1 cold storage box
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cold storage box
2 cold storage box
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cold storage box
3 cold storage box
холодильный шкаф; холодильная камераАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > cold storage box
4 cold storage box
1) Техника: холодильная камера, холодильная стерилизационная, холодильный шкаф2) Логистика: холодильник -
5 cold-storage box
1) Техника: холодильный шкаф2) Холодильная техника: домашний ледник -
6 cold storage box
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > cold storage box
7 cold storage box
8 cold storage box
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > cold storage box
9 cold storage
10 box
1) ящик; коробка || упаковывать в ящик или коробку2) втулка; гнездо3) кожух; корпус5) камера; шкаф; бокс7) будка (напр. телефонная)8) метр. (измерительный) магазин13) обойма ( щёткодержателя)14) связь ячейка ( области)15) электрон., вчт. блок16) прямоугольник ( блок-схемы); рамка ( машинного графика)17) ячейка ( наборной кассы)18) полигр. рамка19) ж.-д. букса21) с.-х. стойло•-
accessory box
accumulator box
acoustically insulated box
anechoic box
annealing box
ash box
attenuation box
axle box
balance box
ballast box
band box
base box
battery box
bellows style box
black box
bliss box
book box
branch box
brush box
Buffalo box
built-up molding box
cable box
call box
cam box
camera box
capacitance box
carburizing box
cardboard box
casting box
center special slotting box
centrifugal box
cess box
charging box
chill box
circular box
cleanout box
cleated fiberboard box
cleated plywood box
cleated wood box
coking box
cold box
cold storage box
collapsible box
common antenna distribution box
compression box
condenser box
connecting box
control box
core box
coupling box
crimp box
culvert box
curb-stop box
curb box
curved plane box
decade box
decision box
dehydration box
delivery box
descaling box
dialogue box
die box
discharge box
display outer box
distribution box
dividing box
division box
double cover box
double-cutting planer tool box
drawing box
drop-end box
dry box
dry hot box
drying box
dump box
dusting box
dustproof box
echo box
effects box
ejector box
end signal box
engine oil pressure test box
exhaust box
extracting box
fancy box
feed box
feeder box
feeding box
film box
folding box
free-water knockoutbox
freezer box
full-flap slotted box
functional box
function box
fuse box
gear box
germinating box
gland box
glove box
graded-scrap box
gravel box
half-part molding box
half-slotted box
hand-held box
haulage box
Hogness box
horizontal locking box
hot box
hydrant street box
inductance box
inlet box
interlocking double cover box
interlocking signal box
jack box
jig box
joint box
journal box
junction box
key box
knife box
knock-down box
knockout box
label box
light-tight box
load box
lock bottom box
lock corner box
locking box
mail box
mailing box
matte box
measuring box
miter box
mixing box
mold box
molding box
monitor box
mud box
multiple core box
numbering box
oil distributing box
overlap slotted box
packer box
pallet box
pedestal journal box
phase segregated terminal box
phase separated terminal box
pouring box
power box
pressing box
Pribnow box
proof box
public-call box
pull-through box
receiving box
recessed end box
refrigerator box
relay box
resistance box
reverse box
rose box
rotor gear box
run-down box
runner box
salt-spray box
sand box
sealing box
sediment box
separator box
service box
settling box
set-up box
shell-and-slide box
shielded box
shunt box
shuttle box
side tool box
sieve box
signal box
single-cavity core box
skid box
slide box
smoke box
soap box
speed-change box
speed box
spinning box
splice box
spreading box
starting box
steam box
steam cooking box
steering box
stern tube stuffing box
still cheese box
stilling box
stone-filled box
storage box
straining box
stripping box
strum box
stuffing box
stunt box
switch box
telescope box
terminal box
tolerance box
tool box
tool joint box
top molding box
Topham box
torque box
track box
traction gear box
traffic controlling box
transfer box
twin-cell bulk box
type box
underwater box
vertical locking box
video tape box
voltage control box
voltage-ratio box
walk-in box
water box
weighing box
weight box
weir box
wide-angle matte box
wind box
wire-bound wooden box
wire-stitched cardboard box
wood-reinforced fiberboard box -
11 cold room
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
холодильная комната
Помещение, внутри которого поддерживается оптимальная для хранения вакцин температура, оборудованое системой круглосуточного мониторинга температурного режима, системой сигнализации и резервным генератором.
[Англо-русский глоссарий основных терминов по вакцинологии и иммунизации. Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 2009 г.]Тематики
- вакцинология, иммунизация
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cold room
12 storage
1) хранение; складирование2) накопление; аккумулирование3) запоминание; хранение ( информации)4) хранилище; склад5) накопитель; машиностр. тж магазин6) вчт. запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; память7) резервуар; водохранилище9) складированный товар; складированные изделия10) водные запасы; водные ресурсы11) плата за хранение; стоимость хранения; складские расходы•storage in transit — хранение транзитных грузов;-
above-ground storage
above-water offshore oil storage
acoustic storage
active conservation storage
active storage
active liquid storage
actual storage
addressed storage
air energy storage
allowable storage
annual holdover storage
annual storage
artificial storage
associative storage
away-from-reactor storage
backing storage
backup storage
backwater storage
base-flow storage
battery electric power storage
beam storage
billet prep storage
bin storage
bottom-supported offshore oil storage
box-pallet storage
bubble storage
buffer storage
bulk storage
buoy storage
capacitive storage
capacitor storage
capacity storage
carrier storage
carry-over storage
cassette-tape part-program storage
chamber-type underground storage
chamber underground storage
channel storage
character storage
charge storage
coal storage
coil storage
cold storage
compacted storage
compressed air energy storage
compressed air storage
computer storage
conservation storage
constant storage
container storage
content-addressable storage
control storage
controlled atmosphere storage
core storage
crude storage
cryoelectronic storage
cryogenic energy storage
cryogenic storage
cutter prep storage
daily storage
data storage
dead storage
dedicated storage
delay-line storage
digital storage
direct-access storage
disk storage
dock storage
draft-tube gate storage
drawdown storage
drum storage
dry storage
dual-port storage
dynamic storage
effective storage
electric power storage
electrochemical storage
electron-beam storage
electronic document storage
elevated storage
emergency storage
energy storage
erasable storage
explosive storage
extended storage
external storage
flat-type grain storage
flood-control storage
flood storage
floor panel storage
floor storage
floppy disk storage
flowing storage
flywheel energy storage
font storage
format storage
freezer storage
freezing storage
gas storage
gasoline storage
grain storage
ground storage
groundwater storage
heat storage
high unit-load storage
high-density storage
high-level rack storage
high-pressure storage
high-stacking storage
hot storage
hypobaric storage
ice storage
inactive storage
inductive energy storage
information storage
in-process storage
input storage
integrated storage
intermediate storage
internal storage
liquefied gas cavern storage
liquid oxygen storage
live storage
local storage
log storage
logical storage
long-term heat storage
long-term storage
low-temperature storage
magnetic card storage
magnetic core storage
magnetic disk storage
magnetic storage
magnetic tape storage
main storage
manuscript storage
mass storage
mechanical storage
multiple-tank storage
natural-gas storage
nesting storage
nest storage
nonvolatile storage
off-line storage
oil storage
on-line storage
operating storage
optical storage
outdoor storage
output storage
packed-bed thermal storage
pallet storage
palletized storage
paper-tape storage
part program storage
part storage
peripheral storage
permanent storage
petrochemical storage
physical storage
pipeline storage
point storage
powder storage
primary storage
process storage
program storage
protected storage
pumped storage
push-down storage
push-up storage
quarry storage
random pallet storage
random-access storage
raw material storage
read-only storage
real storage
refrigerated storage
replacement storage
reserve liquid storage
rock storage of oil
rotating storage
saltbed storage
scratch pad storage
screen storage
seasonal heat storage
secondary storage
semiconductor storage
semimechanical storage
shelf storage
short-term storage
single-chip storage
soil water storage
solid-state storage
spent-fuel storage
static storage
stationary storage
sunken storage
superconducting induction energy storage
superconductor power storage
surcharge storage
tape storage
temporary storage
terminal cold storage
text storage
thermal energy storage
thread storage
tool storage
twistor storage
underground storage
unmanned parts storage
unprotected storage
upright storage
usable storage
vertical cage storage
virtual storage
volatile storage
waste liquid storage
water storage
wire storage
working storage
work storage
workpiece storage
zero-access storage -
13 chill box
1. холодильникice box — холодильник; ледник
2. охладительная коробкаa box of chocolates — коробка шоколада, шоколадный набор
14 chill box
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > chill box
15 refrigerator box
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > refrigerator box
16 refrigerating chamber
камера охлаждаемая
Герметизированное складское помещение с тамбуром, оборудованное холодильными установками для кратковременного хранения скоропортящихся продуктов
[Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]Тематики
- установки и обруд. для пищев. промышл.
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > refrigerating chamber
17 cooling chamber
камера охлаждения
Последняя часть по ходу газов топочной камеры, в которой происходит охлаждение газов
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cooling chamber
18 cooler
охладитель (устройство)
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
охладитель (формовочных материалов)
Машина для охлаждения свежих и отработанных формовочных материалов.
[ ГОСТ 18111-93]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cooler
19 chilling room
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > chilling room
20 chilling-room
холодильная камера
Камера с искусственным охлаждением.
[ ГОСТ 24393-80]
холодильная камера
Охлаждаемое помещение.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > chilling-room
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
cold — 1. dead Usually but not exclusively used of hotblooded creatures, although knocked out cold refers to unconsciousness only. Whence several morbidly humorous 19th century phrases, of which the most common was cold meat, a corpse: If you… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
storage — Synonyms and related words: RAM, admission, admission fee, allocation, anchorage, archives, armory, arsenal, assignment, attic, bank, basement, bay, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, box, brokerage, bunker, buttery, carfare, cargo dock, cellar,… … Moby Thesaurus
Cold Souls — Promotional film poster Directed by Sophie Barthes Produced by Dan Carey Elizabet … Wikipedia
Box Tunnel — is a railway tunnel in western England, between Bath and Chippenham, dug through the Box Hill. It was built for the original route of the Great Western Railway under the direction of the GWR s engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.The tunnel is 1 mile … Wikipedia
Corrugated box design — High graphics overlap box: die cut for plastic handle and locking tabs Corrugated box design is the process of matching design factors for corrugated fiberboard boxes with the functional physical, processing and end use requirements. Packaging… … Wikipedia
Operation Steel Box — The U.S. Military Sealift Command auxiliary crane ship SS Flickertail State (T ACS 5) as the ship arrives at Johnston Atoll during Operation Steel Box. Operation Steel Box, also known as Operation Golden Python, was a 1990 joint U.S. West German… … Wikipedia
Deceit (album) — Hi Baku Shyo redirects here. For survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, see Hibakusha. Deceit Front cover of the 2006 remastered version. Studio album by This Heat … Wikipedia
холодильная камера — Камера с искусственным охлаждением. [ГОСТ 24393 80] холодильная камера Охлаждаемое помещение. [ПБ 09 220 98] Тематики холодильная техника EN chill boxchilling roomchilling roomcold roomcold storage boxcoolercooling chambercoolroomrefrigerated… … Справочник технического переводчика
refrigerator — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. fridge*, icebox, Frigidaire (trademark), cooler, cold storage box, locker, refrigerator car, electric refrigerator, cooling apparatus, refrigeration equipment, freezer, deep freezer, quick freezer, deepfreeze … English dictionary for students
List of Japanese tea ceremony equipment — Some implements for tea ceremony. From bottom left: chashaku (tea scoop), sensu (fan), chasen kusenaoshi (whisk shaper), chasen (bamboo whisk) and fukusa (purple silk cloth) This is a list of articles used in Japanese tea ceremony. Please add… … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium