1 complex values constant
комплексная константаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > complex values constant
2 complex (values) constant
Вычислительная техника: комплексная константаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > complex (values) constant
3 complex (values )constant
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > complex (values )constant
4 complex (values )constant
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > complex (values )constant
5 constant
константа, постоянная величина; постоянный коэффициент || постоянный; неизменный- address constant
- arbitrary constant
- block constant
- character constant
- complex values constant
- complex constant
- constant of integration
- constant of inversion
- constant of proportionality
- contiguous constant
- C-type constant
- decay time constant
- decay constant
- decimal constant
- deffered constant
- dielectric constant
- diffusion constant
- distributed constants
- figurative constant
- floating-point constant
- grouped constant
- instructional constant
- integer constant
- Kerr constant
- label constant
- layout constant
- literal constant
- logical constant
- long constant
- named constant
- noncontiguous constant
- numerical constant
- numeric constant
- P-type constant
- real constant
- statement label constant
- structural constant
- structured constant
- system constant
- time constant
- transfer constant
- X-type constant
- Y-type constant
- Z-type constantEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > constant
6 complex constant
1) Техника: комплексная константа2) Вычислительная техника: (values) комплексная константа -
7 method
метод; процедура; способ- antithetic variate method - average ordinate method - average range method - binary search method - conjugate directions method - conjugate gradient method - control chart method - conventional milling method - correlation function method - decision function method - differential control method - Feynman diagram method - first approximation method - gradient projection method - iterative method - large sample method - large sieve method - least-squares regression method - less than fully efficient method - linearly implicit method - method of adjoint gradient - method of algebraic addition - method of alternating directions - method of balanced blocks - method of complex numbers - method of confidence intervals - method of conformal mappings - method of conjugate directions - method of conjugate gradients - method of cyclic descent - method of detached coefficients - method of disjunction of cases - method of divided differences - method of electrical images - method of elimination of quantifiers - method of empty ball - method of extreme values - method of false position - method of feasible directions - method of finite differences - method of first approximation - method of first entrance - method of fitting constants - method of fixed points - method of full enumeration - method of generating functions - method of geometric exhaustion - method of indefinite coefficients - method of infinite descent - method of interval bisection - method of least absolute values - method of least distance - method of least likelihood - method of maximum likelihood - method of means and standard deviations - method of medians and extreme values - method of minimal change - method of minimal variance - method of mirror reflections - method of moving frame - method of multiple comparison - method of orthogonal projections - method of paired associates - method of paired comparisons - method of phase integrals - method of projecting cones - method of proportional parts - method of rotating factors - method of semantic tableaux - method of separation of variables - method of simulaneous displacements - method of stationary phase - method of statistical differentials - method of statistical inference - method of steep variations - method of steepest ascent - method of stochastic approximation - method of straightforward iteration - method of successive displacements - method of successive divisions - method of successive elimination - method of transfinite induction - method of unweighted means - method of variable differences - method of variation of parameters - method of weighted residuals - optimum method - parallel tangents method - precision method - random walk method - recursive method - reduced gradient method - reflected wave method - relative method of measurement - sampling method by variables - statistical sampling method - steepest descent method - time average method -
8 space
1) интервал, промежуток2) пробел || оставлять пробелы3) область; площадь4) пространство || пространственный5) космос, космическое пространство6) полость7) расстояние•- absolutely compact space - absolutely embedded space - absolutely thick space - algebraically parallel space - almost complex space - almost expandable space - almost isomorphic space - almost metric space - almost nonsingular space - almost paracompact space - almost pretopological space - analytically ramified covering space - arcwise connected space - centrally harmonic space - compactly ordered space - completely continuous space - completely degenerate space - completely disconnected space - completely harmonic space - completely metric space - completely normal space - completely reducible space - completely regular space - completely reticulated space - completely separable space - completely separated space - completely symmetric space - completely uniformizable space - constant curvature space - continuous sample space - continuously ordered space - contractible in itself space - countably compactifiable space - countably dimensional space - countably generated space - countably infinite space - countably metacompact space - countably multinormed space - countably normed space - countably paracompact space - countably refinable space - countably subcompact space - finitely productive space - finitely sheeted space - finitely triangulated space - fully normal space - general metrizable space - general topological space - global analytic space - globally symmetric space - hereditarily normal space - hereditarily paracompact space - hereditarily separable space - hereditarily symmetric space - holomorphic tangent space - holomorphically complete space - holomorphically convex space - homotopy associative space - iterated loop space - linearly connected space - linearly ordered space - linearly topologized space - load space - locally bounded space - locally closed space - locally compact space - locally complete space - locally connected space - locally contractible space - locally convex space - locally directed space - locally fine space - locally holomorphic space - locally homogeneous space - locally hyperbolic space - locally linear space - locally metrizable space - locally ringed space - locally separable space - locally simply connected space - locally solid space - locally spherical space - locally star-shaped space - locally symmetric space - locally timelike space - locally triangulable space - monotonically normal space - naturally isomorphic space - naturally ordered space - naturally reductive space - nearly paracompact space - negative metric space - normally separated space - not simply connected space - nowhere connected space - null space of linear transformation - n-way projective space - perfectly normal space - perfectly regular space - perfectly screenable space - perfectly separable space - peripherically bicompact space - peripherically compact space - pointwise paracompact space - projectively metric space - quaternion hyperbolic space - quaternion projective space - quaternion vector space - regularly ordered space - relatively discrete space - relatively strong space - sequentially closed space - sequentially compact space - sequentially complete space - sequentially quasicomplete space - sequentially separable space - simply ordered space - simply partitionable space - space of affine connectedness - space of complex homomorphisms - space of continuous functions - space of finite measure - space of linear interpolation - space of right cosets - space of scalar curvature - strongly bounded space - strongly closed space - strongly compact space - strongly complete space - strongly irreducible space - strongly normal space - strongly normed space - strongly paracompact space - strongly pseudocompact space - strongly pseudometrizable space - strongly rigid space - strongly screenable space - structural space - structure space - topologically complete space - totally disconnected space - totally geodesic space - totally imperfect space - totally normal space - totally orderable space - totally ordered space - water jacket space - weakly closed space - weakly compact space - weakly complete space - weakly covering space - weakly dense space - weakly favorable space - weakly n-dimensional space - weakly paracompact space - weakly regular space - weakly separable space - weakly symmetric spaceto space out — полигр. набирать вразрядку
9 field
1) поле || полевой2) магн. наряжённость поля3) участок; область5) полигр. фон; грунт6) горн. прииск; месторождение7) горн. промысел || промысловый8) матем. тело; поле10) полевой; эксплуатационный•- algebraically complete field - axisymmetric field - base field - basic field - completely valuated field - field of algebraic numbers - fully ordered field - fully ramified field - gross field - guiding magnetic field - linear transformation field - locally compact ultrametric field - locally finite field - purely unseparable field - strictly monotone field - strongly isomorphic field - topologized algebraic field - totally imaginary field - totally ramified field - totally real fieldfield with a valuation — поле с оценкой, поле с нормой; метризованное поле
10 field
1) поле (1. физическое поле (напр. электромагнитное) 2. величина, характеризующая физическое поле 3. (открытое) пространство; область; зона 4. тлв вчт полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой) 5. вчт поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 6. вчт обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 7. вчт кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения 8. сфера деятельности; область интересов) || полевой; относящийся к полю2) опт. поле зрения4) рлк карта местности ( на экране индикатора)5) полигон6) поле боя (напр. в компьютерных играх)•- fields of atom
- field of complex numbers
- field of events
- field of force
- field of functions
- field of order N-
- field of quotients
- field of relations
- field of search
- field of selection
- field of values
- field of view
- field of vision
- field without sources
- field without vortices
- field with sources
- field with vortices
- Abelian field
- ac field
- accelerating field
- acoustoelectric field
- address field
- affine field
- aiding drift field
- alphanumeric field
- alternate fields
- alternating-gradient field
- angular field of view
- anisotropy field
- antenna field
- aperture field
- applied field
- authentication field
- auxiliary field
- avalanche field
- axial field
- backscattered field
- backward field
- base field
- base sweeping field
- bias magnetic field
- biasing magnetic field
- biomagnetic fields
- bit field
- block information field
- blue field
- breakdown field
- built-in field
- calculated field
- canonical field
- card field
- caustic field
- central field
- chain field
- character field
- charge-separation field
- chiral field
- circuital field
- coercive field
- collapse field
- color field
- compressing field
- computed field
- confining field
- conservative field
- constant field
- containing field
- control field
- Coulomb field
- countable field
- counterrotating field
- coupled fields
- critical field
- CRC field
- crossed fields
- crystal field
- crystal lattice field
- crystalline field
- curl field
- curling field
- cusped magnetic field
- cutoff field
- cyclic redundancy check field
- cylinder number field
- data field
- dc field
- decelerating field
- deflection field
- degaussing field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- diffracted field
- dipole field
- dipole sound field
- display field
- disturbed field
- disturbing field
- domain erasing field
- domain nucleation field
- drift field
- dynamic field
- dynamic threshold field
- E-field
- Earth's electric field
- Earth's magnetic field
- edge diffracted field
- effective field
- effective field of magnetic anisotropy
- electric field
- electromagnetic field
- electrostatic field
- EM field
- emit field
- entrance field
- equilibrium field
- erasure field
- even field
- evoked magnetic fields of brain
- exchange field
- extension field
- external field
- extraneous field
- far field
- far-radiated field
- far-scattered field
- far-zone field
- Fermat field
- file field
- finite field
- first field
- first critical field
- fixed-length field
- flag field
- focusing field
- force-free magnetic field
- forward field
- frame number field
- Fraunhofer field
- free field
- free-space field
- Fresnel field
- fringing field
- fringing field of junction
- frozen field
- gage field
- Galois field
- Galois field pn
- gate-to-drain field
- geometrical optics field
- gradient field
- gravitational field
- green field
- guide field
- guiding field
- H-field
- halaxy magnetic field
- Hall field
- Hall electric field
- harmonic field
- head number field
- heating field
- heating electric field
- helical field
- heliotron magnetic field
- high-frequency field
- holographically reconstructed field
- homogeneous field
- hyperfine field
- I-field
- ID field
- identifier field
- illuminating field
- impressed field
- incident field
- inducing field
- induction field
- infinite field
- information field
- inhomogeneous field
- in-plane field
- instruction field
- integer field
- interlaced field
- internal field
- interplanetary magnetic field
- irrotational field
- jack field
- junction field
- Kerr field
- key field
- label field
- lamellar field
- laser field
- lateral field
- leakage field
- local field
- localized field
- local receptive field
- macroscopic field
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields of eye
- magnetic bias field
- magnetic mirror field
- magnetization reversal field
- magnetizing field
- magnetostatic field
- magnetron critical field
- maximum permeability field
- Mersenne field
- message field
- microscopic field
- mirror field
- modulating field
- modulation field
- molecular field
- monochromatic field
- multibeam field
- multidimensional field
- near field
- near-zone field
- noise field
- noncircuital field
- nonstationary field
- nonuniform field
- normal-mode field
- nucleation field
- numeric field
- nutation field
- object field
- odd field
- orderable field
- ordered field
- operand field
- operation field
- particle switching field
- penumbra field
- periodic field
- perpendicular critical field
- perturbed field
- physical optics field
- piezoelectric field
- polarization field
- poloidal field
- potential field
- primary color field
- prime field
- privilege field
- proper field
- protected field
- pseudoscalar field
- pump field
- pumping field
- punched-card field
- quadrupolar field
- quadrupolar field with X neutral point
- quadrupolar field with X -type neutral point
- quantum field
- quasi-potential field
- quotent field
- radial field
- radiated field
- radiation field
- radio-frequency field
- radio influence field
- reactive field
- receptive field
- reconstructed field
- red field
- rediffracted field
- reference field
- reflected field
- repeating field
- reradiated field
- residual field
- residue class field
- resonance field
- retarding field
- RF field
- rotating field
- rotational field
- satellite's field of view
- scalar field
- scattered field
- second field
- second critical field
- sector number field
- seed field
- self-consistent field
- shadow field
- shaping field
- signal field
- skipped field
- solenoidal field
- sort field
- sound field
- source field
- source-to-drain field
- space-charge field
- spinor field
- spontaneous magnetic fields of brain
- starting field
- static field
- stationary field
- stochastic field
- stray field
- superposed field
- surface superconducting field
- sweeping field
- switching field
- symbol field
- tag field
- television field
- tensor field
- thermal field
- thermal radiation field
- third critical field
- threshold field
- topological field
- transient field
- transition field
- trapped field
- traveling field
- tunneling field
- two-turn field
- uniform field
- unit electric field
- unperturbed field
- vanishing field
- variable field
- variable-length field
- variant field
- vector field
- visual field
- vortex field
- wall creation field
- wave field
- waveguide field
- write field
- zero-approximation field -
11 field
1) поле (1. физическое поле (напр. электромагнитное) 2. величина, характеризующая физическое поле 3. (открытое) пространство; область: зона 4. тлв.; вчт. полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой) 5. вчт. поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 6. вчт. обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 7. вчт. кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения 8. сфера деятельности; область интересов) || полевой; относящийся к полю2) опт. поле зрения4) рлк. карта местности ( на экране индикатора)5) полигон6) поле боя (напр. в компьютерных играх)•- ac field
- accelerating field
- acoustoelectric field
- address field
- affine field
- aiding drift field
- alphanumeric field
- alternate fields
- alternating-gradient field
- angular field of view
- anisotropy field
- antenna field
- aperture field
- applied field
- authentication field
- auxiliary field
- avalanche field
- axial field
- backscattered field
- backward field
- base field
- base sweeping field
- bias magnetic field
- biasing magnetic field
- biomagnetic fields
- bit field
- block information field
- blue field
- breakdown field
- built-in field
- calculated field
- canonical field
- card field
- caustic field
- central field
- chain field
- character field
- charge-separation field
- chiral field
- circuital field
- coercive field
- collapse field
- color field
- compressing field
- computed field
- confining field
- conservative field
- constant field
- containing field
- control field
- Coulomb field
- countable field
- counterrotating field
- coupled fields
- CRC field
- critical field
- crossed fields
- crystal field
- crystal lattice field
- crystalline field
- curl field
- curling field
- cusped magnetic field
- cutoff field
- cyclic redundancy check field
- cylinder number field
- data field
- dc field
- decelerating field
- deflection field
- degaussing field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- diffracted field
- dipole field
- dipole sound field
- display field
- disturbed field
- disturbing field
- domain erasing field
- domain nucleation field
- drift field
- dynamic field
- dynamic threshold field
- E field
- Earth's electric field
- Earth's magnetic field
- edge diffracted field
- effective field of magnetic anisotropy
- effective field
- electric field
- electromagnetic field
- electrostatic field
- EM field
- emit field
- entrance field
- equilibrium field
- erasure field
- even field
- evoked magnetic fields of brain
- exchange field
- extension field
- external field
- extraneous field
- far field
- far-radiated field
- far-scattered field
- far-zone field
- Fermat field
- field of algebraic numbers
- field of complex numbers
- field of events
- field of force
- field of functions
- field of order N
- field of quotients
- field of relations
- field of search
- field of selection
- field of values
- field of view
- field of vision
- field with sources
- field with vortices
- field without sources
- field without vortices
- fields of atom
- file field
- finite field
- first critical field
- first field
- fixed-length field
- flag field
- focusing field
- force-free magnetic field
- forward field
- frame number field
- Fraunhofer field
- free field
- free-space field
- Fresnel field
- fringing field of junction
- fringing field
- frozen field
- gage field
- Galois field pn
- Galois field
- gate-to-drain field
- geometrical optics field
- gradient field
- gravitational field
- green field
- guide field
- guiding field
- H field
- halaxy magnetic field
- Hall electric field
- Hall field
- harmonic field
- head number field
- heating electric field
- heating field
- helical field
- heliotron magnetic field
- high-frequency field
- holographically reconstructed field
- homogeneous field
- hyperfine field
- ID field
- identifier field
- I-field
- illuminating field
- impressed field
- incident field
- inducing field
- induction field
- infinite field
- information field
- inhomogeneous field
- in-plane field
- instruction field
- integer field
- interlaced field
- internal field
- interplanetary magnetic field
- irrotational field
- jack field
- junction field
- Kerr field
- key field
- label field
- lamellar field
- laser field
- lateral field
- leakage field
- local field
- local receptive field
- localized field
- macroscopic field
- magnetic bias field
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields of eye
- magnetic mirror field
- magnetization reversal field
- magnetizing field
- magnetostatic field
- magnetron critical field
- maximum permeability field
- Mersenne field
- message field
- microscopic field
- mirror field
- modulating field
- modulation field
- molecular field
- monochromatic field
- multibeam field
- multidimensional field
- near field
- near-zone field
- noise field
- noncircuital field
- nonstationary field
- nonuniform field
- normal-mode field
- nucleation field
- numeric field
- nutation field
- object field
- odd field
- operand field
- operation field
- orderable field
- ordered field
- particle switching field
- penumbra field
- periodic field
- perpendicular critical field
- perturbed field
- physical optics field
- piezoelectric field
- polarization field
- poloidal field
- potential field
- primary color field
- prime field
- privilege field
- proper field
- protected field
- pseudoscalar field
- pump field
- pumping field
- punched-card field
- quadrupolar field with X neutral point
- quadrupolar field with X-type neutral point
- quadrupolar field
- quantum field
- quasi-potential field
- quotent field
- radial field
- radiated field
- radiation field
- radio influence field
- radio-frequency field
- reactive field
- receptive field
- reconstructed field
- red field
- rediffracted field
- reference field
- reflected field
- repeating field
- reradiated field
- residual field
- residue class field
- resonance field
- retarding field
- RF field
- rotating field
- rotational field
- satellite's field of view
- scalar field
- scattered field
- second critical field
- second field
- sector number field
- seed field
- self-consistent field
- shadow field
- shaping field
- signal field
- skipped field
- solenoidal field
- sort field
- sound field
- source field
- source-to-drain field
- space-charge field
- spinor field
- spontaneous magnetic fields of brain
- starting field
- static field
- stationary field
- stochastic field
- stray field
- superposed field
- surface superconducting field
- sweeping field
- switching field
- symbol field
- tag field
- television field
- tensor field
- thermal field
- thermal radiation field
- third critical field
- threshold field
- topological field
- transient field
- transition field
- trapped field
- traveling field
- tunneling field
- two-turn field
- uniform field
- unit electric field
- unperturbed field
- vanishing field - variant field
- vector field
- visual field
- vortex field
- wall creation field
- wave field
- waveguide field
- write field
- zero-approximation fieldThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > field
12 number
1) число || числовой2) номер || нумеровать3) код числа4) количество5) колонцифра6) численность || считать, подсчитывать, исчислять8) числительное•a great number of — множество, большое количество
a number of — (целый) ряд, некоторое количество
- absolutely pseudoprime number - connectivity number - deficient number - edge attachment number - edge covering number - edge sensitivity number - expected sample number - general recursively irrational number - geodesic crossing number - integer number - integral number - internal stability number - international customer number - mass exchange number - mixed-radix number - Mohs hardness number - number of principal cotype - number of space dimensions - octonary number - one-digit number - one-figure number - one's complement number - rectilinear crossing number - recursively real number - serial number - Shore hardness number - strictly positive number - vertex covering numberwinding number of a curve with respect to the point — порядок кривой относительно точки (число оборотов вектора, соединяющего данную точку с точкой кривой при обходе кривой)
13 value
1) величина; значение; показатель2) ценность; стоимость3) нормировать4) цена || ценить; оценивать5) расценивать6) ценностный•equal in absolute value — мат. равный по модулю
spread in values — мат. разброс значений
- arithmetical mean value - average absolute value - average overall subsampling value - deficien value - high heating value - highly significant value - left invariant mean value - most probable value - nontrivial absolute value - optimum valueto possess [to take on] value — мат. принимать значение
- pH value- preset value - tabular value -
14 effects of the electric arc inside switchgear and controlgear assemblу
- действие электрической дуги, возникающей внутри НКУ распределения и управления
действие электрической дуги, возникающей внутри НКУ распределения и управления
[Интент]Параллельные тексты EN-RU
Effects of the electric arc inside switchgear and controlgear assemblies
In the proximity of the main boards, i.e. in the proximity of big electrical machines, such as transformers or generators, the short-circuit power is high and consequently also the energy associated with the electrical arc due to a fault is high.
Without going into complex mathematical descriptions of this phenomenon, the first instants of arc formation inside a cubicle can be schematized in 4 phases:
1. compression phase: in this phase the volume of the air where the arc develops is overheated owing to the continuous release of energy; due to convection and radiation the remaining volume of air inside the cubicle warms up; initially there are temperature and pressure values different from one zone to another;
2. expansion phase: from the first instants of internal pressure increase a hole is formed through which the overheated air begins to go out. In this phase the pressure reaches its maximum value and starts to decrease owing to the release of hot air;
3. emission phase: in this phase, due to the continuous contribution of energy by the arc, nearly all the air is forced out under a soft and almost constant overpressure;
4. thermal phase: after the expulsion of the air, the temperature inside the switchgear reaches almost that of the electrical arc, thus beginning this final phase which lasts till the arc is quenched, when all the metals and the insulating materials coming into contact undergo erosion with production of gases, fumes and molten material particles.
Should the electrical arc occur in open configurations, some of the described phases could not be present or could have less effect; however, there shall be a pressure wave and a rise in the temperature of the zones surrounding the arc.
Being in the proximity of an electrical arc is quite dangerous; here are some data to understand how dangerous it is:
• pressure: at a distance of 60 cm from an electrical arc associated with a 20 kA arcing fault a person can be subject to a force of 225 kg; moreover, the sudden pressure wave may cause permanent injuries to the eardrum;
• arc temperatures: about 7000-8000 °C;
• sound: electrical arc sound levels can reach 160 db, a shotgun blast only 130 db.
[ABB]Действие электрической дуги, возникающей внутри НКУ распределения и управления
Короткое замыкание вблизи больших силовых устройств, таких как трансформаторы или генераторы имеет очень большую мощность. Поэтому энергия электрической дуги, возникшей в результате короткого замыкания, очень большая.
Не вдаваясь в сложное математическое описание данного явления, можно сказать, что первые мгновения формирования дуги внутри шкафа можно упрощенно разделить на четыре этапа:
1. Этап сжатия: на этом этапе объем воздуха, в котором происходит зарождение дуги перегревается вследствие непрерывного высвобождения энергии. За счет конвекции и излучения оставшийся объем воздуха внутри шкафа нагревается. На этом начальном этапе значения температуры и давления воздуха в разных зонах НКУ разные.
2. Этап расширения: с первых мгновений внутреннее давление создает канал, через который начинается движение перегретого воздуха. На этом этапе давление достигает своего максимального значения, после чего начинает уменьшаться вследствие выхода горячего воздуха.
3. Этап эмиссии: на этом этапе вследствие непрерывного пополнения энергией дуги почти весь воздух выталкивается под действием мягкого и почти постоянного избыточного давления.
4. Термический этап: после выхлопа воздуха температура внутри НКУ почти достигает температуры электрической дуги. Так начинается заключительный этап, который длится до тех пор, пока дуга не погаснет. При этом все металлические и изоляционные материалы, вступившие в контакт с дугой, оказываются подвергнутыми эрозии с выделением газов, дыма и частиц расплавленного материала.
Если электрическая дуга возникнет в открытом НКУ, то некоторые из описанных этапов могут не присутствовать или могут иметь меньшее воздействие. Тем не менее будет иметь место воздушная волна и подъем температуры вблизи дуги.
Находиться вблизи электрической дуги довольно опасно. Ниже приведены некоторые сведения, помогающие осознать эту опасность:
• давление: На расстоянии 60 см от электрической дуги, вызванной током короткого замыкания 20 кА, человек может подвергнуться воздействию силы 225 кг. Более того, резкая волна давления может нанести тяжелую травму барабанным перепонкам;
• температура дуги: около 7000-8000 °C;
• шумовое воздействие: Уровень шумового воздействия электрической дуги может достигнуть 160 дБ (выстрел из дробовика – 130 дБ).
[Перевод Интент]Тематики
- НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > effects of the electric arc inside switchgear and controlgear assemblу
См. также в других словарях:
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