; Lev. R. s. 32 פְּרוּץ ערוה. Gitt.46a שלא יהו בנות … פ׳וכ׳ that the daughters of Israel may not be loose in moral conduct or in vows (v. supra). Gen. R. s. 70 (ref. to Gen. 29:21) אפי׳ אדם פ׳ אינווכ׳ even the most shameless man would not use such language. Sot.7a אבל פ׳ but if they are known to be of dissolute habits, opp. כשרין. Keth.2b, sq. משום פ׳ on account of loose women, opp. צנועות; a. fr. 3) to spread, increase. Sabb.13a; Tosef. ib. I, 14 עד היכן פָּרְצָה טהרהוכ׳ how far the observance of levitical cleanness has spread in Israeli!; a. e. Nif. נִפְרָץ 1) to be broken through, torn down. Tosef.Kil.III, 3 מחיצת הכרם שנִפְרְצָה if the partition of a vineyard has come down; גדרה ונ׳ if he repaired it, and it came down again. Erub.IX, 2 חצר גדולה שנפרצה לקטנה if the partition between a large court and a smaller one has been broken into. Yalk. Ez. 352 a good shepherd שנ׳ גדר צאנו the fold of whose flock was broken into; (Ruth R. introd. שנפלה). גדר Tanḥ. Bal. 13 ראה שישראל נִפְרָצִים שם he (Balak) saw that the Israelites would be broken into (sustain a great loss) there; Num. R. s. 20 שיש פרצים (corr. acc.). Ab. dR. N. ch. V ונִפְרְצוּוכ׳, v. פִּרְצָה; a. fr. 2) to be unrestrained, dissolute. Tanḥ. Vayera 9 לפי שנפרצו מעשיהם בזנות because their doings were unrestrained in matters of sexual morality; a. e. 3) to be spread, increased. Gen. R. s. 73 (ref. to Gen. 30:43) נִפְרְצָה לו פרצה מעיןוכ׳ an (abnormal) increase of wealth was granted to him similar to that expected in the days to come (v. Yalk. Mic. l. c.); Yalk. Gen. 130; Yalk. Koh. 989; a. e. 4) to be broken off, severed. Succ.III, 1 נפרצו עליו if its leaves are severed (and only kept together by a band), v. פָּרַד. Hif. הִפְרִיץ (denom. of פָּרִיץ) to be defiant. Tosef.Macc.V (IV), 13 אפי׳ עומד ומַפְרִיץוכ׳ even if he stands up defiantly (saying, he did not mind more lashes), you dare not add Hithpa. הִתְפָּרֵץ to become dissolute, be unrestrained, licentious. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. שלא תִתְפָּרֵץ that she may not assume immoral habits; ib. שלא יִתְפָּרְצוּ that people may not be unrestrained; Y.Bets. II, 61c.

    Jewish literature > פָּרַץ

  • 11 מדברות

    מִדַּבְּרוֹתf. pl. ( דבר) 1) conduct, manners. Koh. R. to III, 18 (ref. to דברת, ib.) מ׳ שהצדיקים מִדַּבְּרִים the way the righteous conduct themselves. 2) (b. h.) conversation, talk. Ib. מ׳ שהרשעים מדברים בהם the conversations which the wicked hold. Snh.67b, a. fr. כלה מִדַּבְּרוֹתֶיךָ, v. כָּלָה; ib. 38b, כלך למדברותיך אצלוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. כלך אצל); Ḥag.14a כלך מדברותיך אצל = כלה מד׳ ולךוכ׳, v. כַּלֵּךְ.

    Jewish literature > מדברות

  • 12 מִדַּבְּרוֹת

    מִדַּבְּרוֹתf. pl. ( דבר) 1) conduct, manners. Koh. R. to III, 18 (ref. to דברת, ib.) מ׳ שהצדיקים מִדַּבְּרִים the way the righteous conduct themselves. 2) (b. h.) conversation, talk. Ib. מ׳ שהרשעים מדברים בהם the conversations which the wicked hold. Snh.67b, a. fr. כלה מִדַּבְּרוֹתֶיךָ, v. כָּלָה; ib. 38b, כלך למדברותיך אצלוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. כלך אצל); Ḥag.14a כלך מדברותיך אצל = כלה מד׳ ולךוכ׳, v. כַּלֵּךְ.

    Jewish literature > מִדַּבְּרוֹת

  • 13 מוסר

    מוּסָרm. (b. h.; יָסַר) discipline, morality, conduct. Midr. Prov. to 1:2 אם יש … למד מ׳ if a man has wisdom, he can learn good conduct; ib. to 1:7; Yalk. ib. 929; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מוסר

  • 14 מוּסָר

    מוּסָרm. (b. h.; יָסַר) discipline, morality, conduct. Midr. Prov. to 1:2 אם יש … למד מ׳ if a man has wisdom, he can learn good conduct; ib. to 1:7; Yalk. ib. 929; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מוּסָר

  • 15 נעים I

    נָעִיםI m., נְעִימָה f. (b. h.; נָעֵם) pleasing, lovely. Ruth R. to II, 5 כיון שראה אותה נ׳ ומעשיה נאים when he saw that she was lovely and her conduct becoming.Pl. נְעִימִים; נְעִימֹות. Ib. מעשיה נאים ונ׳ her conduct is becoming and lovely. Midr. Till. to Ps. 5 כל מה שנתתה לנו טובים ונ׳ הם all the things which thou hast given us are good and pleasing. Gen. R. s. 23, v. נַעֲמָה. Cant. R. to IV, 4 כולכם נ׳ וחסידיםוכ׳ all of you are welcome, all of you are pious ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > נעים I

  • 16 נָעִים

    נָעִיםI m., נְעִימָה f. (b. h.; נָעֵם) pleasing, lovely. Ruth R. to II, 5 כיון שראה אותה נ׳ ומעשיה נאים when he saw that she was lovely and her conduct becoming.Pl. נְעִימִים; נְעִימֹות. Ib. מעשיה נאים ונ׳ her conduct is becoming and lovely. Midr. Till. to Ps. 5 כל מה שנתתה לנו טובים ונ׳ הם all the things which thou hast given us are good and pleasing. Gen. R. s. 23, v. נַעֲמָה. Cant. R. to IV, 4 כולכם נ׳ וחסידיםוכ׳ all of you are welcome, all of you are pious ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > נָעִים

  • 17 סיגוף

    סִיגוּף, סִגּ׳,m. (סָגַף) affliction, privation, ascetic practices. Koh. R. to III, 18 על מדברות שהצדיקים מִדַּבְּרִים בעוה״ז בס׳וכ׳ concerning the conduct with which the righteous conduct themselves in this world in privation, fasts and sufferings.

    Jewish literature > סיגוף

  • 18 סג׳

    סִיגוּף, סִגּ׳,m. (סָגַף) affliction, privation, ascetic practices. Koh. R. to III, 18 על מדברות שהצדיקים מִדַּבְּרִים בעוה״ז בס׳וכ׳ concerning the conduct with which the righteous conduct themselves in this world in privation, fasts and sufferings.

    Jewish literature > סג׳

  • 19 סִיגוּף

    סִיגוּף, סִגּ׳,m. (סָגַף) affliction, privation, ascetic practices. Koh. R. to III, 18 על מדברות שהצדיקים מִדַּבְּרִים בעוה״ז בס׳וכ׳ concerning the conduct with which the righteous conduct themselves in this world in privation, fasts and sufferings.

    Jewish literature > סִיגוּף

  • 20 סִגּ׳

    סִיגוּף, סִגּ׳,m. (סָגַף) affliction, privation, ascetic practices. Koh. R. to III, 18 על מדברות שהצדיקים מִדַּבְּרִים בעוה״ז בס׳וכ׳ concerning the conduct with which the righteous conduct themselves in this world in privation, fasts and sufferings.

    Jewish literature > סִגּ׳

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  • Conduct — Con duct (k[o^]n d[u^]kt), n. [LL. conductus defense, escort, fr. L. conductus, p. p. of conducere. See {Conduce}, and cf. {Conduit}.] 1. The act or method of conducting; guidance; management. [1913 Webster] Christianity has humanized the conduct …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conduct — CONDÚCT, conducte, s.n. Formaţie anatomică cu aspect de canal sau de tub. – Din germ. Kondukt. Trimis de LauraGellner, 30.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  CONDÚCT s. (anat.) canal, duct, tub. (conduct auditiv extern.) Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa …   Dicționar Român

  • conduct — n *behavior, deportment Analogous words: act, deed, *action: demeanor, mien, deportment, *bearing conduct vb 1 escort, convoy, *accompany, attend, chaperon Analogous words …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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  • Conduct — Con*duct (k[o^]n*d[u^]kt ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conducted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conducting}.] [See {Conduct}, n.] 1. To lead, or guide; to escort; to attend. [1913 Webster] I can conduct you, lady, to a low But loyal cottage, where you may be safe …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • conduct — [kän′dukt΄, kän′dəkt; ] for v. [ kən dukt′] n. [< L conductus, pp. of conducere: see CONDUCE] 1. Rare the act of leading; guidance 2. the process or way of managing or directing; management; handling 3. the way that one acts; behavior;… …   English World dictionary

  • Conduct — Con*duct , v. i. 1. To act as a conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.); to carry. [1913 Webster] 2. To conduct one s self; to behave. [U. S.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conduct — may refer to: Behavior a personal behavior, a way of acting and showing one s behaviour using hand gestures to direct Action (philosophy), in relation to moral or ethical precepts Conducting a musical ensemble See also Misconduct Conductor… …   Wikipedia

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