1 compressibility effect
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > compressibility effect
2 compressibility effect
Техника: влияние сжимаемости, эффект сжимаемостиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > compressibility effect
3 compressibility effect
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > compressibility effect
4 compressibility effect
English-russian dictionary of physics > compressibility effect
5 compressibility effect
6 compressibility effect
аэрд. влияние сжимаемостиEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > compressibility effect
7 compressibility
compressibility effectэффект сжимаемости -
8 effect
1) эффект; явление2) влияние; (воз)действие || воздействовать3) результат, следствие4) производить; совершать; исполнять; осуществлять•in ground effect — в зоне влияния земли ( о полёте); с учётом влияния земли;effect of force — действие (влияние) силыeffect of loading — следствие приложения нагрузки-
abrasing effect
accordion effect
acoustoelectric effect
acoustoresistive effect
activation effect
adjacency effects
adsorption effect
Albert effect
anode effect
anticrease effect
arch effect
Auger effect
autocatalytic effect
avalanche effect
Barkhausen effect
Becquerel effect
biological effect
blackout effect
blast effect
blockage effect
border effect
boundary effect
Bragg effect
braking effect
branching effect
bulk effect
Callier effect
capillary effect
capture effect
cartooning effect
cartoon effect
caster effect
catalytic effect
cavity resonance effect
changing quality effect
channel effect
channeling effect
chilling effect
chimney effect
chugging effect
Clayden effect
climatic effect
Coanda effect
comet effect
compressibility effect
Compton effect
constant thrust effect
contrast effect
controlled cooling effect
cooling effect
corona effect
corrosive effect
coupling effect
crawling effect
crevice effect
crimping effect
cross effect
cross-magnetizing effect
crowding effect
cryoprotective effect
cushioning effect
damming effect
Debot effect
deleterious effect
Dellinger effect
Dember effect
de-skilling effect
destructive effect
detrimental effect
devastating effect
diffusion effect
digital production effect
digital special effect
digital video effect
directional effect
disordering effect
dispersion effect
dissipative effect
distance effect of damming
disturbing effect
Doppler effect
dynatron effect
echo effect
ecological effect
Ederhard's effect
Ederhard effect
edge effect
Edison effect
electrocaloric effect
electroosmotic effect
electrophonic effect
electrophoretic effect
electroviscous effect
emitter dip effect
end effect
environmental effect
Esaki effect
exposure effect
failure effect
Faraday effect
fatigue effect
feedback effect
Ferranti effect
ferroelectric effect
field effect
flicker effect
flow history effect
flue effect
force-frequency effect
fringe effect
gallery effect
galvanomagnetic effect
gap effect
gettering effect
glint effect
greenhouse effect
ground effect
Gunn effect
gyromagnetic effect
gyroscopic effect
Haas effect
Hall effect
halo effect
heat effect
Herschel effect
high-field effect
hothouse effect
hydration effect
hysteresis effect
image effect
incondensable effect
instability effect
interface effects
interference effect
interline-flicker effect
inverted barometer effect
ionic strength effect
ion strength effect
island effect
Johnson-Rahbek effect
Josephson effect
Joule effect
Joule-Thomson effect
Kelvin effect
Kerr effect
keystone effect
Kostinsky's effect
Kostinsky effect
lag effect
level quantizing effect
long-line effect
lubricating effect
magnetoelastic effect
magnetoelectric effect
magnetoresistive effect
magnetostrictive effect
magnetron effect
mass effect
microphonic effect
minimum-size effect
mirror effect
mixed alkali effect
moire effect
multiaccelerator effect
multipath effect
musical effects
net effect
nonnuclear effect
notch impact effect
nuclear effect
orange-peel effect
pairing effect
Peltier effect
photochemical effect
photochromic effect
photoconductive effect
photoelastic effect
photoelectric effect
photographic effect
photorefractive effect
photovoltaic effect
piezoelectric effect
piezomagnetic effect
piezoresistance effect
pile-up effect
pinch effect
pincushion effect
plastering effect
plastic effect
poisonous effect
polarization effect
pollution effect
posterization effect
postproduction effects
precedence effect
presence effect
printthrough effect
processing effect
promoting effect
propagation effect
protective effect
proximity effect
punch-through effect
radiation effect
ram effect
Raman effect
reciprocity effect
refrigerating effect
relief effect
remote effect
residual effect
rewet-conduction effect
rewet-precooling effect
Richardson effect
ringing effect
ripple effect
rocky-point effect
rod shadow effect
roll-over effect
Ross effect
rotary wipe effects
rotational effect
rubberlike effect
S effect
Sabattier effect
salting-in effect
salting-out effect
schlieren effect
Schottky effect
Schwarzschild effect
screening effect
Seebeck effect
selective effect
self-demagnetization effect
self-energizing effect
self-shielding effect
sensible cooling effect
shape memory effect
shattering effect
shot effect
shoulder effect
side effect
sink effect
skin effect
skin-core effect
skinning effect
slipstream effect
smearing effect
solvation effect
sound effects
space-charge effect
spacing effect
spatial defocusing effect
spill effect
spin wipe effects
split-screen effect
stack effect
Stark effect
stereo effect
stiffening effect
streaking effect
stream-line effect
stroboscopic effect
suppressing effect
surface effect
surging effect
swooping effect
synergistic effect
temperature effect
tensoresistive effect
thermal effect
thermal transpiration effect
thermoelectric effect
Thomson effect
threshold effect
time-edge effect
timeedge effect
transients effect
triboelectric effect
trick effects
tunneling effect
tunnel effect
vacancy wind effect
venetian blind effect
video mosaic effect
Villard's effect
Villard effect
Volta effect
volumetric refrigerating effect
wake effect
wall effect
wall-quenching effect
weather effect
wedging effect
white effect
Wigner effect
wipe screen effect -
9 effect
эффект, влияние; ( воз) действие; результат; pl. явления; производить, вызывать, выполнять3-D effect — пространственный [стереоскопический] эффект
come into ground effect — попадать в зону [область] влияния (близости) земли
effect of model support — влияние державки [системы подвески] модели
effect of prelaunch environment — ркт. влияние предпусковых (внешних) условий
out of ground effect — без [при отсутствии] влияния (близости) земли
structural effects of impact — прочность [поведение конструкции] при ударных нагрузках
10 effect
1. эффект; явление; результат2. влияние; действие; воздействиеaeroelastic effectsangle-of-attack effectcanard effectcompressibility effectCoriolis effectcoupled effectcross-coupling effectdamping effectdestabilizing effectdihedral effectdirect lift effectdownload effectejector effectEMP effectsend effectenvironmental effectfountain effectfull-power effectg-dimming effectgeometrical effectsgeometry effectsgreenhouse effectground effectground induced effectgust effecthealth effecthigh-g effectshysteresis effectsin ground effectinertial effectinstallation effectinterference effectkinematic effectskink effectlift-generating effectlock-in effectMach number effectMagnus effectmicrostructural effectnegative dihedral effectnose effectnose-down effectout of ground effectperturbing effectpower effectspropeller effectrecirculation effectReynolds number effectroot effectscale effectsink effectsizing effectslipstream effectssmoothing effectsoftening effectspill-over effectstabilizing effectstall effectssuck-down effectsurface effectthermal effectthrust-induced effectstip effecttransonic effectstrim effectsunmodeled effectsviscous effectsvortex effectsvortex-induced effectsweather effectswing sweep effectwinglet effects -
11 effect
adverse effectнеблагоприятное влияниеair cushion effectэффект воздушной подушкиblanketing effectаэродинамическое затенениеboundary-layer effectвлияние пограничного слояcompressibility effectэффект сжимаемостиcone effect areaзона конусного эффектаconstant thrust effectэффект постоянной тягиcrosswind effectвлияние бокового ветраdistortion effectэффект искаженияDoppler effectэффект Доплераduration of noise effectпродолжительность воздействия шумаedge effectграничный эффектeffect adversely the strengthнарушать прочность(напр. фюзеляжа) effected by accelerationпод влиянием ускоренияeffect on an aircraftвлиять на состояние воздушного суднаeffect on flight characteristicsвлиять на летные характеристикиeffect on operating safetyвлиять на безопасность полетовfluid snubbing effectэффект гидравлического торможенияforward speed effectэффект скорости поступательного движенияgravity effectвлияние силы тяжестиground effectвлияние близости землиground effect takeoffвзлет с использованием влияния землиground reflection effectвлияние отражения от поверхности землиheat shield effectэффект теплового экранаhovering in the ground effectвисение в зоне влияния землиin ground effectв зоне влияния землиinteraction effectэффект взаимодействияirritating effectраздражающее воздействиеlinear effectэффект сплошной линииout of ground effectвне зоны влияния землиram effectэффект скоростного напораslipstream effectвлияние спутной струи от воздушного винтаslot effectщелевой эффектsonic boom effectвоздействие звукового удараspread effectэффект разбросаwake effectвлияние спутной струиweather effectатмосферное влияниеwind effectветровая нагрузка -
12 effect
— in ground effect -
13 compressibility [compressible] effect
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > compressibility [compressible] effect
14 the effect of the compressibility of the medium was discussed in
Математика: влияние сжимаемости среды было обсуждено вУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > the effect of the compressibility of the medium was discussed in
15 эффект сжимаемости
compressibility [compressible] effectБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > эффект сжимаемости
16 adiabatic
адиабатический; термодинамический процесс, который осуществляется в системе без теплообмена с внешним миром- adiabatic approximation - adiabatic calorimeter - adiabatic capture - adiabatic change - adiabatic compressibility - adiabatic compression - adiabatic compression heating - adiabatic condition - adiabatic connection - adiabatic contraction - adiabatic cooling - adiabatic curing - adiabatic curve - adiabatic damping - adiabatic deformation - adiabatic demagnetization - adiabatic density fluctuations - adiabatic dielectric constant - adiabatic differential calorimetry - adiabatic diffusion - adiabatic effect - adiabatic elasticity coefficient - adiabatic engine - adiabatic equilibrium - adiabatic evaporation - adiabatic expansion - adiabatic exponent - adiabatic extraction - adiabatic flow - adiabatic Hall coefficient - adiabatic heat drop - adiabatic heat exchange - adiabatic heating - adiabatic humidity gradient - adiabatic insulation - adiabatically isolated system - adiabatic law - adiabatic line - adiabatic magnetic trap - adiabatic parameter - adiabatic process - adiabatic throttling - adiabatic transformation - adiabatic tube - adiabatic wall temperature -
17 shock
удар; толчок; сотрясение; скачок уплотнения; ударная волна; II сотрясаться- shock absorber body - shock absorber bracket - shock absorber contracts - shock absorber cord - shock absorber cushions shocks - shock-absorber drill - shock absorber extends - shock absorber friction disk - shock absorber lever - shock absorber link - shock absorber liquid - shock absorber operates on hydraulic action - shock absorber packing gland - shock absorber serves to cushion - shock absorber shaft - shock absorber spring - shock absorber strap - shock-absorbing capacity - shock-absorbing connection - shock-absorbing coupler - shock absorbing device - shock absorbing fixtures - shock-absorbing jib - shock absorbing mounting - shock-absorbing rubber pad - shock-absorbing rubber sole - shock-absorbing skid block - shock absorption - shock acceleration - shock-and-vibration machine - shock-and-vibration - shock angle - shock characteristic - shock coagulation - shock compressibility - shock compression - shock-compression parameters - shock concrete - shock current - shock damage - shock diffraction - shock diffuser - shock drive - shock effect - shock excitation - shock-excited oscillation - shock-excited oscillator - shock-expansion field - shock-free - shock-free entry - shock-free flow - shock-free vibration machine - shock front - shock-generating body - shock guard - shock hardening - shock hauler - shock hazard - shock heating - shock-induced cracking - shock-induced separation - shock-initiated ignition - shock isolator - shock layer - shock line - shock loading - shock loss - shock losses - shock motion - shock-mounted - shock peening - shock pick-up - shock pressure - shock-proof steering - shock-proof thermocouple - shock-proof - shock proofness - shock propagation - shock-protected - shock pulse - shock rating - shock resistance - shock resistant - shock-resistant vibration-suppressing drill collar - shock-resisting steel - shock-sensitive - shock sensitivity - shock sensor - shock-separated flow - shock spectrum - shock sphere - shock spring - shock-stalling speed - shock-stalling - shock strength - shock stress - shock-strut diffuser - shock strut impact travel - shock strut piston - shock strut - shock sub - shock surface - shock table - shock tool - shock tube - shock velocity - shock-vibrating machining - shock vibration - shock voltage - shock-wave attenuation - shock wave compaction - shock wave compression - shock-wave cone - shock-wave decay - shock-wave discontinuity - shock-wave disturbance - shock-wave drag - shock-wave drill - shock-wave drilling - shock-wave dynamics - shock-wave envelope - shock wave front - shock-wave generator - shock-wave heating - shock wave intensity - shock-wave intersection - shock-wave intersection point - shock wave junction - shock-wave pattern - shock wave propagation - shock-wave pumping - shock wave reflection - shock wave refraction - shock-wave shadow - shock wave stability - shock wave strength - shock-wave structure - shock-wave system - shock wave - shock wave thickness - shock-wave tunnel - shock wave velocity -
18 influence
влияние, воздействие; см. тж. effect (s)
См. также в других словарях:
compressibility effect — The sudden increase in the total drag of an airfoil in transonic flight caused by formation of a shock wave on the surface … Aviation dictionary
compressibility effect — noun : any of the effects (as abrupt changes in control characteristics) that result from changes in the flow field about an airplane when the velocity at some point in the field reaches the local speed of sound and the air ceases to behave as an … Useful english dictionary
compressibility error — An error in the airspeed indicator, which presumes that the air is incompressible. However, air is compressible and the higher the speed, the higher pressure it will indicate. An ASI (airspeed indicator) overreads because of the compressibility… … Aviation dictionary
Compressibility — This article is about thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. For other uses, see Compression (disambiguation). Incompressibility redirects here. For the property of vector fields, see Solenoidal vector field. Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Compressibility factor — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
scale-altitude effect — An error in the air speed indicator at the speeds where the effects of compressibility start. At these high speeds, an air speed indicator overreads as if it were at a lower altitude. Another name for compressibility error … Aviation dictionary
impact pressure — i. The pressure of a moving fluid brought to rest that is in excess of the pressure the fluid has when it does not flow (i.e., total pressure less static pressure). Impact pressure is equal to dynamic pressure in an incompressible flow, but, in a … Aviation dictionary
maximum speed — The maximum TAS (true air speed) that can be obtained in a steady level flight irrespective of altitude. The maximum level speed is attained at a point where the power available and the power required curves intersect. There may be some other… … Aviation dictionary
Gas — This article is about the physical properties of gas as a state of matter. For the uses of gases, and other meanings, see Gas (disambiguation). Ga … Wikipedia
Lockheed P-38 Lightning — P 38 redirects here. For other uses, see P 38 (disambiguation). P 38 Lightning P 38H 5 LO, AAF Ser. No. 4 … Wikipedia
fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… … Universalium