1 compressive phase
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > compressive phase
2 resistance
1) сопротивление; сопротивляемость; прочность (см. тж
strength.)2) стойкость, устойчивость3) эл. (активное) сопротивление4) резистор•resistance in waves — сопротивление ( судна) при ходе на волнении;resistance to case — сопротивление относительно корпуса, сопротивление относительно земли;resistance to corrosion fatigue — коррозионно-усталостная прочность;resistance to pit corrosion — сопротивление питтинговой коррозии;resistance to poisoning — стойкость ( катализатора) к отравлению;-
abrasion resistance
abrasive wear resistance
abrasive resistance
ac resistance
acid resistance
acoustic resistance
active resistance
aerodynamic resistance
aging resistance
air resistance
alkali resistance
antenna resistance
antiinterference resistance
apparent resistance
appendages resistance
arc resistance
armature resistance
ascent resistance
asynchronous resistance
back resistance
bacterial resistance
balancing resistance
ballast resistance
bare-hull resistance
barrier-layer resistance
bearing resistance
bending resistance
bleeder resistance
block resistance
blocking resistance
body resistance
bond resistance
booster resistance
bossing resistance
brake resistance
branch resistance
brittle fracture resistance
brush resistance
buckling resistance
bulk resistance
burden resistance
calibrating resistance
calm-water resistance
cathode-interface layer resistance
cathode-interface resistance
channel resistance
charging resistance
chemical resistance
climbing resistance
cohesive resistance
coil resistance
cold resistance
collapse resistance
commutation wear resistance
compressive resistance
concussion resistance
contact pressure resistance
contact resistance
corona resistance
corrosion resistance
coupling resistance
crack growth resistance
crack initiation resistance
crack resistance
creep resistance
criticalbuild-up resistance
crushing resistance
cubic resistance
curving resistance
cutting resistance
dark resistance
dc copper resistance
dc resistance
dead resistance
decoupling resistance
deep-water resistance
devitrification resistance
dielectric resistance
differential resistance
diffusion resistance
dirtiness resistance
discharge resistance
displacement resistance
distributed resistance
drag resistance
dynamic resistance
earth-connection resistance
eddy-making resistance
eddy resistance
edge tearing resistance
effective resistance
elastic resistance
electrical resistance
electrode resistance
electrolytic resistance
end resistance
environmental resistance
equivalent resistance
erosion resistance
erosive wear resistance
etch resistance
fatigue resistance
fault resistance
field resistance
field-coil resistance
filament resistance
fire resistance
flange resistance
flat crush resistance
flexing resistance
flexural resistance
flow resistance
folding resistance
footing resistance
forward resistance
fracture extension resistance
frame resistance
free rolling resistance
freeze resistance
freeze-thaw resistance
freezing resistance
friction heat resistance
frost resistance
fungus resistance
glass attack resistance
go-and-return resistance
grease hardening resistance
head resistance
heat resistance
heat-transfer resistance
hf resistance
hot-corrosion resistance
hot-tear resistance
humidity resistance
hydraulic resistance
hydrodynamic resistance
ice resistance
impact resistance
impulse resistance
incremental resistance
indentation resistance
induced resistance
input resistance
insertion resistance
insulation resistance
interface-layer resistance
interface resistance
intergranular corrosion resistance
internal resistance
intrinsic corrosion resistance
ionic resistance
joint resistance
junction resistance
lateral resistance
leakage resistance
light resistance
linear resistance
load resistance
locomotive resistance
loop resistance
loss resistance
low-frequency resistance
lumped resistance
magnetic resistance
mass-transfer resistance
mechanical resistance
mildew fungus resistance
mildew resistance
moisture resistance
momentum resistance
motional resistance
naked-hull resistance
negative phase-sequence resistance
negative sequence resistance
negative resistance
net train resistance
neutral resistance
noise resistance
nonlinear resistance
normal resistance of superconductor
off resistance
ohmic resistance
oil resistance
on resistance
optimum linearizing load resistance
outflow resistance
output resistance
overall resistance
oxidation resistance
parallel resistance
parasitie resistance
peeling resistance
picking resistance
plug resistance
positive phase-sequence resistance
positive sequence resistance
pressure resistance
preventive resistance
puncture resistance
pure resistance
radiation resistance
radio-frequency resistance
rail resistance
rated resistance
rated zero-power resistance
real resistance
reduced resistance
relative wear resistance
replica resistance
residual resistance
resonant resistance
reverse resistance
rf resistance
rolling resistance
roughness resistance
rough-water resistance
rub resistance
running resistance
sag resistance
salt resistance
scale resistance
score resistance
seismic resistance
separation resistance
series resistance
setup resistance
shearing resistance
sheet resistance
shock resistance
shrink resistance
shunt resistance
shunt-breaking resistance
skid resistance
skirt contact resistance
slag resistance
sliding resistance
slip resistance
small-signal resistance
snag resistance
source resistance
spalling resistance
specific magnetic resistance
specific resistance
spray resistance
spring resistance
stain resistance
standard resistance
starting resistance
static resistance
streamline-flow resistance
stress crack resistance
structure-footing resistance
support resistance
surface resistance
surge resistance
switching wear resistance
switch-off resistance
switch-on resistance
takeoff resistance
tear resistance
temperature resistance
terminal resistance
thermal contact resistance
thermal resistance
thermal shock resistance
tire rolling resistance
tool wear resistance
torsional resistance
total resistance
towing resistance
tracking resistance
traction resistance
train resistance
train shunt resistance
transient resistance
true resistance
turning resistance
twisting resistance
ultimate resistance
vapor resistance
variable resistance
viscous resistance
voltage-dependent resistance
volume resistance
vortex resistance
wake traverse resistance
water resistance
water-contact resistance
wave resistance
wave-breaking resistance
wave-forming resistance
wear resistance
weather resistance
wet skid resistance
wetting resistance
white-rust resistance
wind resistance
wrinkle resistance
yield resistance
zero phase-sequence resistance
zero-power resistance -
3 force
1. сила; усилие/ прикладывать усилие/ силовой2. вынуждать3. форсировать4. персонал < предприятия>5. (войсковое) соединение; части и соединения; подразделенияforce at the hubforce due to pitchingforce due to rollingforce on the pitch controlforce per unit lengthforces due to aerodynamic hinge moments1/rev forceacceleration forceaccelerative forceactuating forceactuator forceaerobatic forcesaerodynamic forceaft stick forceair forceairborne early warning forceairframe forceairframe aerodynamic forceantiautorotational forceapplied forceaxial forcebackward rotated forcebalancing forceballoon's supporting forcebending forcebody axis aerodynamic forcesbraking forcebreak-out forcebuffet onset normal forcebuffeting forcebuoyant forcecancellation forcecarrier forcecarrier forcescentrifugal forcecentripetal forcechordwise forcescirculatory forcecombined test forcecompressive forceconcentrated forceconstraint forcecontact forcecontrol forcecontrol feel forcecontroller forcecontrolling forceCoriolis forcecornering forcecrack driving forcecross-stream forcecrush forcedamper forcedamper spring forcedamping forcedeceleration forcedecelerative forcedestabilizing forcedissipative forcesdisturbance forcedownward forcedrag forceEBO forceejection forceejection forceselastic forceembarked forceexciting forceexhaust forceseye balls out forcefield forcefinite forcefracture forcefriction forcefrictional forceG forcegeneralized forceground contact forcegyroscopic forcehub shear forceimpact forceimpulsive forcein-flight tanker forcein-phase forceinertia forceinertial forceinlet forcesin-plane forceinput forceinteraction forceinterface forcelateral forcelateral stick forcelateral-directional forcesleading-edge suction forcelift forcelongitudinal forcelongitudinal stick forcemaneuver forcemass forcemembrane forcemodal forcesnet forcenormal forcenormal-to-path forcesonce-per-revolution forceoscillatory forceout-of-phase forceoverall forcepedal forceperturbation forcespitch forcepitch stick forcepoint forcepower plant forcespressure forcespropelling forcepropulsion forcepropulsive forcepushing forceradial drag forceredundant forcesrepulsive forcerestoring forceresultant forceretarding forceretroactive forceroot mean square forcerotational forcerotor forcerotor forcesrotor head forcesrudder pedal forceseagoing air forcessection forceshear forceside forcespring forcestability axis aerodynamic forcesstick forcestick force per gstick force per inchstick force to trimstretching forcesuckdown forcesuction forcesurface forcetail forcetask forcetension forcethrust forcetorque forcetransverse forcetransverse shearing forcetrim forceV/STOL air forcevibration forcesvibratory forcesvirtual forcevortex forcevortex-induced forcevortical forcewind forcesyaw forceyawing force -
4 hardening
1) твердение, отверждение2) повышение прочности, упрочнение3) закалка4) дубление, задубливание6) закаливание ( мороженого)7) застывание ( студня)8) черствение ( хлеба)9) текст. свойлачивание•-
age hardening
air hardening
anisotropic hardening
autogenous hardening
bainitic hardening
beam hardening
bench hardening
box hardening
broken hardening
bulk oil hardening
case hardening
chill hardening
cloud burst hardening
cluster hardening
cold work hardening
compressive hardening
concrete hardening
continuous hardening
contour hardening
controlled hardening
cyanide case hardening
cyanide hardening
deep hardening
die hardening
dispersion hardening
elastic-plastic strain hardening
electric hardening
electrochemical hardening
electrolytic heating hardening
electron-beam hardening
flame hardening
full hardening
gas flame hardening
graduated hardening
grain boundary hardening
grain size hardening
heat hardening
induction surface hardening
intermittent surface hardening
interstitial hardening
isotropic hardening
kinematic hardening
laser hardening
linear hardening
localized flame hardening
martensitic hardening
mechanical hardening
metal-bath hardening
metal hardening
negative hardening
nitride hardening
nuclear hardening
order hardening
peen hardening
phase hardening
plain hardening
precipitation hardening
quench hardening
radiation hardening
scale-free hardening
self-tempering hardening
shock hardening
short-range hardening
simple hardening
strain age hardening
strain hardening
substitutional solution hardening
superlattice hardening
surface hardening
temper hardening
tensile hardening
transformation hardening
water hardening
work hardening -
5 range
2) зона; область3) амплитуда, размах ( колебаний) || колебаться в пределах4) вчт. семейство; множество значений; область значений6) дальность [радиус\] действия7) геофиз. дистанция9) ряд || располагать в ряд10) строит. ряд кладки12) мор. створ13) класс || классифицировать; систематизировать15) полигон16) направление17) (кухонная) плита18) экол. ареал, область обитания19) геод. провешивать линию20) простираться; иметь указанную дальность действия•to adjust over a limited range — регулировать в ограниченных пределах;to extend flight range — увеличивать дальность полёта;to extend the measurement range — расширять диапазон [пределы\] измерений-
normal oreing range
adhesive tack range
adjustment range
aileron range
aircraft capacity range
aircraft operational range
aircraft range
altitude range
angle-of-attack range
angular range
annealing range
annual range
antenna range
aperture range
austenitic range
ball center range
blind range
blue brittle temperature range
blue brittle range
boiling range
boring range
built-in range
calibration range
capacitance range
capacity range
capture range
carrier-frequency range
category temperature range
center of gravity range
centralized traffic control range
close-to-critical range
comfort range
compressive shrinking range
contrast range
control range
cooling range
correction range
counter range
coupling range
cruising range
day visibility range
delivery range
detection range
devitrification range
diaphragm range
direct-reading range
discrete range
distillation range
diurnal range
dynamic range
ecological range
effective range
elastic range of stress
elastic unloading range
electrical range
electronic tuning range
enlargement range
entrance range
environmental range
error range
excursion range
expanded range
exposure range
extended range
extreme range
ferritic range
ferry range
film dynamic range
firing range
flight service range
flight visual range
flow temperature range
flying range
focal length variation range
focusing range
forecast range
freak range
free spectral range
freezing range
frequency range
frequency tuning range
fuel explosive range
fuel range
fusion range
gasoline range
glass-forming range
glass-transition range
gripping range
ground range
hardening range
head range
hold-in range
holding range
horizontal range
hydraulic fluid temperature range
ignition range
indication range
inflammability range
input range
input voltage range
instrument range
interlocking range
intermediate range
intrinsic range
legitimate range
linear range
line-of-sight range
lock-in range
locking range
lock-on range
lug speed range
luminance range
machining range
magnification range
mapping range
martensite decomposition range
mass range
measurement range
mechanical tuning range
melting range
meteorological optical range
meter range
movement range
multitrack range
nighttime visual range
night visual range
number range
oblique visual range
omnidirectional range
on-scale range
operating free-air temperature range
operating pressure range
operating range
operating temperature range
operating voltage range
operative range
optical range
overlapping ranges
penetration range
pipe range
plastic range of stress
point size range
power range
projected range
pull-in range
radar range
radio range
range of application
range of audibility
range of definition
range of motion
range of products
range of sea level
range of sensitivity
range of stability
range of stress
range of warp knitting machine
rated frequency range
reception range
recording range
red range of temperature gage
reduction range
reference range
refrigeration range
regulating range
resistance range
rolled-products range
runway visual range
saturation range
scale range
screen range
seam-height range
setting range
shooting range
shore range
single-phase preboiling range
sintering range
slant range
slant visual range
source range
spectral range
spectral sensitivity range
speed range
stability range
steaming range
still-air flight range
strain-hardening range
stress range
suppressed-zero range
surface range
synchronization range
tapping range
target range
temperature range
thermocline range
tidal range
tolerance range
tonal range
tool offset range
torque conversion range
total range
tracking range
traffic range
transfer gears range
transmission range
travel range
trial range
tuning range
turn-off range
type size range
unambiguous range
variable range
vat pigment pad stream range
visibility range
visual range
vitrification range
volatility range
voltage range
volume range
wool scouring range
work-hardening range
working range
zoom range -
6 ratio
1. отношение2. соотношение3. пропорция4. степень5. коэффициентratio of reinforcement — процентное содержание армирующего материала
absorption ratio — коэффициент поглощения
alternating stress-density ratio — удельное знакопеременное напряжение
aspect ratio — относительное удлинение ( отношение длины волокна к его диаметру)
compression ratio — 1) коэффициент уплотнения 2) степень сжатия
compressive strength-weight ratio — удельная прочность на сжатие
contraction ratio — относительное сужение
critical fiber length-to-diameter ratio — критическое относительное удлинение волокна
density ratio — относительная плотность
dilute ratio — степень разбавления
ductility ratio — коэффициент пластичности
elastic ratio — коэффициент [показатель] упругости
elongation ratio — степень удлинения
endurance ratio — отношение предела усталости к временному сопротивлению [к пределу прочности на разрыв]
expansion ratio — 1) относительное расширение 2) коэффициент ( теплового) расширения
extrusion ratio — 1) коэффициент выдавливания 2) степень обжатия при выдавливании [экструдировании] 3) степень фильерной вытяжки
fatigue ratio — отношение предела усталости к временному сопротивлению [к пределу прочности на разрыв]
fatigue-strength-to-density ratio — удельный предел усталости
fiber-aspect ratio — относительное удлинение волокна
fiber-length-to-diameter ratio — относительное удлинение волокна
fuel-to-oxidizer ratio — соотношение горючего и окислителя
glass-to-resin ratio — соотношение стекла и смолы
heat-transfer ratio — коэффициент теплопередачи
high-strength-weight ratio — высокая удельная прочность
machinability ratio — относительная обрабатываемость резанием
mixture ratio — отношение концентраций компонентов смеси
modulus of elasticity-to-weight ratio — удельный модуль упругости
modulus-to-density ratio — удельный модуль упругости
notched-unnotched tensile ratio — показатель вязкости материала
oxidant-fuel ratio — отношение окислителя к горючему, коэффициент состава топлива
oxidizer-to-fuel ratio — отношение окислителя к горючему, коэффициент состава топлива
phase ratio — соотношение фаз
pigment-vehicle ratio — отношение пигмента к растворителю
Poisson's ratio — коэффициент Пуассона
polymer-plasticizer ratio — соотношение полимера и пластификатора
reduction ratio — коэффициент [степень] измельчения
reflux ratio — флегмовое число, коэффициент дефлегмации
reinforcement-to-matrix ratio — соотношение наполнителя и связующего
shrinkage ratio — коэффициент усадки
sieve ratio — шкала сит
slip ratio — коэффициент скольжения
solid-propellant mixture ratio — соотношение компонентов твёрдого ракетного топлива
specific heat ratio — отношение удельных теплоёмкостей, показатель адиабаты
stiffness-to-weight ratio — удельная жёсткость
strength-to-density ratio — удельная прочность
strength-to-weight ratio — удельная прочность
stretch ratio — степень растяжения, относительное удлинение
tensile strength weight ratio — удельная прочность на растяжение
thermal diffusion ratio — термодиффузионное отношение
transport ratio — коэффициент переноса
viscosity ratio — 1) отношение вязкостей 2) относительная вязкость 3) коэффициент вязкости
voids ratio — коэффициент пустотности [пористости], отношение объёма пустоты к общему объёму системы
volume ratio — 1) объёмное отношение 2) объёмная доля
yield-to-density ratio — удельный предел текучести
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > ratio
См. также в других словарях:
Phase Change Material — A phase change material (PCM) is a substance with a high heat of fusion which, melting and solidifying at a certain temperature, is capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy. Heat is absorbed or released when the material changes… … Wikipedia
Strengthening mechanisms of materials — Methods have been devised to modify the yield strength, ductility, and toughness of both crystalline and amorphous materials. These strengthening mechanisms give engineers the ability to tailor the mechanical properties of materials to suit a… … Wikipedia
Nerve guidance conduit — A nerve guidance conduit (also referred to as an artificial nerve conduit or artificial nerve graft, as opposed to an autograft) is an artificial means of guiding axonal regrowth to facilitate nerve regeneration and is one of several clinical… … Wikipedia
Ceramic matrix composite — Fracture surface of a fiber reinforced ceramic composed of SiC fibers and SiC matrix. The fiber pull out mechanism shown is the key to CMC properties … Wikipedia
Precipitation hardening — Precipitation hardening, also called age hardening, is a heat treatment technique used to increase the yield strength of malleable materials, including most structural alloys of aluminium, magnesium, nickel and titanium, and some stainless steels … Wikipedia
Eastern span replacement of the San Francisco — San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge (eastern span replacement) Artistic rendition of the new eastern span of the Bay Bridge seen from Treasure Island (ca. 2014) Official name To be determ … Wikipedia
Electrorheological fluid — Electrorheological (ER) fluids are suspensions of extremely fine non conducting particles (up to 50 micrometres diameter) in an electrically insulating fluid. The apparent viscosity of these fluids changes reversibly by an order of up to 100,000… … Wikipedia
bone — /bohn/, n., v., boned, boning, adv. n. 1. Anat., Zool. a. one of the structures composing the skeleton of a vertebrate. b. the hard connective tissue forming the substance of the skeleton of most vertebrates, composed of a collagen rich organic… … Universalium
Bône — /bohn/, n. former name of Annaba. * * * I Rigid connective tissue of vertebrates, consisting of cells embedded in a hard matrix. Bones serve as the body s supporting framework, provide muscle attachment points for movement, protect the internal… … Universalium
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Fatigue (material) — Metal fatigue redirects here. For the video game, see Metal Fatigue (disambiguation). v · d · e Materials failure modes … Wikipedia