1 compulsion
nпримус, примушування, присилування* * *n1) примус2) пcиx. непереборний потяг; маніяcompulsion neurosis — мeд. нав'язливий стан, нав'язливий невроз
2 compulsion
n1) примус2) пcиx. непереборний потяг; маніяcompulsion neurosis — мeд. нав'язливий стан, нав'язливий невроз
См. также в других словарях:
compulsion neurosis — noun : obsessive compulsive neurosis * * * compulsion neurosis noun A disorder in which the patient suffers from compulsions and/or obsessions, depression, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑compulsion * * * compulsion neurosis, = obsessional neurosis. (Cf.… … Useful english dictionary
compulsion neurosis — obsessive compulsive disorder … Medical dictionary
compulsion — early 15c., from M.Fr. compulsion, from L. compulsionem (nom. compulsio) a driving, urging, noun of action from pp. stem of compellere compel (see COMPEL (Cf. compel)). Psychological sense is from 1909 in A.A. Brill s translation of Freud s… … Etymology dictionary
neurosis — Synonyms and related words: abulia, accident neurosis, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, arteriosclerotic psychosis, association neurosis, battle fatigue, blast neurosis, brain disease, certifiability, combat fatigue, compensation neurosis,… … Moby Thesaurus
neurosis — [n] mental disturbance, disorder aberration, abnormality, affliction, breakdown, compulsion, crack up*, derangement, deviation, hysteria, inhibition, insanity, instability, madness, maladjustment, mental illness, neurasthenia, obsession,… … New thesaurus
Compulsión de repetición — La compulsión de repetición o, simplemente, repetición es un concepto que Sigmund Freud definió para intentar dar un fundamento al impulso de los seres humanos a repetir actos, pensamientos, sueños, juegos, escenas o situaciones desagradables o… … Wikipedia Español
neurosis — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. nervous or mental disorder, illness, sickness, or disease; psychoneurosis, melancholia, nervous breakdown; phobia, mania, obsession, compulsion, hypochondria; psychosis, insanity.See fear. II (Roget s … English dictionary for students
neurosis — n psychoneurosis, mental illness, psychological or emotional disorder, mental disturbance, emotional instability, mental derangement, psychopathy; sickness, ailment, malady, affliction, disease; abnormality, abnormal condition, irregularity,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
obsessional neurosis — noun : an obsessive compulsive neurosis in which obsessive thinking predominates with little need to perform compulsive acts * * * obsessional neurosis, a neurosis in which a person is obsessed with one idea or emotion, or compulsively repeats… … Useful english dictionary
Freudian Interpretations of Obsession and Compulsion — (from 1896) Aside from hysteria, obsession and compulsion constituted the core psychoneuroses (symptoms having an unconscious mechanism) that psychoanalysis sought to explain. Freud first articulated his concept of obsessional neurosis… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
hypochondria — Synonyms and related words: abstraction, abulia, accident neurosis, alienation, anxiety, anxiety equivalent, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxiety state, apathy, association neurosis, battle fatigue, blast neurosis, cachexia, cachexy,… … Moby Thesaurus