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computer animation/es

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  • Computer animation — Further information: Animation and Computer generated imagery An example of computer animation which is produced in the motion capture technique Computer animation is the process used for generating animated images by using computer… …   Wikipedia

  • computer animation — also known as computer generated images (CGI) Form of animated graphics that has replaced stop motion animation of scale model puppets or drawings. Efforts to lessen the labour and costs of animation have led to simplification and computerization …   Universalium

  • Computer-Animation — Eine einfache computergenerierte Animation Computeranimation bezeichnet die computergestützte Erzeugung von Animationen. Sie verwendet die Mittel der Computergrafik und ergänzt sie um zusätzliche Techniken. Manchmal wird zwischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Computer Animation Production System — (CAPS)  это собственный набор программ, систем сканирующих камер, серверов и рабочих станций, разработанный The Walt Disney Company совместно с Pixar в конце 80 х. Он предназначался для того, чтобы компьютеризировать контуровку и заливку… …   Википедия

  • Computer Animation Production System — The Computer Animation Production System (CAPS) is a proprietary collection of software programs, scanning camera systems, servers, networked computer workstations, and custom desks developed by The Walt Disney Company together with Pixar in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer Animation Production System — Pour les articles homonymes, voir CAPS. Le Computer Animation Production System (CAPS) (ou système de production d animation par ordinateur) est une collection propriétaire de logiciel, système cinématographes, serveurs, stations de travail et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • computer animation — com·pu·ter a·ni·ma·tion loc.s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS cinem., telev. animazione realizzata con il computer {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: comp. di computer computer e animation animazione …   Dizionario italiano

  • computer animation — /kəmˌpjutər ænəˈmeɪʃən/ (say kuhm.pyoohtuhr anuh mayshuhn) noun the computer controlled animation of images, as diagrams or cartoons …  

  • computer animation — …   Useful english dictionary

  • More Bells and Whistles (computer animation) — More Bells and Whistles was a computer animation created by Wayne Lytle in 1990. Wayne Lytle now owns and operates a company called Animusic, creating music driven animation similar to the techniques demonstrated in the More Bells Whistles video …   Wikipedia

  • National Centre for Computer Animation — For other uses, see NCCA (disambiguation). The National Centre for Computer Animation is part of the Media School at Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1989, it is often regarded as one of the best UK institutions available… …   Wikipedia

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