1 computer line
2 computer line
1. серия вычислительных машин2. ряд компьютеров -
3 computer line
line cologne — одеколон, входящий в парфюмерную серию
4 computer line
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > computer line
5 computer line
1) Компьютерная техника: серия машин2) Техника: серия вычислительных машин3) Вычислительная техника: серия компьютеров4) Механика: серия ЭВМ -
6 computer line
7 computer line
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > computer line
8 computer line
9 computer line
10 computer line
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > computer line
11 personal computer line
Вычислительная техника: линия ПК, линия персональных компьютеров, семейство ПКУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > personal computer line
12 personal computer line
линия ПК; семейство ПКEnglish-Russian information technology > personal computer line
13 computer
вычислительная машина, ЭВМ, компьютер, вычислительное устройство, вычислитель
– computer aids
– computer configuration
– computer console
– computer control
– computer control system
– computer drafting
– computer experiment
– computer family
– computer graphics
– computer graphics language
– computer language
– computer limitation
– computer line
– computer logic
– computer manager
– computer model
– computer network
– computer networking
– computer numerical control
– computer program
– computer programming
– computer room
– computer science
– computer servosystem
– computer simulation
– computer skills
– computer system
– computer technology
– computer time
– computer tools
– computer translation
– computer vision
– computer vision system
– computer word
– computer-aided
– computer-aided design
– computer-aided design center
– computer-aided drafting
– computer-aided engineering
– computer-aided manufacturing
– computer-aided programming
– computer-aided system
– computer-aided testing
– computer-assisted
– computer-assisted management
– computer-assisted robot
– computer-based
– computer-based controller
– computer-controlled
– computer-controlled automation
– computer-controlled drive
– computer-controlled manufacturing
– computer-controlled robot
– computer-dependent language
– computer-embedded
– computer-generated
– computer-generated data
– computer-independent language
– computer-integrated
– computer-integrated design
– computer-integrated factory
– computer-integrated production
– computer-intensive
– computer-mediated
– computer-oriented
– computer-process interface
14 line
1) линия2) шина; линия; провод3) строка, строчка•- line up- access line
- acoustic delay line
- across the line
- action line
- active line
- addressing line
- address line
- AND cross parity line
- approximation straight line
- arbitration lines
- asynchronous line
- backbone line
- balanced line
- balanced transmission line
- bidirectional line
- bit line
- buffered line
- bus line
- carry line
- character line
- character selection line
- character spacing reference line
- clock line
- coaxial line
- code line
- coding line
- column line
- command line
- comment line
- communication line
- complemented bit line
- computer line
- conditioned line
- construction line
- continuation line
- control line
- data line
- data-sync line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- delay line
- dial-up line
- dial line
- digit line
- displayed line
- distributed constant electromagnetic delay line
- double line
- drive line
- duplex line
- edge line
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- enable line
- end line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- feedback line
- ferrite delay line
- fine line
- flag line
- flow line
- foreign exchange line
- framing line
- geodesic line
- half-duplex line
- handshake line
- heading line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- help line
- hidden line
- hot line
- in line
- infinite line
- inhibiting line
- inhibit line
- initial line
- ink line
- input line
- insecure data line
- lead-in line
- leased line
- liberated line
- line of reasoning
- line of sight
- line of support
- lines per minute
- liquid medium delay line
- load line
- local line
- logical line
- logic line
- loose line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- lumped constant delay line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- mercury delay line
- mouse documentation lines
- multidrop line
- multihop line
- multiparity line
- multipoint line
- multitapped line
- N-character line
- nickel delay line
- nonswitched line
- nonswitch line
- off the line
- open transmission line
- open-ended line
- optical transmission line
- OR word parity line
- out line
- outgoing line
- output line
- pair line
- parameter line
- parity line
- point-to-point line
- power supply line
- power line
- power-shutdown line
- print image line
- private line
- program line
- public line
- quartz delay line
- read select line
- ready line
- recovery line
- reference line
- request line
- request/acknowledge line
- reset line
- return line
- rubber band line
- ruling line
- scan line
- scanning line
- selection line
- select line
- sense line
- set line
- signal line
- single-vendor line
- single-wire line
- slab line
- slave line
- software product line
- solid-medium delay line
- sonic delay line
- specially conditioned line
- spiral delay line
- splitting lines
- status line
- straight line
- strip line
- subscriber line
- supply line
- switched line
- synchonous line
- telecommunication line
- terminated transmission line
- tie line
- time-delay line
- trace line
- transfer line
- transmission line
- true bit lines
- trunk line
- ultrasonic delay line
- uncomplemented bit line
- unconditioned line
- uniform impedance transmission line
- variable delay line
- virtual-ground line
- widow line
- wire-type acoustic delay line
- witness line
- word line
- work line
- write select line
- Z line
- zig-zag sense lineEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > line
15 line
[̈ɪlaɪn]all along the line во всех отношениях all along the line по всей линии backbone line вчт. магистральная линия bank line кредитная линия barrier line линия ограждения line линия (мера длины = 1/12 дюйма); to be in line (for smth.) амер. быть на очереди, иметь шанс (на что-л.) to be in line (with smth.) быть в согласии, соответствовать (чему-л.) below the line капитальные операции в платежном балансе below the line ниже нормы below the line операции временного характера в бюджете (Великобритания) blank line вчт. пустая строка bottom line итог bottom line основной момент bottom line практический результат boundary line граница to bring (smb.) into line заставить (кого-л.) согласиться broken line вчт. ломаная линия broken line полигр. пунктирная линия budget line строка бюджета building line линия застройки clothes line мор. бельевой леер clothes line веревка для белья code line вчт. строка программы to come into line (with) соглашаться, действовать в согласии come on line вчт. включаться в контур управления command line вчт. командная строка comment line вчт. строка комментариев communication line канал связи communication line вчт. линия связи communication line линия связи computer line вчт. серия машин conference line картельное соглашение судоходной компании continuation line вчт. строка продолжения continuation line вчт. строка-продолжение credit line договоренность о предоставлении кредита на определенную сумму credit line кредитная линия credit line обязательство банка кредитовать клиента до определенного максимума credit line предельная сумма кредита line (the L.) экватор; to cross the Line пересечь экватор curved line кривая линия dashed line пунктирная линия data line вчт. строка данных datum line спец. базовая линия; базис, нуль высот datum line ось координат demarcation line демаркационная линия descending line идущая вниз линия descending line линия потомства dial line коммутируемая линия dividing line разделительная линия dotted line предполагаемая линия поведения; sign on the dotted line сразу согласиться dotted line пунктирная линия, пунктир dotted line полигр. пунктирная линия line строка; drop me a few lines черкните мне несколько строк; to read between the lines читать между строк enabling a line вчт. включение линии связи line (the lines) pl расположение (войск); the enemy's lines расположение противника entry line вчт. строка ввода firm line сплошная линия line ком. партия (товаров); the shop carries the best line of shoes в этом магазине продается самая лучшая обувь; first-class lines первоклассные товары flow line поточная линия flushed right line вчт. строка смещенная вправо fraction line мат. черта дроби to get a line (on smth.) амер. добыть сведения (о чем-л.) to go down the line портиться to go over the line перейти (дозволенные) границы, перейти предел heading line заглавная строка help line строка справки hidden line невидимая линия line линия (связи, железнодорожная, пароходная, трамвайная и т. п.); hold the line! не вешайте трубку, не разъединяйте!; line busy занято (ответ телефонистки) hot line "горячая линия" hot line прямая телефонная связь между главами государств line воен. развернутый строй; линия фронта; line abreast (ahead) мор. строй фронта (кильватера); in line в развернутом строю inquiry line связь запрашиваемая линия line занятие, род деятельности; специальность; it is not in (или out of) my line это вне моей компетенции или интересов; what's his line? чем он занимается? junction line линия соединения leased line арендованный канал line ассортимент line борозда; морщина; to take lines покрываться морщинами line pl брачное свидетельство (тж. marriage lines) line тех. выкладывать, облицовывать; футеровать line выстраивать(ся) в ряд, в линию; устанавливать; to line a street with trees обсадить улицу деревьями line генеалогия line граница line школ. греческие или латинские стихи, переписываемые в виде наказания line железнодорожная линия line занятие, род деятельности; специальность; it is not in (или out of) my line это вне моей компетенции или интересов; what's his line? чем он занимается? line класть на подкладку line конвейер (тж. assembly line) line конвейер line кривая на графике line курс line леса (удочки); to throw a good line быть хорошим рыболовом line линейное подразделение фирмы line линия (мера длины = 1/12 дюйма); to be in line (for smth.) амер. быть на очереди, иметь шанс (на что-л.) line линия (связи, железнодорожная, пароходная, трамвайная и т. п.); hold the line! не вешайте трубку, не разъединяйте!; line busy занято (ответ телефонистки) line линия, черта; штрих; line and colour контур и тона рисунка; line of force физ. силовая линия line вчт. линия line линия line вчт. линия связи line разг. наполнять, набивать; to line one's pockets нажиться, разбогатеть; to line one's stomach набить желудок line направление line муз. нотная линейка line обивать (чем-л.) изнутри line отрасль line очередь line очертания, контур; ship's lines обводы (корпуса) корабля line ком. партия (товаров); the shop carries the best line of shoes в этом магазине продается самая лучшая обувь; first-class lines первоклассные товары line партия товаров line поведение; образ действий; направление, установка; to take a strong line действовать энергично line пограничная линия, граница; предел; to overstep the line (of smth.) перейти границы (чего-л.); to draw the line провести границу; положить предел (at -чему-л.) line пограничная линия line поточная линия line предел line вчт. провод line проводить линии, линовать line происхождение, родословная, генеалогия; male (female) line мужская (женская) линия line происхождение line воен. развернутый строй; линия фронта; line abreast (ahead) мор. строй фронта (кильватера); in line в развернутом строю line (the lines) pl расположение (войск); the enemy's lines расположение противника line род деятельности line родословная line ряд; амер. тж. очередь, хвост line ряд line pl театр. слова роли, реплика line pl стихи line стоять, тянуться вдоль (чего-л.; тж. line up); line through зачеркивать, вычеркивать line строка; drop me a few lines черкните мне несколько строк; to read between the lines читать между строк line вчт. строка line строка line тлв. строка изображения (тж. scan line, scanning line) line строчка line судоходная линия line сфера деятельности line телефонная линия line шнур; веревка; мор. линь line (the L.) экватор; to cross the Line пересечь экватор line выстраивать(ся) в ряд, в линию; устанавливать; to line a street with trees обсадить улицу деревьями line воен. развернутый строй; линия фронта; line abreast (ahead) мор. строй фронта (кильватера); in line в развернутом строю line линия, черта; штрих; line and colour контур и тона рисунка; line of force физ. силовая линия line линия (связи, железнодорожная, пароходная, трамвайная и т. п.); hold the line! не вешайте трубку, не разъединяйте!; line busy занято (ответ телефонистки) line by line вчт. построчно line control block вчт. блок управления каналом the line is bad плохо слышно line of ascent переход наследственного имущества по восходящей линии line of business театр. актерское амплуа line of business направление экономической деятельности line of business род деятельности line of code вчт. строка программы line of command линия команд line of command цепь инстанций в организации line of communication линия связи line of credit договоренность о предоставлении займа на оговоренную сумму line of credit кредитная линия line of descent переход наследственного имущества по прямой линии line линия, черта; штрих; line and colour контур и тона рисунка; line of force физ. силовая линия line of policy политический курс; on the usual lines на обычных основаниях line of reasoning цепь рассуждений line of regression линия регрессии line разг. наполнять, набивать; to line one's pockets нажиться, разбогатеть; to line one's stomach набить желудок line разг. наполнять, набивать; to line one's pockets нажиться, разбогатеть; to line one's stomach набить желудок line стоять, тянуться вдоль (чего-л.; тж. line up); line through зачеркивать, вычеркивать line up подыскать, подобрать line up присоединяться, солидаризироваться (with) line up размежевываться line up становиться в очередь line up строить(ся), выстраивать(ся) (в линию); to line up in opposition дружно выступить против line up строить(ся), выстраивать(ся) (в линию); to line up in opposition дружно выступить против to line up votes собирать голоса load line грузовая ватерлиния load line грузовая марка load line линия нагрузки local line местная линия logical line вчт. логическая строка long-distance line междугородная линия line происхождение, родословная, генеалогия; male (female) line мужская (женская) линия message line вчт. строка сообщения multidrop line многоотводная линия multipoint line многоточечная линия new line вчт. новая строка nonconference line некартельная фрахтовая линия on the line как раз посередине, на границе (между чем-л.) on the line на уровне глаз зрителя (о картине) line of policy политический курс; on the usual lines на обычных основаниях orphan line вчт. висячая строка outgoing line исходящая линия line пограничная линия, граница; предел; to overstep the line (of smth.) перейти границы (чего-л.); to draw the line провести границу; положить предел (at -чему-л.) parallel line параллельная линия party line амер. = party wire party line амер. граница между частными владениями party line линия партии; политический курс party line амер. = party wire wire: party line амер. общий телефонный провод (у нескольких абонентов) phone line телеонная линия picket line заслон пикетчиков picket line линия пикета picket line линия пикетирования Plimsoll line мор. грузовая марка (на торговых судах) mark: Plimsoll's line = Plimsoll line point-to-point line двухточечная линия product line ассортимент изделий product line предметно-производственная специализация production line ассортимент изделий production line поточная линия production line производственная линия production line станочная линия production line технологическая линия program line вчт. программная строка public line линия общего пользования line строка; drop me a few lines черкните мне несколько строк; to read between the lines читать между строк read: to line between the lines читать между строк; to read the time (или the clock) уметь определять время по часам (о ребенке) scan line вчт. сканирующая строка securities market line линия рынка ценных бумаг selling line продаваемая партия товаров service line канал обслуживания line очертания, контур; ship's lines обводы (корпуса) корабля shipping line судоходная линия line ком. партия (товаров); the shop carries the best line of shoes в этом магазине продается самая лучшая обувь; first-class lines первоклассные товары dotted line предполагаемая линия поведения; sign on the dotted line сразу согласиться slow-selling line неходовой ассортимент software product line вчт. серия программных изделий solution line прямая решения status line вчт. строка состояния status line comp. строка состояния straight line прямая straight line прямая линия subscriber line абонентская линия supply line линия питания supply line вчт. шина питания swing line кредитная линия для обеспечения кратковременной потребности в заемных средствах switched line коммутируемая линия line поведение; образ действий; направление, установка; to take a strong line действовать энергично line борозда; морщина; to take lines покрываться морщинами telecommunication line линия телесвязи telephone line линия телефонной связи telephone line телефонная линия line леса (удочки); to throw a good line быть хорошим рыболовом time delay line вчт. линия задержки toll line амер. междугородная телефонная линия toll line пригородная телефонная линия transmission line вчт. линия передачи transmission: line attr. передаточный; transmission line эл. линия передачи trend line линия тренда trunk line магистральная линия type line вчт. контур шрифта waiting line вчт. очередь line занятие, род деятельности; специальность; it is not in (или out of) my line это вне моей компетенции или интересов; what's his line? чем он занимается? widow line вчт. висячая строка wire delay line проволочная линия задержки witness line линия построения -
16 computer
= cmpr1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer - asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer - dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computer -
17 computer
1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- Apple Macintosh computer
- arbitrary course computer
- asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer
- data analog computer
- database computer
- dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- guidance computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > computer
18 computer
электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ, компьютер; вычислительное устройство, вычислитель- advanced computer for array processing
- analog computer
- analog process computer
- analog-digital computer
- arbitrary sequence computer
- assembly host computer
- automatic-sequence computer
- backup supervisory computer
- bureau computer
- card-programmed computer
- cell computer
- cell host computer
- cell supervisory computer
- central computer
- central shopfloor computer
- central works computer
- centralized data handling computer
- centralized process computer
- clustered host computer
- CNC machine's-own controlling computer
- control computer
- controller computer
- controlling computer
- conversational-type FMS computer
- cutoff computer
- data-processing computer
- dedicated computer
- deflection computer
- desk-top computer
- deviation computer
- diagnostic computer
- digital computer
- direct analog computer
- distributive numerical control computer
- DNC computer
- DNC host computer
- electronic computer
- electronic digital computer
- electronic machinability computer
- evaluation computer
- extremal computer
- FA computer
- factory supervisory computer
- file computer
- floating-point computer
- FMS computer
- FMS master computer
- full-function computer
- gage computer
- gaging computer
- general purpose computer
- graphics computer
- guidance computer
- hardened personal computer
- high-end computer
- high-speed computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- IBM-PC compatible computer
- industrial computer
- input computer
- integral computer
- island computer
- job control computer
- keyboard computer
- language translation computer
- laptop computer
- laptop/notebook computer
- logical computer
- machine's computer
- main-frame computer
- main-line computer
- manufacturing computer
- manufacturing control computer
- master computer
- master production computer
- mechanical translation computer
- methods computer
- microcircuit computer
- microelectronic computer
- MIMD parallel computer
- miniature computer
- modularized computer
- MRPII computer
- multiaddress computer
- multiprocessor computer
- multipurpose computer
- multitask computer
- NC host computer
- no-address computer
- notebook computer
- notebook-style computer
- on-board computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- organizational computer
- overriding computer
- part programming computer
- personal computer
- point-to-point computer
- portable computer
- process control computer
- production control computer
- program-controlled computer
- punch-card computer
- punched tape computer
- pure fluid computer
- ratio computer
- real-time computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- relay computer
- RISC computer
- robot control computer
- scheduling computer
- self-programming computer
- sequence-controlled computer
- serial computer
- service computer
- serving computer
- servo analog computer
- servo computer
- single-address computer
- single-board computer
- slave computer
- small dedicated cell computer
- solid state computer
- SPC computer
- special computer
- specialized computer
- special-purpose computer
- standby computer
- state-of-the-art commercial computer
- station's own computer
- statistical computer
- stock control computer
- storage and transportation computer
- supervising computer
- supervisory computer
- switch-control computer
- switching computer
- system's computer
- task control computer
- teach controller computer
- terminal computer
- test computer
- thermal analog computer
- thermal computer
- tool management computer
- tool setup computer
- tooling computer
- traffic control computer
- transistor computer
- transistorized computer
- two-address computer
- two-variable computer
- universal computer
- up-stream computer
- user-friendly computer
- visible record computer
- warehouse computer
- wireless-LAN equipped notebook computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > computer
19 computer
- course-line computer
- desk-top computer
- digital computer
- digital-media computer
- fire-control computer
- flight-management computer
- general-purpose computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatiblle computer
- Macintosh computer
- mainframe computer
- mini computer
- modular computer
- multiaccess computer
- network computer
- n-generation computer
- off-line computer
- palmtop computer
- parallel computer
- peripheral computer
- peripheral-support computer
- personal computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- serial computer
- special-purpose computer
- standby computer
- stored-program computer
- STRATUS computer
- super computer
- switch-control computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > computer
20 computer
3) картограф•-
air data computer
airborne computer
analog computer
analog-digital computer
approach computer
asynchronous computer
auto go-round computer
automatic dead reckoning computer
back-end computer
bearing-distance computer
business-oriented computer
business computer
card-programmed computer
cell computer
central computer
centralized process computer
commercial computer
communication computer
concurrent computer
control computer
course computer
database computer
data-flow computer
dead-reckoning computer
dedicated computer
desk-top computer
digital computer
distributed-logic computer
DNC computer
Doppler computer
drive computer
embedded computer
exposure computer
fixed-program computer
flight computer
flow computer
FMS computer
front-end computer
gateway computer
general-purpose computer
guidance computer
hand-held computer
high-end computer
high-performance computer
high-speed computer
home computer
host computer
hybrid computer
image computer
incremental computer
inertial navigation computer
interface computer
keyboard computer
knowledge base computer
laptop computer
large-scale computer
large computer
low-end computer
machine's computer
mainframe computer
main-line computer
master computer
multiprogrammed computer
navigational computer
navigation computer
node computer
office computer
overriding computer
overshoot computer
parallel computer
part-programming computer
peripheral computer
personal computer
pneumatic analog computer
portable computer
process control computer
professional computer
real-time computer
repetitive computer
satellite computer
scheduling computer
scientific computer
self-contained computer
sensor-based computer
serial computer
single-board computer
slave computer
small computer
special-purpose computer
special computer
stability computer
standby computer
station's own computer
stored-program computer
subscriber computer
super computer
supervisory computer
synchronous computer
table-top computer
timeshared computer
traffic control computer
universal computer
vector computer
virtual computer
wired-program computer
См. также в других словарях:
Computer network — Computer networks redirects here. For the periodical, see Computer Networks (journal). Datacom redirects here. For other uses, see Datacom (disambiguation). Internet map. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that… … Wikipedia
Computer Consoles Inc. — Computer Consoles Inc. or CCI was a telephony and computer company located in Rochester, New York, USA, which did business first as a private, and then ultimately a public company from 1968 to 1990. CCI provided worldwide telephone companies with … Wikipedia
Computer memory — types Volatile RAM DRAM (e.g., DDR SDRAM) SRAM In development T RAM Z RAM TTRAM Historical Delay line memory Selectron tube Williams tube Non volatile … Wikipedia
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Computer science — or computing science (abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. Computer scientists invent algorithmic… … Wikipedia
Computer vision — is the field concerned with automated imaging and automated computer based processing of images to extract and interpret information. It is the science and technology of machines that see. Here see means the machine is able to extract information … Wikipedia
Computer shogi — is a field of artificial intelligence concerned with the creation of computer programs which can play shogi. The research and development of shogi software has been carried out mainly by freelance programmers, university research groups and… … Wikipedia
computer science — computer scientist. the science that deals with the theory and methods of processing information in digital computers, the design of computer hardware and software, and the applications of computers. [1970 75] * * * Study of computers, their… … Universalium
Computer-supported collaboration — (CSC) research focuses on technology that affects groups, organizations, communities and societies, e.g., voice mail and text chat. It grew from cooperative work study of supporting people s work activities and working relationships. As net… … Wikipedia
Computer Bismarck — Front cover art of Computer Bismarck. Artwork designed by Louis Saekow. Developer(s) … Wikipedia