1 conditioned reactive inhibition
1) Психология: условное реактивное торможение2) Авиационная медицина: условнорефлекторное реактивное торможение (Холл)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > conditioned reactive inhibition
2 conditioned reactive inhibition
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > conditioned reactive inhibition
3 conditioned reactive inhibition
Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > conditioned reactive inhibition
4 reactive inhibition
English-Russian big medical dictionary > reactive inhibition
5 inhibition
inhibition ингибиция, ингибирование, торможение, задержка; подавление, угнетениеallogenic inhibition аллогенное ингибированиеallosteric inhibition аллостерическое ингибированиеalpha inhibition торможение альфа-ритмаcentral inhibition центральное торможениеcompetitive inhibition конгурентное торможениеcomplete inhibition полное ингибированиеconditioned inhibition условное торможениеcontact inhibition контактное торможениеcorrelative inhibition коррелятивное угнетениеdefinite inhibition явственное ингибированиеdelayed inhibition запаздывающее торможениеdelayed inhibition запаздывающее торможениеdifferential inhibition дифференциальное торможениеdifferentiating inhibition дифференцировочное торможениеdirect inhibition прямое торможениеend-product inhibition ингибирование конечным продуктом; ретроингибированиеexternal inhibition внешнее торможениеfeedback inhibition торможение по типу обратной связиfractional inhibition парциальное ингибированиеgrowth inhibition торможение ростаhypothalamic inhibition гипоталамическое торможениеinstantaneous inhibition мгновенное ингибированиеinternal inhibition внутреннее торможениеirreversible inhibition необратимое ингибированиеlinear inhibition пропорциональное ингибированиеlow inhibition слабое ингибированиеlysis inhibition подавление лизиса; задержка лизисаmixed inhibition смешанное ингибированиеnoncompetitive inhibition неконкурентное ингибированиеpermanent inhibition постоянное ингибированиеprimary inhibition первичное торможениеproduct inhibition ингибирование продуктомprogressive inhibition постепенное ингибированиеreactive inhibition реактивное торможениеreflex inhibition рефлекторное торможениеto remove inhibition снять ингибированиеreversible inhibition обратимое ингибированиеSetschenow's inhibition сеченовское торможениеstepwise inhibition ступенчатое торможениеsubstrate inhibition ингибирование субстратомtrophic inhibition трофическое торможениеuncompetitive inhibition бесконкурентное ингибированиеvagal inhibition вагальное торможение (под влиянием блуждающего нерва)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > inhibition
6 inhibition
ингибирование, торможение, задержка; подавление, угнетение торможение подкреплением- allosteric inhibition
- alpha inhibition
- autogenic inhibition
- central inhibition
- competitive inhibition
- complete inhibition
- conditioned inhibition
- contact inhibition
- correlative inhibition
- definite inhibition
- delayed inhibition
- differential inhibition
- differentiating inhibition
- direct inhibition
- end-product inhibition
- external inhibition
- feedback inhibition
- fractional inhibition
- growth inhibition
- hypothalamic inhibition
- instantaneous inhibition
- internal inhibition
- irreversible inhibition
- latent inhibition
- lateral inhibition
- low inhibition
- lysis inhibition
- noncompetitive inhibition
- permanent inhibition
- presynaptic inhibition
- primary inhibition
- progressive inhibition
- reactive inhibition
- reflex inhibition
- retro inhibition
- selective inhibition
- self-contact inhibition
- Setschenow's inhibition
- stepwise inhibition
- to remove inhibition
- trophic inhibition
- uncompetitive inhibition
- vagal inhibition
- Wedensky's inhibition* * *
См. также в других словарях:
Reactive inhibition — in the psychology of learning is the inhibiting effect of fatigue or boredom on the response to a stimulus and ability to learn. Unlike conditioned inhibition, Reactive Inhibition dissipates with time … Wikipedia
Clark L. Hull — Clark Leonard Hull Clark Leonard Hull Born 24 May 1884 Akron, New Yo … Wikipedia
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Disinhibition — is a term in psychology used to describe a lack of restraint manifested in several ways, including disregard for social conventions, impulsivity, and poor risk assessment. Disinhibition affects motor, instinctual, emotional, cognitive and… … Wikipedia
PEDF — Serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade F (alpha 2 antiplasmin, pigment epithelium derived factor), member 1 PDB rendering based on 1imv … Wikipedia
Phobia — A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning fear or morbid fear ) is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically… … Wikipedia
mental disorder — Any illness with a psychological origin, manifested either in symptoms of emotional distress or in abnormal behaviour. Most mental disorders can be broadly classified as either psychoses or neuroses (see neurosis; psychosis). Psychoses (e.g.,… … Universalium