1 compulsion
compulsion [kəmˈpʌl∫ən]b. ( = coercion) contrainte f* * *[kəm'pʌlʃn]1) ( urge) compulsion f2) ( force) force f -
2 compulsion
compulsion [kəm'pʌlʃən]∎ to act under compulsion agir sous la contrainte;∎ there's no compulsion to do it il n'y a pas d'obligation à le faire;∎ he is under no compulsion to sell il n'est nullement obligé de vendre, rien ne l'oblige à vendre∎ I felt a sudden compulsion to visit my grandmother j'ai soudain ressenti un besoin urgent de rendre visite à ma grand-mère -
3 compulsion
2 ( force) force f ; there is no compulsion on you to do tu n'es pas obligé de faire ; to act under compulsion agir sous la contrainte. -
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(compelling or being compelled: You are under no compulsion to go.) obligación- compulsorily
compulsión sustantivo femenino compulsion ' compulsión' also found in these entries: English: compulsion - compulsive - constraint - drivetr[kəm'pʌlʃən]2 (urge) compulsión nombre femeninocompulsion [kəm'pʌlʃən] n1) coercion: coacción f2) urge: compulsión f, impulso mn.• apremio s.m.• compulsión s.f.• servidumbre s.f.kəm'pʌlʃəna) u (force, duress) coacción fb) c ( obsession) compulsión f[kǝm'pʌlʃǝn]N1) (=urge) compulsión f2) (=force)under compulsion — a la fuerza, bajo coacción
* * *[kəm'pʌlʃən]a) u (force, duress) coacción fb) c ( obsession) compulsión f -
9 compulsion
noun(also Psych.) Zwang, der* * *(compelling or being compelled: You are under no compulsion to go.) der Zwang- academic.ru/14907/compulsory">compulsory- compulsorily* * *com·pul·sion[kəmˈpʌlʃən]n no pl▪ to have a \compulsion [to do sth] den Drang haben[, etw zu tun]driven by some kind of inner \compulsion von einem inneren Zwang getriebenunder \compulsion unter Druck [o Zwang]don't feel under any \compulsion to take me with you Sie brauchen sich nicht verpflichtet zu fühlen, mich mitzunehmen* * *[kəm'pʌlSən]nZwang m, Druck m; (PSYCH) innerer Zwangunder compulsion — unter Druck or Zwang
you are under no compulsion — Sie sind nicht gezwungen, niemand zwingt Sie
* * *compulsion [kəmˈpʌlʃn] s1. Zwang m:under compulsion unter Zwang oder Druck, gezwungen, zwangsweise;be under no compulsion to do sth etwas keineswegs tun müssen2. PSYCH Zwang m, unwiderstehlicher Drang:be a compulsion with zwanghaft sein bei;compulsion neurosis Zwangsneurose f* * *noun(also Psych.) Zwang, der* * *n.Zwang ¨-e m.Zwangsläufigkeit f. -
10 compulsion
[kəm'pʌlʃn]1) (urge) impulso m.2) (force) costrizione f., coercizione f.* * *(compelling or being compelled: You are under no compulsion to go.) costrizione- compulsorily* * *compulsion /kəmˈpʌlʃn/n.3 (psic.) coazione; compulsione; pulsione.* * *[kəm'pʌlʃn]1) (urge) impulso m.2) (force) costrizione f., coercizione f. -
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[kəmˈpʌlʃən]compulsion насилие compulsion принуждение; under (или upon) compulsion вынужденный compulsion принуждение physical compulsion физическое принуждение compulsion принуждение; under (или upon) compulsion вынужденный -
13 compulsion
1. n принуждение2. n психол. непреодолимое влечение; манияcompulsion neurosis — навязчивое состояние, навязчивый невроз
Синонимический ряд:1. duress (noun) coercion; constraint; duress; duty; force; necessity; obligation; pressure; requirement; urgency; violence2. obsession (noun) drive; engrossment; fixation; hang-up; motivation; need; neurosis; obsession; preoccupation; prepossession; urgeАнтонимический ряд: -
14 compulsion
kəmˈpʌlʃən сущ. принуждение, насилие under compulsion upon compulsion принуждение;
- to act under * действовать по принуждению( психологическое) непреодолимое влечение;
- * neurosis (медицина) навязчивое состояние, навязчивый невроз;
- to act under * быть не в состоянии бороться с собой compulsion насилие ~ принуждение;
under (или upon) compulsion вынужденный ~ принуждение physical ~ физическое принуждение ~ принуждение;
under (или upon) compulsion вынужденныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > compulsion
15 compulsion
n- concealed forms of compulsionto act under / upon compulsion — действовать по принуждению
- economic compulsion -
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1. принуждение, принуда, натиск
under COMPULSION по принуда, под натиск
2. псих. натрапчив/непреодолим импулс* * *{kъm'p^lshn} n 1. принуждение, принуда; натиск; under compulsion по* * *принуда; принуждение; насилие;* * *1. under compulsion по принуда, под натиск 2. принуждение, принуда, натиск 3. псих. натрапчив/непреодолим импулс* * *compulsion[kəm´pʌlʃən] n 1. принуждаване, принуда; насилие; under ( upon) \compulsion по принуда, под натиск, под давление; 2. псих. натрапчив (непреодолим) импулс. -
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18 compulsion
com·pul·sion [kəmʼpʌlʃən] nto have a \compulsion [to do sth] den Drang haben[, etw zu tun];driven by some kind of inner \compulsion von einem inneren Zwang getriebenunder \compulsion unter Druck [o Zwang];don't feel under any \compulsion to take me with you Sie brauchen sich nicht verpflichtet zu fühlen, mich mitzunehmen -
19 compulsion
[kəmʹpʌlʃ(ə)n] n1. принуждениеto act under /upon/ compulsion - действовать по принуждению
2. психол. непреодолимое влечение; манияcompulsion neurosis - мед. навязчивое состояние, навязчивый невроз
20 compulsion
(compelling or being compelled: You are under no compulsion to go.) obrigação- compulsorily* * *com.pul.sion[kəmp'∧lʃən] n compulsão, coerção, coação, obrigação. under compulsion, upon compulsion sob coação, à força.
См. также в других словарях:
compulsion — [ kɔ̃pylsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1298; lat. compulsio 1 ♦ Dr. Vx Contrainte. 2 ♦ (de l angl.) Psychol., psychan. Impossibilité de ne pas accomplir un acte, lorsque ce non accomplissement est générateur d angoisse, de culpabilité. ● compulsion nom féminin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Compulsión — Compulsión: Es un término usado en psicoanálisis que define a un sujeto aparentemente sano que presenta una conducta adictiva u obsesiva irresistible ante una determinada situación subyugante. Contenido 1 Compulsión por el Hobby 2 Compulsión por… … Wikipedia Español
compulsion — com·pul·sion /kəm pəl shən/ n 1: an act of compelling (as by threat or intimidation); specif: coercion a payment exacted by lawless compulsion E. A. Farnsworth and W. F. Young 2: the state of being compelled; specif … Law dictionary
Compulsion — may refer to: Compulsive behavior, a psychological condition in which a person does a behavior compulsively, having an overwhelming feeling that they must do so Obsessive compulsive disorder, a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts… … Wikipedia
Compulsion — Com*pul sion, n. [L. compulsio. See {Compel}.] The act of compelling, or the state of being compelled; the act of driving or urging by force or by physical or moral constraint; subjection to force. [1913 Webster] If reasons were as plentiful as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
compulsión — Impulso irresistible, repetitivo e irracional para realizar un acto que por lo general es contrario a los propios juicios y valores, de tal forma que produce una ansiedad extrema si no se efectúa. Un tipo de compulsión es la compulsión repetitiva … Diccionario médico
compulsión — 1. ‘Impulso o necesidad irresistible de hacer algo’: «Él tenía una incomprensible compulsión a subirse a todos los árboles» (Puga Silencio [Méx. 1987]). No debe confundirse con convulsión (‘sacudida o agitación violenta’; → convulsión, 1). 2 … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
compulsion — early 15c., from M.Fr. compulsion, from L. compulsionem (nom. compulsio) a driving, urging, noun of action from pp. stem of compellere compel (see COMPEL (Cf. compel)). Psychological sense is from 1909 in A.A. Brill s translation of Freud s… … Etymology dictionary
compulsión — sustantivo femenino 1. Área: psicología Tendencia obsesiva a la repetición de determinadas acciones: Este chico está muy mal, se porta según la compulsión que lo domine. 2. Área: derecho Obligación de hacer algo, por mandato de una autoridad… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
compulsion — coercion, constraint, duress, *force, violence, restraint Analogous words: impelling or impulsion, driving or drive (see corresponding verbs at MOVE): pressure, *stress: necessity, exigency, *need Contrasted words: persuasion, inducement (see… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
compulsion — [n] drive, obligation coercion, constraint, demand, drive, driving, duress, duty, engrossment, exigency, force, hang up, have on the brain*, monkey*, necessity, need, obsession, preoccupation, prepossession, pressure, tiger by the tail*, urge,… … New thesaurus