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come into force

См. также в других словарях:

  • come into force — come into/enter into force ► when laws, rules, or systems come into force, they start being used: »The final stage of measures to improve access to work for disabled employees comes into force tomorrow. Main Entry: ↑force …   Financial and business terms

  • come into force — come/enter into ˈforce idiom (of a law, rule, etc.) to start being used • When do the new regulations come into force? Main entry: ↑forceidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • come into force — verb To become valid or active (of a law, regulation etc.) …   Wiktionary

  • come into force — become effective, become valid, receive validity …   English contemporary dictionary

  • come into/enter into force — ► when laws, rules, or systems come into force, they start being used: »The final stage of measures to improve access to work for disabled employees comes into force tomorrow. Main Entry: ↑force …   Financial and business terms

  • come into operation — come into opeˈration idiom to start working; to start having an effect Syn: ↑come into force • The new rules come into operation from next week. Main entry: ↑operationidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • come into effect — come into force, become effective, became valid …   English contemporary dictionary

  • enter into force — come into/enter into force ► when laws, rules, or systems come into force, they start being used: »The final stage of measures to improve access to work for disabled employees comes into force tomorrow. Main Entry: ↑force …   Financial and business terms

  • Coming into force — or entry into force (also called commencement) refers to the process by which legislation, regulations, treaties and other legal instruments come to have legal force and effect. The term is closely related to the date of this transition. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • enter into force — phrasal : to come to have binding effect or validity the treaty enters into force next month * * * come/enter into ˈforce idiom (of a law, rule, etc.) to start being used • When do the new regulations come into force? Main entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • come into — phr verb Come into is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑train Come into is used with these nouns as the object: ↑being, ↑category, ↑conflict, ↑contact, ↑effect, ↑equation, ↑existence, ↑fashion, ↑focus, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

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