1 cold bleaching
2 cold bleaching
1) Полиграфия: холодная отбелка2) Текстиль: холодное беление (без предварительного бучения) -
3 cold bleaching
4 cold bleaching
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > cold bleaching
5 cold bleaching
Англо-русский словарь текстильной промышленности > cold bleaching
6 cold bleaching
холодное беление; беление без предварительного бученияEnglish-Russian dictionary on textile and sewing industry > cold bleaching
7 bleaching
процесс отбелки, отбеливания; беление; спиртование @bleaching for dyeing and printing отбелка под крашение и печать @bleaching in clear 1. промывка после беления; 2. окончательная отбелка (при двукратном белении) @bleaching of colored fabrics отбелка пестротканых товаров @bleaching on green луговое беление @chrome bleaching беление хромовыми солями @cold bleaching холодное беление (без предварительного бучения) @combined bleaching комбинированный процесс отбелки (последовательно гипохлоритом и перекисью) @continuous bleaching агрегатный или проходной способ беления @continuous boil-off bleaching проходная отбелка с отваркой @continuous peroxide bleaching проходная перекисная отбелка @dry bleaching спиртовка тканей на барабанах @dyers bleaching отбелка под крашение @electric bleaching электроотбелка @electrolytic bleaching электролитическая отбелка @full bleaching полная отбелка; отбелка под набивку @grass bleaching луговое беление @half bleaching полуотбелка @hydrosulphite bleaching гидросульфитная отбелка @hypochlorite bleaching гипохлоритная отбелка @latent bleaching скрытая отбелка (перекисью водорода с последующим активированием) @linen bleaching 1. беление льна; 2. беление льняных изделий @madder bleaching полная щелочная отбелка; отбелка под набивку @market bleaching отбелка бельевого полотна @Mohr bleaching беление по способу Мора, холодное беление (без предварительного бучения) @natural bleaching естественная отбелка, луговое беление @ozone bleaching отбелка озонированным воздухом @permanganate bleaching перманганатная отбелка @peroxide bleaching перекисная отбелка @printers bleaching отбелка под печать, отбелка под набивку @soda-boil bleaching отбелка варкой на едком натре @steep bleaching отбелка погружением или окунанием @stoving bleaching отбелка окуриванием (парами сернистого ангидрида) @sulphur bleaching отбелка окуриванием (парами сернистого ангидрида) @white bleaching отбелка бельевого полотна @ -
8 bleaching
процесс отбелки, отбеливания; беление; спиртование @bleaching for dyeing and printing отбелка под крашение и печать @bleaching in clear 1. промывка после беления; 2. окончательная отбелка (при двукратном белении) @bleaching of colored fabrics отбелка пестротканых товаров @bleaching on green луговое беление @chrome bleaching беление хромовыми солями @cold bleaching холодное беление (без предварительного бучения) @combined bleaching комбинированный процесс отбелки (последовательно гипохлоритом и перекисью) @continuous bleaching агрегатный или проходной способ беления @continuous boil-off bleaching проходная отбелка с отваркой @continuous peroxide bleaching проходная перекисная отбелка @dry bleaching спиртовка тканей на барабанах @dyers bleaching отбелка под крашение @electric bleaching электроотбелка @electrolytic bleaching электролитическая отбелка @full bleaching полная отбелка; отбелка под набивку @grass bleaching луговое беление @half bleaching полуотбелка @hydrosulphite bleaching гидросульфитная отбелка @hypochlorite bleaching гипохлоритная отбелка @latent bleaching скрытая отбелка (перекисью водорода с последующим активированием) @linen bleaching 1. беление льна; 2. беление льняных изделий @madder bleaching полная щелочная отбелка; отбелка под набивку @market bleaching отбелка бельевого полотна @Mohr bleaching беление по способу Мора, холодное беление (без предварительного бучения) @natural bleaching естественная отбелка, луговое беление @ozone bleaching отбелка озонированным воздухом @permanganate bleaching перманганатная отбелка @peroxide bleaching перекисная отбелка @printers bleaching отбелка под печать, отбелка под набивку @soda-boil bleaching отбелка варкой на едком натре @steep bleaching отбелка погружением или окунанием @stoving bleaching отбелка окуриванием (парами сернистого ангидрида) @sulphur bleaching отбелка окуриванием (парами сернистого ангидрида) @white bleaching отбелка бельевого полотна @ -
9 bleaching
1. фотоотбеливание2. отбеливание, отбелка; обесцвечивание -
10 bleaching
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > bleaching
11 acid bleaching
12 degree of bleaching
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > degree of bleaching
13 lead bleaching
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > lead bleaching
14 permanganate bleaching
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > permanganate bleaching
15 grass bleaching
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > grass bleaching
16 tower bleaching
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > tower bleaching
17 process
1) процесс2) (технологический) процесс; (технологическая) обработка3) технологический приём; способ4) технология5) режим; ход (процесса)6) обрабатывать, подвергать обработке7) подвергать анализу, анализировать•to design process — разрабатывать технологию-
acetone-acetylene process
acetylene process
Acheson process
acid Bessemer process
acid process
acid reclaiming process
acyclic process
Adapti investment casting process
additive process
adiabatic process
Aero case process
aerobic process
age-dependent process
air blast process
air-sand process
Alcan process
Al-Dip process
alfin process
alkali reclaiming process
alkaline process
Allis-Chalmers agglomeration reduction process
ALT process
aluminothermic process
anaerobic process
anamorphotic process
annealing-in-line process
anode process
anodic electrode process
AOD process
aqua-cast process
ARBED-ladle-treatment process
arc-air process
arc-remelting process
argon-oxygen-decarburization process
ASEA-SKF process
autoregressive process
averaging process
Azincourt process
azo coupling process
background process
bag process
BAP process
Barrow process
Basett process
basic Bessemer process
basic oxygen process
basic process
basic-arc process
batch process
biofiltration process
bipolar process
bipolar-FET process
bipolar-MOS process
BISRA degassing process
black-heart process
Blackodising process
blast-furnace process
Blaw-Knox process
bleaching process
Bochumer-Verein process
boiling process
bonding process
bottom-argon-process process
broadband random process
bromoil transfer process
bromoil process
bubble-column process
bubble-hearth process
buffer-slag process
Calmes process
Canadizing process
carbon mold process
carbon process
carbon-arc process
carbon-in-leach process
carbon-in-pulp process
carbothermic process
carbro process
carrier-gas degassing process
cascade process
cast shell process
catalytic DENO process
cathodic process
CC-CR process
CC-DR process
CC-HCR process
cementation process
cementation-in-pulp process
cementing process
centrifugal spinning process
cermet process
CESM process
CEVAM process
charge transfer process
chemical vapor deposition process
chemical-bonding process
Chenot process
china process
cine exposure process
cine process
CLC process
clean burn process
cloudburst process
CLU process
CMOS process
CNC process
CO2 silicate process
coal reduction process
coal to gas process
coal-gas-sumitomo process
coal-oxygen-injection process
COIN process
cold box process
cold doping process
cold process
cold scrap process
cold type process
collodion process
color process
concurrent processes
consteel process
consumable electrode vacuum arc melting process
contact process
continuous annealing process
continuous casting-cleaning rolling process
continuous casting-direct rolling process
continuous casting-hot charging and rolling process
continuous electroslag melting process
continuous metal cast process
continuous-on-line control process
continuous-time process
controlled pressure pouring process
controlled process
converter process
cooking process
coppering process
copying process
coupled cathodic-anodic process
cracking process
Creusot Loire Uddenholm process
critical process
cumulative process
cuprammonium process
curing process
CVD process
cyclic process
Cyclosteel process
Czochralski process
daguerre photographic process
dense-media process
Desco process
deterministic process
developing process
DH degassing process
diabatic process
diazo process
diffused planar process
diffusion process
diffusion transfer process
dip-forming process
direct iron process
direct process
direct reduction process
direct-sintering process
discrete-time process
discrete process
DLM process
Domnarvet process
Dored process
double-crucible process
double-epi process
doubling process
DR process
drop-molding process
dry adiabatic process
dry process
dry-blanch-dry process
duplex process
easy drawing process
EBM process
EBR process
EF-AOD process
electric furnace-argon oxygen decarburization process
electroarc process
electrocatalytic process
electrocolor process
electrodialysis reversal process
electroflux-remelting process
electromembrane process
electron-beam-melting process
electron-beam-refining process
electrophotoadhesive process
electrophotographic process
electroslag refining process
electroslag remelting process
electroslag remelt process
electrostatographic process
electrostream process
Elo-Vac process
elquench process
endothermic process
energy efficient process
entropy process
enzymatic process
EPIC process
epidemic process
epitaxial growth process
epitaxy growth process
ergodic process
ESR process
Estel process
etching process
exoergic process
exothermic process
extrusion-molded neck process
ferroprussiate process
Ferrox process
filming process
filtration-chlorination process
Finkl-Mohr process
FIOR process
first process
fixed-bed MTG process
flash steel direct reduction process
float process
float-and-sink process
float-zone process
flow process
fluid iron ore reduction process
fluid-bed MTG process
fluidized roasting process
fluid-sand process
FMC coke process
foaming process
foehn process
food-machinery and chemical coke process
foreground process
Foren process
FOS process
freeze concentration process
fuel-oxygen-scrap process
full-mold process
fusion-casting process
Futacuchi process
Gaussian process
Gero mold degassing process
Gero vacuum casting process
GGS process
girbitol process
gradual reduction process
growing process
growth process
gypsum-sulfuric acid process
Hall electrolytic process
Harris process
hazardous process
H-coal process
heat-transfer process
heavy-media process
hibernating process
HI-GAS process
high-frequency induction process
HIP process
H-iron process
Hoope process
hot isostatic pressing process
hot process
hot-metal process
hot-metal-and-scrap process
hot-type process
hydrogasification process
hydrotype process
HyL process
IC-DR process
image process
imbibition process
immiscible displacement process
implantation process
impurity doping process
in-bulk process
inchrome process
in-draw process
inductoslag-melting process
ingot casting direct rolling process
injection molding process
in-line process
Inred process
interpolation process
investment process
ion-implantation process
irreversible process
isentropic process
ISM process
isobaric process
isochoric process
isoenthalpic process
isoentropic process
isometric process
isoplanar process
isothermal process
iterative process
jet-expanding process
Kaldo process
katadyn process
Kawasaki-bottom-oxygen-process process
Kawasaki-Gas-Lime-Injection process
K-BOP process
KEK process
KG-LI process
kiln-reduction process
KIVCET cyclone smelting process
KIVCET process
knit-deknit process
koetherizing process
KR process
kraft process
lance bubbling equilibrium process
LBE process
LD-AB process
LD-AC process
LD-AOD process
LD-argon bottom process
LD-argon oxygen decarburization process
LD-CB process
LD-circle lance process
LD-CL process
LD-combination blow process
LD-HC top and botton blowing process
LDK process
LD-Kawasaki-Gas process
LD-KG process
LD-OB process
LD-OTB process
LD-oxygen bottom process
LD-oxygen-top-bottom process
lift-off process
liquefaction process
liquid gas plug process
liquid-phase process
loop transfer process
lost core process
low-waste technological process
LSI process
LVR process
LVS process
Mannesmann powder process
mapping process
Markovian process
Markov process
masking process
matte fuming process
melting process
mercast process
Midland-Ross process
Midrex process
migration process
miscible displacement process
miscible plug process
mixed autoregressive-moving average process
moist adiabatic process
Molynutz process
monochrome process
monolithic process
MOS process
MOSFET process
motion-picture process
moving average process
narrowband random process
Neely process
negative-positive process
Nitemper process
no pickle process
nonflow process
non-Gaussian process
Nord-Fuvo process
Nu-iron process
OBM process
OG process
OLP converter process
one-way process
open-hearth process
orbitread process
ore process
Orthoflow cracking process
Orthoforming process
orthogonal increment process
oxidation process
oxide-isolated process
oxygen-blow process
oxygen-gas process
oxygen-lancing process
oxygen-steelmaking process
packaging process
pad-batch dyeing process
pad-dry dyeing process
pad-jig dyeing process
pad-roll dyeing process
pad-steam dyeing process
pad-steam vat-print process
PAMCO-hot-alloy process
parent process
PCR process
Perrin process
PHA process
phonon process
photoelectric process
photomechanical process
photovoltaic process
pig iron-scrap process
pig-and-ore process
pigment padding dying process
pigment padding process
pigment process
pinatype process
planar process
plasma etching process
plasma etch process
plasma process
plasma-arc process
Plasmamelt process
Plasmared process
plaster mold process
plastic wirecut process
polytropic process
powder silicon ribbon process
power-press process
prepolymer process
prepress processes
pressure-driven membrane process
primuline process
propane-acid process
pulsating mixing process
Purex process
pushbench process
Q-BOP process
QDT process
quality basic oxygen process process
quasi-independent processes
quick and direct tapping process
ram process
random process
rapid solidification plasma deposition process
rayon continuous process
receiving process
reclamator reclaiming process
recurrent process
redox process
reducing process
reduction-smelting process
relaxation process
repetitive process
reproduction process
reversal process
reversible process
RH process
RH-OB process
ribbon process
R-N direct-reduction process
roasting-sintering process
roast-leaching process
robot-controlled process
rongalit-potash process
rotor process
rustless process
sample process
schoop process
scrap-and-pig process
scrap-conditioning process
scrap-ore process
screen printed process
self-developing process
self-healing process
semibatch process
semiconductor process
sending process
Sendzimir coating process
sequential process
silicon-gate MOS process
silicon-gate process
silk-screen process
single-pumpdown process
SIP process
skein spinning process
Skinner multiple-hearth process
slag minimum process
slip-casting process
slow down process
SLPM process
SL-RN metallization process
SL-RN reduction process
solid source diffusion process
solution regrowth process
solvent extraction-electrowinning process
solvent plug process
SOS process
spin-draw-texturizing process
spinylock process
sponge iron process
spontaneous process
Stanal process
stationary random process
STB process
steady-flow process
steam-blow process
steelmaking process
Stelmor process
step and repeat process
stochastic process
stuffer box process
submerged arc process
subtractive process
suck-and-blow process
Sulf BT process
Sulfinuz process
Sumitomo-slag all recycling process
Sumitomo-top-bottom process
Sursulf process
system process
TBM process
T-die process
Technamation process
thermal DeNOx process
Therm-i-Vac process
Thermo-Flow process
thermoplastic process
Thomas process
Thorex process
three-color process
Thyssen-blast-metallurgy process
Tifran process
tightly coupled processes
time-varying process
trichromatic process
triplex process
Tropenas converter process
Tufftride process
Tufftride TF1 process
uncertain process
user process
vacuum arc remelting process
vacuum casting process
vacuum deoxidation process
vacuum induction refining process
vacuum stream-droplet process
vacuum-arc degassing process
vacuum-carbodeoxidation process
vacuum-carbonate process
vacuum-induction melting process
vacuum-melting process
vacuum-metallothermic process
vacuum-oxygen-decarburization process
VAD process
VAR process
VAW process
VHSIC process
vigom process
VIR process
viscose process
visual process
VLSI process
VOD process
waiting process
water gas process
waterfall process
wet process
white-heart process
Zinal process
zinc distilling process -
18 composition
1) состав; композиция; смесь2) структура3) смешивание, приготовление смеси4) монтаж5) компоновка6) сложение ( векторов); внутреннее произведение ( тензоров)7) полигр. набор•-
adhesive composition
antibacterial oral composition
antiperspirant composition
antiscale composition
antistatic composition
area composition
atomic composition
bathing detergent composition
belt dressing composition
bleaching composition
bleach composition
blend composition
boundary composition
built detergent composition
bulk chemical composition
bulk molding composition
car fleet composition
cement slurry composition
chemical group composition
cleaning composition
coal-charge composition
cold composition
computerized composition
cosmetic composition
cross-linkable composition
dental cream composition
deodorant composition
dermatological composition
detergent composition
detonating composition
dishwashing composition
disinfectant cleaning composition
display composition
DNA base composition
dough composition
drilling mud composition
enzymatic detergent composition
epoxy-amine compositions
epoxy-polyamide compositions
epoxy-rubber composition
equilibrium composition
eutectic composition
eutectoid composition
fabric softening composition
face-washing composition
fractional composition of oil
fragrance dispersant composition
gas generating composition
grade composition
grain-size composition
grain composition
hair rinse composition
hair shampoo composition
hand composition
hard surface cleaning composition
hot composition
hypereutectoid composition
isotopic composition
job composition
lavatory cleaning composition
line composition
liquid detergent composition
low-profile composition
machine composition
mean-shift composition
mix composition
molecular composition
multilingual composition
nuclear composition
odor absorbing composition
one-pot composition
oral composition
page composition
percentage composition
perfume composition
permanent wave composition
photographic type composition
pipe joint composition
plate composition
polishing composition
program composition
ragged-left composition
ragged-right composition
road composition
roller composition
size composition
soap composition
straight composition
strike-on composition
sunscreen composition
tabular composition
text block composition
toothpaste composition
typewriter composition
wine composition -
19 engine
1) двигатель, мотор2) ж.-д. локомотив3) машина4) процессор•to run up the engine — опробовать двигатель ( на режимах работы);to unreverse the engine — выводить двигатель из режима реверса-
light bulb engine
accelerating engine
adiabatic engine
air breathing engine
air engine
air-cell engine
air-chamber engine
air-cooled engine
aircraft engine
air-feed jet engine
air-injection engine
airless-injection engine
alcohol engine
analytical engine
anchor engine
apogee engine
approach-correcting engine
arc jet engine
arrow engine
ascent engine
assisted takeoff engine
AV-1 engine
aviation engine
axial-flow gas turbine engine
bare engine
baseline engine
basic engine
beating engine
bipropellant engine
bismuth ion engine
bleaching engine
blowing engine
blown engine
booster engine
boxer engine
brake engine
Brayton engine
breaker engine
bypass engine
catalytic engine
centrifugal expansion engine
ceramic engine
coaxial MPD engine
cogging engine
cold-reaction engine
commercial engine
compression ignition engine
computing engine
constant 1 engine
conventional engine
crankcase compression engine
crest engine
cross-compound blowing engine
cross-mounted engine
cryogenic expansion engine
cryogenic rocket engine
dead engine
derated engine
descent engine
diesel engine
diesel-electric engine
difference engine
digital engine
direct-injection engine
displacement engine
docking engine
donkey engine
double-row engine
double-row radial engine
down-rated engine
drilling engine
dual-flow turbojet engine
dual-mode engine
duct-burning bypass engine
ducted-fan engine
electric arcjet engine
electron-bombardment engine
emergency propulsion engine
energy-cell diesel engine
erosion engine
expansion engine
external combustion engine
F-head engine
fire engine with extension ladder
fire engine
fixed head engine
flat engine
flat-head engine
fluorine-hydrogen engine
four-barrel engine
four-cycle engine
Gardner engine
gas discharge ionizator electrostatic engine
gas engine
gas turbine engine
gas-driven blowing engine
gas blowing engine
gasoline engine
graphics engine
heat engine
heavy equipment diesel engine
heavy-duty engine
high bypass ratio engine
high-compression engine
high-efficiency engine
high-I engine
horizontal engine
horizontally opposed engine
Horning engine
hump engine
hybrid air-breathing engine
hybrid-propellant engine
hydrogen-fueled engine
I-head engine
impact volume ionization ion engine
inboard engine
indirect-injection engine
individual cylinder head engine
industrial application engine
inference engine
inlet over exhaust engine
in-line engine
ionic engine
ion engine
jet engine
ladle-car engine
laser air-jet engine
laser-driven rocket engine
laser-heated rocket engine
laser-propulsion rocket engine
Lauson engine
L-head engine
lift engine
lift jet engine
light duty diesel engine
linear MPD engine
liquid air cycle engine
liquid petroleum gases engine
liquid-propellant engine
long-stroke engine
low bypass ratio engine
low-I engine
LOX/HC engine
LOX/LH engine
magnetogasdynamic engine
maneuvering engine
marine application engine
marine engine
mercury ion engine
mid-flight engine
model diesel engine
monkey engine
motored engine
multifuel engine
nacelle-mounted engine
naturally aspirated engine
nonturbo engine
oil engine
oil-electric engine
OMS engine
one-shaft engine
open-cylinder engine
opposed-piston engine
Otto engine
outboard engine
overhead valve engine
oversquare engine
pancake engine
petrol engine
Petter AV-I Diesel engine
Petter W-1 engine
photon engine
piston ported engine
plasmajet rocket engine
plasma rocket engine
podded engine
pollution-free engine
potassium ion engine
prechamber engine
propulsion engine
pulping engine
pulsejet engine
pusher engine
quench-car engine
racing engine
radial engine
radiation-heated rocket engine
radio-frequency ion engine
ram engine
ramjet engine
Rankine engine
RCS engine
reciprocating solar engine
rectenna-powered ion engine
remanufactured engine
restartable engine
rotary engine
rubidium ion engine
separation engine
shaft-turbine engine
shunting engine
single-shaft gas turbine engine
six-cylinder in-line engine
solar Brayton engine
solar engine
solar photon rocket engine
solar-heated gas engine
solar gas engine
solar-powered engine
spacer plate engine
special arrangement engine
square engine
starting engine
steam-driven blowing engine
steam blowing engine
steering engine
Stirling engine
stock engine
subsonic engine
supercharged engine
surface ionization engine
swirl-chamber diesel engine
switch engine
take-home engine
tee engine
test bed engine
T-head engine
thermal arc engine
thermoelectronic engine
three-flow turbojet engine
towing engine
trans-rear engine
transverse engine
traveling wave plasma engine
trimmer engine
tripropellant engine
truck engine
turbine engine
turbine expansion engine
turbocharged engine
turbo engine
turbofan engine
turbojet engine
turboprop engine
turboshaft engine
turbulence-chamber engine
twin rotor engine
two-rotor engine
two-shaft gas turbine engine
two-spool engine
unblown engine
undersquare engine
variable compression engine
variable cycle engine
variable cylinder engine
vehicular engine
volume collision ionization engine
Wankel engine
warmed-up engine
washing engine
waste-heat recovery Stirling engine
water-cooled engine
windmilling engine
wing engine
W-type engine
yard engine -
20 tank
1) бак; цистерна; танк2) резервуар3) ванна, чан4) водохранилище; (искусственный) водоём; бассейн6) сил. шламбассейн12) кфт. ба(чо)к•to bleed [empty\] a tank — опорожнять резервуар;to fuel the tank — возд. заправлять бак топливом;to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (каким-л. газом);to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в трубопровод;to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;to switch to the proper tank — возд. переключать выключателем на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;to thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;to turn the proper tank on — переключать краном на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;-
accumulator tank
acid dump tank
activated tanks
additive tank
aeration tank
aft fuel tank
afterpeak tank
agitator tank
air blow tank
air tank
air-buoyancy tank
air-oil tank
alternate fuel tank
anodizing tank
antipitching tanks
antirolling tanks
aseptic tank
asphalt-lined tank
auxiliary fuel tank
auxiliary tank
backwater tank
bag fuel tank
balance tank
balancing tank
ballast tank
balloon roof tank
bath tank
bioaeration tank
blanching tank
bleaching tank
blending tank
blend tank
blow-off tank
boat tank
boil tank
bottomless offshore storage tank
bottomless offshore tank
breathing tank
brine tank
bulk oil tank
bullet tank
buoyancy tank
burial tank
buried tank
cantilever tank
canvas tank
cargo tank
catch tank
cathode tank
cement slurry mixing tank
cement mixing tank
charging stock tank
charging tank
chill tank
chromatographic tank
clarification tank
clean ballast tank
coagulation tank
cold water tank
collapsible tank
collecting tank
compound surge tank
compressed-air surge tank
concentrate holding tank
concentration tank
concentrator tank
condensate gathering tank
condensate tank
conservator tank
constant header tank
constricted tank
continuous tank
controlled passive tanks
coolant bleed holdup tank
core flooding tank
core flood tank
corner tank
crude oil storage tank
crude storage tank
cryogenic tank
culture tank
culture-holding tank
curing tank
cuttings tank
daily service tank
daily tank
day tank
deaerator storage tank
decanting tank
decay tank
deck tank
deep tank
defecation tank
degassing tank
depositing tank
detritus tank
developing tank
differential surge tank
digestion tank
dip tank
discharge tank
dishwasher tank
distilling tank
domestic water tank
dome-type tank
double-bottom tank
drain tank
drilling mud mixing tank
drilling mud settling tank
drilling mud storage tank
drilling mud suction tank
drilling mud tank
drinking water tank
drip tank
Dubai storage tank
dump tank
earth tank
earthen tank
electrolytic tank
elevated tank
emergency head tank
emergency tank
equalizing tank
etching tank
etch tank
evacuated tank
evaporation tank
expansion tank
expansion-roof tank
external fuel tank
ex-vessel storage tank
fabric tank
feed tank
feedwater tank
ferry fuel tank
field tank
filling tank
filter tank
filter-bottom tank
first fuel consumed tank
fixed-roof tank
fixing tank
flexible fuel tank
flexible tank
float tank
floating roof tank
flocculating tank
flotation tank
flow tank
flushing tank
flush tank
forepeak tank
formula mixing tank
free-water settling tank
fuel consumed tank
fuel expansion tank
fuel oil tank
fuel tank
gage tank
gas tank
gas-decay tank
gasoline tank
glass-melting tank
globe-bottom tank
globe-roof tank
gravitation tank
grease skimming tank
grounded tank
gunbarrel tank
gunwale tank
head tank
header tank
heated digestion tank
heat-exchange tank
heeling tank
hemispheroid tank
hide brining tank
hip tank
holding tank
holdup tank
hot tank
hot-water tank
hydraulic tank
ice-storage tank
inflatable dome-roof tank
inground tank
injection tank
ink tank
integral tank
interconnected tanks
intermittent tank
lagering tank
lager tank
land storage tank
lead-lined tank
lease tank
liberator tank
lifter-roof tank
lime coating tank
lower wing tank
low-temperature tank
lubrication tank
massecuite tank
maturing and deaeration tank
measuring tank
melting tank
melting-out tank
mixing tank
model tank
molten spelter tank
monitoring tank
multiple tank
multisphere tank
neutralization tank
neutron-shield tank
oil tank
oil-gathering tank
oil-storage tank
orifice surge tank
overflow tank
overhead storage water tank
overhead tank
oxidation tank
paraffin tank
parboiling tank
passive stabilizing tanks
pickle tank
pillow tank
pipeline tank
precipitation tank
preconditioning tank
premixing tank
presettling tank
pressure tank
pressurized tank
priming tank
processing tank
quench tank
quenching tank
radiator top tank
rating tank
reactivation tank
receiving tank
refining tank
refrigerated truck tank
regenerant tank
rejection tank
rendering tank
restricted orifice surge tank
retention tank
rinse tank
rising tank
rotating-arm tank
roughing tank
rubberized tank
rubber-lined tank
run tank
run-down tank
salt-settling tank
scale settling tank
scrubbing tank
seamless tank
second fuel consumed tanks
sedimentation tank
seed tank
self-priming tank
self-sealing fuel tank
separating tank
septic tank
service mud storage tank
service tank
settling tank
sewage tank
sewage treatment tank
shaker tank
shotgun tank
simple surge tank
single-chamber tank
skimming tank
slipper fuel tank
slop tank
sludge digestion tank
sludge tank
slurry tank
solvent catch tank
solvent tank
spiral flow tank
stabilizing tanks
steeping tank
stock tank
storage tank
submerged tank
subsidence tank
subsurface tank
suction tank
sulfitation tank
sump tank
supply tank
surge tank
swarf-settling tank
switch tank
tank of oil circuit-breaker
tempering tank
test tank
throat-type tank
throat tank
tongs cooling tank
topside tank
towing tank
transformer tank
transit site tank
trimming tank
trim tank
trip tank
truck tank
ungrounded tank
unlined tank
vacuum tank
vacuum-degassing tank
vapor-tight tank
vent tank
vented tank
ventral fuel tank
volume tank
wash tank
washing tank
washwater tank
waste tank
water-scaled tank
water-sprayed tank
water-supply tank
water-top tank
wave tank
weathering tank
wet-oil tank
window tank
wingtip fuel tank
working tank
yeast assimilation tank
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См. также в других словарях:
Cold cream — Cold cream. Cold cream is an emulsion of water and certain fats, usually including beeswax and various scent agents, designed to smooth skin and remove makeup. The name derives from the cooling feeling that the cream leaves on the skin.… … Wikipedia
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