1 commitment rate
2 commitment rate
объем ассигнований; объем выделенных средств; объем обязательств (по предоставлению средств). . Словарь экономических терминов . -
3 commitment rate
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > commitment rate
4 commitment rate
5 rate
1. n1) норма; размер2) ставка, тариф; такса; расценка3) курс (валюты, ценных бумаг); цена4) скорость, темп5) процент, доля; коэффициент6) разряд, сорт7) местный налог; коммунальный налог
- accident rate
- accident frequency rate
- accounting rate
- accumulated earnings tax rate
- accumulated profits tax rate
- actuarial rate
- administered rate
- ad valorem
- advertising rate
- advertisement rate
- agreed rate
- air freight rates
- all-commodity rate
- all-in rate
- amortization rate
- annual rate
- annual average growth rate
- annual interest rate
- annualized rate of growth
- annual percentage rate
- annual production rate
- anticipated rate of expenditures
- any-quantity rate
- applicable rate
- area rate
- average rate
- average rate of return
- average annual rate
- average growth rate
- average tax rate
- average weighted rate
- backwardation rate
- baggage rate
- bank rate
- bank discount rate
- bank's repurchase rate
- base rate
- base lending rate
- basic rate
- rate rate of charge
- basing rate
- basis rate
- benchmark rate
- benchmark overnight bank lending rate
- berth rate
- bill rate
- birth rate
- blanket rate
- blended rate
- bond rate
- bonus rates
- borrowing rate
- bridge rate
- broken cross rates
- broker loan rate
- bulk cargo rate
- burden rate
- buyer's rate
- buying rate
- cable rates
- call rate
- call loan rate
- call money rate
- capacity rate
- capital gain rate
- capitalization rate
- carload rate
- carrier rate
- carrying over rate
- cash rate
- ceiling rate
- central rate
- cheque rate
- check rate
- class rate
- clearing rate
- closing rate
- collection rate
- column rate
- combination rate
- combination freight rate
- combination through rate
- combined rate
- commercial bank lending rates
- commission rate
- commitment rate
- commodity rate
- common freight rate
- compensation rate
- compound growth rate
- composite rate
- concessionary interest rate
- conference rate
- consumption rate
- container rate
- contango rate
- conventional rate
- conventional rate of interest
- conversion rate
- cost rate
- coupon rate
- credit rates
- cross rate
- cross-over discount rate
- crude rate
- curb rate
- currency rate
- current rate
- current rate of exchange
- customs rate
- cutback rate
- daily rate
- daily wage rate
- day rate
- death rate
- deck cargo rate
- default rate
- demand rate
- demurrage rate
- departmental overhead rate
- deposit rate
- deposit interest rate
- depreciation rate
- discharging rates
- discount rate
- dispatch rate
- distress rate
- dividend rate
- double exchange rate
- downtime rate
- drawdown rate
- drawing rate
- dual rate
- duty rate
- earned rate
- earning rate
- economic expansion rate
- economic growth rate
- effective rate
- effective rate of return
- effective annual rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective tax rate
- employment rate
- enrollment rate
- equalizing discount rate
- equilibrium exchange rate
- equilibrium growth rate
- estimated rate
- euro-dollar exchange rate
- evaluated wage rate
- exchange rate
- exchange rate to the dollar
- existing rates
- exorbitant rate
- exorbitant interest rate
- expansion rate
- expenditure rate
- export rate
- express rate
- extraction rate
- face interest rate
- failure rate
- fair rate of exchange
- favourable rate
- final rate
- financial internal rate of return
- fine rate
- first rate
- fixed rate
- fixed rate of exchange
- fixed rate of royalty
- fixed interest rate
- flat rate
- flexible exchange rate
- floating rate
- floating exchange rate
- floating interest rate
- floating prime rate
- floor rate of exchange
- fluctuant rate
- fluctuating rate
- forced rate of exchange
- foreign rate
- foreign exchange rate
- forward rate
- forward exchange rate
- free rate
- free exchange rate
- freight rate
- future rate
- general rates
- general rate of profit
- general cargo rates
- going rate
- going market rate
- going wage rates
- goods rate
- graduated rate
- group rate
- growth rate
- guaranteed wage rate
- handling rate
- high rate
- high rate of exchange
- high rate of productivity
- higher rate
- hiring rate
- hotel rates
- hourly rate
- hourly wage rate
- hurdle rate
- illness frequency rate
- import rate
- incidence rate
- income tariff rates
- increment rate
- individual tax rate
- inflation rate
- info rate
- inland rate
- insurance rate
- insurance premium rate
- interbank rate
- interbank overnight rate
- interest rate
- interest rate on loan capital
- internal rate of return
- job rates
- jobless rate
- key rates
- labour rates
- leading rate
- legal rate of interest
- lending rate
- less-than-carload rate
- liner rates
- liner freight rates
- loading rates
- loan rate
- loan-recovery rate
- local rate
- Lombard rate
- London Interbank Offered Rate
- London money rate
- long rate
- low rate
- lower rate
- margin rate
- marginal rate
- marginal tax rate
- marine rate
- marine transport rate
- market rate
- market rate of interest
- maximum rate
- maximum individual tax rate
- mean rate of exchange
- mean annual rate
- measured day rate
- members rate
- merchant discount rate
- minimum rate
- mixed cargo rate
- minimum lending rate
- minimum tax rate
- mobilization rate
- moderate rate
- monetary exchange rate
- money rate of interest
- money market rate
- monthly rate
- monthly rate of remuneration
- mortgage rate
- mortgage interest rate
- multiple rate
- multiple exchange rate
- municipal rates
- national rate of interest
- natural rate of growth
- natural rate of interest
- negative interest rate
- net rate
- New York interbank offered rate
- nominal interest rate
- nonconference rate
- nonresponse rate
- obsolescence rate
- occupational mortality rate
- offered rate
- official rate
- official rate of discount
- official exchange rate
- one-time rate
- opening rate
- open-market rates
- operating rate
- operation rate
- option rate
- ordinary rate
- output rate
- outstripping growth rate
- overdraft rate
- overhead rate
- overnight rate
- overtime rate
- paper rate
- parallel rate
- parcel rate
- par exchange rate
- parity rate
- par price rate
- part-load rate
- passenger rate
- pay rates
- pegged rate
- pegged exchange rate
- penalty rate
- penalty interest rate
- percentage rate of tax
- per diem rates
- personal income tax rate
- piece rate
- piecework rate
- port rates
- postal rate
- posted rate
- power rate
- preferential rate
- preferential railroad rate
- preferential railway rate
- present rate
- prevailing rate
- prime rate
- priority rates
- private rate of discount
- private market rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- profitability rate
- profitable exchange rate
- progressive rate
- proportional rate
- provisional rate
- purchase rates
- purchasing rate of exchange
- quasi-market rate
- rail rates
- railroad rates
- railway rates
- real economic growth rate
- real effective exchange rate
- real exchange rate
- real interest rate
- reciprocal rate
- redemption rate
- rediscount rate
- reduced rate
- reduced tax rate
- reduced withholding tax rate
- reference rate
- refinancing rate
- reject frequency rate
- remuneration rate
- renewal rate
- rental rate
- repo rate
- response rate
- retention rate
- retirement rate of discount
- royalty rate
- ruling rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- scrap frequency rate
- seasonal rates
- second rate
- sellers' rate
- selling rate
- settlement rate
- shipping rate
- short rate
- short-term interest rate
- sight rate
- single consignment rate
- soft lending rate
- space rate
- special rate
- specified rate
- spot rate
- stable exchange rate
- standard rate
- standard fixed overhead rates
- standard variable overhead rates
- standard wage rate
- statutory tax rate
- steady exchange rate
- step-down interest rate
- stevedoring rates
- stock depletion rate
- straight-line rate
- subsidized rate
- survival rate
- swap rate
- tariff rate
- tax rate
- taxation rate
- tax withholding rate
- telegraphic transfer rate
- temporary rate
- third rate
- through rate
- through freight rate
- time rate
- time wage rate
- today's rate
- top rate
- total rate
- trading rate
- traffic rate
- tramp freight rate
- transit rate
- transportation rate
- treasury bill rate
- turnover rate
- two-tier rate of exchange
- unacceptable rate
- unemployment rate
- uniform rates
- uniform business rate
- unofficial rate
- unprecedented rate
- utilization rate
- variable rate
- variable interest rate
- variable repo rate
- volume rate
- wage rate
- wage rate per hour
- wastage rate
- wear rate
- wear-out rate
- wholesale rate
- worker's rate
- year-end exchange rate
- zero interest rate
- zone rate
- rate for advances against collateral
- rate for advances on securities
- rate for cable transfers
- rate for a cheque
- rates for credits
- rates for currency allocations
- rate for loans
- rate for loans on collateral
- rate for mail transfers
- rate for telegraphic transfers
- rate in the outside market
- rate of accumulation
- rates of allocation into the fund
- rate of allowance
- rate of assessment
- rate of balanced growth
- rates of cargo operations
- rate of change
- rate of charge
- rate of commission
- rate of compensation
- rate of competitiveness
- rate of conversion
- rate of corporate taxation
- rate of cover
- rate of currency
- rates of currency allocation
- rate of the day
- rate of demurrage
- rate of dependency
- rate of depletion
- rate of deposit turnover
- rate of depreciation
- rate of development
- rate of discharge
- rate of discharging
- rate of discount
- rate of dispatch
- rate of duty
- rate of exchange
- rate of expenditures
- rate of expenses
- rate of foreign exchange
- rate of freight
- rate of full value
- rate of growth
- rate of increase
- rate of increment
- rate of inflation
- rate of input
- rate of insurance
- rate of interest
- rate of interest on advance
- rate of interest on deposits
- rate of investment
- rate of issue
- rates of loading
- rates of loading and discharging
- rate of natural increase
- rates of natural loss
- rate of option
- rate of pay
- rate of premium
- rate of price inflation
- rates of a price-list
- rate of production
- rate of profit
- rate of profitability
- rate of reduction
- rate of remuneration
- rate of return
- rate of return on capital
- rate of return on the capital employed
- rate of return on net worth
- rate of royalty
- rate of securities
- rate of stevedoring operations
- rates of storage
- rate of subscription
- rate of surplus value
- rate of taxation
- rate of turnover
- rate of unloading
- rate of use
- rate of wages
- rate of work
- rates on credit
- rate on the day of payment
- rate on the exchange
- rate per hour
- rate per kilometre
- at the rate of
- at the exchange rate ruling at the transaction date
- at a growing rate
- at a high rate
- at a low rate
- at present rates
- below the rate
- accelerate the rate
- advance the rate of discount
- align tax rates
- apply tariff rates
- boost interest rates
- boost long-term interest rates
- boost short-term interest rates
- charge an interest rate
- cut rates
- cut interest rates by a quarter point
- determine a rate
- establish a rate
- fix a rate
- grant special rates
- increase rates
- maintain high interest rates
- levy rates
- liberalize interest rates
- liberalize lending rates
- lower the rate of return
- mark down the rate of discount
- mark up the rate of discount
- prescribe rates
- quote a rate
- raise a rate
- reduce a rate
- reduce turnover rates of staff
- revise rates
- set rates
- slash interest rates
- step up the rate of growth
- suspend a currency's fixed rate
- upvalue the current rate of banknotes
- slow down the rate2. v1) оценивать, определять стоимость, устанавливать цену
- rate local and offshore funds -
6 rate
7 exchange rate guarantee commitment
Банковское дело: обязательство по гарантии валютного курсаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > exchange rate guarantee commitment
8 exchange rate guarantee commitment
Англо-русский экономический словарь > exchange rate guarantee commitment
1) Компьютерная техника: Chinese Character Recognition2) Американизм: Central Contractor Registration, Central Contractor Registry, Coordinated Compliance Review3) Спорт: Crystal Creek Rabbitry4) Военный термин: Command Conference Room, central control room, closed circuit radio, combat center, remoted, combat crew, command control receiver, command control room, component change request, contract change release, contract change request5) Техника: Computer Command Ride, closed-circuit radio, closed-cycle refrigerator, coaxial cavity resonator, command and control receiver, command and control room, communications change request, complex control room, control circuit resistance, cube corner reflector, центральная диспетчерская7) Железнодорожный термин: Chicago City Railway, Kansas City Southern Railway Company8) Юридический термин: Circuit Court Reports, Colonial Court Records, Covenants Conditions And Restrictions10) Бухгалтерия: Circle Computer Resources11) Грубое выражение: Computer Crazy Retard, Crap Curd Rat12) Телекоммуникации: Customer Controlled Reconfiguration, Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery (Application Layer)13) Сокращение: Canadian Coastal Radar, Canadian Coastal Radars (part of the old Pinetree Line), Commission on Civil Rights, Computer-Controlled Range, Credence Clearwater Revival, Cumulative Continuation Rate, Channel Command Register, Conversation Control Record, Counter Current Regeneration14) Физика: Centre for Chaotic Repeatability15) Вычислительная техника: commitment, concurrence and recovery protocol, continuing certification requirement, автоматизированный поиск, Current Cell Rate (ATM), Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (OSI)16) Нефть: критическая степень сжатия (critical compression ratio)17) Онкология: Continuous complete remission18) Банковское дело: Corporate Credit Rating19) Энергетика: щитовая системы управления станцией, customer control room20) СМИ: Camera- Cassette Recorder (aka camcorder)21) Деловая лексика: Certified Construction Resource22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Commission for Reserves, Central Committee for Reserves, установка каталитического крекинга23) Сетевые технологии: Continuing Certification Requirements, commitment, concurrency and recovery protocol, computer-controlled retrieval, протокол передачи, согласования и возврата24) Полимеры: critical compression ratio25) Программирование: Condition Code Register26) Контроль качества: component change rate27) Химическое оружие: Code of Colorado Regulations28) Интернет: Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery29) Нефть и газ: Central Commission for Hydrocarbon Reserves, Central Committee on Reserves, Minprirody Central Commission for State Expert Evaluation of Oil, Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate Reserves, Roskomnedra Central Commission for State Expert Evaluation of Oil, Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate Reserves, TsKZ-neft, consolidated control room, ЦКЗ-нефть, ЦКЗ нефть, ЦКЗнефть, Центральная комиссия Минприроды по государственной экспертизе запасов нефти, природного газа, газового конденсата, Центральная комиссия Роскомнедра по государственной экспертизе запасов нефти, природного газа, газового конденсата, CCR Oil, Central Committee on Hydrocarbon Reserves30) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: Conradson carbon residue, continuous catalyst regeneration, continuous catalytic reforming (непрерывный каталитический риформинг), установка каталитического реформинга с непрерывной регенерацией, continuous catalytic reformer31) Логистика: Центральный реестр подрядчиков (Central Contractor Registration, https://www.bpn.gov/ccr/default.aspx)32) Электротехника: control contactor33) Уровнеметрия: Cargo Control Room34) Общественная организация: Center for Constitutional Rights35) Правительство: Codes Covenants Restrictions36) NYSE. Countrywide CR Industries, Inc.37) НАСА: Configuration Change Request -
10 CCr
1) Компьютерная техника: Chinese Character Recognition2) Американизм: Central Contractor Registration, Central Contractor Registry, Coordinated Compliance Review3) Спорт: Crystal Creek Rabbitry4) Военный термин: Command Conference Room, central control room, closed circuit radio, combat center, remoted, combat crew, command control receiver, command control room, component change request, contract change release, contract change request5) Техника: Computer Command Ride, closed-circuit radio, closed-cycle refrigerator, coaxial cavity resonator, command and control receiver, command and control room, communications change request, complex control room, control circuit resistance, cube corner reflector, центральная диспетчерская7) Железнодорожный термин: Chicago City Railway, Kansas City Southern Railway Company8) Юридический термин: Circuit Court Reports, Colonial Court Records, Covenants Conditions And Restrictions10) Бухгалтерия: Circle Computer Resources11) Грубое выражение: Computer Crazy Retard, Crap Curd Rat12) Телекоммуникации: Customer Controlled Reconfiguration, Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery (Application Layer)13) Сокращение: Canadian Coastal Radar, Canadian Coastal Radars (part of the old Pinetree Line), Commission on Civil Rights, Computer-Controlled Range, Credence Clearwater Revival, Cumulative Continuation Rate, Channel Command Register, Conversation Control Record, Counter Current Regeneration14) Физика: Centre for Chaotic Repeatability15) Вычислительная техника: commitment, concurrence and recovery protocol, continuing certification requirement, автоматизированный поиск, Current Cell Rate (ATM), Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (OSI)16) Нефть: критическая степень сжатия (critical compression ratio)17) Онкология: Continuous complete remission18) Банковское дело: Corporate Credit Rating19) Энергетика: щитовая системы управления станцией, customer control room20) СМИ: Camera- Cassette Recorder (aka camcorder)21) Деловая лексика: Certified Construction Resource22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Commission for Reserves, Central Committee for Reserves, установка каталитического крекинга23) Сетевые технологии: Continuing Certification Requirements, commitment, concurrency and recovery protocol, computer-controlled retrieval, протокол передачи, согласования и возврата24) Полимеры: critical compression ratio25) Программирование: Condition Code Register26) Контроль качества: component change rate27) Химическое оружие: Code of Colorado Regulations28) Интернет: Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery29) Нефть и газ: Central Commission for Hydrocarbon Reserves, Central Committee on Reserves, Minprirody Central Commission for State Expert Evaluation of Oil, Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate Reserves, Roskomnedra Central Commission for State Expert Evaluation of Oil, Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate Reserves, TsKZ-neft, consolidated control room, ЦКЗ-нефть, ЦКЗ нефть, ЦКЗнефть, Центральная комиссия Минприроды по государственной экспертизе запасов нефти, природного газа, газового конденсата, Центральная комиссия Роскомнедра по государственной экспертизе запасов нефти, природного газа, газового конденсата, CCR Oil, Central Committee on Hydrocarbon Reserves30) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: Conradson carbon residue, continuous catalyst regeneration, continuous catalytic reforming (непрерывный каталитический риформинг), установка каталитического реформинга с непрерывной регенерацией, continuous catalytic reformer31) Логистика: Центральный реестр подрядчиков (Central Contractor Registration, https://www.bpn.gov/ccr/default.aspx)32) Электротехника: control contactor33) Уровнеметрия: Cargo Control Room34) Общественная организация: Center for Constitutional Rights35) Правительство: Codes Covenants Restrictions36) NYSE. Countrywide CR Industries, Inc.37) НАСА: Configuration Change Request -
11 Ccr
1) Компьютерная техника: Chinese Character Recognition2) Американизм: Central Contractor Registration, Central Contractor Registry, Coordinated Compliance Review3) Спорт: Crystal Creek Rabbitry4) Военный термин: Command Conference Room, central control room, closed circuit radio, combat center, remoted, combat crew, command control receiver, command control room, component change request, contract change release, contract change request5) Техника: Computer Command Ride, closed-circuit radio, closed-cycle refrigerator, coaxial cavity resonator, command and control receiver, command and control room, communications change request, complex control room, control circuit resistance, cube corner reflector, центральная диспетчерская7) Железнодорожный термин: Chicago City Railway, Kansas City Southern Railway Company8) Юридический термин: Circuit Court Reports, Colonial Court Records, Covenants Conditions And Restrictions10) Бухгалтерия: Circle Computer Resources11) Грубое выражение: Computer Crazy Retard, Crap Curd Rat12) Телекоммуникации: Customer Controlled Reconfiguration, Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery (Application Layer)13) Сокращение: Canadian Coastal Radar, Canadian Coastal Radars (part of the old Pinetree Line), Commission on Civil Rights, Computer-Controlled Range, Credence Clearwater Revival, Cumulative Continuation Rate, Channel Command Register, Conversation Control Record, Counter Current Regeneration14) Физика: Centre for Chaotic Repeatability15) Вычислительная техника: commitment, concurrence and recovery protocol, continuing certification requirement, автоматизированный поиск, Current Cell Rate (ATM), Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (OSI)16) Нефть: критическая степень сжатия (critical compression ratio)17) Онкология: Continuous complete remission18) Банковское дело: Corporate Credit Rating19) Энергетика: щитовая системы управления станцией, customer control room20) СМИ: Camera- Cassette Recorder (aka camcorder)21) Деловая лексика: Certified Construction Resource22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Commission for Reserves, Central Committee for Reserves, установка каталитического крекинга23) Сетевые технологии: Continuing Certification Requirements, commitment, concurrency and recovery protocol, computer-controlled retrieval, протокол передачи, согласования и возврата24) Полимеры: critical compression ratio25) Программирование: Condition Code Register26) Контроль качества: component change rate27) Химическое оружие: Code of Colorado Regulations28) Интернет: Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery29) Нефть и газ: Central Commission for Hydrocarbon Reserves, Central Committee on Reserves, Minprirody Central Commission for State Expert Evaluation of Oil, Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate Reserves, Roskomnedra Central Commission for State Expert Evaluation of Oil, Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate Reserves, TsKZ-neft, consolidated control room, ЦКЗ-нефть, ЦКЗ нефть, ЦКЗнефть, Центральная комиссия Минприроды по государственной экспертизе запасов нефти, природного газа, газового конденсата, Центральная комиссия Роскомнедра по государственной экспертизе запасов нефти, природного газа, газового конденсата, CCR Oil, Central Committee on Hydrocarbon Reserves30) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: Conradson carbon residue, continuous catalyst regeneration, continuous catalytic reforming (непрерывный каталитический риформинг), установка каталитического реформинга с непрерывной регенерацией, continuous catalytic reformer31) Логистика: Центральный реестр подрядчиков (Central Contractor Registration, https://www.bpn.gov/ccr/default.aspx)32) Электротехника: control contactor33) Уровнеметрия: Cargo Control Room34) Общественная организация: Center for Constitutional Rights35) Правительство: Codes Covenants Restrictions36) NYSE. Countrywide CR Industries, Inc.37) НАСА: Configuration Change Request -
12 line
линия; цепь ( боевой порядок) ; линия фронта; развернутый строй; позиция; ( оборонительный) рубеж; проводная связь; провод, кабель; отмечаться по основному направлению— assault starting line— ASW line— bomb safety line— cable communication line— hot line— launching line— line one— lines of communications— O-O line— secured line— target sighting line -
13 ICR
1) Общая лексика: Improvement Commitment Report, International Certification Registrar2) Компьютерная техника: international communication recorder4) Военный термин: Intelligence Collection Request, in-commission rate, infantry company radar, initial contact report, instruction change request, intelligence collection requirement, inventory change report, устройство для отключения отсекателя инфракрасного излучения (IR Cutter Remover)5) Техника: International Congress of Radiology, initial conversion ratio, intelligible crosstalk ratio6) Химия: Inanimate Carbon Rod7) Юридический термин: Income Contingent Repayment8) Бухгалтерия: Indirect Cost Recovery9) Сокращение: Initial Cell Rate, Institute of Cancer Research, InterCooled Recuperated (gas turbine engine), Intercooled Recuperated / Regenerative engine, Intelligible Cross-talk Ratio, Ion Cyclotron Resonance, The Institute for Cetacean Research10) Физиология: Insert, Controlled Release11) Вычислительная техника: intelligent character recognition12) Фирменный знак: International Communications Research13) Нефтепромысловый: (Improvement Commitment Report) отчёт об обязательствах по улучшению14) Образование: I Can Read15) Программирование: Interrupt Control Register16) Автоматика: interface control receiver17) Химическое оружие: Instrumentation calibration report18) Макаров: ИЦР19) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics (NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file)20) Электротехника: iron-core reactor -
14 icr
1) Общая лексика: Improvement Commitment Report, International Certification Registrar2) Компьютерная техника: international communication recorder4) Военный термин: Intelligence Collection Request, in-commission rate, infantry company radar, initial contact report, instruction change request, intelligence collection requirement, inventory change report, устройство для отключения отсекателя инфракрасного излучения (IR Cutter Remover)5) Техника: International Congress of Radiology, initial conversion ratio, intelligible crosstalk ratio6) Химия: Inanimate Carbon Rod7) Юридический термин: Income Contingent Repayment8) Бухгалтерия: Indirect Cost Recovery9) Сокращение: Initial Cell Rate, Institute of Cancer Research, InterCooled Recuperated (gas turbine engine), Intercooled Recuperated / Regenerative engine, Intelligible Cross-talk Ratio, Ion Cyclotron Resonance, The Institute for Cetacean Research10) Физиология: Insert, Controlled Release11) Вычислительная техника: intelligent character recognition12) Фирменный знак: International Communications Research13) Нефтепромысловый: (Improvement Commitment Report) отчёт об обязательствах по улучшению14) Образование: I Can Read15) Программирование: Interrupt Control Register16) Автоматика: interface control receiver17) Химическое оружие: Instrumentation calibration report18) Макаров: ИЦР19) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics (NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file)20) Электротехника: iron-core reactor -
15 forward
1. прил.1) общ. передний2) общ. передовой, прогрессивный; идущий впереди других, лидирующий; лучший3) общ. рассчитанный на будущееSee:4) общ. всюду сующийся; нахальный, наглый, развязный5) общ. заблаговременный, предварительный6) эк. форвардный (о закупках, контрактах: поставляемый со сроком в будущем)"Forward delivery" means that the goods will be delivered at a future date. — Форвардная поставка означает, что товар будет поставлен к некоторой будущей дате.
See:forward buying, forward commitment, forward contract, forward deal, forward delivery, forward exchange agreement, forward exchange contract, forward exchange rate, forward exchange transaction, forward margin, forward market, forward market hedge, forward maturity, forward order, forward purchase, forward rate agreement, forward reversing option, forward sale, forward selling, forward spread agreement, forward start swap, forward transaction, implied forward rate7) общ. ранний, скороспелый, преждевременный
2. нареч.1) общ. с этого момента, отныне, впредь2) общ. в будущемMaize still dear, but cheaper forward. — Кукуруза все еще дорога, но в будущем подешевеет.
3) общ. вперед, от себя, дальшеSee:4) общ. спереди, на виду
3. сущ.1) спорт. нападающий, форвард2) эк., часто мн. форвардный контрактSyn:See:at-the-money forward, break-forward, municipal forwards, out of the money forward, outright forward, participation forward, range forward, roll forward, roll-down and forward, rolling forward, roll-up and forward, short date forward
4. гл.1) общ. ускорять; подталкивать вперед; помогать; способствовать2) общ. отправлять, пересылать, переправлять, переадресовыватьThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > forward
16 CDR
1) Общая лексика: cup-disc ratio, соотношение диаметров экскавации к диску зрительного нерва2) Компьютерная техника: Compact Disc Rom, Compact Disk Recordable, Copy Density Range, call detail recording3) Авиация: chip data ready, Conditional Route( условный маршрут)4) Военный термин: cargo delivery receipt, civil defense receiver, coastal defense radar, command destruct receiver, command distribution rack, commander, complete design release, composite damage risk, consolidated data report, constant dose rate, construction discrepancy report, contract data requirements, contract definition report, critical design review, cumulative data report5) Техника: CO2-D2O reactor, conceptual design report, conceptual design requirement, core damage risk, corona discharge reactor, current directional relay6) Шутливое выражение: Create Duplicate Rip7) Автомобильный термин: Chrysler diagnostic readout8) Биржевой термин: China Depository Receipts9) Грубое выражение: Crappy Demo Recordings10) Металлургия: Технология прямого восстановления хрома ( Krupp) (Chrome Direct Reduction), Технология прямого восстановления хрома (Krupp)11) Телекоммуникации: Call Data Records, Call Detail Records, Clock and Data Recovery, сбор и обработка информации по вызовам, учётная запись о звонке, (Call Detail Record) CDR-запись, (Call Detail Record) запись о вызове, Информация о совершенных вызовах (с сайта cisco), детализация вызова, детализация звонка, Call Drop Rate12) Сокращение: Close Defence Relations, Contents of the Decrement part of the Register (LISP), Carbon dioxide - Deuterium oxide Reactor, Compact Disc Recordable13) Электроника: Chemical distribution room, Compact Disc Rewriteable, Current Drain Reduction14) Вычислительная техника: constant density recording, расширение файлов векторной графики CorelDRAW, Compact Disk - Recordable (CD), call detail record, файл с документом CorelDraw15) Нефть: continuous drilling rate16) Иммунология: Clinical Data Repository, Computerized Digital Radiography, complementarity-determining region, complementarity determining regions (гипервариабельные участки; районы, определяющими комплементарность), complementary determining region, complementary determining region, комплементарно определяемая область18) Космонавтика: защита рабочего проекта, защита технического проекта, критический анализ проектных работ19) Транспорт: Coded Departure Routes20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: logging tool for MWD21) Программирование: Content Of Decrement Register, Contents Data Register, Contents Of Data Register, критический обзор проектных решений (см. critical design review)22) Сахалин Ю: commitment deviation request23) Расширение файла: Common Data Representation, CorelDraw format Vector graphics, Vector graphics format (CorelDraw)24) Общественная организация: Center for Democratic Renewal25) Аэропорты: Comodoro Rivadavia City Airport, Patagonia, Argentina -
17 report
1. n1) доклад; сообщение; отчет2) отзыв, заключение3) акт4) отсрочка расчета по фондовой сделке, контанго, репорт
- acceptance report
- acceptance test report
- accountant's report
- accounting report
- action report
- actuarial report
- advanced outstanding report
- adverse auditor's report
- annual report
- annual financial report
- appraisal report
- auditor's report
- average rate report
- base rate change history report
- bills outstanding report
- board of directors report
- branch balance report
- brokerage report
- budgetary control report
- bullish report
- business report
- call report
- cash report
- chairman's report
- claim report
- commercial report
- company report
- confidential report
- confirmed/unconfirmed deals report
- conflicting report
- consolidated report
- contract funds status report
- contract status report
- corporate report
- corporate profit report
- cost information report
- cost reduction report
- credit report
- credit agency report
- credits by customer report
- current industrial reports
- customs report
- customs surveyor report
- daily report
- daily cash report
- daily movement report
- damage report
- delinquency report
- direct report
- director's report
- directors' report
- draft report
- due diligence report
- earnings report
- end-of-day report
- establishment report
- evaluation report
- examination report
- examiners' report
- exchange report
- exchange rate warning report
- expense report
- expert's report
- factory inspection report
- failure report
- fault detection report
- feasibility report
- final report
- financial report
- fiscal report
- full report
- government report
- group report
- group limit report
- guarantee test report
- idle time report
- inaccurate report
- industry report
- inspection report
- interim report
- internal funding report
- intracompany report
- limit summary report
- liquidity report
- loan and deposit liquidity report
- loan facility usage report
- management report
- manufacturing report
- market report
- maturity deal warning report
- model audit report
- money report
- monthly report
- no instruction warning report
- nostro transfer report
- official report
- operating report
- operational report
- outturn report
- over-the-counter reports
- overlimit report
- past-repayment warning report
- performance report
- production report
- profit and loss report
- progress report
- provisional report
- qualified report
- quality control report
- quality survey report
- quarterly report
- receiving report
- research report
- returned stores report
- routine report
- sales report
- semi-annual report
- shared interest margin report
- shortage report
- situation report
- source and application of funds report
- standard narrative report
- statistical report
- status report
- statutory report
- stock market report
- stock status report
- summary report
- suspect loan report
- technical inspection report
- tentative balance-sheet report
- test report
- timekeeping report
- trade report
- trading activity report
- travel expense report
- travellers' cheque issued report
- trial balance reports
- undrawn commitment report
- yearly report
- report of condition
- report of experts' examination
- report on market conditions
- report on the market situation
- approve a report
- certify a report
- draw up a report
- file an annual report
- file periodical reports
- issue a financial report
- issue a test report
- make a report
- present a report
- submit a report2. v1) сообщать, информировать2) отчитываться3) подчиняться, находиться в подчиненииEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > report
18 report
1.1) сообщать, информировать2) отчитываться2.1) доклад; сообщение; отчет2) ведомость3) акт4) отсрочка расчета по фондовой сделке, репорт• -
19 letter
1. n
- accompanying letter
- acknowledgement letter
- advertising letter
- airmail letter
- allocation letter
- allotment letter
- bank letter
- base rate change letter
- bid letter
- business letter
- call letter
- cash letter
- circular letter
- cold comfort letter
- collect letter
- collection letter
- commercial letter
- confidentiality letter
- confirmation letter
- confirming letter
- congratulatory letter
- cover letter
- covering letter
- dead letter
- declaration letter
- draft letter
- dun letter
- dunning letter
- encashment letter
- express letter
- fixing letter
- follow-up letter
- guarantee letter
- indemnity letter
- information letter
- ingoing letter
- inquiry letter
- instructive letter
- insured letter
- in-town letter
- invitation letter
- loan commitment letter
- market letter
- money letter
- official letter
- operational letter
- order letter
- ordinary letter
- original letter
- outgoing letter
- paid letter
- patent letter
- personal letter
- prepaid letter
- registered letter
- request letter
- resignation letter
- rights letter
- sales letter
- solicitor's letter
- special delivery letter
- testamentary letter
- transmittal letter
- unpaid letter
- unstamped letter
- letter of advice
- letter of allotment
- letter of apology
- letter of attorney
- letter of authority
- letter of authorization
- letter of collection
- letter of commitment
- letter of condolence
- letter of confirmation
- letter of congratulation
- letter of consignment
- letter of deposit
- letter of encashment
- letter of engagement
- letters of exchange
- letter of guarantee
- letter of hypothecation
- letter of identification
- letter of indemnity
- letter of indent
- letter of inquiry
- letter of instruction
- letter of intent
- letter of introduction
- letter of lien
- letter of notification
- letter of recommendation
- letter of reference
- letter of reminder
- letter of renunciation
- letter of reply
- letter of representation
- letter of response
- letter of thanks
- letter of transmittal
- letter of trust
- letter of understanding
- by registered letter
- letter chargeable on delivery
- letter to be called for
- acknowledge receipt of a letter
- address a letter
- confirm a letter
- deliver a letter at the address
- dispatch a letter
- draft a letter
- exchange letters
- forward a letter
- frank a letter
- hand in a letter
- mail a letter
- post a letter
- send a letter
- sign a letter
- violate the letter of law2. v2) надписыватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > letter
20 letter
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Commitment rate — Commitment rates are the rates at which mortgage loans can be sold to another entity, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or other lenders. The Fannie Mae Commitment Rate is the rate that Fannie requires for a par priced loan. From the commitment… … Wikipedia
commitment fee — England, Wales commitment fee, Also known as commitment commission. A fee payable by the borrower to the lender under a loan agreement calculated by reference to the amount of the undrawn and uncancelled loan during the availability period. In a… … Law dictionary
commitment commission — England, Wales commitment fee, Also known as commitment commission. A fee payable by the borrower to the lender under a loan agreement calculated by reference to the amount of the undrawn and uncancelled loan during the availability period. In a… … Law dictionary
Commitment ordering — In concurrency control of databases, transaction processing (transaction management), and related applications, Commitment ordering (or Commit ordering; CO; (Raz 1990, 1992, 1994, 2009)) is a class of interoperable Serializability techniques … Wikipedia
Commitment to Development Index — The Commitment to Development Index (CDI), published annually by the Center for Global Development, ranks the world’s richest countries on their dedication to policies that benefit the five billion people living in poorer nations. Rich and poor… … Wikipedia
loan commitment — n. A promise made by a bank or other lending institution to a prospective purchaser of real estate that it will lend him or her a specified sum at a specified interest rate to purchase a particular property if it is done within a specified period … Law dictionary
Royalty rate assessment — is a practical tool to gauge the impact of a royalty commitment in a technology contract to the business interests of the contracting parties. In this coverage, the terms royalty , royalty rate and royalties are used interchangeably.A firm with… … Wikipedia
Golden Rule savings rate — In economics, the Golden Rule savings rate is the rate of savings which maximizes steady state growth consumption in the Solow growth model. It is a term attributedref|PhelpsAttribution to Edmund Phelps who wrote in 1961 that the Golden Rule do… … Wikipedia
Locked-In Interest Rate — Referring to a loan where the borrower and lender agree on a constant rate for a specified period. The lending institution promises to charge this locked in rate as a legal commitment. Sometimes there are certain qualifications or exceptions… … Investment dictionary
firm commitment — 1) An undertaking by a bank to lend up to a maximum sum over a period at a specified rate; a commitment fee usually has to be paid by the borrower, which is not returned if the loan is not taken up. 2) In the USA, an agreement in which an… … Big dictionary of business and management
mortgage commitment — A formal written communication by a lender, agreeing to make a mortgage loan on specific property, specifying the loan s amount, length of time, and other conditions. Because of interest rate fluctuations, such commitments normally have time… … Black's law dictionary