1 color band
2 color band
1) Военный термин: маркировочная полоса2) Оружейное производство: цветная маркировочная полоска (на ящиках с боеприпасами)3) Общая лексика: метод окрашенных струй -
3 color band
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > color band
4 color band
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > color band
5 color band
6 color band
7 color band
8 color band
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > color band
9 color band method
10 color band method
* * *
метод окрашенных струй ( метод Рейнольдса определения типа движения жидкости — турбулентного или ламинарного)* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > color band method
11 color band method
* * *
метод окрашенных струй ( метод Рейнольдса определения типа движения жидкости — турбулентного или ламинарного)* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > color band method
12 color band method
13 color band photofilm
14 color band method
15 color band photofilm
фотоплёнка, чувствительная только к ультрафиолетовому излучению и синей зоне спектраАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > color band photofilm
16 color band photofilm
фотопленка, чувствительная только к ультрафиолетовому излучению и синей зоне спектраEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > color band photofilm
17 color band method
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > color band method
18 color
цвет имя существительное:небелый цвет кожи (color, colour)имя прилагательное:цветовой (color, colour)глагол:окрашиваться (dye, stain, color, colour)зардеться (blush, color, redden, colour)принимать окраску (color, colour) -
19 band
1) полоса; лента2) полоса пропускания ( частот)3) зона; диапазон; поле допуска5) стяжной хомут; обруч; бугель•- band of contact
- band of uncertainty
- brake band
- buried damage band
- buried point defect cluster band
- carrier band
- carrier-frequency band
- case band
- check band
- clamping band
- collecting band
- color band
- concentric bands
- conducting band
- control band
- cutting band
- dead band
- energy band
- error band of uncertainty
- file band
- forbidden band
- frequency band
- friction band
- grinding band
- hardness band
- Hertzian flattened band
- indicating band
- inherent proportional band
- in-tolerance band
- laser-hardened band
- low band
- pass band
- pitch band
- power band
- preset trend level band
- proportional band
- reverse band
- runner band
- saw band
- slip band
- speed band
- spring band
- stiffening band
- stop band
- storage band
- surface band
- tolerance band
- tolerance setting band
- total tolerance band
- unwanted pass band
- unwanted stop band
- wave band
- wear band
- welded edge composite band
- wide bandEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > band
20 band printer
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > band printer
См. также в других словарях:
Color (band) — Color Origin Osaka, Japan Genres Punk rock, electronic dance Years active 1985–1995, 2003, 2008 Labels Free Will, Nippon Crown … Wikipedia
Color (disambiguation) — For usage of colour in templates and Wikipedia pages, see Wikipedia:Color. Color is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, yellow, white, etc. Color or colour may also refer to: Contents 1 Science … Wikipedia
Color Radio (band) — Color Radio Origin Chicago, Illinois, USA Genres Shoegazing Dream pop Noise pop Indie pop Labels Mapless Records Website … Wikipedia
Color Humano — was an Argentine rock group of the early 1970s. Synopsis The dissolution of Almendra yielded three new outfits, one of them being Color Humano. This power trio was a solid rock group, which would in 1972 release their debut album Color Humano,… … Wikipedia
Color Me Badd — Origin Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S. Genres R B, New Jack Swing, hip hop, soul Years active 1987–2000 Labels Epic Records … Wikipedia
Color-Line Arena — Standort Hamburg, Deutschland Baubeginn 13. Juni 2001 Eröffnung 8. November 2002 Besitzer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Color Line Arena — Standort Hamburg, Deutschland Baubeginn 13. Juni 2001 Eröffnung 8. November 2002 Besitzer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Band of Brothers (TV miniseries) — Band of Brothers Genre War Directed by … Wikipedia
Color photography — Color film redirects here. For the motion picture equivalent, see Color motion picture film. A circa 1850 Hillotype photograph of a colored engraving. Long believed to be a complete fraud, recent testing found that Levi Hill s process did… … Wikipedia
Color Me Obsessed — Directed by Gorman Bechard Produced by Hansi Oppenheimer Gorman Bechard Cinematography Gorman Bechard Adam Correia Sarah Hajtol Editing by … Wikipedia
Color Classics — were a series of animated short subjects produced by Fleischer Studios for Paramount Pictures from 1934 to 1941 as a competitor to Walt Disney s Silly Symphonies. As the name implies, all of the shorts were made in color, with the first entry in… … Wikipedia