1 completion code
код завершения
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > completion code
2 completion code
character code — код знака; код символа
3 completion code
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > completion code
4 completion code
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > completion code
5 completion code
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > completion code
6 completion code
1) Техника: код завершения2) Вычислительная техника: код завершения (напр. шага задания) -
7 completion code
вчт код завершения -
8 completion code
вчт. код завершенияThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > completion code
9 completion code
код завершения (напр., шага задания)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > completion code
10 completion code
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > completion code
11 completion code
12 completion code
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > completion code
13 system completion code
Вычислительная техника: системный код завершенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > system completion code
14 user completion code
Вычислительная техника: пользовательский код завершения -
15 system completion code
English-Russian information technology > system completion code
16 completion
1. окончание, завершение2. законченный объект строительства -
17 code
1) код; система кодирования || кодировать2) программа, текст программы, код || программировать, писать программу•-
absolute code
abstract code
address code
aeronautical code
algebraic code
alphanumeric code
alphameric code
answer-back code
antipollution code
area code
arithmetic code
authentication code
automatic code
balanced code
bar code
basic code
Baudot code
BCH code
best estimate code
binary code
binary-coded decimal code
binary decimal code
biphase code
bipolar code
block code
boiler code
Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
Building code
burst-correcting code
burst-detecting code
cable code
card code
carriage return code
chain code
channel code
character code
circulant code
close-packed code
code of practice
color code
command code
compiled code
complementary code
completion code
component code
computer code
concatenated code
condition code
constant ratio code
control code
convolutional code
copy codes
cyclic code
cyclic redundancy code
decimal code
destination code
diffuse code
direct code
dot-and-dash code
double-adjacent error-correcting code
electrical code
end line code
entropy code
equal-length code
equidistant code
erroneous code
error code
error-checking code
error-correcting code
error-detecting code
escape code
excess-N code
executable code
Fibonacci code
fixed-length code
fixed-weight code
flag code
format code
function code
genetic code
Gray code
group code
Hamming code
Hanning code
Hollerith code
Huffman code
identifying code
illegal code
instruction code
interleaved code
interrogation code
inverse code
kill line code
letter code
line ignore code
linear code
machine-language code
machine code
macro code
majority-decodable code
micro code
mnemonic code
m-out-of-n code
multiple-error correcting code
new common surface code
noise aeroport code
noise code
non-return-to-zero code
NRZI code
number code
numerical code
numeric code
n-unit code
object code
offset binary code
op code
parallel code
parity-check code
part-program code
perfect code
permutation code
personality code
polynomial code
positional code
position code
precedence code
prefix code
prime-residue error-correction code
proceed code
product code
pseudo code
pseudocyclic code
pseudonoise code
pseudoternary code
quasi-cyclic code
quasi-perfect code
quaternary code
rail code
raster code
recording code
rectangular bar code
recurrent code
redundant code
Reed-Muller code
Reed-Solomon code
reflected code
relative code
residue code
return code
return-to-zero code
rubout code
run-length code
run-length-limited code
sanitary code
self-checking code
serial code
sign code
simplex code
single error-correcting code
skeletal code
skip code
SMPTE time code
source code
specific code
standard code
state code
stop code
string code
studio code
symbolic code
systematic code
termination code
ternary code
time code
tool code
track code
transmission code
transparent code
trellis code
TTS code
twinned-binary code
two-frame code
type-bar flag code
typesetting code
unit disparity code
Universal Product code
unrail code
user identification code
user code
variable-length code
Wagner code
water code
weighted code
zero-disparity code
ZIP code -
18 code
1) кода) совокупность символов или сигналов и система правил для представления информации в виде последовательности элементов такой совокупностиб) вчт программа; текст программы2) кодироватьа) представлять информацию в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт программировать3) pl вчт скрытые коды (напр. в текстовых редакторах)4) бион генетический код5) модулировать (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)7) кодекс•- absolute code
- access code
- adaptive code
- additional code
- address code
- air-to-ground liaison code
- A-law code
- Alfa code
- alphanumeric code
- alternate mark inversion code
- AMI code
- answerback code
- area code
- assembly code
- authentication code
- authorization code
- automatic code
- auxiliary code
- balanced code
- bank code
- bar code
- Barker code
- base station identity code
- Baudot code
- BCD code
- BCH code
- binary code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biorthogonal code
- bipolar code
- bipolar with N-zero substitution code
- biquinary code
- block code
- BNZS code
- boot code
- bootstrap code
- Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
- break code
- brevity code
- BT code
- burst-correcting code
- burst-detecting code
- burst-trapping code- C/A code- cable code
- cable Morse code
- call directing code
- call-station code
- capacitor color code
- card code
- carrier identification code
- chain code
- channel code
- character code
- circulant code
- close-packed code
- coarse acquisition code
- color code
- color bar code
- command code
- complementary code
- complementary Golay code
- completion code
- computer code
- computer numerical code
- concatenated code
- condensation code
- condition code
- constant-weight code
- Continental code
- control code
- convolution code
- convolutional code
- country code- cue code- cyclic code
- cyclic binary code
- decimal code
- decomposable Golay code
- dense binary code
- destination code
- device code
- diffuse code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-adjacent error-correcting code
- drawing code
- DVD regional code
- EFM code
- EIA color code
- eight-level code
- eight-to-fourteen modulation code
- elaborated code
- electrical code
- electrical safety code
- entropy code
- equal-length code
- equidistant code
- equipment manufacturer code
- error code
- error-control code - escape code
- excess-three code
- executable machine code
- extended binary-coded decimal interchange-code
- extremal code
- feedback balanced code
- fieldata code
- firewall code
- five-level code
- fixed-length code
- fixed-weight code
- format code
- four-of-eight code
- four-out-of-eight code
- fractal code
- framing code
- full frame time code
- function code
- GBT code
- generalized burst-trapping code
- genetic code - group code
- Hamming code
- hidden codes - HSF code
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano code
- ID code
- identification code
- identity code
- inheritance code
- in-line code
- instruction code
- interchange code
- interlace code
- interleaved code
- International cable code
- international Morse code - interrupt code
- inverted code
- iterative code
- jargon code
- Java code
- key code
- lead color code
- legacy code
- line code
- linear code
- lock code
- longitudinal time code
- loop code
- machine code
- macro code
- magnetic tape code
- majority-decodable code
- make code
- Manchester code
- Manchester II code
- manipulation detection code
- manufacturer code
- maximally compressed pattern recognition code
- message authentication code
- Miller code
- minimum redundance code
- mnemonic code
- mobile country code
- mobile network code
- modular code
- Moore code
- Morse code
- Morse cable code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-burst code
- mutual code
- N-address code
- N-ary code
- native code
- nonprint code
- nonreturn-to-zero code
- nonreturn-to-zero inverted code
- NRZ code
- NRZI code
- object code
- offset binary code
- on-drop frame time code
- one-level code
- open source code - P-code
- p-code
- parity code
- parity-checking code
- partial-response code
- path-invariant code
- perfect code
- permutation code
- permutation-modulation code
- pilot code
- PN code
- polynomial code
- position code
- postal code
- precision code
- predictive code
- prefix code
- primary address code
- printer-telegraph code
- printing-telegraph code
- PRN code
- progressive code
- progressive/sequential code
- pseudonoise code
- pseudorandom noise code
- pseudo-ternary code
- public code
- pulse code
- punched-card code
- punched-tape code
- punctured code
- quasi-cyclic code
- quasi-perfect code
- quaternary code
- quinbinary code
- radar code
- radar-type code
- radio paging code N 1
- randomized code
- Read-Solomon code - redundancy-reducing code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflective code
- regional code
- relocatable code
- reserved code
- residue code
- resistor color code
- restricted code
- RETMA color code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- RL code
- RMA color code
- robust code
- routing code
- run-length code
- RZ code
- salami code
- scan code
- search code
- secret code
- self-checking code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-documenting code
- self-dual code
- self-modifying code
- self-validating code
- sequential code
- servo code
- servo Gray code
- seven-unit teleprinter code
- SF code
- Shannon-Fano code
- shift codes
- short code
- signature code
- simplex code
- single-burst code
- SMPTE control code
- SMPTE time code
- source code
- spaghetti code
- specific code
- station-identification code
- stochastic code
- stop code
- straight-line code
- substitution error-correcting code
- synchronization error-correcting code
- systematic code
- systematic error-checking code
- tape code
- telegraph code
- teletype code
- teletypewriter code
- threaded code
- time code
- time address code
- time-invariant code
- transaction code - transparent code
- tree code
- trellis code
- twinned-binary code
- two-of-five code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-part code
- unbreakable code
- unipolar code
- unit disparity code
- unit-memory code - variable-length code
- variable-rate code
- Walsh code
- weighted code
- word code
- Wyner-Ash code
- zero-disparity code
- ZIP code
- zip code -
19 code
1) кода) совокупность символов или сигналов и система правил для представления информации в виде последовательности элементов такой совокупностиб) вчт. программа; текст программы2) кодироватьа) представлять информацию в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт. программировать3) pl.; вчт. скрытые коды (напр. в текстовых редакторах)4) бион. генетический код5) модулировать (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)7) кодекс•- absolute code
- access code
- adaptive code
- additional code
- address code
- air-to-ground liaison code
- A-law code
- Alfa code
- alphanumeric code
- alternate mark inversion code
- AMI code
- answerback code
- area code
- assembly code
- authentication code
- authorization code
- automatic code
- auxiliary code
- balanced code
- bank code
- bar code
- Barker code
- base station identity code
- Baudot code
- BCD code
- BCH code
- binary code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biorthogonal code
- bipolar code
- bipolar with N zero substitution code
- biquinary code
- block code
- BNZS code
- boot code
- bootstrap code
- Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
- break code
- brevity code
- BT code
- burst-correcting code
- burst-detecting code
- burst-trapping code
- C/A code
- cable code
- cable Morse code
- call directing code
- call-station code
- capacitor color code
- card code
- carrier identification code
- chain code
- channel code
- character code
- circulant code
- close-packed code
- coarse acquisition code
- color bar code
- color code
- command code
- complementary code
- complementary Golay code
- completion code
- computer code
- computer numerical code
- concatenated code
- condensation code
- condition code
- constant-weight code
- Continental code
- control code
- convolution code
- convolutional code
- country code
- cross-interleaved Read-Solomon code
- cue code
- cyclic binary code
- cyclic code
- decimal code
- decomposable Golay code
- dense binary code
- destination code
- device code
- diffuse code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-adjacent error-correcting code
- drawing code
- DVD regional code
- EFM code
- EIA color code
- eight-level code
- eight-to-fourteen modulation code
- elaborated code
- electrical code
- electrical safety code
- entropy code
- equal-length code
- equidistant code
- equipment manufacturer code
- error code
- error detection and correction code
- error-control code
- error-correcting code
- error-detecting code
- error-locating code
- escape code
- excess-three code
- executable machine code
- extended binary-coded decimal interchange code
- extremal code
- feedback balanced code
- fieldata code
- firewall code
- five-level code
- fixed-length code
- fixed-weight code
- format code
- four-of-eight code
- four-out-of-eight code
- fractal code
- framing code
- full frame time code
- function code
- GBT code
- generalized burst-trapping code
- genetic code
- Golay sequential code
- Gray code
- group code
- Hamming code
- hidden codes
- high density bipolar code
- Hollerith code
- HSF code
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano code
- ID code
- identification code
- identity code
- inheritance code
- in-line code
- instruction code
- interchange code
- interlace code
- interleaved code
- International cable code
- international Morse code
- international standard recording code
- interrogation-code
- interrupt code
- inverted code
- iterative code
- jargon code
- Java code
- key code
- lead color code
- legacy code
- line code
- linear code
- lock code
- longitudinal time code
- loop code
- machine code
- macro code
- magnetic tape code
- majority-decodable code
- make code
- Manchester code
- Manchester II code
- manipulation detection code
- manufacturer code
- maximally compressed pattern recognition code
- message authentication code
- Miller code
- minimum redundance code
- mnemonic code
- mobile country code
- mobile network code
- modular code
- Moore code
- Morse cable code
- Morse code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-burst code
- mutual code
- N-address code
- N-ary code - nonreturn-to-zero code
- nonreturn-to-zero inverted code
- NRZ code
- NRZI code
- object code
- offset binary code
- on-drop frame time code
- one-level code
- open source code
- operation code
- order code
- P code
- parity code
- parity-checking code
- partial-response code
- path-invariant code
- p-code
- perfect code
- permutation code
- permutation-modulation code
- pilot code
- PN code
- polynomial code
- position code
- postal code
- precision code
- predictive code
- prefix code
- primary address code
- printer-telegraph code
- printing-telegraph code
- PRN code
- progressive code
- progressive/sequential code
- pseudonoise code
- pseudorandom noise code
- pseudo-ternary code
- public code
- pulse code
- punched-card code
- punched-tape code
- punctured code
- quasi-cyclic code
- quasi-perfect code
- quaternary code
- quinbinary code
- radar code
- radar-type code
- radio paging code N 1
- randomized code
- Read-Solomon code
- Read-Solomon product code
- recurrent code
- redundancy-reducing code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflective code
- regional code
- relocatable code
- reserved code
- residue code
- resistor color code
- restricted code
- RETMA color code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- RL code
- RMA color code
- robust code
- routing code
- run-length code
- RZ code
- salami code
- scan code
- search code
- secret code
- self-checking code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-documenting code
- self-dual code
- self-modifying code
- self-validating code
- sequential code
- servo code
- servo Gray code
- seven-unit teleprinter code
- SF code
- Shannon-Fano code
- shift codes
- short code
- signature code
- simplex code
- single-burst code
- SMPTE control code
- SMPTE time code
- source code
- spaghetti code
- specific code
- station-identification code
- stochastic code
- stop code
- straight-line code
- substitution error-correcting code
- synchronization error-correcting code
- systematic code
- systematic error-checking code
- tape code
- telegraph code
- teletype code
- teletypewriter code
- threaded code
- time address code
- time code
- time-invariant code
- transaction code
- transfer authentication code
- transorthogonal code
- transparent code
- tree code
- trellis code
- twinned-binary code
- two-of-five code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-part code
- unbreakable code
- unipolar code
- unit disparity code
- unit-memory code
- Universal code
- universal product code
- variable-length code
- variable-rate code
- Walsh code
- weighted code
- word code
- Wyner-Ash code
- zero-disparity code
- ZIP code
- zip codeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > code
20 code
1) код || кодировать3) (машинная) программа || программировать4) код, (машинное) слово (напр., команда)•- absolute code
- abstract code
- access code - address code
- alphanumeric code
- alphameric code
- alphabetical code
- alphabetic code
- amplitude code
- ASA code
- attribute-control code
- augmented operation code - balanced code
- bar code
- baseline code
- basic code
- basic order code
- Baudot code
- binary code
- binary decimal code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biquinary code
- block code
- block structured code
- Bose-Chaudhuri code
- brevity code
- bug-arresting code
- burst error correcting code
- cable code
- call directing code
- call direction code- cap code- character code
- check code
- checkable code
- Chinese binary code
- color code
- column binary code
- comma-free code
- command code
- compiler-produced code
- completion code
- computer code
- conditional code
- condition code
- constant ratio code
- continuous progressive code - convolution code
- convolutional code
- correcting code- CP code- cyclic code
- cyclic permuted code
- data code
- data conversion code
- data link code - dense binary code
- deposited source code
- destination code
- device code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing character code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-error correcting code
- eight channel code
- entry code - error-checking code
- error-control code
- error-correcting code
- error-detecting code
- error-detection code
- error-limited code
- escape code - executable code
- exit code
- exponent code
- extended mneminic code
- external readable code
- factorable code
- false code
- fault code
- feature code
- Fire code
- five bit code
- five channel code
- forbidden-character code
- forbidden code
- format code
- four-adress code
- fragile code
- frequency code
- function code
- Gray code
- group code
- Hamming code
- hash code - Huffman code
- identification code
- identifying code
- illegal code
- improper code
- in-line code
- inner code
- instantaneously decodable code
- instruction code
- internal code
- interpretive code
- inverted code - line code
- linear code
- line-feed code
- lock code
- machine code
- machine-instruction code
- machine-language code
- machine-operation code
- machine-readable code
- machine-treatable code
- magnetic bar code
- magnetic tape code
- Manchester code
- message-format code
- micro code
- minimum-access code
- minimum-delay code
- minimum-distance code
- minimum-latency code
- minimum-redundance code
- mnemonic code
- modified binary code
- modular code
- modulation code - Muller code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-error correcting code
- N-adjacent code
- name code
- N-ary code
- native code
- natural binary code
- N-bit code
- N-error correcting code
- N-level code
- noise combating code
- nonconsistently based code
- nonexistent code
- nonprint code
- nonreproducing code
- non-return-to-zero code
- nonsystematic code
- nonweighted code
- N-place code
- number address code
- number code
- numerical code
- numeric code
- N-unit code
- object code
- one-address code
- one-dimensional code
- one-level code
- one-out-of-ten code
- op code
- operand code
- operation code
- optimum code
- order code
- outer code
- own code
- paired-disparity code
- paper tape code
- parallel code
- parity-checking code
- parity-check code
- perforated tape code
- permutation code
- permuted code
- personal-identification code
- phonetic code
- physical-hardware-dependent code- positional code- position code
- position-independent code
- precedence code
- print restore code - pseudocyclic code
- pseudorandom code
- pulse code
- punched card code
- punched tape code
- pure code
- quibinary code
- ready-to-run code
- recurrent code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- Reed-Solomon code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflected code
- relative code
- relocatable code
- repertory code
- reproducing code
- residual class code
- residue code
- restricted-magnitude-error correcting code
- retrieval code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- routing code
- row-binary code
- safety code - self-checking code
- self-complementaring code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-demarcating code
- separable code
- serial code - severity code
- Shannon code
- short computer code
- short code
- sign code
- signal code
- significant-digit subset code - single-address code
- single-error correcting and double-error detecting code
- single-error correcting code
- single-error detecting code
- single-parity code - skip code
- source code
- space code
- space-efficient code
- specific code - status code
- Stone's code
- stop code
- straight binary code
- straight-line code
- strip code
- syllable code
- symbol code
- symbolic code
- systematic error checking code
- tape code
- task code
- telecommunication code
- telegraph code
- teleprinter code
- teletype code
- ternary code
- threaded code
- three-adress code
- throw-away code
- time code
- timing code
- trace back code
- transmission code
- transmitter-start code
- triple-error correcting code
- two-address code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-rail code
- uniquely decipherable code
- uniquely decodable code
- unitary code
- unit-distance code
- unused code
- variable-length code
- viral code - weighted code
- weighted-checksum code - zero-address code
- zone codeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > code
См. также в других словарях:
Code Lyoko — Format Animated, Science fiction, Action, Comedy Created by Tania Palumbo Thomas Romain … Wikipedia
Completion — Complètement Le complètement ou complètement automatique, ou encore par anglicisme complétion ou autocomplétion, est une fonctionnalité informatique permettant à l utilisateur de limiter la quantité d informations qu il saisit avec son clavier,… … Wikipédia en Français
Complétion automatique — Complètement Le complètement ou complètement automatique, ou encore par anglicisme complétion ou autocomplétion, est une fonctionnalité informatique permettant à l utilisateur de limiter la quantité d informations qu il saisit avec son clavier,… … Wikipédia en Français
Code::Blocks — Not to be confused with the computer programming term code block. Code::Blocks Code::Blocks 10.05 running on Windows Vista … Wikipedia
Code des États-Unis — Pour les autres articles nationaux, voir Code pénal. Le Code des États Unis, en anglais United States Code (U.S.C.), est la codification du droit américain fédéral à caractère général et permanent. Elle est effectuée par l Office of the Law… … Wikipédia en Français
Honor code — Code of Honor redirects here. For the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, see Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation). An honour code or honour system is a set of rules or principles governing a community based on a set of rules or… … Wikipedia
Line completion — is a text editor feature similar to word completion, first introduced by Juraj Simlovic in TED Notepad, in July 2006. When a user begins a line that starts with a a frequently used phrase, the computer automatically completes the first part of it … Wikipedia
Google Summer of Code — Google s Summer of Code concludes (first year), Bruce Byfield, September, 2005, webpage: [http://www.linux.com/articles/48232 Linux article SOC 32] .] Overview The program invites students who meet their eligibility criteria to post applications… … Wikipedia
Auto-complétion — Complètement Le complètement ou complètement automatique, ou encore par anglicisme complétion ou autocomplétion, est une fonctionnalité informatique permettant à l utilisateur de limiter la quantité d informations qu il saisit avec son clavier,… … Wikipédia en Français
United States Code — A few volumes of Title 11 (Bankruptcy) of the United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.) at a law library. The Code of Laws of the United States of America[1] (variously abbreviated to Code of Laws of the United States, United States Code, U.S. Code … Wikipedia
Civil Code of Argentina — Congress building in Buenos Aires, Argentina The Civil Code of Argentina is the legal code which forms the foundation of the system of civil law in Argentina. It was written by Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield, as the culmination of a series of attempts… … Wikipedia