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comparative study

См. также в других словарях:

  • comparative study — lyginamoji analizė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. comparative analysis; comparative study vok. Analyse mit Vergleichswerten, f rus. сравнительный анализ, m pranc. analyse comparative, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Mexican Universities Comparative Study — International rankings have impacted higher education policy as well as colleges and universities all over the world (see College and university rankings). In most cases these rankings or hierarchycal classifications of higher education… …   Wikipedia

  • comparative study of religion —  Сравнительное изучение религии …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Comparative history — is the comparison of different societies which existed during the same time period or shared similar cultural conditions. The comparative history of societies emerged as an important specialty among intellectuals in the Enlightenment in the 18th… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative law — is the study of differences and similarities between the law of different countries. More specifically, it involves study of the different legal systems in existence in the world, including the common law, the civil law, socialist law, Islamic… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative government — or comparative politics is a method in political science for obtaining evidence of causal effects by comparing the varying forms of government in the world, and the states they govern, although governments across different periods of history may… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative economic systems — is the subfield of economics dealing with the comparative study of different systems of economic organization, such as capitalism, socialism, feudalism and the mixed economy. Comparative economics therefore consisted mainly of comparative… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative cognition — is the comparative study of the mechanisms and origins of cognition in various species. From a biological point of view, work is being done on the brains of fruit flies that should yield techniques precise enough to allow an understanding of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative Cognition — IPA|/kəmˈperetɪv kɑ:ɡˈnɪʃɵn/ is the comparative study of the mechanisms and origins of cognition in various species. Work in this field is being used to more precisely determine the nature of our own cognition and also to help achieve more… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative Studies in Society and History —   …   Wikipedia

  • comparative literature — n. the comparative study of various national literatures, stressing their influence one upon another, their use of similar forms, their treatment of similar themes, etc …   English World dictionary

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