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  • 1 positive

    ['pozətiv] 1. adjective
    1) (meaning or saying `yes': a positive answer; They tested the water for the bacteria and the result was positive (= the bacteria were present).) θετικός
    2) (definite; leaving no doubt: positive proof.) σαφής,κατηγορηματικός
    3) (certain or sure: I'm positive he's right.) σίγουρος,κατηγορηματικός
    4) (complete or absolute: His work is a positive disgrace.) απόλυτος,σκέτος
    5) (optimistic and prepared to make plans for the future: Take a more positive attitude to life.) θετικός,αισιόδοξος
    6) (not showing any comparison; not comparative or superlative.) θετικός βαθμός(επιθέτου)
    7) ((of a number etc) greater than zero.) θετικός(αριθμός κλπ.)
    8) (having fewer electrons than normal: In an electrical circuit, electrons flow to the positive terminal.) θετικά φορτισμένος(ηλεκτρόνιο)
    2. noun
    1) (a photographic print, made from a negative, in which light and dark are as normal.) θετικό φωτογραφίας
    2) ((an adjective or adverb of) the positive (not comparative or superlative) degree.) θετικός(βαθμός)
    - positively

    English-Greek dictionary > positive

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Flow (psychologie) — ██████████25  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • flow — 01. We couldn t swim in the river because it was [flowing] too fast. 02. Press on the vein to slow the [flow] of blood from the wound. 03. Traffic is once again [flowing] smoothly now that the accident has been cleared away. 04. It is impossible… …   Grammatical examples in English

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  • Complete list of downloadable songs for the Rock Band series — For Rock Band Track Packs, see List of Rock Band track packs. For Rock Band Network songs, see List of Rock Band Network songs. The Rock Band series of music video games supports downloadable songs for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii… …   Wikipedia

  • flow production —   on a production line, where the goods being made/assembled never stop moving along the line. Workers/robots must complete their task in a fixed time or the chance will pass and goods will be defective. Perhaps the best known example is car… …   Geography glossary

  • total flow — visuminis srautas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. complete flow; total flow; total flux vok. Gesamtfluß, m rus. общий поток, m; полный поток, m pranc. flux total, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

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