1 collective custody
централізоване зберігання цінних паперів; зберігання цінних паперів за категоріями у депозитарія -
2 right
1) право ( суб'єктивне); праводомагання; справедлива вимога; привілей; права сторона2) правильний; належний; правомірний, справедливий; правий ( у політичному сенсі); реакційний3) відновлювати ( справедливість); виправляти(ся)4) направо•right a wrong done to the person — виправляти шкоду, заподіяну особі
right not to answer any questions that might produce evidence against an accused — право не давати відповідей (не відповідати) на будь-які запитання, що можуть бути використані як свідчення проти обвинуваченого
right not to fulfill one's own obligations — право не виконувати свої зобов'язання ( у зв'язку з невиконанням своїх зобов'язань іншою стороною)
right of a state to request the recall of a foreign envoy as persona non grata — право держави вимагати відкликання іноземного представника як персони нон грата
right of citizens to use their native language in court — право громадян виступати в суді рідною мовою
right of every state to dispose of its wealth and its national resources — право кожної держави розпоряджатися своїми багатствами і природними ресурсами
right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work — право кожної людини на отримання можливості заробляти собі на прожиття власною працею
right of legislative initiative — право законодавчої ініціативи, право законодавства
right of nations to free and independent development — право народів на вільний і незалежний розвиток
right of nations to self-determination up to and including separation as a state — право націй на самовизначення аж до державного відокремлення
right of nations to sovereignty over their natural resources — право націй на суверенітет над своїми природними ресурсами
right of parents to choose their children's education — право батьків на вибір виду освіти для своїх неповнолітніх дітей
right of reception and mission of diplomatic envoys — право приймати і призначати дипломатичних представників
right of representation and performance — право на публічне виконання (п'єси, музичного твору)
right of the accused to have adequate time, facilities and assistance for his defence — = right of the accused to have adequate time, facilities and assistance for his defense право обвинуваченого мати достатньо часу, можливостей і допомоги для свого захисту
right of the accused to have adequate time, facilities and assistance for his defense — = right of the accused to have adequate time, facilities and assistance for his defence
right of the child to live before birth from the moment of conception — право дитини на життя до її народження з моменту зачаття
right of unhindered communication with the authorities of the appointing state — право безперешкодних зносин із властями своєї держави
right to a counsel from the time that an accused is taken into custody — право на адвоката з часу арешту (зняття під варту) обвинуваченого
right to arrange meetings, processions and picketing — право на мітинги, демонстрації і пікетування
right to be confronted with witness — право очної ставки із свідком захисту, право конфронтації ( право обвинуваченого на очну ставку із свідком захисту)
right to be represented by counsel — право бути представленим адвокатом, право на представництво через адвоката
right to choose among a variety of products in a marketplace free from control by one or a few sellers — право вибирати продукцію на ринку, вільному від контролю одного чи кількох продавців
right to choose between speech and silence — право самому визначати, чи говорити, чи мовчати
right to compensation for the loss of earnings resulting from an injury at work — право на відшкодування за втрату заробітку ( або працездатності) внаслідок каліцтва на роботі, право отримати компенсацію за втрату джерела прибутку внаслідок виробничої травми
right to conduct confidential communications — право здійснювати конфіденційне спілкування, право конфіденційного спілкування ( адвоката з клієнтом тощо)
right to diplomatic relations with other countries — право на дипломатичні відносини з іншими країнами
right to do with one's body as one pleases — право робити з своїм тілом все, що завгодно
right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress — право на користування досягненнями наукового прогресу
right to freedom from torture and other inhuman forms of treatment — право на свободу від тортур і інших форм негуманного поводження
right to gather and publish information or opinions without governmental control or fear of punishment — право збирати і публікувати інформацію або думки без втручання держави і страху бути покараним
right to lease or sell the airspace above the property — право здавати в оренду або продавати повітряний простір над своєю власністю
right to leave any country, including one's own, and to return to one's country — право залишати будь-яку країну, включаючи свою власну, і повертатися до своєї країни
right to material security in (case of) disability — право на матеріальне забезпечення у випадку втрати працездатності
right to material security in (case of) sickness — право на матеріальне забезпечення у випадку захворювання
right to possession, enjoyment and disposal — право на володіння, користування і розпорядження
right to safety from product-related hazards — право на безпеку від шкоди, яку може бути заподіяно товаром
right to terminate pregnancy through an abortion — право припиняти вагітність шляхом здійснення аборту
right to the protection of moral and material interests — право на захист моральних і матеріальних інтересів
right to use one's own language — право на свою власну мову; право спілкуватися своєю власною мовою
right to visit one's children regularly — право відвідувати регулярно дітей ( про одного з розлученого подружжя)
right of a person to control the distribution of information about himself — = right of a person to control the distribution of information about herself право особи контролювати поширення інформації про себе
right of a person to control the distribution of information about herself — = right of a person to control the distribution of information about himself
right of states to self-defence — = right of states to self-defense право держав на самооборону
right of states to self-defense — = right of states to self-defence
right of the accused to counsel — = right of the accused to legal advice право обвинуваченого на адвоката (захисника) ( або на захист)
right of the accused to legal advice — = right of the accused to counsel
right to collective self-defence — = right to collective self-defense право на колективну самооборону
right to collective self-defense — = right to collective self-defence
right to collective self-defence — = right to collective self-defense право на колективну самооборону
right to collective self-defense — = right to collective self-defence
right to consult with one's attorney — = right to consult with one's lawyer право отримувати юридичну допомогу від (свого) адвоката, право на консультацію з адвокатом
right to consult with one's lawyer — = right to consult with one's attorney
right to control the work of the administration — = right to control the work of the managerial staff право контролю (діяльності) адміністрації ( підприємства)
right to control the work of the managerial staff — = right to control the work of the administration
right to individual self-defence — = right to individual self-defense право на індивідуальну самооборону
right to individual self-defense — = right to individual self-defence
right to obtain documents essential for an adequate defence — = right to obtain documents essential for an adequate defense право отримувати документи, необхідні для належного захисту
right to obtain documents essential for an adequate defense — = right to obtain documents essential for an adequate defence
right to regulate news agencies — = right to regulate news organizations право регулювати діяльність інформаційних агентств
- right a wrong doneright to regulate news organizations — = right to regulate news agencies
- right at law
- Right-Centrist
- right extremism
- right extremist
- right-hand man
- right-holder
- right in action
- right in gross
- right in personam
- right in rem
- right not to belong to a union
- right of a trial by jury
- right of abode
- right of access
- right of access to courts
- right of access to court
- right of action
- right of angary
- right of appeal
- right of approach
- right of appropriation
- right of assembly
- right of asylum
- right of audience
- right of authorship
- right of birth
- right of blood
- right of chapel
- right of choice
- right of common
- right of concurrent user
- right of conscience
- right of contribution
- right of correction
- right of court
- right of denunciation
- right of detention
- right of dissent
- right of divorce
- right of eminent domain
- right of enjoyment
- right of entry
- right of equal protection
- right of establishment
- right of existence
- right of expatriation
- right of expectancy
- right of feud
- right of first refusal
- right of fishery
- right of free access
- right of hot pursuit
- right of individual petition
- right of innocent passage
- right of intercourse
- right of intervention
- right of joint use
- right of jurisdiction
- right of legal entity
- right of legation
- right of light
- right of membership
- right of military service
- right of mortgage
- right of navigation
- right of operative management
- right of ownership
- right of passage
- right of patent
- right of personal security
- right of petition
- right of place
- right of political asylum
- right of possession
- right of pre-emption
- right of primogeniture
- right of prior use
- right of priority
- right of privacy
- right of private property
- right of property
- right of protest
- right of publicity
- right of pursuit
- right of re-election
- right of recourse
- right of recovery
- right of redemption
- right of regress
- right of relief
- right of remuneration
- right of reply
- right of representation
- right of reprisal
- right of reproduction
- right of rescission
- right of retaliation
- right of retention
- right of sanctuary
- right of search
- right of secrecy
- right of self-determination
- right of self-preservation
- right of settlement
- right of silence
- right of suit
- right of taking game
- right of the individual
- right of the owner
- right of the people
- right of the state
- right of transit
- right of translation
- right of visit
- right of visit and search
- right of water
- right of way
- right of withdrawal
- right on name
- right oneself
- right the oppressed
- right to a building
- right to a counsel
- right to a dual citizenship
- right to a fair trial
- right to a flag
- right to a hearing
- right to a nationality
- right to a piece of land
- right to a reasonable bail
- right to a speedy trial
- right to a trial by jury
- right to act independently
- right to administer property
- right to adopt children
- right to aid of counsel
- right to air
- right to an abortion
- right to an effective remedy
- right to annul laws
- right to appeal
- right to appoint judges
- right to assemble peaceably
- right to assistance of counsel
- right to attend
- right to bail
- right to bargain collectively
- right to be confronted
- right to be heard
- right to be presumed innocent
- right to be represented
- right to bear arms
- right to bear fire-arms
- right to become president
- right to begin
- right to belong to a union
- right to burn national flag
- right to carry a firearm
- right to carry arms
- right to carry fire-arms
- right to challenge a candidate
- right to challenge a juror
- right to change allegiance
- right to choose
- right to choose one's religion
- right to coin money
- right to collective bargaining
- right to compensation
- right to consult an attorney
- right to counsel
- right to criticism
- right to cultural autonomy
- right to damages
- right to declare war
- right to designate one's hairs
- right to die
- right to divorce
- right to earn a living
- right to education
- right to elect and be elected
- right to emigrate
- right to end pregnancy
- right to enjoy one's benefits
- right to enter a country
- right to exact payment
- right to expel a trespasser
- right to express ones' views
- right to expropriate
- right to fish
- right to fly a maritime flag
- right to found a family
- right to frame a constitution
- right to free education
- right to free medical services
- right to freedom
- right to freedom from torture
- right to freedom of expression
- right to freedom of residence
- right to freedom of speech
- right to health
- right to hold a public office
- right to hold property
- right to housing
- right to human dignity
- right to immediate release
- right to impose taxes
- right to impose taxes
- right to independence
- right to inherit
- right to initiate legislation
- right to inspection
- right to interpret laws
- right to intervene
- right to introduce legislation
- right to join an association
- right to jury trial
- right to keep and bear arms
- right to keep arms
- right to possess firearms
- right to kill
- right to land
- right to lease
- right to legal equality
- right to legal representation
- right to legislate
- right to levy taxes
- right to liberty
- right to life
- right to make a decision
- right to make a will
- right to make treaties
- right to manage
- right to maternity leave
- right to medical care
- right to national autonomy
- right to neutrality
- right to nullify laws
- right to one's own culture
- right to oppose
- right to organize unions
- right to ownership of property
- right to personal security
- right to picket
- right to possess firearms
- right to practice law
- right to present witnesses
- right to privacy
- right to private property
- right to property
- right to protection
- right to public trial
- right to publish expression
- right to punish a child
- right to real estate
- right to recall
- right to recover
- right to redeem
- right to redress
- right to regulate trade
- right to remain silent
- right to remarry
- right to rest
- right to rest and leisure
- right to retain counsel
- right to return to work
- right to safety
- right to secede
- right to secede from the USSR
- right to secession
- right to security
- right to security of person
- right to seek elective office
- right to seek pardon
- right to seek refund
- right to self-determination
- right to self-expression
- right to self-government
- right to sell
- right to silence
- right to social insurance
- right to social security
- right to speak
- right to stop a prosecution
- right to strike
- right to sublet
- right to subpoena witness
- right to sue
- right to take water
- right to tariff reduction
- right to tax exemption
- right to terminate a contract
- right to terminate pregnancy
- right to the name
- right to the office
- right to the patent
- right to the voice
- right to think freely
- right to transfer property
- right to travel
- right to treasure trove
- right to trial by jury
- right to use
- right to use firearms
- right to use force
- right to use water
- right to veto
- right to will property
- right to work
- right of defence
- right of defense
- right to collect revenues
- right to collect taxes
- right to exist
- right to existence
- right to issue decrees
- right to issue edicts
- right to labor
- right to labour
- right to self-defence
- right to self-defense
- right to set penalties
- right to set punishment -
3 take
1) улов2) заволодівати; затримувати, заарештовувати; обертати у власність•take a statement into consideration — приймати заяву до відома ( або на розгляд)
take part in an election campaign — = take part in an electoral campaign брати участь у передвиборній кампанії
take part in an electoral campaign — = take part in an election campaign
take review against a judgement — = take review against a judgment оскаржувати рішення суду
take the investigation under personal control — = take the investigation under one's personal control брати розслідування під особистий контроль
take the investigation under one's personal control — = take the investigation under personal control
take the law into one's own hands — брати закон в свої руки; розправлятися без суду з кимсь
take the stand in one's own defence — = take the stand in one's own defense виступати на свій захист, давати свідчення на власний захист
- take a blood sampletake the stand in one's own defense — = take the stand in one's own defence
- take a bribe
- take a brief
- take a case
- take a case to court
- take a claim to arbitration
- take a copy
- take a decision by majority
- take a drug overdose
- take a hostage
- take a law off the books
- take a lease
- take a lie-detector test
- take a loyalty oath
- take a picture
- take a polygraph test
- take a second ballot
- take a sheet off a hedge
- take a shot
- take a shot at smth.
- take a sight
- take a specimen of blood
- take a specimen of blood urine
- take a statement
- take a verdict
- take a view
- take a vote
- take acknowledgement
- take acknowledgement of a fact
- take acknowledgment of a fact
- take advantage
- take advice
- take alive
- take all measures
- take all measures to prevent
- take all responsibility
- take an action
- take an affidavit
- take an appeal
- take an independent stand
- take an overdose
- take arms
- take as a hostage
- take away
- take ballot
- take by assault
- take by descent
- take by force
- take by purchase
- take by storm
- take care clause
- take chair
- take charge
- take coercive measures
- take cognizance
- take collective action
- take collective actions
- take confession
- take one's confession
- take counsel's opinion
- take count
- take count of votes
- take criminal proceeding
- take criminal proceedings
- take decisive measures
- take decisive steps
- take deposition
- take depositions
- take disciplinary actions
- take discriminatory measure
- take divorce proceedings
- take effect
- take effect on ratification
- take effect on signature
- take effect upon ratification
- take emergency measures
- take enforcement action
- take enforcement actions
- take evidence
- take examination
- take exception
- take exception against
- take exception to
- take extraordinary measures
- take formal note
- take guidance
- take guidance from the law
- take home pay
- take hostage
- take in charge
- take in the mainor
- take in the mainour
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take into custody
- take into one's confidence
- take judicial note
- take judicial notice
- take legal action
- take legal advice
- take legal proceedings
- take legal recourse
- take legal steps
- take life
- take smb.'s life
- take measures
- take mercy
- take minutes
- take necessary measures
- take no chances
- take note
- take notice
- take-off
- take-off accident
- take off an embargo
- take off to jail
- take on hire
- take on sale
- take opinion
- take out a document
- take out a patent
- take out a process
- take out insurance
- take out an insurance policy
- take-over
- take over a case
- take over as President
- take-over of public buildings
- take over the case
- take own life
- take one's own life
- take part
- take part in a debate
- take part in a demonstration
- take part in a discussion
- take part in a duel
- take part in a meeting
- take part in a session
- take part in a sitting
- take part in election
- take part in elections
- take physical part in a crime
- take possession
- take potassium cyanide
- take power
- take power in one's own hands
- take precautions
- take precedence
- take preference
- take preventive actions
- take preventive measures
- take prisoner
- take proceedings
- take prompt action
- take prompt actions
- take proof
- take punitive measures
- take recourse
- take red-handed
- take remedial action
- take responsibility
- take responsibility on oneself
- take review against a judgment
- take risk
- take seat on the court
- take security measures
- take silk
- take stock
- take testimony
- take the ballot
- take the blame upon oneself
- take the case under control
- take the census
- take the chair
- take the change
- take the consequences
- take the decision to court
- take the floor
- take the form of a contract
- take the law
- take the name
- take the oath
- take the poll
- take the rue
- take the side
- take the stand
- take the surname
- take the throne
- take the witness chair
- take the witness stand
- take third-party proceedings
- take title
- take to court
- take to court for trial
- take to freight
- take to prison
- take under advisement
- take under strict control
- take up
- take up a bill
- take up arms
- take up duties
- take up one's duties
- take upon oneself
- take vengeance -
4 duration
тривалість; період (термін) дії (чинності) (угоди, наказу тощо); термін повноважень законодавчої влади (легіслатури); легіслатура, період (строк, тривалість) повноважень- duration of custody
- duration of employment
- duration of guarantee
- duration of life
- duration of leasehold
- duration of order
- duration of parole
- duration of recommitment
- duration of treaty -
5 person
особа, індивід, людина; особистість; фізична особа; юридична особаperson about to commit an offence — = person about to commit an offense особа, яка має намір вчинити злочин
person about to commit an offense — = person about to commit an offence
person employed on collective agreement basis — особа, прийнята на роботою за колективною угодою
person having committed an offence — = person having committed an offense особа, яка вчинила злочин
person having committed an offense — = person having committed an offence
person irresponsible for his acts — = person irresponsible for her acts особа, яка не відповідає за свої дії
person irresponsible for her acts — = person irresponsible for his acts
person on conditional discharge — особа, умовно звільнена від кримінальної відповідальності; умовно звільнений (субст.)
person receiving an individual pension — = person receiving an merit pension, person receiving an special pension персональний пенсіонер
person receiving an merit pension — = person receiving an individual pension
person receiving an special pension — = person receiving an individual pension
person responsible for his acts — = person responsible for her acts особа, відповідальна за свої дії
person responsible for her acts — = person responsible for his acts
person seeking the refugee status — особа, яка домагається статусу біженця
person serving a sentence in the form of confinement — = person serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment особа, яка відбуває покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі
person serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment — = person serving a sentence in the form of confinement
person subject to immigration control — особа, яка підлягає імміграційному контролю
person suffered to be at large on his parole — особа, якій дозволено під чесне слово перебувати на волі ( в порядку умовно-дострокового звільнення)
person susceptible to treatment — особа, яка піддається лікуванню (виправному впливу)
person suspected of criminal activity — особа, яка підозрюється у злочинній діяльності
person who has exhibited her full powers — = person who has exhibited his full powers особа, яка пред'явила свої повноваження
person who has exhibited his full powers — = person who has exhibited her full powers
- person addicted to drugperson with criminal tendencies — особа, схильна до вчинення злочинів
- person addicted to drugs
- person affected
- person aided and abetted
- person already imprisoned
- person assaulted
- person being of high risk
- person engaged in a crime
- person entitled
- person for trial
- person held to labor
- person held to service
- person in authority
- person in custody
- person in dispute
- person in distress
- person in law
- person in possession
- person in power
- person in question
- person liable to actions
- person of defective intellect
- person of foreign birth
- person of foreign descent
- person of incidence
- person of law
- person of no fixed abode
- person of shady reputation
- person of sound mind
- person of unsound mind
- person of weak mind
- person on probation
- person on relief
- person on remand
- person on trial
- person on trial for a crime
- person pending trial
- person presenting a candidate
- person proceeded against
- person representing power
- person set in authority
- person threatened
- person under arrest
- person under investigation
- person under sentence
- person under sentence of death
- person under supervision
- person with a criminal past
- person with a criminal record
- person's dwelling place
См. также в других словарях:
Collective Man — Publication information Publisher Marvel Comics First appearance … Wikipedia
Collective investment scheme — The values and performance of collective funds are listed in newspapers A collective investment scheme is a way of investing money alongside other investors in order to benefit from the inherent advantages of working as part of a group. These… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1988 — NOTOC This is a complete list of all 1558 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1988.1 100* Origin of Goods (Petroleum Products) Regulations 1988 S.I. 1988/1 * Export of Sheep (Prohibition) (No.2) Amendment Order 1988… … Wikipedia
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1989 — NOTOC This is a complete list of all 1534 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1989.1 100* Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Commencement No. 5) Order 1989 S.I. 1989/1 * Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Wales)… … Wikipedia
United Nations — 1. an international organization, with headquarters in New York City, formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation under the terms of the charter signed by 51 founding countries in San Francisco in 1945. Abbr.: UN Cf. General… … Universalium
List of Schlock Mercenary characters — This article is about the characters from Schlock Mercenary, a hard sci fi webcomic. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Protagonists 1.1.1 Sergeant Schlock 1.1.2 … Wikipedia
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
Denazification — Workers removing the signage from a former Adolf Hitler Street A swastika at the Nazi party rally grounds being blown to pieces, as … Wikipedia
Human rights in Macau — is a situation that reflects its status as a former Portuguese possession that reverted to Chinese administration in 1999. As a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People s Republic of China (PRC), Macau enjoys a high degree of autonomy… … Wikipedia