Перевод: с русского на персидский

с персидского на русский

compared with

  • 1 против

    (adv. & adj. & n.) روبرو، مقابل، ضد، وارونه، از روبرو، عکس قضیه
    (n.) علائم ریاضی (مثل x و +)، روکش، نما، رویه
    دربرابر، درمقابل، پیوسته، مجاور، بسوی، مقارن، برضد، مخالف، علیه، به، بر، با
    5. to
    بسوی، سوی، بطرف، روبطرف، پیش، نزد، تا نسبت به، در، دربرابر، برحسب، مطابق، بنا بر، علامت مصدر انگلیسی است
    8. con
    (v.) از بر کردن، دانستن، مخفف کلمه عامیانه confidence، اعتماد، گول زدن، مخالف، پیشوند به معانی با و باهم

    Русско-персидский словарь > против

См. также в других словарях:

  • compared with — compared with/​to phrase used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed Profits were good compared with last year. Compared to some of the things she’s said, this was polite. as …   Useful english dictionary

  • compared to — compared with/​to phrase used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed Profits were good compared with last year. Compared to some of the things she’s said, this was polite. as …   Useful english dictionary

  • with — W1S1 [wıð, wıθ] prep [: Old English; Origin: against, from, with ] 1.) used to say that two or more people or things are together in the same place ▪ I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend. ▪ Put this bag with the others. ▪ I always wear these… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Compared — Compare Com*pare , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Compared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Comparing}.] [L.comparare, fr. compar like or equal to another; com + par equal: cf. F. comparer. See {Pair}, {Peer} an equal, and cf. {Compeer}.] 1. To examine the character or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compared — [[t]kəmpe͟ə(r)d[/t]] ♦♦ 1) PHR PREP If you say, for example, that one thing is large or small compared with another or compared to another, you mean that it is larger or smaller than the other thing. The room was light and lofty compared with our …   English dictionary

  • compared — com|pared [ kəm perd ] adjective compared to/with used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed: The Ohio branch produced 2000 units per month, compared with a national average …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • compared — UK [kəmˈpeə(r)d] / US [kəmˈperd] adjective compared with/to used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed Profits were good compared with last year. Compared to some of the… …   English dictionary

  • compared — [kəmˈpeəd] adj compared with/to used for talking about the ways in which two people or things are different, or about the ways in which someone or something has changed[/ex] Profits were good compared with last year.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • with — /wID, wIT/ preposition 1 near someone or something, or in someone s presence: I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend. | Mix the powder with boiling water. 2 having, possessing, or showing a particular thing, quality or feeling: a book with a green …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • with — [with, with] prep. [ME < OE, orig., against, in opposition to, contr. < or akin to wither, against < IE * witero (< base * wi , asunder, separate + compar. suffix) > Ger wider, against] 1. in opposition to or competition facing;… …   English World dictionary

  • With Apologies to Jesse Jackson — South Park episode Randy on Wheel of Fortune trying to solve the final puzzle …   Wikipedia

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