1 compensated density logging tool
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > compensated density logging tool
2 compensated density logging tool
прибор компенсированного плотностного каротажаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > compensated density logging tool
3 compensated density logging tool
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > compensated density logging tool
4 compensated density logging tool
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > compensated density logging tool
5 compensated density logging tool
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > compensated density logging tool
6 tool
1. ( режущий) инструмент; резец || обрабатывать инструментом; обрабатывать резцом2. станок; приспособление«J» pin running tool — инструмент для спуска со штыря под J-образным пазом (для спуска подводного оборудования к подводному устью скважины)
«J» slot type running tool — инструмент для спуска с J-образными пазами; инструмент с байонетными пазами (для спуска и подъёма подводного оборудования)
bowl protector running and retrieving tool — инструмент для спуска и подъёма защитной втулки (устанавливаемой в устьевую головку с целью предохранения рабочих поверхностей головки от повреждения при прохождении бурового инструмента)
cam actuated running tool — инструмент для спуска с гребёнками; спусковой инструмент с гребенчатыми плашками
casing hanger packoff retrieving and reinstallation tool — инструмент для съёма и повторной установки уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны
casing hanger running tool — инструмент для спуска подвесной головки обсадной колонны (для спуска обсадной колонны и подвески её в подвесной головке предыдущей колонны)
direct drive casing hanger running tool — специальный инструмент для одновременного спуска обсадной колонны и уплотнительного узла её подвесной головки
drill pipe emergency hangoff tool — инструмент для аварийной подвески бурильной колонны (на плашках одного из превенторов подводного блока превенторов)
guideline connector installing tool — инструмент для установки соединителя направляющего каната (подводного устьевого оборудования)
pump open circulating tool — инструмент для циркуляции, открываемый давлением
remote guide line connector releasing tool — инструмент для отсоединения дистанционно управляемого замка направляющего каната
rotation release running tool — инструмент для спуска, отсоединяющийся вращением
seal assembly retrieving tool — инструмент для извлечения уплотнительного устройства (в случае его неисправности)
seal assembly running tool — инструмент для спуска уплотнительного узла (для уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны)
temporary abandonment cup running and retrieving tool — инструмент для спуска и извлечения колпака временно оставляемой морской скважины
wellhead casing hanger test tool — устьевой опрессовочный инструмент подвесной головки обсадной колонны
wireline operated circulation tool — управляемый тросом инструмент для циркуляции (используемый при пробной эксплуатации скважины)
— TFL tool
* * *
1. инструмент2. устройство4. pl. средстваcam actuated running tool — инструмент для спуска с гребенками; спусковой инструмент с гребенчатыми плашками
casing hanger packoff retrieving and reinstallation tool — инструмент для съёма и повторной установки уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны
choke-and-kill line pressure test tool — колпак для опрессовки штуцерной линии и линии глушения скважины
choke-and-kill line stabbing tool — стыковочное устройство штуцерной линии и линии глушения скважины
circulating through-flowline well servicing tool — инструмент, закачиваемый циркуляцией через выкидную линию
direct drive casing hanger running tool — специальный инструмент для одновременного спуска обсадной колонны и уплотнительного узла её подвесной головки
drill pipe emergency hangoff tool — инструмент для аварийной подвески бурильной колонны (на плашках одного из противовыбросовых превенторов подводного блока)
powered epithermal neutron tool — прибор нейтронного каротажа по надтепловым нейтронам с прижимным зондом
seal assembly running tool — инструмент для спуска уплотнительного узла (для уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны)
to orient a deflecting tool — ориентировать отклоняющий инструмент;
to run tools to the bottom — спускать инструмент на забой скважины;
wellhead casing hanger test tool — устьевой опрессовочный инструмент подвесной головки обсадной колонны
wireline operated circulation tool — управляемый тросом инструмент для циркуляции (используемый при пробной эксплуатации скважины)
— n-n tool
* * *
1. инструмент; орудие; резец2. средство
* * *
1) инструмент2) станок; прибор; приспособление; устройство3) скважинный прибор; каротажный зонд4) pl средства•tool closed — скважинный инструмент закрыт;
to feed drilling tool — подавать буровой инструмент;
to orient a deflecting tool — ориентировать отклоняющий инструмент;
to pull tools — поднимать бурильную колонну (<<из скважины>);
to run tools to the bottom — спускать инструмент на забой скважины;
to set a deflecting tool on bottom of hole — устанавливать отклоняющий инструмент на забой ствола скважины;
to stack the tools — выбрасывать бурильные трубы на мостки;
- air percussion tooltool to tubing substitute — переводник с инструмента на насосно-компрессорные трубы;
- auxiliary drilling tool
- blade drilling tool
- blasting tools
- blow protector running and retrieving tool
- blowout preventer stripping tool
- blowout preventer test tool
- borehole geometry tool
- cable tool
- cable-drilling tool
- cable-fishing tool
- caliper tool
- caliper logging tool
- calking tool
- cam actuated running tool
- cased-hole tool
- casing hanger packoff retrieving and reinstallation tool
- casing hanger running tool
- casing hanger test tool
- casing head tool
- casing potential profiling tool
- cementing tool
- chisel bit tool
- choke-and-kill line pressure test tool
- choke-and-kill line stabbing tool
- circulating fishing tool
- circulating through-flowline well servicing tool
- cleaning tool
- cold-pinch tool
- collapsible drilling tool
- combination drilling tool
- combination logging tool
- combination running-and-pressure testing tool
- combined-arrangement diamond drilling tool
- compensated density logging tool
- compensated neutron logging tool
- contact logging tool
- core drilling tool
- coring tool
- crossover running tool
- cutting tool
- cutting drilling tool
- deep induction tool
- deep laterlog tool
- deep resistivity measuring tool
- deflecting tool
- deflection tool
- density logging tool
- diagnostic tool
- diamond-drilling tool
- diamond-insert tool
- diamond-set tool
- diamond-set hard-alloy tool
- diamond-set hard-metal tool
- differential fill-up tool
- direct drive casing hanger running tool
- directional tool
- directional orientation tool
- disassembly tool
- downhole tool
- downhole circulating tool
- downhole survey tool
- drill tool
- drill pipe emergency hangoff tool
- drill stem tool
- drilling tool
- drilling-and-belling tool
- drillout tool
- drillstem test tool
- dual induction tool
- dual laterolog tool
- edge tool
- electrical resistivity logging tool
- electrical survey tool
- electromagnetic fishing tool
- erecting tools
- expandable drilling tool
- expansion drilling tool
- extraction tool
- field tool
- fishing tool
- fishproof tool
- flow-line tool
- focused microresistivity tool
- focusing-electrode tool
- gamma-ray logging tool
- gamma-ray neutron tool
- hand tool
- handling tool
- grappling tool
- gross-count gamma-ray tool
- guideline connector installing tool
- guideline connector release tool
- guideline cutting tool
- hard-alloy drilling tool
- high-resolution temperature logging tool
- high-temperature logging tool
- holding tool
- hole caliper logging tool
- hostile environment logging tool
- hydraulic clean-out tool
- hydraulic fishing tool
- hydraulic impact fishing tool
- hydraulic pulling fishing tool
- hydraulic side-wall coring tool
- impact fishing tool
- impregnated diamond drilling tool
- induction-and-electrical survey tool
- induction logging tool
- inside fishing tool
- inspection tool
- integrated tool
- irradiating tool
- J-lot running tool
- J-pin running tool
- laterolog tool
- liner running-setting tool
- liner swivel tool
- liner tie-back setting tool
- logging tool
- logging sonde tool
- lost tool
- magnetic fishing tool
- maintenance tools
- mandrel-type logging tool
- marine conductor stripping tool
- marine riser handling tool
- measuring-while-drilling tool
- mechanical orienting tool
- microlog tool
- microresistivity tool
- millable tool
- milling tool
- main drilling tool
- maintenance tool
- multiple-shot tool
- natural gamma-ray logging tool
- neutron depth control logging tool
- neutron-gamma tool
- neutron-logging tool
- neutron-thermal neutron tool
- n-n tool
- noise logging tool
- noncompensated sonic tool
- noncore drilling tool
- nonreleasing fishing tool
- nuclear logging tool
- oil-finding tool
- open-hole logging tool
- outside fishing tool
- packer milling tool
- packer setting tool
- packing tool
- percussion tool
- permanent-magnet fishing tool
- pipe alignment tool
- pipe handling tool
- pipe inspection logging tool
- pneumatic tool
- pole tool
- porosity-logging tool
- powered epithermal neutron tool
- powered gamma-gamma tool
- powered orienting tool
- pressure core tool
- production-combination tool
- production-logging tool
- production-tree running tool
- prospecting tool
- pulling tool
- proximity logging tool
- pump open circulating tool
- pumpdown tool
- radioactive tracer tool
- radioactivity logging tool
- releasing fishing tool
- reliability tools
- remote guideline connector releasing tool
- resistivity tool
- retractable drilling tool
- retrievable tool
- retrievable squeeze cementing tool
- retrieving tool
- reversing tool
- riser handling tool
- rock cutting tool
- rock destruction tool
- roller cutter drilling tool
- rolling cutter drilling tool
- rotary tool
- running tool
- running-and-handling tool
- running-and-pulling tool
- running-and-testing tool
- sampling tool
- scraping tool
- screwing tool
- seal assembly retrieving tool
- seal assembly running tool
- seal setting tool
- seat protector running and retrieving tool
- sequential dual laterolog tool
- service tools
- setting tool
- shock tool
- shoe squeeze tool
- side-wall coring tool
- side-wall neutron porosity log tool
- side-wall-pad tool
- single-lay diamond drilling tool
- single-seal setting tool
- single-shot tool
- small-bore tool
- soft-ground boring tool
- sonic tool
- spherical focusing log tool
- splayed boring tool
- splicing tool
- spudding tool
- squeeze cementing tool
- squeezing tool
- stabbing tool
- standard tool
- standardized tool
- steering tool
- stuck tool
- stuck logging tool
- suspending tool
- survey tool
- temporary abandonment cup running and retrieving tool
- temporary guide base running tool
- thermal decay-time tool
- thread-cutting
- threaded actuated running tool
- through-tubing tool
- tight hitched tool
- torque tool
- trial boring tool
- true resistivity tool
- two-trip running tool
- undersized tool
- underwater wellhead running tool
- universal running tool
- washover back-off connector tool
- wedgless sliding tool
- well seismic tool
- wellhead casing hanger test tool
- wellhead retrieving tool
- wellhead running tool
- wireless orientation tool
- wireline tool
- wireline-cutting tool
- wireline-fishing tool
- wireline-operated circulation tool
- wireline-plug-setting tool* * *• 1) инструмент; 2) скважинный прибор• прибор -
1) Общая лексика: права на управление грузовым автомобилем2) Компьютерная техника: Compiler Description Language3) Авиация: (Configuration deviations list) ПКО (Перечень конфигурационных отклонений), configuration deviation list4) Военный термин: Camp Don Lee, Central Dental Laboratories, Common( high bandwidth) Data Link, contract data list, contract deficiency listing5) Техника: component definition language6) Шутливое выражение: Computer Driving Licence7) Метеорология: Climate Data Logger8) Биржевой термин: Chart Definition Language9) Сокращение: Common Data Link, Control Data Ltd (UK), Аэропорт имени Шарля де Голля или Парижский аэропорт имени Шарля де Голля10) Электроника: Circuit Description Language11) Вычислительная техника: язык описания архитектуры компьютера13) Транспорт: California Drivers License, Commercial Driver License, Commercial Driver's License, Commercial Drivers License14) Деловая лексика: Competent Driving Licence15) Расширение файла: Computer Design Language, CAD language file (CADKey)16) Нефть и газ: compensated density porosity log, диаграмма компенсированного гамма-гамма каротажа в масштабе пористости, диаграмма компенсированного плотностного каротажа, компенсированный плотностный каротаж17) Карачаганак: Compensated Densilog (Baker Atlas tool)18) Должность: Career Development Loan19) Правительство: Computer Diagnostics Leiden20) Аэропорты: Candle, Alaska USA21) AMEX. Citadel Holding Corporation -
8 CdL
1) Общая лексика: права на управление грузовым автомобилем2) Компьютерная техника: Compiler Description Language3) Авиация: (Configuration deviations list) ПКО (Перечень конфигурационных отклонений), configuration deviation list4) Военный термин: Camp Don Lee, Central Dental Laboratories, Common( high bandwidth) Data Link, contract data list, contract deficiency listing5) Техника: component definition language6) Шутливое выражение: Computer Driving Licence7) Метеорология: Climate Data Logger8) Биржевой термин: Chart Definition Language9) Сокращение: Common Data Link, Control Data Ltd (UK), Аэропорт имени Шарля де Голля или Парижский аэропорт имени Шарля де Голля10) Электроника: Circuit Description Language11) Вычислительная техника: язык описания архитектуры компьютера13) Транспорт: California Drivers License, Commercial Driver License, Commercial Driver's License, Commercial Drivers License14) Деловая лексика: Competent Driving Licence15) Расширение файла: Computer Design Language, CAD language file (CADKey)16) Нефть и газ: compensated density porosity log, диаграмма компенсированного гамма-гамма каротажа в масштабе пористости, диаграмма компенсированного плотностного каротажа, компенсированный плотностный каротаж17) Карачаганак: Compensated Densilog (Baker Atlas tool)18) Должность: Career Development Loan19) Правительство: Computer Diagnostics Leiden20) Аэропорты: Candle, Alaska USA21) AMEX. Citadel Holding Corporation -
9 cdl
1) Общая лексика: права на управление грузовым автомобилем2) Компьютерная техника: Compiler Description Language3) Авиация: (Configuration deviations list) ПКО (Перечень конфигурационных отклонений), configuration deviation list4) Военный термин: Camp Don Lee, Central Dental Laboratories, Common( high bandwidth) Data Link, contract data list, contract deficiency listing5) Техника: component definition language6) Шутливое выражение: Computer Driving Licence7) Метеорология: Climate Data Logger8) Биржевой термин: Chart Definition Language9) Сокращение: Common Data Link, Control Data Ltd (UK), Аэропорт имени Шарля де Голля или Парижский аэропорт имени Шарля де Голля10) Электроника: Circuit Description Language11) Вычислительная техника: язык описания архитектуры компьютера13) Транспорт: California Drivers License, Commercial Driver License, Commercial Driver's License, Commercial Drivers License14) Деловая лексика: Competent Driving Licence15) Расширение файла: Computer Design Language, CAD language file (CADKey)16) Нефть и газ: compensated density porosity log, диаграмма компенсированного гамма-гамма каротажа в масштабе пористости, диаграмма компенсированного плотностного каротажа, компенсированный плотностный каротаж17) Карачаганак: Compensated Densilog (Baker Atlas tool)18) Должность: Career Development Loan19) Правительство: Computer Diagnostics Leiden20) Аэропорты: Candle, Alaska USA21) AMEX. Citadel Holding Corporation -
10 measurement
1. измерение, замер; вычисление2. система мер3. pl. размеры
* * *
1. измерение2. размер
* * *
измерение, замер; вычисление
* * *
измерение, вычисление
* * *
1) измерение2) размер•- measurement of formation pressure
- measurement of mud resistivity
- measurement of production output
- measurement of production rate
- measurement of shear stress at zero shear rate
- measurement of stratum thickness
- measurement of viscosity
- measurement of wellhead pressure
- acoustic measurements
- acoustic position measurement
- acoustic well-logging measurement
- anisotropy measurement
- arc measurement
- bed permeability measurement
- borehole measurements
- borehole electrical measurements
- borehole gravity measurements
- borehole logging measurement
- borehole magnetic measurements
- borehole temperature measurements
- borehole-to-borehole measurements
- bottomhole flowing pressure measurement
- caliper measurement
- casing measurement
- compensated density measurement
- crossborehole measurements
- crosshole measurements
- crosshole acoustic measurements
- crosshole transmission measurements
- crosswell measurements
- depth measurement
- diagnostic measurement
- differential pressure measurement
- directional permeability measurement
- distant seismic measurements
- downhole measurements
- downhole pressure measurement
- drill pipe measurement
- drillhole measurements
- electrical measurements
- failure measurement
- field measurements
- final shut-in bottomhole pressure measurement
- flowmeter measurement
- electrical survey measurement
- electrical well-logging measurement
- first-peak measurement
- gas production rate measurement
- gas yield measurement
- gel strength measurement
- geophone measurement
- geophysical measurements
- gravity measurements
- high-pressure viscosity measurement
- high-temperature viscosity measurement
- hole-to-hole measurements
- initial flowing bottomhole pressure measurement
- initial shut-in bottomhole pressure measurement
- in-situ measurements
- interborehole measurements
- kelly bushing measurement
- logging tool measurement
- magnetic measurements
- maintainability measurement
- maintenance measurement
- multiple-hole measurements
- noise measurements
- normal-moveout measurement
- oil measurement
- oil production rate measurement
- overburden rock pressure measurement
- overflow measurement
- packer-flowmeter measurement
- pressure measurement
- pressure build-up measurement
- pressure drop measurement
- reflection measurements
- refraction measurements
- reliability measurement
- seismic measurements
- seismic noise measurement
- seismic velocity measurements
- shallow refraction measurements
- shallow resistivity measurement
- short-period measurements
- single-hole measurements
- spot measurement
- sonic log measurements
- stacking velocity measurements
- steel line measurement
- stretch measurement
- time-distance measurements
- tool measurement
- torque measurement
- ultrasonic pulse transit time measurement
- uphole-time measurements
- velocity measurement
- well measurements
- well-logging measurements
- well-production rate measurement
- wide-angle reflection measurements* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > measurement
11 equipment
оборудование; снаряжение; оснащение; арматура; аппаратура
* * *
1. оборудование; аппаратура2. приспособление; установка; устройствоblowout preventer stack handling equipment — оборудование для обслуживания блока противовыбросовых превенторов
hydraulic stabilizer mounting equipment — гидравлическое устройство плотной посадки сменных стабилизаторов (на муфты бурильных труб)
snubbing equipment for pipe running — оборудование для спуска труб под воду (с противодавлением в скважине)
* * *
оборудование, техника; оснащение, арматура
* * *
1) оборудование; аппаратура2) приспособление; установка; устройство•equipment for enhanced recovery of crude oil — оборудование для повышения нефтеотдачи;
- above-surface wellhead equipmentequipment for geophysical prospecting — оборудование для геофизической разведки;
- accessory equipment
- acid-treatment equipment
- acoustic log equipment
- API nuclear log calibration equipment
- associated-gas handing equipment
- automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment
- auxiliary equipment
- blasting equipment
- blowout equipment
- blowout preventer equipment
- blowout preventer closing equipment
- blowout preventer stack handling equipment
- borehole equipment
- borehole compensated equipment
- borehole piercing equipment
- bottom equipment
- bottomhole equipment
- bulk mixing equipment
- cable tool well drilling equipment
- carbon dioxide flooding equipment
- casing equipment
- casing handling equipment
- casing hanger equipment
- caustic flooding equipment
- cement equipment
- cement log equipment
- cementation pumping equipment
- churn-drill equipment
- combination drilling equipment
- completion equipment
- compressor equipment
- concrete-handling equipment
- control equipment
- cooling equipment
- core equipment
- coring equipment
- crude-oil treating equipment
- crude-oil treatment equipment
- deep-drilling equipment
- demonstration equipment
- density-log equipment
- derrick equipment
- detonating equipment
- diagnostic equipment
- diamond-drilling equipment
- directional-drilling equipment
- disposal equipment
- distillation equipment
- downhole equipment
- downhole pumping equipment
- down-the-hole electrical log equipment
- drill stem equipment
- drill string equipment
- drilling equipment
- drilling-mud cleaning equipment
- drilling-mud handling equipment
- drilling-mud mixing equipment
- drilling-mud treatment equipment
- drill-sharpening equipment
- dual laterolog equipment
- electrical exploration equipment
- electromagnetic exploration equipment
- electronic yaw equipment
- emergency equipment
- emergency mooring equipment
- exploration equipment
- extended casing wellhead equipment
- extension drill steel equipment
- face equipment
- failed equipment
- faulty equipment
- field equipment
- field maintenance equipment
- fire fighting equipment
- fire safety equipment
- fishing equipment
- flow head equipment
- flow line equipment
- formation density equipment
- formation density compensated equipment
- fracturing head equipment
- fusion-piercing equipment
- gamma-gamma log equipment
- gas-conditioning equipment
- gaslift equipment
- gaslift flow head equipment
- gas-processing equipment
- gas-welding equipment
- geophysical equipment
- hand-held drilling equipment
- handling equipment
- harbor handling equipment
- heave-compensation equipment
- high-temperature head equipment
- horizontal-loop equipment
- hydraulical stabilizer mounting equipment
- induced-polarization logging equipment
- induction logging equipment
- induced polarization logging equipment
- in-situ combustion equipment
- installation equipment
- Kobe pumping equipment
- laterolog equipment
- life saving equipment
- lifting equipment
- log equipment
- logging equipment
- magnetotelluric equipment
- maintainable equipment
- maintenance equipment
- maintenance-and-support equipment
- maintenance-ground equipment
- manually controlled equipment
- marine riser handling equipment
- microlaterolog equipment
- mining equipment
- mud equipment
- mud degassing equipment
- mud mixing equipment
- multiple completion equipment
- multistage cementing equipment
- nonrepairable equipment
- nuclear log equipment
- offshore drilling equipment
- oil equipment
- oil-and-gas production equipment
- oil-field equipment
- oil-spill cleanup equipment
- on-board drilling equipment
- out-of-repair equipment
- perforating equipment
- personnel survival equipment
- pipeline equipment
- pipeline-launching equipment
- pipeline-laying equipment
- pipeline-scraping equipment
- playback equipment
- portable jacking equipment
- position monitoring equipment
- position mooring equipment
- pressure control equipment
- pressure maintenance equipment
- processing equipment
- production equipment
- production test equipment
- pull-down equipment
- pulling-and-running equipment
- pump-and-compressor equipment
- pumping equipment
- radioactivity log equipment
- radioactivity well logging equipment
- radiometric equipment
- reconditioning equipment
- redundant equipment
- reflection equipment
- refraction equipment
- rejected equipment
- reliable equipment
- remote control equipment
- remote metering equipment
- repair equipment
- repairable equipment
- resistivity logging equipment
- reusable drilling equipment
- rig hoisting equipment
- riser pipe equipment
- rotary drilling equipment
- round trip equipment
- running equipment
- safety equipment
- sandblast equipment
- sea-floor equipment
- seismic equipment
- seismic exploration equipment
- seismograph equipment
- separation equipment
- series cementing equipment
- service equipment
- service checkout equipment
- shallow refraction equipment
- shooting equipment
- single well completion equipment
- skid-mounted compressor equipment
- snubbing equipment for pipe running
- solids control equipment
- sonic equipment
- special support equipment
- standby equipment
- stationary compressor equipment
- steam flooding equipment
- submersible equipment
- submersible electrical equipment
- subsea equipment
- subsea wellhead equipment
- subsurface pumping equipment
- support equipment
- surface equipment
- surface preventer equipment
- surface shut-in equipment
- surface wellhead equipment
- surfactant-polymer flooding equipment
- tank cleaning equipment
- telemetering equipment
- temporary mooring equipment
- test equipment
- test-and-maintenance equipment
- through-tubing equipment
- tie-back equipment
- towing equipment
- traction-type equipment
- treating equipment
- underground equipment
- underwater equipment
- underwater drilling equipment
- underwater wellhead equipment
- unrepairable equipment
- utility equipment
- ventilating equipment
- vibrator equipment
- washover equipment
- welding equipment
- well-control equipment
- wellhead equipment
- wellhead control equipment
- well-logging equipment
- well-production disposal equipment
- well-service equipment
- well-workover equipment
- wet-type completion equipment
- wireline equipment
- wireline pressure-control equipment
- workover equipment* * *• аппарат• оснасткаАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > equipment
См. также в других словарях:
прибор компенсированного плотностного каротажа — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN compensated density logging tool … Справочник технического переводчика
List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C … Wikipedia
Electric Line — The term wireline usually refers to a cabling technology used by operators of oil and gas wells to lower equipment or measurement devices into the well for the purposes of well intervention and reservoir evaluation. Braided line can contain an… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… … Universalium
Mexico — /mek si koh /, n. 1. a republic in S North America. 97,563,374; 761,530 sq. mi. (1,972,363 sq. km). Cap.: Mexico City. 2. a state in central Mexico. 6,245,000; 8268 sq. mi. (21,415 sq. km). Cap.: Toluca. 3. Gulf of, Mexican, Golfo de México /gawl … Universalium
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
Hydrometer — Not to be confused with Hygrometer. Hydrometer from Practical Physics Schematic drawing of a hydrometer. The lower the densi … Wikipedia
dating — I In geology and archaeology, the process of determining an object s or event s place within a chronological scheme. Scientists may use either relative dating, in which items are sequenced on the basis of stratigraphic clues (see stratigraphy) or … Universalium