1 commercial capital
1) Экономика: торговый капитал2) Дипломатический термин: товарно-торговый капитал3) Деловая лексика: коммерческий капитал -
2 commercial capital
3 commercial capital
4 commercial capital
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > commercial capital
5 commercial capital
6 commercial capital
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > commercial capital
7 commercial capital
8 commercial capital
9 capital
1) капитал; фонды2) столица3) капитальный, основной, главный; самый важный -
10 capital
1. n1) капитал, денежные средства и активы для финансирования деятельности компании; финансы, инвестируемые в бизнес3) столица
- account capital
- accumulated capital
- active capital
- actual capital
- added capital
- additional capital
- additional paid-in capital
- additional share capital
- adequate capital
- advanced capital
- aggregate capital
- agricultural capital
- applied capital
- associated capital
- authorized capital
- available capital
- bank capital
- banking capital
- barren capital
- basic capital
- bond capital
- borrowed capital
- business capital
- callable capital
- called capital
- called-up capital
- charter capital
- circulating capital
- commercial capital
- commodity capital
- constant capital
- consumed capital
- contributed capital
- current capital
- dead capital
- debenture capital
- debt capital
- declared capital
- depreciable capital
- disposable capital
- dormant capital
- durable capital
- employed capital
- endowment capital
- entrepreneur's capital
- equity capital
- expended capital
- farm capital
- fictitious capital
- financial capital
- fixed capital
- flight capital
- floating capital
- fluid capital
- foreign capital
- free capital
- free-floating capital
- frozen capital
- fully paid-up capital
- functioning capital
- gross working capital
- idle capital
- immobilized capital
- impaired capital
- individual capital
- industrial capital
- initial capital
- intangible capital
- intellectual capital
- interest-bearing capital
- international capital
- invested capital
- investment capital
- issued capital
- joint capital
- junior capital
- latent capital
- legal capital
- liquid capital
- live capital
- loan capital
- locked-in capital
- locked-up capital
- long-term capital
- mercantile capital
- merchant's capital
- monetary capital
- money capital
- moneyed capital
- monopoly capital
- negative working capital
- net capital
- net operating working capital
- net working capital
- nominal capital
- nonspecific capital
- nonwage capital
- official capital
- opening capital
- operating capital
- operating working capital
- ordinary capital
- original capital
- outside capital
- owned capital
- owners' capital
- ownership capital
- paid-in capital
- paid-up capital
- partner's capital
- partnership capital
- personified capital
- potential capital
- preference capital
- primary capital
- private capital
- privately owned capital
- production capital
- productive capital
- proprietary capital
- real capital
- redundant capital
- refugee capital
- registered capital
- released capital
- rented capital
- requisite capital
- reserve capital
- risk capital
- security capital
- seed capital
- senior capital
- share capital
- shareholder ownership capital
- short-term capital
- short-term working capital
- social capital
- social overhead capital
- specific capital
- spare capital
- speculative capital
- start-up capital
- state capital
- statutory capital
- stated capital
- stock capital
- stockholder ownership capital
- subscribed capital
- subscriber capital
- subsidiary capital
- sunk capital
- supplementary capital
- surplus capital
- temporary working capital
- tenant's capital
- tied up capital
- total social capital
- trading capital
- uncalled capital
- unemployed capital
- unpaid capital
- unproductive capital
- unrealized capital
- unwatered capital
- usury capital
- variable capital
- venture capital
- vested capital
- wage capital
- watered capital
- working capital
- capital of average composition
- capital of circulation
- capital of a company
- capital of a corporation
- capital of higher composition
- capital of lower composition
- capital locked up in land
- capital paid in full
- advance capital
- allocate capital
- attract capital
- attract foreign investment capital
- break into one's capital
- commit capital
- contribute capital
- convert into capital
- create capital from savings
- expend capital
- form capital
- freeze capital
- furnish capital
- increase capital
- increase the original capital
- inject fresh capital
- invest capital
- make capital by smth
- place capital
- procure capital
- provide capital
- put capital into a business
- put up capital
- raise capital
- recall capital
- recover capital
- regroup capital
- sink capital
- spend capital
- support with capital
- tie in capital
- tie up capital
- touch capital
- use capital
- water capital
- withdraw capital2. adjглавный, основной; капитальный
- capital gain
- capital lossEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > capital
11 capital
1.главный, основной; капитальный2.1) деньги, имущество и активы, используемые в бизнесе• -
12 capital
1. n1) столица2) эк. капитал; фонды3) эк. акционерный капитал; ценные бумаги4) капитал, капиталисты•to curb the outflow of capital — сдерживать / ограничивать утечку / отток капитала
to invest the capital in smth — вкладывать / инвестировать капитал во что-л.
- accumulation of capitalto make political capital on / out of smth — наживать политический капитал на чем-л.
- amount of capital invested
- available capital
- big capital
- capital outlays - commercial capital
- commodity capital - current capital
- domestic capital
- drop in capital inflow
- entry of foreign capital into a country
- export of capital
- finance capital
- financial capital
- fixed capital
- flight of capital out of... into...
- floating capital
- flow of capital
- foreign capital
- inflow of foreign capital
- invested capital
- loan capital
- merging of industrial and banking capital
- money capital
- monopoly capital
- movement of capital
- national capital
- official capital
- original capital
- penetration of foreign capital into a country
- private capital
- provisional capital
- ready capital
- repatriation of capital
- risk capital
- share capital
- sources of capital
- state capital
- state-monopoly capital
- stock capital
- trading capital
- transfer of capital abroad
- usury capital
- variable capital
- venture capital
- working capital 2. a1) столичный; главный ( о городе)2) главный, основной; капитальный; важнейший3) юр. караемый смертью• -
13 capital
Iaкапитальный, основной, главный, самый важныйIInIIIn1) капитал2) выгода, преимущество- make capital by smth.3) эк. капитал; фонды4) эк. акционерный капитал, ценные бумаги5) эк. товарно-торговый капитал• -
14 loan capital
1. ссудный капитал2. облигации; ссудный капитал -
15 merchant capital
маркс. купеческий [торговый\] капитала) (одна из первых форм существования капитала, выступающая в виде товаров, приращение стоимости которых является результатом их обращения в процессе торговой деятельности купцов)б) (капиталистические круги, сосредоточивающие в своих руках (деньги и/или товары), используемые с целью увеличения их стоимости в процессе торговой деятельности)Syn:See: -
16 labour and capital
17 original capital
18 stock of capital
19 Concerning the Procedure for the Formation and Use of Special-Purpose Capital of Non-Commercial Organizations
Общая лексика: О порядке формирования и использования целевого капитала некоммерческих организаций (E&Y)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Concerning the Procedure for the Formation and Use of Special-Purpose Capital of Non-Commercial Organizations
20 CCA
1) Общая лексика: Сертификационное соглашение СЕНЭЛЕК (СЕНЭЛЕК - сокращение для Comete' European de Normalisation ELECtrotechnique (CENELEC), т.е. Европейский комитет по электротехническим стандартам)2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Club Across, contention channel access3) Медицина: common carotid artery (общая сонная артерия)4) Американизм: Cenelec Certification Agreement6) Военный термин: CENTCOM Combat Analysis, Chief of Civil Affairs, Circuit Card Assembly, Commander, Coastal Artillery, Committee for Conventional Armaments, Communications Control Authority, Correct Counter Attack, cash clothing allowance, component checkout area, configuration control action, contract change authorization7) Техника: Cement and Concrete Association, Chromated Copper Arsenate, cellular cellulose acetate plastic, central computer accounting, centrifuge control algorithm, chip-by-chip alignment, clean coal ash, cloud composition analyzer, communications carrier assembly, connector contact arrangement, current cost accounting method8) Сельское хозяйство: culturable commanded area9) Химия: Chromium Copper Arsenate, Copper Chromium Arsenic10) Религия: Христианская Конференция Азии11) Юридический термин: Corporate Child Abuse, Corrections Corporation Of America12) Экономика: центральный клиринговый счёт13) Бухгалтерия: Capital Cost Allowance, Capital Cost Annuity, Commercial Capital Access, Credit Card Action, метод учёта по текущей стоимости (current cost accounting), текущий производственный учёт (current cost accounting)14) Финансы: Чешское консолидационное агентство15) География: Зона гражданского контроля, Civilian Controlled Area (область на границе между КНДР и Республикой Корея, &\#48124;통지역 - кор.)16) Кино: Comics Code Authority17) Сокращение: Carrier-Controlled Approach, Central Control / Analysis, Chief Clerk of Admiralty, Circuit Court of Appeals, Citizens' Councils of America, Commission for Conventional Armaments, Computer Corporation of America, Conservative Clubs of America, Contamination Control Area, controlled circulation audit, current cost accounting, Канадская ассоциация кошек (The Canadian Cat Association), Common Country Assessments (ООН)18) Университет: Co Curricular Activity, Cranky Campus Aid19) Вычислительная техника: Common Cryptographic Architecture, clear channel assessment, Computer Corporation of America (Corporate name)20) Вирусология: chimpanzee coryza agent21) Транспорт: Club Coach Award, Cold Cranking Amperes22) Воздухоплавание: Carrier Control Approach23) Фирменный знак: Check Cashing Association, Communications Council of America, Inc., Cost Control Associates24) Экология: Caribbean Conservation Association, Community Conserved Area, Climate Change Agreement25) СМИ: Cable Communications Association, Centre For Contemporary Arts, Concerned Childrens Advertisers26) Деловая лексика: бухгалтерский учёт в текущих ценах (current cost accounting), калькуляция текущих затрат27) SAP. Credit Control Area (Служба кредитного контроля)28) Менеджмент: contract criticality assessment29) Образование: Co Curricular Activities, Cooperative Content Acceleration30) Сетевые технологии: conceptual communication area, концептуальная среда связи31) Полимеры: cellular cellulose acetate, cellulose chloroacetate32) Химическое оружие: Component Cost Analysis33) Безопасность: Chosen Ciphertext Attack, причинно-следственный анализ (Cause-Consequence Analysis)34) Расширение файла: cc: Mail Data35) Яхтенный спорт: Cruising Club of America36) Электротехника: Cold Cranking Amperes (амперы батареи при 0° за 30 секунд работы)37) Общественная организация: Catholic Charities Agencies, Children's Charities of America38) Должность: Certified Crime Analyst, Certified Crop Adviser
См. также в других словарях:
Commercial Capital of Canada — Toronto … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Capital, Volume III — Capital , Volume 3, subtitled The Process of Captialist Production as a Whole was prepared by Friedrich Engels from notes left by Karl Marx and published in 1894. It is in seven parts [cite book|title=Capital Vol3.|isbn=0 7178 0490… … Wikipedia
Capital city — A capital city (or just capital) is the area of a country, province, region, or state considered to enjoy primary status; although there are exceptions, a capital is typically a city that physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of… … Wikipedia
commercial — 01. I always turn the sound off on the television when the [commercials] come on. 02. Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared in a television [commercial] for some kind of soup in Japan. 03. She studied [commerce] in school, and is now working in an… … Grammatical examples in English
capital market — A market in which long term capital is raised by industry and commerce, the government, and local authorities. The money comes from private investors, insurance companies, pension funds, and banks and is usually arranged by issuing houses and… … Accounting dictionary
capital market — A market in which long term capital is raised by industry and commerce, the government, and local authorities. The money comes from private investors, insurance companies, pension funds, and banks and is usually arranged by issuing houses and… … Big dictionary of business and management
Commercial agriculture — refers to a process of large scale production of crops for sale, intended for widespread distribution to wholesalers or retail outlets. In commercial farming crops such as wheat, maize, tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana, cotton are… … Wikipedia
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CAPITAL — La profusion des significations du terme «capital» dans l’ensemble de la littérature économique constituerait pour les linguistes un excellent exemple du peu d’aptitude de tout mot à contenir à la fois le général (ou l’essentiel) et le spécifique … Encyclopédie Universelle
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