1 communications breakdown
1) Военный термин: нарушение работы связи2) Телекоммуникации: нарушение связиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > communications breakdown
2 communications breakdown
English-Russian military dictionary > communications breakdown
3 communications breakdown
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > communications breakdown
4 communications breakdown
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > communications breakdown
5 communications breakdown
прекращение [прерывание] связиEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > communications breakdown
6 communications breakdown
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > communications breakdown
7 breakdown
1. n поломка механизма, машины; аварияbreakdown van — аварийная машина, аварийка
2. n нарушение движения3. n эл. пробой4. n упадок сил5. n развал, распад6. n разложение7. n разборка8. n анализ9. n расчленение, разбивка на мелкие группыzone/cabin breakdown — разбивка кабины по массе
10. n брейк, стремительный негритянский танец11. n воен. распределение12. a аварийный; ремонтныйСинонимический ряд:1. analysis (noun) analysis; breakup; categorization; dissection; division; resolution; rundown2. collapse (noun) collapse; crack-up; crash; debacle; decline; nervous breakdown; nervous prostration; smash; smashup; smash-up; wreck3. decay (noun) decay; decomposition; deterioration; rot; spoilage4. failure (noun) disruption; failure; malfunction; outage; rupture; stoppage5. illness (noun) attack; illness; relapse; seizure -
8 breakdown
поломка; авария; разрушение ( конструкции) ; разложение ( топлива) ; разбивка ( на составные части) ; эл. пробой; пробивной ( о напряжении): pl. неисправности, поврежденияbreakdown of oil film — разрушение [разрыв] масляной плёнки
9 breakdown
перебои (напр. в снабжении) ; срыв, сбой (в функционировании прибора)\ распределение; поломка; авария; разборка ( на части) ; аварийное имущество [техника]; схема ( организации) (с распределением ЛС и средств) -
10 breakdown
сущ.1) общ. разрыв, срыв (прекращение нормального течения какого-л. процесса, особенно в результате неспособности участников процесса договориться между собой)At its worst, this legislation represents a total breakdown of the US budget process. — Самое ужасным является то, что данное законодательство представляет собой полный срыв бюджетного процесса в США.
See:2) мет. разбивка, расчленение, деление на категории [группы\], подразделение (разделение всего объема информации на структурные составляющие с целью более наглядного его представления)breakdown by countries — распределение [разбивка\] по странам
A spending breakdown showed the average household spent about $50 per week. — Распределение расходов показывает, что домохозяйства в среднем тратили около $50 в неделю.
Syn:3) тех. поломка, выход оборудования из строя, отказI had a breakdown in the middle of the road. — Моя машина сломалась посреди дороги.
What do you do in the event of a breakdown on the motorway? — Что вы делаете, если машина ломается в пути?
4) эк. (экономический) крах, кризис, спад; развал, распадSee:
* * *
разбивка, распределение по статьям, классификация, анализ.* * *Отказ. Поломка. Кризис. Крах.. . Словарь терминов по риск-медеджменту .* * *подразделение читательской аудитории издания по признаку отраслей промышленности или экономики, которые оно обслуживает -
11 point
головной [тыльный] дозор; ориентир; пункт; балл— ammunition breakdown point— dismounting point— drop-off point— initial rallying point— mounting point— objective rallying point— starting point— strategic focal point -
12 communication
сущ.1)а) общ. передача, сообщение (напр., мыслей)б) общ. распространение, передачав) общ. общение, связь, контактto be in communication with smb. — переписываться [общаться\] с кем-л.
to enter into communication with smb. — связаться, вступить в коммуникацию, начать общение [обсуждение\]
We have entered into communication with the relevant government department. — Мы связались с соответствующим правительственным ведомством.
See:г) упр., соц. коммуникация (процесс обмена информацией между элементами системы, уровнями и членами организации;: в процессном менеджменте: один из связующих управленческих процессов)There has been a breakdown of communication between management and shopfloor workers. — Между руководством и рабочими цеха была нарушена коммуникация.
See:advertising communication, downward communication, upward communication, vertical communication, horizontal communication, diagonal communication, linking process, process approach to management, face-to-face communication, instrumental communication, communications directorд) общ. связь, сообщение, коммуникация ( процесс обмена информацией)communications service — служба [услуга\] связи (напр., телефонной, мобильной и т. д.)
Communication with the head office has been made easier by the fax. — Факс облегчил связь с главным офисом.
See:е) мн., общ. контакты, сообщение, коммуникация ( между людьми или организациями)After the flood all communications with the outside world were broken. — После наводнения было полностью нарушено сообщение с окружающим миром.
Syn:See:2) общ. сообщение, известие, извещение, официальное письмоWe have had a communication from the local tax inspector. — Мы получили сообщение от местного налогового инспектора.
3)а) общ. средство связиSee:channel 6)б) общ. сообщение, соединениеThere is no communication between the two rooms. — Эти две комнаты не смежные.
* * *Представление отчетности, информации (заинтересованным пользователям). . Словарь экономических терминов . -
13 CEB
1) Американизм: Children Ever Born, Civil Engineering Board, Computer Estimating Bureau2) Военный термин: Clothing Exchange and Bath, Combat Engineering Battalion, combined effects bomb, communications-electronics board3) Техника: Communications and Electronics Board4) Шутливое выражение: Civil Engineering Boy5) Религия: Christian Education Building6) Фармакология: cyclophosphamide-etoposide-BCNU7) Сокращение: Chief Executives Board (ООН), Combined Effects Bomblets8) Университет: Central Engineering Building9) Деловая лексика: Computer Equipment Broker10) Химическое оружие: Cost estimate breakdown, Chemical Evaluation Branch (of ERDEC)11) Аэропорты: Cebu, Philippines12) Международная торговля: Capp Ellis Brown -
14 market
1. сущ.1) эк. рынок; базар (специальное место, где осуществляется торговля)COMBS:
It is cheaper to buy vegetables from the market than from a shop. — Овощи дешевле покупать на рынке, чем в магазине.
Syn:marketplace 1), bazaar 1)See:2) эк. рынок (совокупность продавцов и покупателей какого-л. товара)to place [to put\] goods on the market, to bring goods to market — предлагать товар к продаже
In 1930 the first home laundry machine and refrigerator were put on the market. — В 1930 г. на рынке появилась первая бытовая стиральная машина и холодильник.
ATTRIBUTES [structure\]: actual 1. 1), auction 1. 1), call 1. 1), n6б, captive 1. 1), n4, classical 1. 3), concentrated 1. 1) а), continuous 1. 1) а), first 2. 3) а), forward 1. 1), n4, fourth, imperfect 1. 1), б, inside 2. 1) а), intermediate 2. 2) а), inverted 1. 3), monopolistic, oligopolistic, one-sided 1. 3), one-way 2. 4) а), open outcry, outcry, over-the-counter 2. 1) а), over-the-telephone, parallel 2. 1) а), perfect 1. 1), n2б, pitching, physical 2. 1) а), public 1. 1), n4, pure 1. 1) а), retail 2. 1) а), screen-based, second 1. 1), n2, sideways 2. 6) а), spot 2. 1) а), third 2. 3) а), wholesale 2. 1) а)
ATTRIBUTES [legality\]: administered 1), bear 1. 2), black 1. 3) а), blocked 1. 2) а), controlled, democratic 1), formal 1. 1) а), free 1. 1) а), informal 1), б, illicit, kerb, organized 1), в, overt 1. 2) а), regulated, rigged 1. 2) а)
See:CHILD [product\]: product market, financial market, services market, political market, pollution permit market, related markets CHILD [structure\]: actual market 2), 3), aftermarket 1), auction market, call market, carrying market, cash market, 1), 1), continuous market, double auction market, double-auction market, first market, forward market, fourth market, imperfect market, inside market 2), inter-dealer market, intermediate market, inverted market, monopolistic market, non-exchange market, off-board market, oligopolistic market, one-sided market, one-way market, open outcry market, OTC market, outcry market, 2), over-the-counter market, over-the-counter securities market, over-the-telephone market, parallel market, perfect market, physical market, public market 2), pure market, retail market, screen-based market, second market, spot market, street market 1), third market, upstairs market 2), wholesale market CHILD [legality\]: administered market, bear market 2), black market 1) а), blocked market, closed market, controlled market, formal market, free market, free and open market, informal market, grey market 1) а), illicit market, kerb market, organized market, price-making market, regulated market 1) а), rigged market, self-regulated market, access to market, market access, market disruption, inside market 1), 1), market-determined price3)а) эк. спрос; объем спроса, размер рынка (наличие желающих купить товар; часто используется как характеристика определенной территории)COMBS:
The European market for this product is estimated at $10 billions during next 5 years. — По оценкам, объем европейского рынка этого продукта будет равен 10 млрд долл. в течение ближайших пяти лет.
ATTRIBUTES: actual 1. 1), assured 1. 2), brisk 1. 1), business 1. 4) а), commercial 1. 1), consumer 1. 1), consumers, customer 1. 1), dealer 1. 1), б, enterprise 1. 2) а), government 1. 7) а), heavy user, industrial 1. 1), а, institutional 1. 1), а, manufacturing 2. 1) а), organizational, personal 1. 2) а), potential, producer 1. 1), professional 1. 1), promising, ready 1. 1), reseller, trade 1. 2), world 2. 1) а)
See:actual market 1), assured market, brisk market, business market, commercial market, consumer market, consumers market, consumers' market, customer market, dealer market, enterprise market, government market, heavy-user market, industrial market, institutional market, large-volume market, manufacturing market, organizational market, personal market 1), potential market 1) б), producer market, professional market, promising market, ready market, reseller market, trade market, world market 2) б)б) эк. потребителиATTRIBUTES: brand-loyal, control 3. 1), conventional 3. 2), core 2. 2), exploratory, intended, main 1. 1), mass 3. 1), personal 3. 2), potential, primary 2. 2), n2, principal 2. 2), n1, prospective, target 3. 1), test 3. 1), traditional
Syn:See:brand-loyal market, control market, conventional market, core market, exploratory market, intended market, main market 2), personal market 2), potential market 2) а), primary market 2), principal market 1) а), prospective market, target market, test market, traditional market, market acceptance, market attritionв) марк. рынок сбыта ( географический район)ATTRIBUTES: colonial, domestic 2) а), export 3. 2) а), external 1. 2) а), foreign 1. 1) а), global 1. 1) а), home 2. 2) а), internal 1. 2) а), international 1. 1) а), dispersed, distant 1. 1) а), local 1. 1) а), national 1. 1) а), nation-wide, nationwide, overseas 1. 2) а), regional, scattered 1. 1) а), world 2. 1) а), world-wide
Syn:See:colonial market, domestic market 1), export market, external market 1), foreign market 1), global market, home market, internal market 1), 2), international market, dispersed market, distant market, local market, national market, nation-wide market, overseas market, regional market, scattered market, world market 1), worldwide market, new-to-market, old-to-marketг) марк. = market segmentATTRIBUTES:
ATTRIBUTES: concentrated 1) а), craft 1. 1) а), demographic, downscale 1. 2) а), heterogeneous, homogeneous, high-income, low-end, metro, metropolitan, middle-aged, middle-class, mid-range, military, rural, specialized, specialty, silver 2. 3) а), upscale 1. 2) а), youth 2. 4) а)
See:black market 2), 2), craft market, demographic market, downmarket, down-market, downscale market, heterogeneous market, homogeneous market, high-income market, low-end market, lower end of the market, middle-aged market, middle-class market, mid-range market, military market 2) б), specialized market, specialty market, silver market 1) б), upscale market, youth market4) эк. конъюнктура, уровень цен, состояние рынка (состояние рынка в значении 2, с точки зрения активности продавцов и покупателей и соответствующей динамики изменения цен)ATTRIBUTES: active 1. 3), advancing, bid 1. 3), bear 1. 2), barren 1. 3), broad 1. 1), bull 1. 2), close II 2. 3) в), competitive II 2. 2) а), complete 1. 2), confident II 2. 1) а), congested, contango, contestable, crossed II 2. 2) а), crowded II 2. 1) а), а, dead 1. 2), declining, deep II 2. 2) а), depressed II 2. 2) а), б, differentiated, dull II 2. 1) а), efficient II 2. 1) а), б, emerging, established II 2. 1) а), expanding, falling, fast II 1. 2) а), fertile II 2. 1) а), firm I 1. 1) а), flat I 2. 4) а), graveyard, growing 1. 1), growth II 2. 1) а), heavy II 2. 1) а), inactive II 2. 2) а), increasing, jumpy II 2. 1) а), б, languid II 2. 2) а), limited II 2. 1) а), liquid I 2. 6) а), locked II 2. 2) а), lucrative, mature 1. 2), narrow 1. 1), nervous I 2. 5) б), normal I 1. 5) б), offered, overstocked II 2. 1) а), а, pegged I 1. 3) б), present I 2. 2) б), price-sensitive, productive I 1. 3) б), profitable II 2. 1) а), protected, recession-hit, restricted II 2. 1) а), restrictive II 2. 1) а), rising, sagging I 2. 2) б), saturated I 1. 3) б), seller II 2. 1) а), а, selective I 2. 5) б), sensitive I 2. 4) б), short 1. 1), shrinking, slack I 2. 2) б), sluggish II 2. 2) а), soft I 2. 4) б), sold-out, stable I 2. 1) б), stagnant II 2. 1) а), static I 2. 2) б), steady 1. 1), stiff 1. 1), б, strong II 2. 2) а), technically strong, technically weak, tight I 2. 4) б), wide II 2. 1) а)
See:active market, advancing market, bid market, bear market 1), Big Emerging Markets, broad market, bull market, buyers' market, close market, competitive market, complete market, contango market, contestable market, crossed market, crowded market, dead market, declining market, deep market, depressed market, differentiated market, dull market, efficient market, emerging market, established market, expanding market, fast market, fertile market, firm market, flat market, growing market, inactive market, jumpy market, languid market, lemons market, limited market, liquid market, locked market, lucrative market, market of lemons, mature market, narrow market, normal market, offered market, overstocked market, pegged market, present market, price-sensitive market, productive market, profitable market, protected market, recession-hit market, restricted market, restrictive market, rising market, sagging market, saturated market, sellers market, seller's market, sellers' market, selective market, sensitive market, short market, shrinking market, slack market, sluggish market, soft market, sold-out market, stable market, stagnant market, static market, steady market, stiff market, strong market, technically strong market, technically weak market, tight market, wide market5) эк., амер. розничный магазин (обычно специализированный, напр., мясной, рыбный)6) эк., пол. рынок (принцип устройства экономической системы, предусматривающий свободное формирование цен под воздействием спроса и предложения)See:7) межд. эк. рынок (экономический союз нескольких стран, в основе которого лежит создание единого торгового пространства для товаров, услуг и факторов производства)ATTRIBUTES: common 1) а), single 2) а)
See:common market, single market, Andean Common Market, Arab Common Market, Central American Common Market, Central American Common Market, common market, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa2. гл.1) эк. продавать, реализовывать, распространятьto receive approval from X agency to market the product — получить разрешение от органа Х на распространение продукта
2) марк. осуществлять маркетинг, позиционировать, продвигатьE-mail is recognized as the easiest and cheapest way to market your organization, your programs, and your issues. — Электронная почта считается самым легким и недорогим способом продвижения [рекламирования\] вашей организации, ваших программ и вашей работы.
See:3. прил.1) эк. рыночныйAnt:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)See:market activity 1), market behaviour 2), market capitalism, 1), market competition, market conduct, market discipline, market economy, market exchange, market fundamentalism, market ideology, market mechanism, market mode of coordination, market order of worth, market political culture, market sector 3), market socialism, market system, market transactionSee:market absorption, market acceptance, market activity 2), market appraisal, market area, market attractiveness, market attrition, market audience, market basket, market behaviour 1), market breadth, market break, market breakdown, market cap, market capacity, market capitalization, market challenger, 2), market clearance 2), market clearing, market communications, market composition, market concentration, market condition, market conditions 2), market coverage, market decline, market definition, market demand, market depth, market disequilibrium, market dominance, market dynamics, market equilibrium, market expectation, market expectations, market failure, market focus, market follower, market form, market glut, market grade, 1), market growth, market homogeneity, market interest rate, market intermediary, market jitters, market leader, market leadership, market level 2), market maker, market making, market needs, market nicher, market organization, market out, market participant, market partnership, market pattern, market position, market potential, market power, market presence, market pressure, market price, market profile, market quality 2), market quotation, market rate, market rate of interest, market range, market reaction, market requirements, market resistance, market response, market return, market satisfaction, market saturation, market segment, market selection, market sensitivity, market sentiment, market share, market situation 1), market size, market stability, market standard, market standing, market structure, market supply, market tone, market trader, market trend, market undertone, market user, market value, market value added, market volume, market weight 2) Market EyeSee:market analysis, market analyst, market approach, market arbitrage, market audit, market average, market barrier, market build-up, market channel, market clearance 1), market closing, market conditions 1), market conversion price, market cycle, market data, market development, market discount, market entry, market evidence, market exit, market expansion, market experiment, market exploration, market exposure, market factor, market fluctuation, market fluctuations, market forces, market forecast, market forecasting, 2), market hours, market incentive, market index, market indicator, market information, market inroad, market intelligence, market interface, market investigation, market letter, market level 1), market liquidity, market manager, market mapping, market matching, market maximization, market model, market modification, market movement, market multiple, market niche, market node, market opening, market opportunity, market order, market orientation, market outlet, market penetration, market performance, market period, market plan, market planning, market portfolio, market positioning, market prognosis, market ratio, market report, market research, market researcher, market reversal, market review, market risk, market rollout, market sector 1), &2, market segmentation, market selectivity, market sharing, market signal, market situation 2), market skimming, market specialist, market specialization, market stimulant, market strategy, market study, market survey, market sweep, market target, market targeting, market test, market testing, market timer, market timing2) эк. товарный, рыночный ( предназначенный для продажи на рынке)market fish — товарная рыба, рыба для продажи
market stock — товарный скот, скот для продажи
market vegetables — товарные овощи, овощи для продажи
Syn:marketable 3)See:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)
* * *
market; Mkt; mart 1) рынок: организованная или неформальная система торговли товарами, услугами или финансовыми инструментами на основе четких правил (напр., фондовая биржа); 2) рыночные цены, состояние конъюнктуры; 3) совокупность людей или юридических лиц, предъявляющих текущий или потенциальный спрос на товары услуги; равнозначно спросу; 4) основные участники финансового рынка: дилеры, торгующие за свой счет, посредники и покупатели; 5) = marketplace; 6) рынок как столкновение спроса и предложения покупателей и продавцов, в результате которого определяется цена товара; 7) (to) продавать; см. marketing; 8) = market value; 9) "The Market"= Dow Jones Industrial Average.* * *рынок; рыночное хозяйство; рыночная экономика; рыночный механизм; спрос; конъюнктура. Как правило, употребляется применительно к фондовому рынку. 'Сегодня рынок упал' означает, что в этот день стоимость сделок на фондовом рынке снизилась . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *организованное собрание/встреча людей, на которой происходит торговля ценными бумагами-----территория, на которой встречаются продавцы и покупатели, чтобы обменяться тем, что представляет ценность-----конъюнктурный обзор; бюллетень о состоянии рынка -
15 path
1) путьа) пройденный путь; пробег; длина пути; длина пробегаб) дорога; дорожкав) траектория (напр. луча); маршрут (напр. передачи данных в сети); линия прохожденияг) вчт путь доступад) вчт префикс имени файла или каталогаж) путь в графе2) контур ( объекта или выделения в графических редакторах); граница3) канал (напр. связи); тракт (напр. передачи); трасса (напр. распространения радиоволн); цепь (напр. обратной связи)4) микр. межсоединение; (коммутационная) дорожка•- path of operationpath between nodes — путь между вершинами, путь между узлами ( в графе)
- absorption path
- access path
- actuating path
- amplification path
- approach path
- ballistic free path
- bang path
- beam path
- beyond-line-of-sight path
- breakdown path
- calculated path
- character path
- clipping path
- closed path
- communications path
- connection path
- conduction path
- conductive path
- control path
- creepage path
- critical path
- current path
- cyclic path
- data path
- data transmission path
- digital path
- diversity path
- down path
- Earth-satellite path
- electrical connection path
- electron path
- electron-electron free path
- electron-phonon free path
- Euler path
- feedback path
- feedforward path
- filamentary path
- flight path
- flux return path
- forward path
- free path
- geodesic path
- geometrical path
- glide path
- graph path
- great-circle path
- ground return path
- Hamilton path
- heat-conducting path
- heteroclinic path
- holding path
- homoclinic path
- inclined path
- ionization path
- ionospheric path
- label switched path
- leakage path
- line-of-sight path
- low-impedance return path
- mail path
- main program path
- mean free path
- mean free ionizing path
- mixed path
- mountain diffraction path
- multihop path
- multiple-choice path
- multiple-reflection path
- open path
- optical path
- overhorizon path
- paraxial path
- phase path
- propagation path
- ray path
- reliable acoustic path
- return path
- reverse path
- scan path
- selected path
- signal path
- simple path
- sneak path
- speech path
- subcritical path
- talking path
- tangential wave path
- terrestrial path
- through path
- transmission path
- tropospheric path
- tunneling path
- up path
- work path -
16 mode
1) модаа) нормальный тип колебаний, собственный тип колебаний; нормальный тип волн, собственный тип волн3) способ; метод4) тип; форма ( выражения или проявления чего-либо)6) ак. лад; тональность•- π-mode- 1284 compliance mode
- 32-bit mode
- 32-bit transfer mode
- 8086 real mode
- accelerated transit mode
- accumulation-layer mode
- acoustic mode
- active mode
- address mode
- adjacent modes
- all points addressable mode
- alpha mode
- alphanumeric mode
- alternate mode
- AN mode
- analog mode
- angular dependent mode
- angular mode
- anomalous mode
- answer mode
- antiferrodistortive mode
- antiferromagnetic mode
- anti-Stokes mode
- antisymmetric mode
- APA mode
- aperiodic mode
- asymmetric mode
- asynchronous balanced mode
- asynchronous response mode
- asynchronous transfer mode
- auto-answer mode
- auto-dial mode
- avalanche mode
- axial mode
- background mode
- backward mode
- beam mode
- beam-waveguide mode
- Bi-Di mode
- bidirectional mode
- BIOS video mode
- birefringent mode
- bistable mode
- bitmap mode
- black-and-white mode
- block mode
- block-multiplex mode
- blow-up mode
- browse mode
- burst mode
- byte mode
- calculator mode
- central mode
- characteristic mode
- chat mode
- chip test mode
- CHS mode
- circle-dot mode
- circular mode
- circularly polarized mode
- circularly symmetric mode
- clockwise mode
- CMY mode
- CMYK mode
- collective modes
- color mode
- command mode
- common mode
- communications mode
- compatibility mode
- competing modes
- concert hall reverberation mode
- configuration mode
- constant-frequency mode
- contention mode
- continuous-wave mode
- contour modes
- control mode
- conversational mode
- cooked mode
- correlator mode
- counter mode
- counterclockwise mode
- coupled modes
- crossover mode
- current mode
- cutoff mode
- cw mode
- cyclotron mode
- cylinder-head-sector mode
- damped mode
- data-in mode
- data-out mode
- Debye mode
- Debye-like mode
- defocus-dash mode
- defocus-focus mode
- degenerate mode
- delayed domain mode
- depletion mode
- deposition mode
- difference mode
- differential mode
- diffusive mode
- digital mode
- dipole mode
- direct memory access transfer mode
- disk-at-once mode
- display mode
- dissymmetric mode
- DMA transfer mode
- domain mode
- dominant mode
- dot-addressable mode
- dot-dash mode
- doze mode
- draft mode
- drift mode
- ducted mode
- duotone mode
- duplex mode
- dynamic mode
- dynamic scattering mode
- E mode
- Emn mode
- ECHS mode
- ECP mode
- edge mode
- edit mode
- eigen mode
- electromagnetic mode
- elementary mode
- elliptically polarized mode
- embedded mode
- end-fire mode
- enhanced parallel port mode
- enhanced virtual 8086 mode
- enhanced virtual 86 mode
- enhancement mode
- EPP mode
- equiamplitude modes
- EV8086 mode
- EV86 mode
- evanescent mode
- even mode
- even-order mode
- even-symmetrical mode
- exchange mode
- exchange-dominated mode
- excited mode
- exciting mode
- extended capability port mode
- extended cylinder-head-sector mode
- extensional mode
- extraordinary mode
- FA mode
- face shear modes
- failure mode
- fast mode
- fast-forward mode
- ferrite-air mode
- ferrite-dielectric mode
- ferrite-guided mode
- ferrite-metal mode
- ferrodistortive mode
- ferroelectric mode
- file mode
- first mode
- FM mode
- forbidden mode
- force mode
- foreground mode
- forward mode
- forward-bias mode
- forward-propagating mode
- forward-scattered mode
- four-color mode
- four-output mode
- free-running mode
- full on mode
- fundamental mode
- gate mode
- Gaussian mode
- Goldstone mode
- graphic display mode
- graphic mode
- gray-level mode
- grayscale mode
- guided mode
- guided-wave mode
- Gunn mode
- gyromagnetic mode
- H mode
- Hmn mode
- half-duplex mode
- half-tone mode
- hard mode
- harmonic mode
- helicon mode
- Hermite-Gaussian mode
- higher mode
- higher-order mode
- HLS mode
- HSB mode
- HSV mode
- hybrid mode
- idling mode
- impact avalanche transit-time mode
- IMPATT mode
- indexed color mode
- inhibited domain mode
- initialization mode
- injection locked mode
- insert mode
- interactive mode
- internally-trapped mode
- interstitial diffusion mode
- ion-implantation channel mode
- ion-sound mode
- kernel mode
- kiosk mode
- L*a*b* mode
- landscape mode
- large disk mode
- lasing mode
- lattice mode
- laying mode
- LBA mode
- LCH mode
- leaky mode
- left-hand polarized mode
- left-handed polarized mode
- length modes
- letter mode
- LH mode
- limited space-charge accumulation mode
- line art mode
- local mode
- lock mode
- logical block addressing mode
- log-periodically coupled modes
- longitudinal mode
- loopback mode
- lowest mode
- lowest-order mode
- low-power mode
- LSA mode
- magnetic mode
- magnetodynamical mode
- magnetoelastic mode
- magnetosonic mode
- magnetostatic mode
- magnetron mode
- main mode
- masing mode
- master/slave mode
- mixed mode
- mode of excitation
- mode of operation
- modified semistatic mode
- modulated transit-time mode
- module test mode
- mono mode
- mono/stereo mode
- monopulse mode
- moving-target indication mode
- MTI mode
- multi mode
- multichannel mode
- multimode mode
- multiple sector mode
- multiplex mode
- mutual orthogonal modes
- native mode
- natural mode
- near-letter mode
- nibble mode
- nondegenerated mode
- non-privileged mode
- nonpropagating mode
- nonresonant mode
- nonuniform processional mode
- normal mode
- normal-incidence mode
- odd mode
- odd-order mode
- odd-symmetrical mode
- off mode
- off-axial mode
- off-line mode
- omni mode
- on mode
- on-line mode
- operation mode
- optical mode
- ordinary mode
- original mode
- originate mode
- orthogonal modes
- OS/2 compatible mode
- overdamped mode
- overtype mode
- packet mode
- packet transfer mode
- page mode
- parallel port FIFO mode
- parametric mode
- parasitic mode
- pedestal-current stabilized mode
- penetration mode
- persistent-current mode
- perturbated mode
- phonon mode
- pi mode
- PIO mode
- plane mode
- plane polarized mode
- plasma mode
- plasma-guide mode
- playback mode
- polarized mode
- poly mode
- portrait mode
- preferred mode
- principal mode
- privileged mode
- programmed input/output mode
- promiscuous mode
- protected mode
- protected virtual address mode
- proton mode
- pseudo-Rayleigh mode
- pseudospin mode
- pseudospin-wave mode
- pulse mode
- quadrupole mode
- quadtone mode
- quasi-degenerated mode
- quenched domain mode
- quenched multiple-domain mode
- quenched single-domain mode
- question-and-answer mode
- radial mode
- radiating mode
- radiation mode
- Raman active mode
- ranging mode
- rare mode
- raw mode
- RB mode
- read multiple mode
- read-mostly mode
- real address mode
- real mode
- real-time mode
- receive mode
- reflected mode
- reflection mode
- refracted mode
- rehearse mode
- relaxational mode
- resonant mode
- return-beam mode
- reverberation mode
- reverse-bias mode
- rewind mode
- RGB mode
- RH mode
- rho-rho mode
- right-hand polarized mode
- right-handed polarized mode
- safe mode
- saturated-off mode of operation
- saturation mode
- saving mode
- scan mode
- search mode
- secondary-emission pedestal mode
- second-breakdown mode
- self-localized mode
- self-locked mode
- semistatic mode
- shear mode
- shutdown mode
- side modes
- simplex mode
- single mode
- single-vortex cycle mode
- slave mode
- sleep mode
- slow mode
- small room reverberation mode
- soft mode
- softened mode
- sorcerer's apprentice mode
- space-charge feedback mode
- space-charge mode
- spatially orthogonal modes
- special fully nested mode
- spiking mode
- spin mode
- spin-wave mode
- SPP mode
- spurious mode
- spurious pulse mode
- stable mode
- stable-negative-resistance mode
- standard parallel port mode - stationary mode
- Stokes mode
- stop clock mode
- stop mode
- stream mode
- subharmonic mode
- substitutional-diffusion mode
- subsurface mode
- sum mode
- superradiant mode
- supervisor mode
- surface skimming mode
- surface-wave mode
- suspend mode
- SVGA mode
- switching mode
- symmetric mode
- symmetry breaking mode
- symmetry restoring mode
- system management mode
- system test mode
- Tmnp wave resonant mode
- task mode
- TE mode
- TEmnp wave resonant mode
- tearing mode
- telegraph mode
- TEM mode
- terminal mode
- test mode
- text mode
- thermal mode
- thickness modes
- three-color mode
- through mode
- time-difference mode
- time-sharing mode
- TM mode
- TMmnp wave resonant mode
- torsional modes
- total-internal reflection mode
- track-at-once mode
- transfer mode
- transient mode
- transit-time domain mode
- transit-time mode
- transmission mode
- transmitted mode
- transmitting mode
- transverse electric mode
- transverse electromagnetic mode
- transverse magnetic mode
- transverse mode
- transversely polarized mode
- transverse-symmetrical mode
- TRAPATT mode
- trapped mode
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time mode
- trapped-domain mode
- traveling space-charge mode
- traveling-wave mode
- tristate test mode
- tritone mode
- truncated mode
- twist mode
- twisted nematic mode
- TXT mode
- typeover mode
- uncoupled modes
- undamped mode
- underdamped mode
- unguided mode
- unidirectional mode
- unilateral mode
- unperturbed mode
- unreal mode
- unstable mode
- unwanted mode
- user mode
- V8086 mode
- V86 mode
- VGA mode
- vibration mode
- video mode
- virtual 8086 mode
- virtual 86 mode
- virtual real mode
- volume magnetostatic mode
- wait for key mode
- waiting mode
- Walker mode
- walk-off mode
- wave mode
- waveguide mode
- whispering-gallery mode
- whistler mode
- width modes
- write mode
- write multiple mode
- zero-frequency mode
- zero-order modeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > mode
17 path
1) путьа) пройденный путь; пробег; длина пути; длина пробегаб) дорога; дорожкав) траектория (напр. луча); маршрут (напр. передачи данных в сети); линия прохожденияг) вчт. путь доступад) вчт. префикс имени файла или каталогаж) путь в графе2) контур ( объекта или выделения в графических редакторах); граница3) канал (напр. связи); тракт (напр. передачи); трасса (напр. распространения радиоволн); цепь (напр. обратной связи)4) микр. межсоединение; (коммутационная) дорожка•- access pathpath between nodes — путь между вершинами, путь между узлами (в графе)
- actuating path
- amplification path
- approach path
- ballistic free path
- bang path
- beam path
- beyond-line-of-sight path
- breakdown path
- calculated path
- character path
- clipping path
- closed path
- communications path
- conduction path
- conductive path
- connection path
- control path
- creepage path
- critical path
- current path
- cyclic path
- data path
- data transmission path
- digital path
- diversity path
- down path
- Earth-satellite path
- electrical connection path
- electron path
- electron-electron free path
- electron-phonon free path
- Euler path
- feedback path
- feedforward path
- filamentary path
- flight path
- flux return path
- forward path
- free path
- geodesic path
- geometrical path
- glide path
- graph path
- great-circle path
- ground return path
- Hamilton path
- heat-conducting path
- heteroclinic path
- holding path
- homoclinic path
- inclined path
- ionization path
- ionospheric path
- label switched path
- leakage path
- line-of-sight path
- low-impedance return path
- mail path
- main program path
- mean free ionizing path
- mean free path
- mixed path
- mountain diffraction path
- multihop path
- multiple-choice path
- multiple-reflection path
- open path
- optical path
- overhorizon path
- paraxial path
- path of integration
- path of operation
- phase path
- propagation path
- ray path
- reliable acoustic path
- return path
- reverse path
- scan path
- selected path
- signal path
- simple path
- sneak path
- speech path
- subcritical path
- talking path
- tangential wave path
- terrestrial path
- through path
- transmission path
- tropospheric path
- tunneling path
- up path
- work pathThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > path
18 rate
1) скорость; частота; интенсивность2) степень3) масштаб4) размер || измерять5) отношение; пропорция6) производительность; объём выпуска7) расход8) сорт; разряд; класс || классифицировать9) норма; тариф; расценка || нормировать10) оценка || оценивать11) режим работы12) сила тока, величина тока (напр. в батарее)•- accident rate
- adaptive feed rate
- approach rate
- assessed failure rate
- average rate
- band rate
- breakdown rate
- broaching rate
- build rate
- burden rate
- capacity rate
- charge rate
- closely controlled feed rate
- communications rate
- compression rate
- conservative feed rate
- control rate
- controlled rate
- copying rate
- count rate
- coverage rate
- cradle roll rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise
- cross travel rate
- cutter wear rate
- cutting feed rate
- cutting rate
- cycle rate
- data processing rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deceleration rate
- delivery rate
- departure rate
- discharge rate
- downtime rate
- drilling rate
- drive feed rate
- energy fluence rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- fast axis traverse rate
- fast metal-removal rate
- fast traverse rate
- fatality rate
- feed rate
- feed-up rate
- fine feed rate
- fingertip control feed rate
- finish feed rate
- fixed-time production rate
- flow delivery rate
- flow rate
- fluence rate
- foot per minute rate
- FPR rate
- gear reduction rate
- given rate
- grinding rate
- hardening rate
- heat rate
- heat transfer rate
- high-power beam cladding rate
- hour rate
- hourly machine rate
- hourly manufacturing rate
- hourly rate
- incorrect infeed rate
- infeed rate
- information rate
- input flow rate
- integral action rate
- inventory turnover rate
- job rate
- joint rate
- labor rates
- load rate
- machine hour rate per annum
- machine tool utilization rate
- machine utilization rate
- machining feed rate
- machining rate
- man-hour per piece rate
- man-hour rate
- manufacturing rate
- material removal rate
- maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
- maximum pulse rate
- maximum-stepping rate
- measurement rate
- medium feed rate
- memory rate
- metal-removal rate
- metering rate
- milling rate
- net working rate
- operation rate
- optimal feed rate
- output rate
- perforation rate
- performance rate
- picking rate
- piece-work rate
- plunge rate
- positioning rate
- predicted failure rate
- probability rate
- probing feed rate
- process rate
- processing rate
- production rate
- productivity rate of return
- productivity rate
- programmed feed rate
- proper feed rate
- pulse rate
- pulse repetition rate
- pump delivery rate
- pumping rate
- quench rate
- quenching rate
- ramp-down rate
- ramp-up rate
- rapid air cut feed rate
- rapid approach rate
- rapid return rate
- rate of action
- rate of beam alloying
- rate of change of temperature
- rate of change
- rate of equipment use
- rate of flow of electrons
- rate of flushing the gap
- rate of inherent regulation
- rate of rise of on-state current
- rate of rise
- rate of rotation
- rate of self-regulation
- rate of speed
- rate of travel
- rate of turn
- rate of work
- reading rate
- reaming rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduction rate
- refresh rate
- reject rate
- removal rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- return rate
- revolution rate
- rework rate
- rigid production rate
- sample rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- sawing rate
- scrap rate
- self-regulation rate
- servo update rate
- slew rate
- slow rate of wear
- specific metal removal rate
- specific removal rate
- spindle axis feed rate
- spring rate
- standard production rate
- stated cutting rate
- stock removal rate
- stock turnover rate
- strain rate
- taper rate
- tapping rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of change
- time-varying rate
- tool feed rate
- tool wear rate
- tool-to-tool change rate
- top feed rate
- traverse feed rate
- traverse rate
- turning rate
- turnover rate
- update rate
- utilization rate
- volume flow rate
- volumetric flow rate
- voluntary production rate
- wear rate
- wetting rate
- wheel removal rate
- work rate
- working rate
- X-axis feed rate
- yield rateEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > rate
19 rate
число, количество; степень; скорость; темп; норма; коэффициент; квота; производить оценку; классифицировать; подразделять на категории; аттестовыватьtracking (barrel) elevating rate — скорость наводки (ствола) в вертикальной плоскости в режиме сопровождения (цели)
tracking (barrel) traversing rate — скорость наводки (ствола) в горизонтальной плоскости в режиме сопровождения (цели)
— alert readiness rate— climbing rate— hit rate— jamming suppression rate— pitching rate— reinforcement build-up rate— replacement support rate— rolling rate— war rate— yawing rate
См. также в других словарях:
breakdown — break‧down [ˈbreɪkdaʊn] noun 1. [countable] a statement showing information or a total amount separated into parts so that it is easier to understand: • A spending breakdown showed the average household spent £47.70 on food per week. • Also in… … Financial and business terms
breakdown — n. 1) to have, suffer a breakdown (he had a nervous breakdown) 2) a complete; mental; nervous breakdown 3) a breakdown in communications * * * [ breɪkdaʊn] mental nervous breakdown suffer a breakdown (he had a nervous breakdown) a complete a… … Combinatory dictionary
breakdown in communications — disintegration in correspondence, failure to communicate … English contemporary dictionary
Charter Communications — Charter Communications, Inc. Type Public NASDAQ: CHTR Industry Telecommunications … Wikipedia
Submarine communications cable — A cross section of a submarine communications cable. 1 Polyethylene 2 Mylar tape 3 Stranded steel wires 4 Aluminium water barrier 5 Polycarbonate 6 Copper or aluminium tube 7 Petroleum jelly 8 Optical fib … Wikipedia
Concert Communications Services — was a $1 billion joint venture, originally launched June 1994 by BT Group and MCI Communications. Portugal Telecom became a partner in 1997.[1] Concert was the first multi service global end to end telecommunications provider [2][3], which broke… … Wikipedia
Battle of Arnhem — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Arnhem partof=Operation Market Garden caption=The Arnhem road bridge on 19 September, showing signs of the 2nd Battalions defence on the northern ramp. date= September 17, 1944 – September 25, 1944… … Wikipedia
Suicidal Tendencies (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Suicidal Tendencies Type = studio Artist = Suicidal Tendencies Released = July 5, 1983 Recorded = 1983 Genre = Hardcore punk Length = 28:17 Label = Frontier Producer = Glen E. Friedman Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|4.5|5… … Wikipedia
Anthea Turner — Infobox journalist name = Anthea Turner | birthname = birth date = Birth date and age|1960|05|25|df=y birth place = Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom age = 48 death date = death place = occupation = TV Presenter/Journalist gender = Female status =… … Wikipedia
P. Chidambaram — In this Indian name, the name Palaniappan is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by the given name, Chidambaram. Palaniappan Chidambaram பழனியப்பன் சிதம்பரம் Minister of Home Affairs … Wikipedia
Agony (TV series) — infobox television show name = Agony caption = genre = Sitcom runtime = 30 minutes creator = Len Richmond Anna Raeburn starring = Maureen Lipman Simon Williams Maria Charles Peter Blake country = United Kingdom network = ITV first aired = 11… … Wikipedia