1 common vole
1) Биология: обыкновенная полёвка (Microtus arvalis), серая полёвка (Microtus arvalis)2) Сельское хозяйство: обыкновенная полёвка (Microtus arualis)3) Лесоводство: (Microtus arvalis Pall.) обыкновенная полёвка -
2 common vole
обыкновенная полёвка ( Microtus arvalis), серая полёвка ( Microtus arvalis)* * * -
3 common vole (Microtus arvalis Pall.)
Лесоводство: обыкновенная полёвкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > common vole (Microtus arvalis Pall.)
4 vole
vole полёвка, Microtus; Clethrionomys; Pitymysbank vole рыжая полёвка, Clethrionomys glareoluscommon vole обыкновенная полёвка, Microtus arvalisfield vole пашенная полёвка, Microtus agrestislarge-toothed redback vole красно-серая полёвка, Clethrionomys rufocanusnarrow-skulled vole узкочерепная полёвка, Microtus gregalisnorthern mole vole слепушонка, Ellobius talpinuspine vole подземная полёвка, Pitymys subterraneusroot vole полёвка-экономка, Microtus oeconomussinging vole узкочерепная полёвка, Microtus gregalistundra vole полёвка-экономка, Microtus oeconomuswater vole водяная полёвка, Arvicola terrestrisEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > vole
5 vole
полёвка; серая полёвка ( Microtus)- Chinese vole
- common field vole
- common vole
- field vole
- grey-sided vole
- ground vole
- high-mountain vole
- large-toothed redback vole
- meadow vole
- mole vole
- mountain vole
- narrow-skulled vole
- northern mole vole
- northern red-backed vole
- oriental vole
- pine vole
- root vole
- sagebrush vole
- short-tailed vole
- singing vole
- snow vole
- tundra vole
- water vole* * *• полевка -
6 vole, field
1. LAT Microtus agrestis Linnaeus2. RUS тёмная [пашенная] полёвка f3. ENG short-tailed vole, short-tailed [common] field mouse, (short-tailed, common European) field vole, northern [highland] grass mouse4. DEU Erdmaus f, Ackermaus f5. FRA campagnol m agreste [des champs]1. LAT Microtus arvalis Pallas2. RUS обыкновенная [серая] полёвка f3. ENG common [field, orney, Quernsey] vole4. DEU Wühlmaus f, (gemeine) Feldmaus f5. FRA campagnol m commun [ordinaire, fauve, vulgaire] -
7 vole, common European field
1. LAT Microtus agrestis Linnaeus2. RUS тёмная [пашенная] полёвка f3. ENG short-tailed vole, short-tailed [common] field mouse, (short-tailed, common European) field vole, northern [highland] grass mouse4. DEU Erdmaus f, Ackermaus f5. FRA campagnol m agreste [des champs]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > vole, common European field
8 vole, short-tailed (field)
1. LAT Microtus agrestis Linnaeus2. RUS тёмная [пашенная] полёвка f3. ENG short-tailed vole, short-tailed [common] field mouse, (short-tailed, common European) field vole, northern [highland] grass mouse4. DEU Erdmaus f, Ackermaus f5. FRA campagnol m agreste [des champs]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > vole, short-tailed (field)
9 vole, short-tailed (field)
1. LAT Microtus agrestis Linnaeus2. RUS тёмная [пашенная] полёвка f3. ENG short-tailed vole, short-tailed [common] field mouse, (short-tailed, common European) field vole, northern [highland] grass mouse4. DEU Erdmaus f, Ackermaus f5. FRA campagnol m agreste [des champs]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > vole, short-tailed (field)
10 vole, common
1. LAT Microtus arvalis Pallas2. RUS обыкновенная [серая] полёвка f3. ENG common [field, orney, Quernsey] vole4. DEU Wühlmaus f, (gemeine) Feldmaus f5. FRA campagnol m commun [ordinaire, fauve, vulgaire] -
11 vole, common red-backed
1. LAT Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber2. RUS рыжая (лесная) полёвка f, европейская рыжая [европейская лесная] полёвка f3. ENG bank [common red-backed] vole4. DEU (Donau-)Rötelmaus, mitteleuropäische [Ruttner's] Rötelmaus f, nördliche Flachland-Rötelmaus f, Harzmaus f, Waldwühlmaus f5. FRA campagnol m roussâtre (du Nord), campagnol m des bois [des grèves, des sables, fauve, glaréole, rougeâtre]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > vole, common red-backed
12 vole, bank
1. LAT Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber2. RUS рыжая (лесная) полёвка f, европейская рыжая [европейская лесная] полёвка f3. ENG bank [common red-backed] vole4. DEU (Donau-)Rötelmaus, mitteleuropäische [Ruttner's] Rötelmaus f, nördliche Flachland-Rötelmaus f, Harzmaus f, Waldwühlmaus f5. FRA campagnol m roussâtre (du Nord), campagnol m des bois [des grèves, des sables, fauve, glaréole, rougeâtre] -
13 vole, orney
1. LAT Microtus arvalis Pallas2. RUS обыкновенная [серая] полёвка f3. ENG common [field, orney, Quernsey] vole4. DEU Wühlmaus f, (gemeine) Feldmaus f5. FRA campagnol m commun [ordinaire, fauve, vulgaire] -
14 vole, Quernsey
1. LAT Microtus arvalis Pallas2. RUS обыкновенная [серая] полёвка f3. ENG common [field, orney, Quernsey] vole4. DEU Wühlmaus f, (gemeine) Feldmaus f5. FRA campagnol m commun [ordinaire, fauve, vulgaire]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > vole, Quernsey
15 common field vole
Биология: серая полёвка (Microtus) -
16 common field vole
17 field vole
1) пашенная полёвка ( Microtus agrestis), тёмная полёвка ( Microtus agrestis)2) см. common vole* * * -
18 mouse, common field
1. LAT Microtus agrestis Linnaeus2. RUS тёмная [пашенная] полёвка f3. ENG short-tailed vole, short-tailed [common] field mouse, (short-tailed, common European) field vole, northern [highland] grass mouse4. DEU Erdmaus f, Ackermaus f5. FRA campagnol m agreste [des champs]1. LAT Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus2. RUS (обыкновенная, европейская) лесная мышь f3. ENG (common, long-tailed) field mouse, (European) wood mouse4. DEU (europäische, westliche, kleine) Waldmaus f, Gartenwaldmaus f, Ackermaus f, große [langschwänzige] Feldmaus f, gelbbraune Maus f, Feld-Waldmaus f5. FRA mulot m (sylvestre), souris f des bois, rat-mulot m, rat m sauteur [d'Islande]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > mouse, common field
19 meadow vole
20 mouse, highland grass
1. LAT Microtus agrestis Linnaeus2. RUS тёмная [пашенная] полёвка f3. ENG short-tailed vole, short-tailed [common] field mouse, (short-tailed, common European) field vole, northern [highland] grass mouse4. DEU Erdmaus f, Ackermaus f5. FRA campagnol m agreste [des champs]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > mouse, highland grass
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Common Vole — Conservation status Least Concern ( … Wikipedia
common vole — paprastasis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Microtus arvalis angl. common vole; field vole; orney vole; Quernsey vole vok. Feldmaus; gemeine Feldmaus; Wühlmaus rus. обыкновенная полёвка; серая … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
common vole — noun A species of vole, Microtus arvalis … Wiktionary
Common Vole — … Википедия
Common Kestrel — Adult male Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus Conservation status … Wikipedia
Vole — Vole, n. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of micelike rodents belonging to {Arvicola} and allied genera of the subfamily {Arvicolin[ae]}. They have a thick head, short ears, and a short hairy tail. [1913 Webster] Note: The water vole, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
common European field vole — pievinis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Microtus agrestis angl. common European field vole; common field mouse; field vole; highland grass mouse; northern grass mouse; short tailed field… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
common field mouse — pievinis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Microtus agrestis angl. common European field vole; common field mouse; field vole; highland grass mouse; northern grass mouse; short tailed field… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Vole — Taxobox name = Vole image caption = The bank vole lives in woodland areas in Europe and Asia. regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Rodentia familia = Cricetidae subfamilia = Arvicolinae subfamilia authority = in part… … Wikipedia
vole — vole1 /vohl/, n. any of several small mouselike or ratlike rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera, having short limbs and a short tail. [1795 1805; short for volemouse field mouse, perh. < Norw *vollmus, equiv. to voll field (cf. WOLD1) … Universalium
common red-backed vole — rudasis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Clethrionomys glareolus angl. bank vole; common red backed vole vok. Donau Rötelmaus; Harzmaus; mitteleuropäische Rötelmaus; nördliche Flachland… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas