1 compromise agreement
Дипломатический термин: компромиссное соглашение -
2 compromise agreement
3 compromise agreement
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > compromise agreement
4 compromise agreement
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > compromise agreement
5 compromise agreement
компромиссное соглашение (в отношении спора о налогообложении)English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > compromise agreement
6 compromise
1. nкомпромисс; соглашение сторон (особ. перед третейским судьёй)2. v1) пойти на компромисс или соглашение3) ставить под угрозу (положение и т.п.) -
7 agreement
n1) соглашение, договор; контракт2) согласие; договоренность•to abide by the terms of an agreement — соблюдать / выполнять условия соглашения, придерживаться условий соглашения
to adhere to an agreement — выполнять / соблюдать соглашение, придерживаться условий соглашения
to announce a measure of agreement with smb — объявлять о достижении определенной степени согласия / договоренности с кем-л.
to arrive at / to attain an agreement — приходить к соглашению, достигать соглашения
to be in agreement with smb about smth — соглашаться с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.; быть единого мнения с кем-л. о чем-л.
to be in contravention of an agreement — противоречить соглашению / условиям соглашения
to breach / to break an agreement — нарушать соглашение
to enter into an agreement — заключать соглашение / договор
to extend an agreement — продлевать срок действия соглашения, пролонгировать соглашение
to find oneself in full agreement about smth — обнаруживать полное единство взглядов по какому-л. вопросу
to go back on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, отказываться от выполнения соглашения
to leave the agreement in tatters — перен. не оставить камня на камне от соглашения
to observe an agreement — соблюдать соглашение; выполнять условия соглашения
to obstruct progress towards an agreement — препятствовать достижению соглашения; затруднять достижение соглашения
to pave the way towards further agreements — открывать путь к заключению / достижению новых соглашений
to reach agreement on smth — достигать согласия / договариваться по какому-л. вопросу
to renege on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, уклоняться от выполнения соглашения
to repudiate an agreement — отвергать соглашение, отказываться от ранее заключенного соглашения
to review / to revoke an agreement — пересматривать соглашение
to sabotage an agreement — срывать / саботировать выполнение соглашения
to secure an agreement — добиваться соглашения, обеспечивать заключение соглашения
to seek an agreement — 1) добиваться заключения соглашения 2) добиваться согласия / договоренности
to stipulate smth by an agreement — обуславливать что-л. соглашением
to submit an agreement to the government for endorsement — предоставлять текст соглашения на утверждение правительства
to thwart / to torpedo an agreement — срывать выполнение соглашения
- agreement fell flatto wreck an agreement — срывать соглашение, мешать заключению соглашения
- agreement has broken down
- agreement has come into operation
- agreement in force
- agreement in principle
- agreement is effective
- agreement is in danger of collapse
- agreement is in force
- agreement is subject to approval by the General Assembly
- agreement is to come into effect on August 20
- agreement is unlikely to stock
- agreement is up for renewal
- agreement on a framework of withdrawal
- agreement on a partial pullout of troops
- agreement on all points
- agreement on limiting nuclear weapons
- agreement under negotiation
- agreement will hold
- agreement worth $...
- agreements of wages, hours and working conditions
- allied agreements
- arbitration agreement
- architect of an agreement
- armistice agreement
- arms agreement
- arms control agreement
- as a precursor to any kind of an agreement
- as part of the agreement
- avoidance of an agreement
- back-to-work agreement
- barter agreement
- basic agreement
- behind-the-scenes agreement
- bilateral agreement
- binding agreement
- branch agreements
- breach of the peace agreement
- broad agreement
- by mutual agreement
- cartel agreement
- cease-fire agreement
- clearing agreement
- collective agreement
- commercial agreement
- commodity agreement
- compensation agreement
- complete agreement on all major items
- comprehensive agreement
- compromise agreement
- conclusion of an agreement
- consensus agreement
- consular agreement
- contractual agreement
- conventional arms agreement
- cooperation agreement
- credit agreements
- cultural exchange agreement
- currency-credit agreements
- current agreement
- disarmament agreement
- disengagement agreement
- draft agreement
- durable agreement
- duration of an agreement
- economic agreement
- enslaving agreement
- enthralling agreement
- entry of an agreement into force
- equal party to the agreement
- equitable agreement
- executive agreement
- expiration of an agreement
- face-saving agreement
- far-reaching agreement
- fettering agreement
- final agreement
- final print of an agreement
- financial agreement
- foreign investment agreement
- formal agreement
- Four-Power Agreement on West Berlin
- framework agreement
- free trade agreement
- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
- general agreement
- Geneva Agreements
- gentleman's agreement
- historic agreement
- immigration agreement
- impediment to an agreement
- in accordance with the agreement achieved
- in circumvention of the agreement
- in conformity with the terms of agreements
- in contravention of the agreement
- in line with the agreement
- in the absence of a special agreement
- in the wake of the agreement
- inconsistent with the agreement
- indemnification agreement
- inequitable agreement
- INF Agreement
- informal agreement
- initial agreement
- installment agreement
- instalment agreement
- interagency agreement
- interdepartmental agreement
- intergovernmental agreement
- interim agreement
- interlocking set of agreements
- Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement
- international agreement
- international fisheries agreement
- interstate agreement
- labor agreement
- landmark agreement
- large measure of agreement between...
- last-in-first-out redundancy agreement
- last-minute agreement
- lend-lease agreement
- license agreement
- licensing agreement
- long-awaited agreement
- long-term agreement
- major agreement
- marketing agreement
- market-sharing agreement
- measure of agreement between smb
- military agreement
- military-political agreement
- model agreement
- monetary agreement
- multilateral agreement
- multipartite agreement
- multipurpose international agreement
- mutual agreement
- national agreement
- nonaggression agreement
- nonattack agreement
- nonbelligerency agreement
- noncompliance with the agreement
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- no-strike agreement
- observance of the agreement
- on the brink of an agreement
- on the verge of an agreement
- onerous agreement
- on-site monitoring agreement
- outline agreement
- overall agreement
- package agreement
- patent agreement
- payments agreement
- peace agreement
- pending the coming into force of the agreement
- permanent agreement
- personal training agreement
- political agreement
- power-sharing agreement
- preliminary agreement
- procedural agreement
- progress toward a concerted agreement
- progress toward mutually acceptable agreement
- prolongation of an agreement
- prospect of an agreement
- provided by the agreement
- provision of an agreement
- provisional agreement
- quadripartite agreement
- reciprocal agreement
- regional agreement
- repatriation agreement
- safeguards agreement
- scientific and technical cooperation agreement
- search for a generally acceptable agreement
- secret agreement
- separate agreement
- short-term agreement
- show-piece of an agreement
- signs for agreement
- solid agreement
- solvent feature of the agreement
- special agreement
- special service agreement
- specific agreement
- standstill agreement
- starting-point of an agreement
- stipulated by the following article of the agreement
- strike-free agreement
- subject of an agreement
- subject to agreement
- subsidiary agreement
- substantive agreement
- superpower agreement
- tacit agreement
- tariff agreement
- technical agreement
- tentative agreement
- termination of agreement - trade and credit agreement
- trade and economic agreement
- trade-and-payments agreement
- tripartite agreement
- troop-withdrawal agreement
- trusteeship agreement
- umbrella agreement
- under the agreement
- unequal agreement
- unratified agreement
- unspoken agreement
- UN-sponsored agreement
- unwritten agreement
- verbal agreement
- verifiable agreement
- viable agreement
- voluntary price restraint agreement
- wide-ranging agreements
- working agreement
- written agreement
- zero-zero agreement -
8 agreement
1) соглашение; договор; контракт•The agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto. — Настоящий договор имеет обязательную юридическую силу в отношении и в пользу всех договаривающихся сторон.
9 compromise
1. n компромисс; соглашение сторонmaking a compromise — идущий на компромисс; компромисс
2. n нечто среднее3. n компрометация4. a компромиссный5. a компрометирующий6. v пойти на компромисс или соглашение7. v компрометировать8. v ставить под угрозуСинонимический ряд:1. agreement (noun) agreement; arbitration; bargain; concession; covenant; give-and-take; mediation; negotiation; settlement; terms; understanding2. composition (noun) composition3. finding a middle course (noun) bargaining; finding a middle course; give and take; granting concessions; rapprochement; reconciliation; trade-off; truce4. adjust (verb) adjust; agree; concede; yield5. find a middle ground (verb) arbitrate; bargain; come to terms; conciliate; find a middle ground; make a deal; negotiate; take to arbitration6. jeopardize (verb) discredit; endanger; hazard; imperil; implicate; jeopard; jeopardise; jeopardize; jeopardy; menace; peril; risk; tarnish one's image7. strike a balance (verb) find a happy medium; give in; hedge; make concessions; meet halfway; placate; strike a balanceАнтонимический ряд:assure; disagreement; dispute; maintain -
10 agreement
1. n соглашение, договор2. n согласие; договорённость3. n грам. согласование4. n спец. согласие, совпадениеСинонимический ряд:1. accordance (noun) accordance; conformance; conformation; correspondence; tallying2. conformity (noun) chime; coherence; concordance; concurrence; conformity; consensus; consonance; harmony; peace; proportion; rapport; tune; unanimity3. consent (noun) acceptance; acquiescence; assent; consent; nod4. contract (noun) accord; arrangement; bargain; bond; compact; compromise; concord; contract; convention; covenant; deal; pact; settlement; transaction; treaty; understandingАнтонимический ряд:disagreement; parole; promise -
11 Compromise and Release
Юридический термин: Соглашение об урегулировании дела (то же что и Claims Disposition Agreement)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Compromise and Release
12 Claims Disposition Agreement
Юридический термин: Соглашение об урегулировании требования (то же что и Compromise and Release), Соглашение об урегулировании делаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Claims Disposition Agreement
13 make such settlement, compromise or other agreement as he considers expedient
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make such settlement, compromise or other agreement as he considers expedient
14 компромисс
м. compromise;
пойти на ~ make* a compromise;
~ный compromise attr. ;
~ное решение, соглашение compromise agreement.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > компромисс
15 settlement
1. n заселение; колонизация2. n поселение, колония3. n ист. сеттльмент4. n редк. посёлок5. n урегулирование; соглашениеsettlement of a dispute — урегулирование спорного вопроса; разрешение спора
6. n расчёт, расплата, уплата7. n юр. акт распоряжения имуществом8. n юр. акт установления доверительной собственности9. n юр. учреждение семейной собственности10. n юр. благотворительное учреждение11. n юр. оседание; осадка12. n юр. редк. брак, женитьбаСинонимический ряд:1. agreement (noun) agreement; arrangement; compact; conclusion; confirmation; contract; covenant; decision; determination; resolution; solution2. colonization (noun) colonization; founding; peopling; settling3. colony (noun) camp; colony; community; encampment; establishment; foundation; new town; plantation; village4. compromise (noun) compromise; give-and-take5. habitation (noun) habitation; inhabitancy; inhabitation; occupancy; occupation; residence6. reimbursement (noun) adjustment; clearance; compensation; payment; payoff; quittance; recompense; reimbursement; release; remuneration; satisfaction of a claimАнтонимический ряд: -
16 text
n1) текст; редакция2) оригинал, подлинник• -
17 accommodation
1. n приспособление2. n амер. часто приют, пристанище; стол и ночлег; помещениеaccommodation allowance — квартирное пособие, квартирные
wanted accommodation for a married couple with small children in London — супруги с маленькими детьми снимут дом или квартиру в Лондоне
hotel accommodation was scarce — в гостиницах свободных мест не было, почти все гостиницы были забиты
sleeping accommodation — ночлег; спальное место, постель
3. n расквартирование войск4. n амер. местоsitting accommodation — сидячее место; сидячая плацкарта
5. n согласование; примирение; разрешение спораto come to an accommodation — договориться; прийти к компромиссу
6. n удобство7. n оказание услуг8. n психол. адаптация, аккомодация; притирка9. n амер. ссуда10. n мор. расположение кают11. n физиол. аккомодацияСинонимический ряд:1. adjustment (noun) adaptation; adjustment; conformation2. compromise (noun) agreement; compromise; reconciliation; settlement3. service (noun) aid; benevolence; comfort; convenience; ease; kindness; luxury; service -
18 composition
1. n составление, построение; соединение2. n сочинениеhe played a piano sonata of his own composition — он сыграл фортепианную сонату своего собственного сочинения
3. n грам. производство, составление сложных слов4. n полигр. набор5. n музыкальное сочинение, произведение; литературное произведение; произведение изобразительного искусства6. n школьное, учебное сочинениеyour composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes — сочинение у вас хорошее, если не считать нескольких орфографических ошибок
7. n курс литературной композиции8. n композиция9. n склад10. n состав, структураcomposition of capital — состав капитала; структура капитала
11. n спорт. состав команды12. n агрегат; составные части13. n соглашение о перемирии или о прекращении военных действий14. n юр. компромиссное соглашение должника с кредиторомСинонимический ряд:1. arrangement (noun) agreement; arrangement; beauty; consonance; form; harmony; proportion; proportion of line and mass; symmetry2. article (noun) article; essay; paper; theme3. compromise (noun) compromise4. creation (noun) conception; creation; designing; fashioning; formulation; innovation; invention; origination; shaping5. makeup (noun) architecture; configuration; constitution; construction; design; formation; makeup6. organization (noun) combination; consistency; distribution; incorporation; integration; organisation; organization; relation; synthesis; union7. work (noun) etude; opus; piece; production; work8. work of art (noun) exposition; fiction; literature; novel; poetry; symphony; work of art9. writing (noun) creative writing; grammar; instrumentation; literary style; prose; rhetoric; songwriting; style; writing -
19 accommodation
жилье имя существительное: -
20 arrangement
1. n приведение в порядок; расположение в определённом порядке, расстановка, классификация, систематизация2. n договорённость, соглашение3. n ком. договорённость между должником и кредиторами о льготах по обязательствам на основании компромиссного соглашения4. n разрешение; урегулирование5. n меры, мероприятия; приготовленияto make arrangements — принимать меры ; делать приготовления
6. n компоновка, составлениеthe art of flower arrangement — искусство составления букетов, икебана
7. n композицияthere were some beautiful arrangements at the flower-show — на цветочной выставке были прекрасные композиции
8. n переделка, приспособление9. n муз. аранжировка10. n тех. монтаж11. n спец. компоновка; схема расположения, планировкаСинонимический ряд:1. agreement (noun) accord; agreement; bargain; pact; understanding2. orchestration (noun) adaptation; instrumentation; orchestration3. order (noun) classification; disposal; disposition; distribution; formation; grouping; layout; line-up; method; order; ordering; organisation; organization; sequence; system4. settlement (noun) adjustment; combination; composition; compromise; design; pattern; settlement
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
compromise agreement — index composition (agreement in bankruptcy) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 compromise agreement … Law dictionary
Compromise agreement — In the United Kingdom, a compromise agreement is a specific type of contract, regulated by statute, between an employer and its employee (or ex employee) under which the employee receives a negotiated financial sum in exchange for agreeing that… … Wikipedia
compromise agreement — agreement which contains some desires of both sides, conciliatory agreement … English contemporary dictionary
COMPROMISE — (Heb. פְּשָׁרָה, pesharah; apparently derived from the term pesher, solution, Eccles. 8:1), deciding a civil law dispute (dinei mamonot) by the court or an arbitral body, through the exercise of their discretion and not according to the laws… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
compromise — com·pro·mise 1 n: an agreement resolving differences by mutual concessions esp. to prevent or end a lawsuit compromise 2 vb mised, mis·ing vt: to resolve or dispose of by a compromise cases in which a dispute is compromised E. A. Farnsworth and W … Law dictionary
agreement — [[t]əgri͟ːmənt[/t]] ♦♦ agreements 1) N COUNT: oft N to inf, N prep An agreement is a formal decision about future action which is made by two or more countries, groups, or people. It looks as though a compromise agreement has now been reached...… … English dictionary
compromise and settlement — A compromise agreement followed by the performance of the promises contained in the agreement. 15 Am J2d Compr § 1 … Ballentine's law dictionary
agreement — a‧gree‧ment [əˈgriːmənt] noun [countable] 1. an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people or organizations: • Under the agreement, the company will distribute our products in North America. • What happens if the warring… … Financial and business terms
agreement — agree·ment n 1 a: the act or fact of agreeing by mutual agreement b: unity of opinion, understanding, or intent; esp: the mutual assent of contracting parties to the same terms if they reach agreement ◇ Under common law, agreement is a necessary… … Law dictionary
Compromise — Com pro*mise, n. [F. compromis, fr. L. compromissum a mutual promise to abide by the decision of an arbiter, fr. compromittere to make such a promise; com + promittere to promise. See {Promise}.] 1. A mutual agreement to refer matters in dispute… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Compromise (in Canon Law) — • In a general sense, a mutual promise or contract of two parties in controversy to refer their differences to the decision of arbitrators Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Compromise (in Canon Law) Compromise … Catholic encyclopedia