1 color properties
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > color properties
2 color development properties
Макаров: способность к проявлению цветаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > color development properties
3 color-rendering properties
English-Russian electronics dictionary > color-rendering properties
4 color-rendering properties
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > color-rendering properties
5 property color-rendering properties
Электроника: качество цветопередачиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > property color-rendering properties
6 property color-rendering properties
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > property color-rendering properties
7 property
2) право собственности; владение3) свойство; атрибут; качество•- abstract property
- acyclic property
- additive property
- anisotropic property
- associative property
- asymptotic property ies
- batch property
- color-rendering properties
- commutative property
- distributive property
- dynamic property ies
- electronic property ies
- embedding property
- emergent property
- empiric property
- ergodic property
- extrinsic properties
- extrinsic semiconductor properties
- factorizable property
- finite-sample properties
- fundamental property
- global property
- group property
- intellectual property
- isotropic property
- magnetic properties
- multimode property
- multiplicative property
- orthogonal property
- Painlevé property
- periodicity property
- robust property
- saturation property
- semantic property
- static properties
- structural property
- topological property
- transitivity property
- transport property -
8 property
2) право собственности; владение3) свойство; атрибут; качество•- acyclic property
- additive property
- anisotropic property
- associative property
- asymptotic property ies
- batch property
- color-rendering properties
- commutative property
- distributive property
- dynamic property ies
- electronic property ies
- embedding property
- emergent property
- empiric property
- ergodic property
- extrinsic properties
- extrinsic semiconductor properties
- factorizable property
- finite-sample properties
- fundamental property
- global property
- group property
- intellectual property
- isotropic property
- magnetic properties
- multimode property
- multiplicative property
- orthogonal property
- Painlevé property
- periodicity property
- property of class
- robust property
- saturation property
- semantic property
- static properties
- structural property
- topological property
- transitivity property
- transport propertyThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > property
9 curve
1) кривая2) изгиб; закругление; кривизна || изгибать(ся); закруглять(ся)4) лекало (чертёжное, швейное)5) ж.-д. кривая (пути)6) дорож. разбивать кривую•to negotiate a curve — вписываться в кривую (пути);to round curves — проходить кривые участки пути;to run through a curve — проходить кривую (пути);curve of (centers of) flotation — катящаяся кривая, кривая центров тяжести площади ватерлинии ( при наклонениях судна)curve of constant slope — линия откосаcurves of form (of hydrostatic properties) — мор. кривые элементов теоретического чертежаcurve of metacenters — мор. кривая метацентров, метацентрическая обёрткаcurve of Persei — кривая Персея, спирическая кривая-
A curve
Abbot's curve
aberration curve
adiabatic curve
altitude curve
amplitude-response curve
analytic curve
angle-time curve
anharmonic curve
anhysteretic magnetization curve
annealing curve
antidromic curve
antipedal curve
aperture response curve
apolar curve
backwater surface curve
backwater curve
ballistic curve
bath-tub curve
bearing area curve
bearing stress curve
bell-shaped curve
B-H curve
binaural curve
biquartic curve
bitangential curve
bitangent curve
boiling curve
boiling-point curve
borderline knock curve
bound curves
brake performance curve
broken-back curve
buoyancy curve
burning curve
calibration curve
caliper curve
capacity curve
catenary curve
characteristic current curve
characteristic curve
characteristic time curve
charging curve
circular curve
climb curve
closed curve
color response curve
commutation curve
compound curve
compression curve
condensation curve
confocal curves
continuous curve
contour curve
contrast response curve
conveyor curve
coordinate curve
correction curve
cosecant curve
cosine curve
cotangent curve
cross curves of stability
cubic curve
cumulative property curves
current-time curve
current-voltage curve
damper curve
decay curve
decline curve
decrement curve
de-emphasis curve
deflection curve
deformation curve
demagnetization curve
depletion curve
derating curve
dew-point curve
dextrorse curve
directing curve
discharge curve
discharge frequency curve
discharge voltage-time curve
discharging curve
displacement curve
distillate yield curve
distribution curve
D-log E curve
dose-survival curve
drawdown curve
drooping volt-ampere curve
dry-bulb temperature curve
duration curve
dynamic stability curve
easement curve
efficiency curve
elastic curve
elevation-area curve
elution curve
empirical curve
end point yield curve
enthalpy curve
entropy curve
envelope curve
epitrochoidal curve
equalization curve
equiprobability curve
error curve
exponential curve
faired curve
family curve
fatigue curve
firing curve
first-arrival curve
fitted curve
flash point yield curve
flash yield curve
flat curve
floodable length curve
flow curve
flow-through curve
frequency curve
frequency-response curve
full-load curve
full-load performance curve
full-load saturation curve
funicular curve
gain curve
Gaussian curve
generating curve
generation curve
grading curve
granulometric curve
gravity mid per cent curve
growth curve
guide curve
H and D curve
hardening curve
harmonic curve
head-flow curve
heating load curve
helical curve
horizontal curve
Hurter and Driffield curve
hydrostatic curves
hysteresis curve
incremental fuel consumption curve
induction-permeability curve
infiltration curve
integral curve
interpolation curve
ionization curve
irregular curve
isentropic curve
isobaric curve
isobatic curve
isochronous curve
isoclinic curve
isothermal curve
isotime curve
isotropic curve
lag curve
launching curves
lead curve
learning curve
level curve
limit curve
load curve
load-deflection curve
load-duration curve
load-extension curve
load-opening displacement curve
load-strain curve
load-time curve
logarithmic curve
luminosity curve
magnetization curve
Mayor curve
mean temperature-time curve
no-load curve
normal curve
normal traveltime curve
normalized magnetization curve
overload curve
parameter curve
particle-size distribution curve
part-load curve
pay load-range curve
pedal curve
performance curve
permeability curve
plane curve
polar curve
potential curve
power-angle curve
preemphasis curve
pressure curve
pressure drawdown curve
probability curve
propeller performance curves
quadric curve
quartic curve
quintic curve
railroad curve
railway curve
rate-of-failure curve
rating curve
recession curve
reciprocity curve
recovery curve
rectifiable curve
refrigerant flow curve
regression curve
regulation curve
remanence curve
remarkable curve
resistance curve
resistance variation curve
resonance curve
response curve
reverse curve
righting arms curve
righting arm curve
righting moment curve
rising-stage curve
room temperature curve
runoff curve
sag vertical curve
saturation curve
secant curve
self-polar curve
sensitivity curve
sensitometric curve
sextic curve
sharp curve
sheer curve
short radius curve
short-circuit curve
simple curve
sine curve
sinistrorse curve
sizing curve
sliding curve
slip-current curve
smooth curve
space curve
spectral-distribution curve
spectral-response curve
speed performance curve
speed-load curve
spiral curve
spur conveyor curve
stability curve
standardization curve
statical stability curve
stationary curve
steam-pressure curve
steep curve
step curve
stratification curve
stress-strain curve
stripping curve
subsequent fracture curve
superheat curve
swing curve
tangent curve
tangential curve
temperature curve
temperature-depth curve
temperature-viscosity curve
test curve
thrust curve
tide curve
time-gamma curve
time-light curve
time-temperature-transformation curve
tons per inch curve
torque curve
torque-angle curve
torque-speed curve
torque-vs-displacement curve
total heat curve
track curve
transfer curve
transient curve
transition boiling curve
transition curve
translation curve
transversal curve
trochoidal curve
TTT curve
turnout curve
universal curve
vapor-pressure curve
vapor curve
vertical curve
vertical travel-time curve
viscosity mid per cent curve
volumetric efficiency curve
washability curve
wear-time curve
wet-bulb temperature curve
Wohler's curve
work-hardening curve
yield curve -
10 index
1) индекс; показатель; коэффициент || индексировать, помечать индексами, снабжать индексами; вчт. (с)формировать индекс3) указатель, стрелка ( измерительного прибора) || показывать5) (алфавитный или предметный) указатель, индекс || составлять( алфавитный или предметный) указатель6) полигр. (вырубленные) уступы ( на обрезе справочного издания)•-
acidity index
acoustoelectric index
adiabatic index
aggregate index
air pollution index
air quality index
amplitude modulation index
antecedent precipitation index
aridity index
array index
articulation index
asphalt penetration index
beam index
bell-position index
branching index
breaking index
burning index
caking index
capability utilization index
carbonization index of oil
catalog index
circulation index
citation index
cladding index of refraction
clayiness index
coke-quality index
coke-strength index
color index
cone index
consistency index
constraint index
core index of refraction
correction index
corrosion index
crown-area index
current index
current-noise index
curve index
cycle index
cylinder index
decontamination index
dense index
density index
deterioration index
diaphragm index
dielectric index
dielectric loss index
diesel index
dilatometer test index
directivity index
double bond index
drillability index
driving index
drum index
ductility index
dust index
ear height index
ecological sensitivity index
embrittlement index
emission index
environment quality index
extraordinary refraction index
extraordinary index
extreme values index
face shifting index
fine index
flow-behavior index
fractional index
fracture toughness index
free fluid index
go/no-go index
graded index
gravity index
grindability index
gross index
group refraction index
group index
gum inhibiting index
hardness index
hash index
hazard index
hydraulic index
hydrogen index
impurity index
index of absorption
index of cograduation
index of cooperation
index of correlation
index of dispersion
index of extinction
index of goodness
index of irrigation need
index of lens
index of moisture conditions
index of plasticity
index of refraction
index of root
index of thunderstorm activity
index of turbulence
index of wetness
infiltration index
injectivity index
inverted index
knock-limited density index
limiting viscosity index
loss index
machinability index
magnetic loss index
main index
mixing index
mode index
modified viscosity index
modulation index
moldability index
molding index
nondense index
oiliness index
optical index
ordinary refraction index
ordinary index
overall index
oversampling index
oxygen index
pattern correspondence index
perceived environmental quality index
performance index
permanganate index
permeability index
plasticity index
pluvial index
pollutional index
pollution index
porosity index
privacy index
probe index
processability index
producible oil index
productivity index
quality index
rainfall index
range index
reactivity index
reflection index
refraction index
reliability index
resistivity index
reversed index
reverse index
riding properties index
Roga index
roof quality index
salt index
scintillation index
secondary index
selection index
sharpness index
slagging index
snow accumulation index
stand density index
staple index
static reserve index
stepped index
step index
summation index
survival index
swelling index
throwing index
track index
traffic noise index
viscosity index
viscosity-temperature index
viscosity-zone index
volatility index
voltage index
vorticity area index
water pollution index
water quality index
wet grip index
winter severity index
word index
work-hardening index -
11 CLP
1) Компьютерная техника: Color Laser Printer, Courteous Logic Program2) Авиация: control law processor3) Военный термин: Certified Logistics Professional, Clean Lubricate Protect, Cleaner Lubrication Preservative4) Шутливое выражение: Compulsive Lying Party5) Химия: классификация, маркировка и упаковка7) Телекоммуникации: Cell Loss Priority (CLP Bit)8) Электроника: Windows Clipboard image format9) Вычислительная техника: Cell Loss Priority (UNI, ATM, CLR)10) Нефть: critical lift permit11) Стоматология: crown lengthening procedure12) Онкология: Common Lymphoid Progenitor13) Банковское дело: чилийское песо (Chilean peso)15) Фирменный знак: China Light And Power16) Образование: Collaborative Learning Project, Continuously Learning Professional17) Инвестиции: Chilean peso18) Сетевые технологии: Communications Linking Protocol, приоритет потери элемента данных19) Химическое оружие: cleaner, lubricant, & preservative, contract laboratory program20) Расширение файла: Cell Loss Priority, Clip art Bitmap graphics, Constraint Logic Programming, Windows 3. x Clipboard file, Graphic format (PCPAINT/Pictor), Windows clipboard save file21) Электротехника: INS clamp insulation22) Должность: Certified Life ( insurance) Planner23) NYSE. Colonial Properties Trust24) Аэропорты: Clarks Point, Alaska USA -
12 CPP
1) Компьютерная техника: C Plus Plus2) Американизм: A Commitment To Paul's Plan3) Военный термин: Communications Protocol Processor, civilian personnel pamphlet4) Техника: Center for Plutonium Production, coil power programmer, containment pre-entry purge, containment protection professional5) Сельское хозяйство: calcium pyrophosphate6) Химия: Хлорированный полипропилен7) Юридический термин: Community Penalties Program, Comprehensive Personality Profile8) Бухгалтерия: Certified Professional Purchaser, текущая покупательная способность (current purchasing power), дипломированный специалист по финансовому планированию (Certified Financial Planner)9) Фармакология: Сертификат фармацевтического продукта (Входит в досье на фармпрепарат среди документов, необходимых (среди прочего) для получения разрешение на производство заявляемой лекарственной формы в стране производства), Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product10) Страхование: commercial package policy11) Автомобильный термин: clutch pedal position12) Политика: Capitalist Party Pursuers, Collaboration Party Profile, Color Pattern Poem, Communist Psychos Party13) Телекоммуникации: Calling Party Pays14) Сокращение: Cambodian People's Party, Centralized Postage Payment system, Commercial Practices Program (USA), Communist Party of the Philippines, Compact Power Plant, Controlled Pitch Propeller, Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other), циклический цитруллинированный пептид (cyclic citrullinated peptide), cost per point15) Университет: College Of Physicians Of Philadelphia16) Физиология: Cerebral perfusion pressure, coronary artery perfusion pressure17) Вычислительная техника: Collaboration Protocol Profiles (ebXML)19) Банковское дело: common purchase point20) Фирменный знак: Columbia Pictures Publications21) Энергетика: теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ) (co-generation power plant), current perpendicular to the plane22) Реклама: Эффективность расходования средств23) Деловая лексика: Canada Pension Plan, Card Protection Plan, Consumer Preview Program, Customer Purchase Preferences24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Center of Primary Processing, Central Production and Processing Complex25) Обогащение: углеобогатительная фабрика26) Макаров: coal preparation plant, condensate purification plant, controllable-pitch propeller, cost per part27) Расширение файла: C++ language source code file, Presentation (CA-Cricket Presents), C++ language source (Watcom C/C++)28) ООН: Communist Party Parrot, Программа "Культура мира" (Culture of Peace Programme Начата в 1994)29) Уголь: CPP facility, завод по обогащению угля, углемойка, углеобогатительное производство, установка для мокрого обогащения угля, coal cleaning facility, coal washer, coal washery, coal washing plant, wash plant, washplant, обогатительная установка, углеобогатительная установка30) Общественная организация: Coral Parks Program31) Должность: Certified Packaging Professional, Certified Payroll Professional, Certified Protection Professional32) NYSE. Cornerstone Properties, Inc.33) Управление проектами: Процесс управления капитальными проектами -
13 clp
1) Компьютерная техника: Color Laser Printer, Courteous Logic Program2) Авиация: control law processor3) Военный термин: Certified Logistics Professional, Clean Lubricate Protect, Cleaner Lubrication Preservative4) Шутливое выражение: Compulsive Lying Party5) Химия: классификация, маркировка и упаковка7) Телекоммуникации: Cell Loss Priority (CLP Bit)8) Электроника: Windows Clipboard image format9) Вычислительная техника: Cell Loss Priority (UNI, ATM, CLR)10) Нефть: critical lift permit11) Стоматология: crown lengthening procedure12) Онкология: Common Lymphoid Progenitor13) Банковское дело: чилийское песо (Chilean peso)15) Фирменный знак: China Light And Power16) Образование: Collaborative Learning Project, Continuously Learning Professional17) Инвестиции: Chilean peso18) Сетевые технологии: Communications Linking Protocol, приоритет потери элемента данных19) Химическое оружие: cleaner, lubricant, & preservative, contract laboratory program20) Расширение файла: Cell Loss Priority, Clip art Bitmap graphics, Constraint Logic Programming, Windows 3. x Clipboard file, Graphic format (PCPAINT/Pictor), Windows clipboard save file21) Электротехника: INS clamp insulation22) Должность: Certified Life ( insurance) Planner23) NYSE. Colonial Properties Trust24) Аэропорты: Clarks Point, Alaska USA -
14 cpp
1) Компьютерная техника: C Plus Plus2) Американизм: A Commitment To Paul's Plan3) Военный термин: Communications Protocol Processor, civilian personnel pamphlet4) Техника: Center for Plutonium Production, coil power programmer, containment pre-entry purge, containment protection professional5) Сельское хозяйство: calcium pyrophosphate6) Химия: Хлорированный полипропилен7) Юридический термин: Community Penalties Program, Comprehensive Personality Profile8) Бухгалтерия: Certified Professional Purchaser, текущая покупательная способность (current purchasing power), дипломированный специалист по финансовому планированию (Certified Financial Planner)9) Фармакология: Сертификат фармацевтического продукта (Входит в досье на фармпрепарат среди документов, необходимых (среди прочего) для получения разрешение на производство заявляемой лекарственной формы в стране производства), Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product10) Страхование: commercial package policy11) Автомобильный термин: clutch pedal position12) Политика: Capitalist Party Pursuers, Collaboration Party Profile, Color Pattern Poem, Communist Psychos Party13) Телекоммуникации: Calling Party Pays14) Сокращение: Cambodian People's Party, Centralized Postage Payment system, Commercial Practices Program (USA), Communist Party of the Philippines, Compact Power Plant, Controlled Pitch Propeller, Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other), циклический цитруллинированный пептид (cyclic citrullinated peptide), cost per point15) Университет: College Of Physicians Of Philadelphia16) Физиология: Cerebral perfusion pressure, coronary artery perfusion pressure17) Вычислительная техника: Collaboration Protocol Profiles (ebXML)19) Банковское дело: common purchase point20) Фирменный знак: Columbia Pictures Publications21) Энергетика: теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ) (co-generation power plant), current perpendicular to the plane22) Реклама: Эффективность расходования средств23) Деловая лексика: Canada Pension Plan, Card Protection Plan, Consumer Preview Program, Customer Purchase Preferences24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Center of Primary Processing, Central Production and Processing Complex25) Обогащение: углеобогатительная фабрика26) Макаров: coal preparation plant, condensate purification plant, controllable-pitch propeller, cost per part27) Расширение файла: C++ language source code file, Presentation (CA-Cricket Presents), C++ language source (Watcom C/C++)28) ООН: Communist Party Parrot, Программа "Культура мира" (Culture of Peace Programme Начата в 1994)29) Уголь: CPP facility, завод по обогащению угля, углемойка, углеобогатительное производство, установка для мокрого обогащения угля, coal cleaning facility, coal washer, coal washery, coal washing plant, wash plant, washplant, обогатительная установка, углеобогатительная установка30) Общественная организация: Coral Parks Program31) Должность: Certified Packaging Professional, Certified Payroll Professional, Certified Protection Professional32) NYSE. Cornerstone Properties, Inc.33) Управление проектами: Процесс управления капитальными проектами -
15 palette
вчта) палитра художника; набор красок на палитре художникад) диалоговое окно для работы с функционально выделенным инструментарием и приданными ему опциями в графических или текстовых редакторах- artist's palette
- brush palette
- character palette
- color palette
- composer's musical palette
- control palette
- gradient palette
- hardware palette
- history palette
- hyperlink palette
- layers palette
- paragraph palette
- paths palette
- properties palette
- template palette
- text layers palette
- tool palette
- script palette
- software palette
- style palette
- system palette -
16 palette
вчт.а) палитра художника; набор красок на палитре художникад) диалоговое окно для работы с функционально выделенным инструментарием и приданными ему опциями в графических или текстовых редакторах•- artist's palette
- brush palette
- character palette
- color palette
- composer's musical palette
- control palette
- gradient palette
- hardware palette
- history palette
- hyperlink palette
- layers palette
- paragraph palette
- paths palette
- properties palette
- script palette
- software palette
- style palette
- system palette
- template palette
- text layers palette
- tool paletteThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > palette
17 register
1. n журнал, реестр; метрическая книгаa register of births, marriages and deaths — книга записей актов гражданского состояния
aircraft on register — воздушное судно, занесенное в реестр
2. n официальный список, реестр; опись; ведомостьregister of properties — земельный реестр, земельный кадастр
3. n ист. сборник образцов судебных документов4. n запись5. n регистратор, протоколист6. n муз. регистр, группа труб одинакового тембраword register — регистр слова; линейка слова
7. n муз. регистр, участок звукового диапазонаswitch register — тумблерный регистр; регистр переключателей
product register — регистр произведения; счетчик результатов
extension register — расширяющий регистр; регистр расширения
8. n тех. счётчик9. n тех. накопитель10. n тех. регистрирующий механизм, самозаписывающий прибор11. n тех. заслонка, задвижка12. n тех. отдушина13. n тех. полигр. приводкаimperfect register — неточная приводка, неточное совмещение
14. n тех. ленточка-закладка15. v регистрировать; вносить в список16. v вносить своё имя в список избирателейelectoral register — список избирателей; список лиц, имеющих право голосовать
17. v запоминать, отмечать18. v запоминаться, производить впечатление19. v показывать, отмечать, регистрироватьthe thermometer registered 34° F — термометр показывал 34° по Фаренгейту
20. v разг. выражать, показывать21. v сдавать под расписку, квитанцию22. v отправлять заказным23. v добиться, записать на свой счёт24. v точно прилаживать, подгонятьdot-on-dot register — точная приводка ; точное совмещение
hair-line register — точная приводка, точное совмещение
critical register — точная приводка, точное совмещение
perfect register — точная приводка, точное совмещение
close register — точная приводка, точное совмещение
25. v воен. пристреливаться по реперу26. v соответствовать, подходить, совпадать27. v полигр. делать приводкуСинонимический ряд:1. dial (noun) dial; gauge; indicator; meter2. list (noun) annals; archive; catalog; catalogue; chronicle; daybook; ledger; list; log; record; roll; roll call; roster; schedule3. dawn on (verb) dawn on; sink in; soak in4. disclose (verb) disclose; express; indicate5. enlist (verb) enlist; enroll; list; sign up6. record (verb) catalogue; chronicle; enrol; enter; inscribe; insert; post; record7. show (verb) demonstrate; display; evince; manifest; mark; read; say; show
См. также в других словарях:
Color–flavor locking — (CFL) is a phenomenon that is expected to occur in ultra high density quark matter. The quarks form Cooper pairs, whose color properties are correlated with their flavor properties in a symmetric pattern. According to the standard model of… … Wikipedia
Color-flavor locking — (CFL) is a phenomenon that is expected to occur in ultra high density quark matter. The quarks form Cooper pairs, whose color properties are correlated with their flavor properties in a symmetric pattern. According to the standard model of… … Wikipedia
Color — This article is about the perceptual property. For other uses, see Color (disambiguation). For usage of color on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Colors. Colored pencils Color or colour (see spelling differences) is the visual perceptual property… … Wikipedia
Color rendering index — Emitted light spectrum determines the color rendering index of the lamp. Color render … Wikipedia
Color superconductivity — is a phenomenon predicted to occur in quark matter if the baryon density is sufficiently high (well above nuclear density) and the temperature is not too high (well below 1012 kelvin). Color superconducting phases are to be contrasted with the… … Wikipedia
Color psychology — is the study of color as a factor in human behavior. This includes very diverse studies, ranging from quantifying individual color preference[1] to investigating the relationship between shirt color and match outcome in English football.[2]… … Wikipedia
Color constancy — Color constancy: The colors of a hot air balloon are recognized as being the same in sun and shade … Wikipedia
color — n 1 Color, hue, shade, tint, tinge, tone are comparable when they mean a property or attribute of a visible thing that is recognizable only when rays of light fall upon the thing and that is distinct from properties (as shape or size) apparent in … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Color mapping — example Source image Reference image … Wikipedia
Color realism — or colour realism may refer to: Color realism (art style), a fine art style where accurately portrayed colors create a sense of space and form Color realism (philosophy), a philosophical position that holds that colors are physical properties… … Wikipedia
Color filter array — The Bayer color filter mosaic. Each two by two submosaic contains 2 green, 1 blue and 1 red filter, each covering one pixel sensor. In photography, a color filter array (CFA), or color filter mosaic (CFM), is a mosaic of tiny color filters placed … Wikipedia