1 combat fatigue
сущ.; мед.посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, военный невроз ( развивается у участников боевых действий)Syn: -
2 combat fatigue
боевая психическая травма; стрессовое состояние -
3 combat fatigue
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > combat fatigue
4 combat fatigue
[ʹkɒmbætfə͵ti:g]боевая психическая травма; стрессовое состояние ( в результате боевых действий) -
5 combat fatigue
психическая травма; стрессовое состояние, возникшее в результате боевых действий.* * *психическая травма; стрессовое состояние, возникшее в результате боевых действий. -
6 combat fatigue
['kɒmbætfəˌtiːg]1) Общая лексика: стрессовое состояние (в результате боевых действий), усталость от боя, полевая форма одежды (для ведения боевых действий)2) Медицина: боевая психическая травма, невроз военного времени3) Психиатрия: истощение после боя4) Психология: боевая усталость, нервное заболевание, вызванное перенапряжением в бою, утомление от боевой обстановки5) Авиационная медицина: утомление, вызванное боевыми действиями, утомление, вызванное боевыми условиями -
7 combat fatigue
• утомление, вызванное боевыми действиями• утомление, вызванное боевыми условиямиАнгло-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > combat fatigue
8 combat fatigue
боевая усталость, утомление от боевой обстановки; нервное заболевание, вызванное перенапряжением в бою -
9 combat fatigue
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > combat fatigue
10 combat fatigue
11 fatigue
усталость; усталостная прочность, выносливость ( конструкции) ; усталостный -
12 fatigue
хозяйственная работа; наряд на работы; нестроевые обязанности; усталость; pl. рабочая одежда; спецодежда -
13 battle fatigue
14 battle fatigue
мед. психическая травма, полученная в ходе боевых действийcombat fatigue — боевая психическая травма; стрессовое состояние
15 test
испытание, проба, исследование, см. тж. testing, trials; испытывать, пробовать; исследоватьacceptable environmental range test — испытание для определения диапазона допустимых изменений условий окружающей среды
jolt and jumble test — разг. испытание на удар и вибрацию
partial climb flight tests — лётные испытания «на зубцы»
single engine stall tests — испытания на срыв [сваливание] с одним работающим двигателем
supercharged CFR engine test — оценка детонационной стойкости (авиационных бензинов) на одноцилиндровой установке CFR
water(-flow, -impingement) test — холодная проливка (ракетного двигателя)
— air test— bed test— hot test— jet test -
16 test
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать2. тест; проба3. критерий; признакaccelerate-stop testsaccelerated mission testacceleration-deceleration testaerobatic flight testsaeroelastic testsagility testair resonance testair-to-air testair-to-air combat testairframe testairspeed calibration testall-attitude flight testasymmetric loads testsasymmetric wing sweep flight testsauto-guidance testsbefore-flight-rated testsbench testbiaxial fatigue testbird impact testbird ingestion testbird strike testbird strike testsburn-in testburst pressure testcatapult testscentrifugal load testcentrifuge testsclean configuration testclosed-loop testcockpit workload testcombined-systems testscompatibility testcomponent testscompression testcomputer-aided testconstant amplitude testcontinued takeoff testscontrol testconvergence testcooling testcrack-detection testscrash testcreep testcrush testscyclic testsdamage tolerance testdamage resistance testdeparture testdepressed-trajectory testdestruction testdevelopment testsdivergence testsdual-frequency testdurability testdynamometer testselectromagnetic interference testselectromagnetic-vulnerability testemergency survival testEMI testsendurance testengine reingestion testenvironmental testexploratory testsfatigue testflammability testflaps up landing testsflexure testflight clearance testflight simulation testsflight-by-flight fatigue testflight simulation fatigue testsflow field testsflow visualization testsflutter testflutter-proof testsflyover testsforce testsforced oscillation testsforeign object damage testfree oscillation testsfree spinning facility testsfree-flight testfree-to-roll testsfrequency response testsfrequency-sweep testfuel runout testfull-scale testground effect testground resonance testhandling qualities testshard-ride testheat testsheavyweight testhigh-angle-of-attack testshigh-alpha testhover testshover in-ground-effect testhover-in-ground testhovering testshumidity testsicing testimpact testin-plant testsinput-to-output testsiron bird testslanding testlanding flap testslife roll testlimit cycle testslimited-envelope flight testload-deflection testlogic testlow-observability testmaneuvering testsmanual flight testsmodal testmodal survey testmode interaction testsmodel tests of airfoilsmoire interferometry testsnoise testnondestructive testnormal takeoff testsNyquist stability testopen-loop testsoperability testoscillatory testsoverland testsoxygen testsperformance testpilot-in-loop testsplenum-chamber burning testspost-flight testpreflight testpressure testpressurization testproof-lood testproof-of-concept testsradar cross-section testradiographic testrain testramp testsrate of climb testrejected takeoff testreliability testremote-site testrepair testresidual strength testresonance testsreverse-thrust testsrig testrobustness testroll-on-rim testrolling testrotary-balance testsrough ground profile testshake testshakedown testshear testsideslip testssimulation verification testsimulator testsmall-scale testsmoke testspin testsspray ingestion teststability teststall testsstatic testsstatic strength teststeady rolling testssteady state teststealth teststiffness teststore compatibility teststrength testsstructural testssupercritical testsystem integration testtail on/off teststakeoff testtaxy testtensile testtension testtethered testtowing testtransfer function testsvalidation testsvectored thrust testvibration testvulnerability testwater-tank testwaveoff testswheel testwhirl testwind blast testwind tunnel testwing-fatigue testwingborne mode flight testyaw oscillation testszero-speed-zero-altitude testzero-zero test -
17 model
1. модель; макет; образец; эталон/ модельный/ моделировать2. модель; вариант; типactuator modelactuator disk modeladvanced development modelaerodynamic modelaeroelastic modelaeroelastically scaled modelair combat modelairplane modelairplane-like modelapproach modelarrow-wing modelatmospheric modelautopilot modelautorotation modelautothrottle modelBaldwin-Lomax modelbasic modelbeam modelbeam/lumped mass modelbiomorphic modelblowing modelbody alone modelbreadboard modelcable-mounted modelcargo load modelCFD modelcombustion modelcombustion-flow modelcommand modelcompensatory modelcomposite modelcompressibility modified modelcomputer modelcone-cylinder modelcone-finned modelconical-flow modelconsistent modelconstant amplitude fatigue modelconstitutive modelcontinuous-mass modelcontinuum modelcontroller modelcorrelation modelcounter-rotation modelcrack modelcrack growth modelcrack growth retardation modelcrossover modelcumulative damage modeldamage accumulation modeldamper modeldatabase modeldeterministic modeldevelopment-type modeldifferential-game modeldiscrete modeldistributed lift modeldisturbance modeldowndraft modeldrop modelDryden modelDugdale modeldynamically scaled modeldynamics modelenergy-conservation modelengagement modelengine modelengineering development modelerror modelfailure modelfatigue modelfilament modelfine grid modelfinite element modelfixed-base modelfixed-wing modelflow modelflutter modelflutter-suppression modelfour-input/four-output modelfractional derivative modelfracture modelfree to roll modelfree-flight modelfree-flying modelfree-spinning modelfreely flying modelfrequency-domain modelfull modelfull-order modelfull-span modelfull-span wing modelgame modelgeneric modelgeometric modelgeometrically scaled modelgravity modelgravity anomaly modelgust modelhalf-plane modelhalf-wing modelhigh-fineness-ratio modelhuman operator modelidentified modelilluminated modelinfinite-blade modelinput modelinstrumented modelinverse modelisolated wing modelk-e modelk-W modelkinematic modelkinetic modellarge-scale modellead-lag pilot modellead-only pilot modellinear modellongitudinal modellower-order modellumped parameter modellumped-mass modelMach-scaled modelmagnetically suspended modelmass-and-spring modelmass-spring modelMaxwell modelmembrane and rod modelmeteorological modelmicromechanical modelMiner-Palmgren damage modelminimum phase modelmissile modelmodal modelmomentum-conserved modelmoving modelmultiaxis modelmultidegree of freedom modelmultiloop modelmultiscale modelneuromuscular modelobservation modelover-parameterized modelparabolized Navier-Stokes modelpendulation modelperformance modelperturbation modelphenomenological modelphysical modelpilot-aircraft modelpilot-vehicle modelpiston modelpitch modelpitch-plunge modelpitch-lateral-directional modelplant modelplastic modelpneumodynamic modelpowered modelpowered-lift modelprecision modelprediction modelpreview modelproduction modelproperly parameterized modelpropfan modelpropulsion modelpure gain pilot modelquantized modelquasi-static modelR&M modelradar modelradial spring modelradio control modelradio controlled modelreal-world modelreduced order modelreference modelreflectivity modelreingestion modelreplica modelreplica-type modelrocket-propelled modelroll modelrotor-body modelrotorcraft modelscale modelscaled modelscattering modelself-consistent modelsemiempirical modelsemispan modelsemispan wing modelsensitivity modelsimulation modelsingle-axis modelsingle-body modelsingle-rotation modelspectrum fatigue modelspray modelstall modelstate modelstate space modelstatistical modelstiffness modelstochastic modelstress modelstructural modelstudy modelsupersonic cruise modeltask modelterrain modelthin-jet modelthree-degree-of-a-freedom modelthree-state modelthrust modeltire modeltransfer-function modeltransparent modeltruth modeltunnel-supported modelturbulence modeltwin-body modeltwo layer turbulence modeltwo-control modeltwo-degrees-of-freedom modeltwo-equation turbulence modelunquantized modeluntuned modelusage modelV/STOL modelvaporization modelvehicle stability modelvertical dynamic modelvestibular modelviscous/inviscid modelvisual cueing modelwake modelwake/wing modelwater tunnel modelWheeler retardation modelwind-tunnel modelwindshear modelwing-canard modelwing-rotor modelwireframe modelyaw model -
18 level
уровень; степень; инстанция; звено; равнина; горизонтальная плоскость; ав. эшелон, высота, потолок; горизонтальный полет; топ. нивелир; уравнивать; выравнивать; сравнивать ( с землей) ; наводить, нацеливать; нивелировать; горизонтировать; горизонтальный; ровный; уравновешенный; «цель на вашей высоте» ( код)at (the) division level — в дивизии, в дивизионном звене
— operational warfare level— stockage holding level -
19 damage
повреждение; ущерб; поражение; авария; дефект; повреждать; наносить ущерб; поражать -
20 duty
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
combat fatigue — n. a psychoneurotic condition characterized by anxiety, irritability, depression, etc., often occurring after prolonged combat in warfare * * * ▪ psychology also called battle fatigue, or shell shock, a neurotic disorder caused by the… … Universalium
combat fatigue — n [U] a type of mental illness caused by the terrible experiences of fighting in a war or battle →↑post traumatic stress disorder ▪ These treatment methods enabled 80 percent of combat fatigue affected troops to return to duty … Dictionary of contemporary English
combat fatigue — n. a psychoneurotic condition characterized by anxiety, irritability, depression, etc., often occurring after prolonged combat in warfare … English World dictionary
combat fatigue — noun a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare • Syn: ↑battle fatigue, ↑combat neurosis, ↑shell shock • Hypernyms: ↑posttraumatic stress disorder, ↑PTSD * * * noun [noncount] : ↑ … Useful english dictionary
combat fatigue — an unwillingness or inability to continue fighting Not just weariness from broken nights, poor shelter, irregular food, unchanged clothing, lice, ulcers, and the other discomforts of active service but a reaction to prolonged exposure to… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
combat fatigue — combat fa,tigue noun uncount a mental illness caused by a reaction to fighting in a war … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
combat fatigue — com·bat fatigue käm .bat n post traumatic stress disorder occurring under wartime conditions (as combat) that cause intense stress called also battle fatigue, shell shock, war neurosis … Medical dictionary
combat fatigue — noun Date: 1943 post traumatic stress disorder under wartime conditions (as combat) that cause intense stress called also battle fatigue, shell shock … New Collegiate Dictionary
combat fatigue — battle fatigue, traumatic condition suffered by soldiers who have been in combat … English contemporary dictionary
combat fatigue — com′bat fatigue n. psi battle fatigue • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
combat fatigue — noun 1》 more recent term for shell shock. 2》 (combat fatigues) uniform worn by soldiers in combat … English new terms dictionary