1 concession agreement
2 concession agreement
3 concession
4 reciprocal
взаємний; двосторонній, обопільний; синалагматичний- reciprocal claim
- reciprocal concession
- reciprocal contract
- reciprocal convention
- reciprocal interest
- reciprocal liabilities
- reciprocal licence
- reciprocal license
- reciprocal privilege
- reciprocal right
- reciprocal trade agreement
- reciprocal treaty
- reciprocal will -
5 tariff
1) тариф; митний тариф; шкала зборів; шкала мита; шкала тарифів2) атриб. тарифний; митний3) встановлювати тариф; включати до тарифу; обкладати митом; встановлювати ставку (мита, тарифу)•- tariff agreement
- tariff barrier
- tariff ceiling
- tariff classification
- tariff concession
- tariff duty
- tariff-free
- tariff-free items
- tariff group
- tariff heading
- tariff imposition
- tariff law
- tariff legislation
- tariff level
- tariff nomenclature
- tariff number
- tariff on export
- tariff on import
- tariff on trade
- tariff policy
- tariff practices
- tariff preference
- tariff protection
- tariff quota
- tariff rate
- tariff rebate
- tariff reduction
- tariff-reduction agreement
- tariff regulations
- tariff revision
- tariff schedule
- tariff union
- tariff wall
- tariff war
- tariff zone
- tariffs on notary services -
6 foreign
іноземний, чужоземний, закордонний; зовнішній; який не стосується справи- foreign administrationForeign and Commonwealth Office — Міністерство закордонних справ і у справах Співдружності ( Великобританії)
- foreign administrator
- foreign adoption
- foreign affairs
- foreign agent
- foreign agreement
- foreign application
- foreign attachment
- foreign bill
- foreign born person
- foreign bribery
- foreign carrier permit
- foreign citizen
- foreign commerce
- foreign company
- foreign concession
- foreign contract assurance
- foreign corporation
- foreign counsel
- foreign counterintelligence
- foreign country
- foreign criminal
- foreign currency
- foreign currency claim
- foreign currency liability
- foreign debt
- foreign defendant
- foreign delegation
- foreign diplomat
- foreign diplomatic mission
- foreign divorce
- foreign domicile
- foreign duty pay
- foreign economic relations
- foreign enlistment
- foreign exchange
- foreign exchange authorities
- foreign exchange dealing
- foreign exchange disbursements
- foreign exchange holdings
- foreign exchange insurance
- foreign exchange liabilities
- foreign exchange losses
- foreign exchange market
- foreign exchange operation
- foreign exchange regulation
- foreign-exchange reserves
- foreign exchange speculation
- foreign exchange transaction
- foreign exchange violation
- foreign judgment
- foreign judgment
- foreign government
- foreign holdings
- foreign indebtedness
- foreign intelligence
- foreign intelligence agent
- Foreign Intelligence Service
- foreign intervention
- foreign-inspired sabotage
- foreign invaders
- foreign invasion
- foreign investigation
- foreign investigator
- foreign judgement
- foreign judgment
- foreign jurisdiction
- foreign law
- foreign liability
- foreign licensing operation
- foreign market
- foreign marriage
- foreign minister
- Foreign Minister
- Foreign Ministry
- foreign money liability
- foreign nation
- foreign national
- Foreign Office
- foreign official
- foreign-owned
- foreign passport
- foreign power
- foreign person
- foreign plea
- foreign policy
- foreign policy measure
- foreign policy move
- foreign-policy statement
- foreign possessions
- foreign power
- foreign prince
- foreign principal
- foreign prisoner
- foreign relations
- foreign relations committee
- foreign relations department
- foreign representative
- foreign resident
- Foreign Secretary
- foreign security service agent
- foreign service
- foreign special service
- foreign spy
- foreign state
- foreign subject
- foreign subsidiary
- foreign trade
- foreign-trade monopoly
- foreign trade arbitration
- foreign trade zone
- foreign transaction
- foreign trip
- foreign witness -
7 lawful
законний, правомірний; правосудний; легальний; легітимний; законослухняний; лояльний; припустимий- lawful acquisition
- lawful act
- lawful action
- lawful activities
- lawful activities activity
- lawful age
- lawful agent
- lawful agreement
- lawful application
- lawful application of force
- lawful arrest
- lawful authority
- lawful authorities
- lawful business
- lawful citizen
- lawful claim
- lawful concession
- lawful consent
- lawful correction
- lawful currency
- lawful custody
- lawful data
- lawful demand
- lawful detention
- lawful discharge
- lawful dismissal
- lawful engagement
- lawful entry
- lawful excuse
- lawful exercise of power
- lawful exercise of powers
- lawful exercise of rights
- lawful force
- lawful government
- lawful heir
- lawful holder
- lawful homicide
- lawful immigration
- lawful income
- lawful interests
- lawful investigation
- lawful issue
- lawful judgement
- lawful judgment
- lawful killer
- lawful killing
- lawfullottery
- lawful means
- lawful money
- lawful order
- lawful origin
- lawful owner
- lawful patent grant
- lawful person
- lawful picketing
- lawful play
- lawful portion
- lawful possession
- lawful process
- lawful punishment
- lawful question
- lawful reason
- lawful representative
- lawful resistance
- lawful right
- lawful search
- lawful self-defence
- lawful self-defense
- lawful sentence
- lawful sentencing
- lawful strike
- lawful surveillance
- lawful tapping
- lawful tender
- lawful title
- lawful use
- lawful violence
- lawful wedlock
- lawful wife
- lawful wiretap
- lawful wiretapping
- lawful witness -
8 make
робити, виготовляти; вносити (зміни, доповнення у документ)make a composite sketch of a suspect — робити словесний портрет підозрюваного ( за свідченнями кількох свідків)
make a false report about an offence — = make a false report about an offense робити фальшиве повідомлення про злочин ( до поліції тощо)
make a false report about an offense — = make a false report about an offence
make a note of smb.'s statement — = make a note of statement
make an early delineation of factual and legal issues — робити попереднє розмежування питань факту і питань права
make electoral campaign contributions for political ends — робити внески на виборчу кампанію з політичною метою
- make a billmake special security arrangements — = make special security measures вживати спеціальні заходи безпеки
- make a bomb
- make a cat's paw
- make a charge
- make a claim
- make a code
- make a compensation
- make a complaint
- make a complaint to the UN
- make a concession
- make a condition
- make a contract
- make a contract with a client
- make a copy
- make a copy of the original
- make a crime scene sketch
- make a deal
- make a death threat
- make a decisions by majority
- make a detainee talk
- make a diplomatic demarche
- make a draft law
- make a false statement
- make a fetish
- make a fetish of the past
- make a final ruling
- make a full confession
- make a gift
- make a good lawyer
- make a good title
- make a joint statement
- make a law
- make a loan
- make a mistake
- make a moral choice
- make a motion
- make a narrow inquiry
- make a narrow search
- make a new will
- make a normative decision
- make a note of statement
- make a part
- make a payoff
- make a penalty conditional
- make a petition
- make a plea in mitigation
- make a poor shot
- make a prisoner talk
- make a proposal
- make a protest
- make a provision
- make a public statement
- make a quick get-away
- make a raid
- make a recommendation
- make a revolt
- make a round
- make a search
- make a shot at smth.
- make a statement
- make a statement for the press
- make a temporary appointment
- make a treaty
- make a voluntary statement
- make a will
- make accountable
- make additions
- make alterations
- make amends
- make an affidavit
- make an agreement
- make an amendment
- make an appeal
- make an arrangement
- make an arrest
- make an attachment
- make an attempt on the life
- make an award
- make an examination
- make an example of an offender
- make an inquiry
- make an investigation
- make an official statement
- make an order
- make appearance
- make one's appearance
- make arrangement
- make arrangements
- make arrest
- make away
- make away with oneself
- make bail
- make bankrupt
- make blood test
- make calculations
- make charge
- make child pornography
- make clean breast of it
- make clear
- make compensation
- make confession
- make court
- make crime
- make default
- make defence
- make defense
- make demands
- make difficulties
- make diplomatic overtures
- make diplomatic sounding
- make disturbance
- make disturbances
- make easy
- make effort
- make enforcement distinctions
- make entrance
- make equal
- make escape
- make one's escape
- make escape by a back door
- make fealty
- make formal charges
- make good
- make good a deficiency
- make good a delay
- make good a loss
- make good an omission
- make good escape
- make good losses
- make handwriting sample
- make handwriting samples
- make illicit profits
- make information secret
- make insinuations
- make known
- make law
- make laws
- make less stringent
- make mandatory
- make moral choice
- make more democratic
- make more severe
- make nil
- make nil
- make nil and void
- make null
- make null
- make null and void
- make oath
- make off
- make out
- make out a document
- make out an invoice
- make out one's case
- make overtures
- make payment
- make-peace
- make peace
- make penal
- make pornography
- make protest
- make provision
- make provisions in the law
- make public
- make public election results
- make punishment fit the crime
- make quietus
- make regular
- make regulation
- make representations
- make reservation
- make restitution to the victim
- make revolt
- make safe
- make safety regulations
- make satisfaction
- make secret
- make secure
- make senior appointments
- make service upon the attorney
- make sounding
- make special security measures
- make stronger
- make supplementary examination
- make supplementary inquiry
- make sure
- make tax policy more flexible
- make territorial changes
- make the bull's-eye
- make the house
- make threatening phone call
- make threatening phone calls
- make threats
- make up a quarrel
- make up a report
- make-up pay
- make use
- make valid
- make war -
9 mutual
взаємний, обопільний; синалагматичний- mutual agreement
- mutual aid
- mutual assent
- mutual assistance
- mutual combat
- mutual concession
- mutual conditions
- mutual consent
- mutual contract
- mutual contributory negligence
- mutual distrust
- mutual extradition
- mutual insurance
- mutual interest
- mutual life insurance
- mutual loan
- mutual loan society
- mutual military assistance
- mutual mistake
- mutual obligation
- mutual protection
- mutual relations
- mutual responsibility
- mutual-responsibility cover-up
- mutual savings bank
- mutual support
- mutual will -
10 tax
1) (державний) податок, мито, збір; тягар; обкладання2) оподатковувати, обкладати податком (податками); обкладати митом; таксувати; збирати (стягувати) членські внески; робити догану; засуджувати ( не в суді); визначати розмір збитків ( штрафу тощо); визначати розмір судових витрат•tax credit to adoptive parents for the adoption of children with physical or mental handicaps — податкова пільга прийомним батькам за усиновлення дитини із фізичними або розумовими вадами
- tax accounttax deduction based on degree of disability — зниження ставки податку в залежності від групи інвалідності
- tax accounting
- tax accounts
- tax administration
- tax advantage
- tax adviser
- tax agreement
- tax allocation
- tax allowance
- tax amount
- tax arrears
- tax assessment
- tax assessment act
- tax assessment authority
- tax assessment complaint
- tax assessment law
- tax assessment method
- tax assessment notice
- tax assessment scheme
- tax assessments act
- tax assessments law
- tax assessor
- tax at source
- tax-at-source
- tax audit
- tax auditing
- tax auditor
- tax authorities
- tax authority
- tax avoidance
- tax avoidance scheme
- tax barrier
- tax base
- tax basis
- tax bearer
- tax benefit
- tax benefit entailment
- tax bill
- tax book
- tax bracket
- tax break
- tax bribery
- tax burden
- tax capitalization
- tax case
- tax ceiling
- tax ceiling income
- tax certificate
- tax charge
- tax code
- tax collection
- tax collection rate
- tax collector
- tax collector's district
- tax collector's office
- tax committee
- tax concession
- tax consultant
- tax contingency provisions
- tax control
- tax control act
- tax control law
- tax cop
- tax counselor
- tax counsellor
- tax court
- tax court expenses
- tax credit
- tax credit to adoptive parents
- tax creditor
- tax crime
- tax debt
- tax declaration scheme
- tax deducted
- tax-deductible
- tax deduction
- tax deduction basis
- tax deed
- tax deferral
- tax delinquent
- tax discrimination
- tax-dodge
- tax dodger
- tax dodging
- tax domicile
- tax effect
- tax equalization
- tax equalization account
- tax evader
- tax evador
- tax evasion
- tax evasion by an individual
- tax evasion by an organization
- tax-exempt
- tax-exempt basic amount
- tax-exempt bond
- tax-exempt gain
- tax-exempt minimum
- tax-exempt minimum threshold
- tax exemption
- tax exile
- tax expense
- tax expenses
- tax expert
- tax fiddle
- tax field audit
- tax filing date
- tax form
- tax fraud
- tax-free
- tax-free allowance
- tax-free amount
- tax-free covenant clause
- tax-free covenant bond
- tax-free gift
- tax-free sale
- tax-free treatment
- tax-gatherer
- tax haven
- tax heavily
- tax holiday
- tax identification number
- tax in arrears
- tax in kind
- tax incentive
- tax incidence
- tax income
- tax increase
- tax inspection
- tax inspector
- tax inspectorate
- tax law
- tax laws
- tax lawyer
- tax leasing
- tax legislation
- tax levy
- tax liability
- tax lien
- tax load -
11 tariff
(trf)1. n под. тариф; мито; a тарифний; митний; 2. прейскурант; 3. тарифний збірник1. вид непрямого податку (indirect tax), який накладається на імпортовані або часом на експортовані товари чи послуги; ♦ тарифи стягуються з метою захисту національної економіки від закордонної конкуренції, таким способом забезпечуючи, напр., зайнятість (employment²) (захисний тариф (protective tariff)) або збільшення доходів (revenue) як джерела фінансування державних видатків тощо; 2. довідник ставок, у якому визначаються ціни на різні види товарів і послуг; 3. опубліковані норми із зазначенням тарифних ставок і класифікації вантажів═════════■═════════ad valorem tariff тариф від заявленої ціни; agency tariff агентський тариф; agricultural tariff митний тариф на сільськогосподарські продукти; all-in tariff універсальний тариф • єдиний тариф; alternative tariff альтернативний тариф; autonomous tariff автономний тариф; basic tariff основний тариф; basing tariff твердий тариф • прейскурант твердих тарифних ставок; blanket tariff єдиний тариф; bulk tariff оптовий тариф; cargo tariff вантажний тариф; class tariff прейскурант класних тарифів; commercial tariff комерційний тариф; compound tariff змішаний тариф; consolidated tariff загальний тариф; conventional tariff конвенційний тариф • договірне мито; customs tariff митний тариф; differential tariff диференційний тариф • диференційне мито; discriminatory tariff дискримінаційний тариф; discriminatory customs tariff дискримінаційний митний тариф; double tariff подвійний тариф; double-column tariff двоколонний тариф; double-rate tariff подвійна тарифна ставка; export tariff експортний тариф; flat-rate tariff простий тариф; flexible tariff гнучкий тариф; foreign tariff митний тариф іноземної держави; freight tariff прейскурант товарних тарифних ставок • вантажний тариф; general tariff простий тариф; goods tariff товарний тариф; government tariff державний тариф; graduated tariff прогресивний тариф • диференційний тариф • ступінчастий тариф; import tariff імпортний тариф; international tariff міжнародний тариф; invisible tariff невидимий тариф; joint tariff збірник (прейскурант) єдиних тарифів; maximum tariff максимальний тариф; mileage tariff прейскурант покілометрових тарифів; minimum tariff мінімальний тариф; mixed tariff змішаний тариф; multilinear tariff багатоколонний тариф • складний тариф; multiple tariff система множинних тарифів; nonprohibitive tariff незаборонний тариф; off-peak tariff мінімальні тарифні ставки; passenger tariff прейскурант пасажирських тарифних ставок; penalty tariff каральний тариф • каральні мита; peril-point tariff тариф «небезпечної точки» (коли обсяг імпорту загрожує конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних товарів); postal tariff поштовий тариф; preferential tariff (P. T.) пільговий тариф; prohibitive tariff заборонний тариф (при якому ціна імпортованого товару так підвищується, що робить його збут практично неможливим); protective tariff захисний тариф; reduced tariff пільговий тариф; retaliatory tariff каральний тариф; revenue tariff фіскальний тариф; seasonal tariff сезонний тариф; single tariff простий тариф; single-column tariff одноколонний тариф; single-schedule tariff одноколонний тариф; sliding-scale tariff ковзна шкала тарифних ставок; special tariff особливий тариф; specific tariff специфічний тариф • специфічне мито; state tariff державний тариф; statutory tariff встановлений законом тариф; step tariff ступінчастий тариф; three-tier tariff триярусний тариф; transit tariff транзитний тариф; transport tariff транспортний тариф; two-part tariff двокомпонентний тариф; unilinear tariff простий тариф • одноколонний тариф; zone tariff зональний тариф═════════□═════════according to the tariff відповідно до прейскуранта; as per tariff за тарифом; tariff agreement тарифна угода; tariff barrier тарифний бар'єр; tariff ceiling максимальне мито • гранична висота тарифу; tariff concession митна пільга; tariff for carriage тариф на перевезення; tariff for single consignments тариф дрібних відправлень; tariff for tare carriage тарний тариф • тариф для перевезення порожньої тари; tariff for the trasit of goods тариф на транзитні товари; tariff group тарифна група; tariff heading вид тарифу; tariff number позиція в митному тарифі; tariff preference пільговий тариф; tariff protection тарифний захист; tariff quota тарифна квота; tariff rate тарифна ставка; tariff reduction зниження тарифу; tariff regulations тарифні правила; tariff union митний союз; tariff wall тарифна перешкода • тарифний бар'єр; tariff war митна війна; tariff zone тарифна зона • тарифний пояс; to abolish a tariff скасовувати/скасувати тариф; to adapt a tariff змінювати/змінити тариф; to apply a tariff застосовувати/застосувати тариф; to change a tariff змінювати/змінити тариф; to decrease a tariff знижувати/знизити тариф; to impose a tariff накладати/накласти тариф; to increase a tariff збільшувати/збільшити тариф; to lift a tariff піднімати/підняти тариф; to pay a tariff оплачувати/оплатити тариф; to raise a tariff збільшувати/збільшити тариф; to reduce a tariff знижувати/знизити тариф; to terminate all tariff preferences скасовувати/скасувати всі тарифні пільгиtariff ‡ tax (393)
См. также в других словарях:
concession agreement — an alternative term for a project agreement. The parties may refer to a concession where a project provides a paid for service to the public, such as a concession to operate a toll bridge. + concession agreement project agreement (PA), sometimes… … Law dictionary
Concession agreement — An understanding between a company and the host government that specifies the rules under which the company can operate locally. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * concession agreement concession agreement ➔ agreement … Financial and business terms
concession agreement — An understanding between a company and the host government that specifies the rules under which the company can operate locally. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * concession agreement concession agreement ➔ agreement … Financial and business terms
Concession Agreement — A right granted by a government to a corporation. It specifies rules under which the company can operate locally. Some concession agreements might include tax breaks for the corporation, in order to keep them from moving to another jurisdiction … Investment dictionary
agreement — a‧gree‧ment [əˈgriːmənt] noun [countable] 1. an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people or organizations: • Under the agreement, the company will distribute our products in North America. • What happens if the warring… … Financial and business terms
concession — The underwriting spread. The difference between the price that an underwriter or underwriting syndicate pays to the issuer and the price that is received from investors who buy the issue. The concession is the income earned by the underwriter.… … Financial and business terms
concession — con·ces·sion n 1: an act or instance of conceding or yielding 2: something conceded: as a: acknowledgment admission b: something granted esp. as an inducement (as to enter into an agreement) c: a grant of real property esp. by a gov … Law dictionary
Concession and Agreement — was a document that provided religious freedom in the colony of New Jersey. It was issued as a proclamation for the structure of the government for the colony written in 1665 by the two proprietors, Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. The … Wikipedia
agreement — agree·ment n 1 a: the act or fact of agreeing by mutual agreement b: unity of opinion, understanding, or intent; esp: the mutual assent of contracting parties to the same terms if they reach agreement ◇ Under common law, agreement is a necessary… … Law dictionary
agreement — [n1] concurrence acceding, accession, accommodation, accord, accordance, acknowledging, adjustment, affiliation, affinity, alliance, amity, approving, arbitration, arrangement, assenting, authorizing, bargaining, compatibility, compliance,… … New thesaurus
Concession (contract) — A concession is a business operated under a contract or license associated with a degree of exclusivity in business within a certain geographical area. For example, sports arenas or public parks may have concession stands. Many department stores… … Wikipedia