1 compound pistil
1) Биология: пестик из нескольких сросшихся карпелей2) Макаров: синкарпный пестик -
2 compound pistil
3 pistil
pistil пестикapocarpous pistil пестик из одной карпелиcompound pistil пестик из нескольких сросшихся карпелейdolichostylous pistil пестик с удлинённым столбикомsimple pistil пестик из одной карпелиsyncarpous pistil пестик из нескольких сросшихся карпелейEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > pistil
4 pistil
5 simple
1. n собир. простой люд; беднота2. n простой человек; бедняк3. n простак, недотёпа4. n составляющее, ингредиент, составная часть, элемент5. a простой, нетрудный, несложный6. a несоставной, простой, с простой структурой; неразложимый7. a скромный, незатейливый, незамысловатый; непритязательный8. a простодушный, бесхитростный, наивный; искреннийto transmute a simple romantic narrative into a prose poem — сделать из бесхитростного романтического рассказа стихотворение в прозе
9. a простоватый, глуповатый, недалёкий10. a придурковатый11. a рядовой; простой12. a сущий, чистый; явный, очевидный13. a тех. простейший14. a мат. простой, элементарныйsimple debt — простой долг, долг из договора не за печатью
simple statement — простое утверждение; простой оператор
15. a геол. однородный16. a биол. контролируемый одним геномСинонимический ряд:1. asinine (adj.) asinine; brainless; dense; fatuous; foolish; ignorant; inane; insensate; mindless; nitwitted; senseless; shallow; sheepheaded; silly; soft; spoony; stupid; unintelligent; unwitty; weak-headed; weak-minded; witless2. clear (adj.) clear; intelligible; lucid; understandable; unmistakable3. customary (adj.) common; customary; ordinary; usual4. easy (adj.) easy; effortless; facile; light; royal; smooth; untroublesome5. informal (adj.) informal; unceremonious; unpretentious6. mean (adj.) humble; lowly; mean; undistinguished7. natural (adj.) artless; guileless; humble; inartificial; ingenuous; innocent; naive; natural; neat; simplehearted; sincere; unaffected; unartful; unartificial; unassuming; unschooled; unsophisticated; unstudied; untutored; unworldly8. plain (adj.) bald; discreet; dry; homely; inelaborate; modest; plain; unadorned; unbeautified; undecorated; unelaborate; unembellished; unembroidered; ungarnished; unornamented; unostentatious; unpretentious; unvarnished9. pure (adj.) absolute; perfect; pure; pure and simple; sheer; unadulterated; unalloyed; undiluted; unmitigated; unmixed; unqualified10. retarded (adj.) backward; dim-witted; dull; feebleminded; half-witted; imbecile; moronic; quarter-witted; retarded; simpleminded; slow; slow-witted11. uncomplicated (adj.) bare; elementary; mere; mild; rudimentary; simplex; simplistic; uncomplicated12. unimportant (adj.) immaterial; inconsequential; insignificant; nonessential; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unnecessary13. fool (noun) butt; chump; dupe; easy mark; fall guy; fish; fool; gudgeon; gull; mark; monkey; patsy; pigeon; sap; saphead; sucker; victimАнтонимический ряд:artful; artificial; complex; complicated; compound; connected; designing; difficult; double; elaborate; embellished; exacting; fancy; intelligent; worldly
См. также в других словарях:
compound pistil — noun consists of two or more fused carpels • Hypernyms: ↑pistil * * * noun : a pistil formed by the union of two or more carpels … Useful english dictionary
pistil — /pis tl/, n. Bot. 1. the ovule bearing or seed bearing female organ of a flower, consisting when complete of ovary, style, and stigma. See diag. under flower. 2. such organs collectively, where there are more than one in a flower. 3. a gynoecium … Universalium
Pistil — Pis til, n. [L. pistillum, pistillus, a pestle: cf. F. pistil. See {Pestle}.] (Bot.) The seed bearing organ of a flower. It consists of an ovary, containing the ovules or rudimentary seeds, and a stigma, which is commonly raised on an elongated… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gynoecium — A gynoecium (from Ancient Greek gyne , woman ) is the female reproductive part of a flower. The male counterpart is called an androecium . A gynoecium is composed of one or more pistils. A pistil may consist of a single free carpel, or be formed… … Wikipedia
Glossary of plant morphology terms — Biologists that study plant morphology use a number of different terms to describe plant organs and parts that can be observed with the human eye using no more than a hand held magnifying lens. These terms are used to identify and classify plants … Wikipedia
List of plant morphology terms — Biologists that study plant morphology use a number of different terms to describe plant organs and parts that can be observed with the human eye using no more than a hand held magnifying lens. These terms are used to identify and classify plants … Wikipedia
Flower — A flower, also known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with… … Wikipedia
carpel — carpellary /kahr peuh ler ee/, adj. /kahr peuhl/, n. Bot. a simple pistil, or a single member of a compound pistil. [1810 20; < NL carpellum, equiv. to Gk karp(ós) fruit + L ellum dim. suffix] * * * One of the leaflike, seed bearing structures… … Universalium
carpel — [kär′pəl] n. [ModL dim. < Gr karpos, fruit: see HARVEST] 1. a simple pistil, regarded as a single ovule bearing leaf or modified leaflike structure 2. any of the segments of a compound pistil, usually having a single stigma: See PISTIL… … English World dictionary
Bignoniaceae — Trumpet Creeper family Bigleaf Black Calabash (Amphitecna macrophylla) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Carpel — Car pel (k[aum]r p[e^]l), ||Carpellum Car*pel lum ( p[e^]l l[u^]m), n. [NL. carpellum, fr. Gr. karpo s fruit.] (Bot.) A simple pistil or single celled ovary or seed vessel, or one of the parts of a compound pistil, ovary, or seed vessel. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English