1 coin alignment
Нумизматика: выравнивание вертикальных осей аверса и реверса монеты, при котором они расположены относительно друг друга под углом 180 градусов (например монеты Франции, Испании) -
2 coin alignment
<03> выравнивание вертикальных осей аверса и реверса монеты, при котором они расположены относительно друг друга под углом 180 градусов, например монеты Франции, Испании -
3 AG
1) Морской термин: (Arabian Gulf) Персидский залив2) Медицина: газонаркотическая смесь (anesthetic gas), ингаляционный анестетик3) Спорт: Aggravating Grunt, Anime Gamers, Anime Genesis4) Военный термин: Accountant General, Air-Ground, Army garrison, Army group, Auditor General, Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship, additional guidance, advance guard, air group, air gunner, air-to-ground, alignment group, antigas, armament group, armed guard, armor grating, armor group, army green, assault gun, assistant gunner, automatic gun5) Техника: above grade, above ground, air-to-ground communications, associated gas6) Шутливое выражение: After Garcia, After Goddess, Animal Girl7) Железнодорожный термин: Galveston Railroad L. P.8) Ветеринария: Association for Gnotobiotics9) Сокращение: Adjutant General, Adjutant-General (UK), Airlift Group, Aktiengesellschaft (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Algeria (NATO country code), Antenna Group, Anti-Gas, Arcade Game, Army Garrison (US Army), Attorney General, Miscellaneous ship (USA), agitate, A'ceros de Guatemala (Guatemala, steel industry), Aargau (Swiss canton), About good (coin collectin, grade), Academically Gifted, Acapulco Gold (marijuana strain), Access Gateway, Access Grant, Access Granted, Access Grid, Access Group, Accredited Genealogist, Aceros de Guatemala (Guatemala), Acid Gas, Activity Group, Adaptive Graphics, Addicting Games, Address Generator, Adenine-Guanine, Adjacency Graph, Adjutant General's Corps, Administrative Guide, Administrator General, Adrenaline Gamer, Aerographer's Mate (USN Rating), Agens Gratiam (Latin: Thankful, epigraphy), Agent General, Agent Group (Sprint), Agriculture Glossary, Agrigento, Sicilia (Italian province), Agronomy, Akademija za Glasbo (Music Academy; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Aktiengesellschaft (German: stock corporation), Al Gore, Al Greenspan (Federal Reserve Board chairman), Albert Gore Jr. (former US vice president), Albright Green (band from Washington, DC), Alexander Graham Middle School (Charlotte, NC), Algebraic Geometry (branch of pure mathematics), Algeria, Ali G (TV show), All Good, All Grain (home brewing), All Guide Inc. (Korea), Alphabet Goddess, Alter Guild, Alternating Gradient, Ambiguously Gay, American Girl, American Greetings Corporation, Aminoglutethimide, Amtsgericht (German district court), Amy Grant (recording artist), Analysis Group (CEOS), Andean Group, Anderson and Gill (Reliability Model), Anestesia General (Spanish, French: general anesthesia), Angular, Animo Grato (Latin: with a grateful mind, epigraphy), Anion Gap, Annual Gathering (Mensa's annual national convention), Another Girl (Beatles song), Anti-Glare, Anti-Ground, Antigua and Barbuda, Anything Goes (Guns N' Roses song), Application Gateway, Application Generator, Aravind Ghosh, Arbeitsgruppe (German: Working Group), Area Governor, Argentum (silver), Argovie (Swiss Canton), Army Guidance, Array Gain, Arresting Gear, Arroyo Grande (California), Art Guild, Artes Gra'ficas (Guatemala), Arthur Guinness, Artificial Gravity, Asistencia Global (Guatemala insurance agency), Assemble'e Ge'ne'rale (French: General Assembly), Assemblies of God, Assembly of God Church, Assistance Groups, Associated Grocers (New England), Assurances Ge'ne'rales (Belgian Insurance Company), Astronomische Gesellschaft, Attack Group, Attack Guidance, Attitude Gyro (NASA), Attogram (10 E^-18, one quintillionth), Attribute Group (GDMO), Audiogalaxy, Auditor General (Canada), Australian Geographic (magazine), Authors Guild, Automotive Group, Auxiliary Generator, Axiogingival10) Университет: Abstract Geometry11) Физиология: albumin/globulin ratio12) Транспорт: The Attorneys General13) Пищевая промышленность: All Grain14) Фирменный знак: Atri Graphics, Avant Garde15) Полимеры: air gap16) Авиационная медицина: apparent gravity17) Макаров: available gain18) Золотодобыча: AG mill, autogenous mill, autogenous tumbling mill, МСИ, мельница МСИ, мельница самоизмельчения, самоизмельчение, AGM19) Нефть и газ: галлон (American Gallon), Arabian Gulf20) МИД: Assistance Group, Australia Group21) Должность: Almost Governor, Ayatollah General22) Правительство: Aspiring Governor23) NYSE. Agco Corporation24) Хобби: About Good, Almost Good -
4 AU
1) Военный термин: Air University, Analog Applique Unit, Army unit, airship, utility, alignment unit, all-up, assault unit, auditor, auxiliary unit2) Техника: air-to-underwater3) Сельское хозяйство: antitoxic units4) Химия: atomic unit (атомная единица)5) Математика: почти равномерно (almost uniformly)6) Сокращение: Air University (USA), Austria (NATO country code), Astronomical Unit (93,000,000 miles), African Union (Африканский Союз), ATM User, Aarhus Universit (University of Aarhus; Denmark), About Uncirculated (numismatics; coin condition), Absorbance Unit, Accessible Unit, Acorn User (magazine), Adamson University, Adaptation Unit, Adaptive Unit, Addressee Unknown, Adelaide University (University of Adelaide, Australia), Adelphi University, Administrative Unit, African Union (formerly Organization of African Unity), Air University (US Air Force), Alcohol Unit, Alfred University, Aligarh University (India), Alopecia Universalis, Alternate Universe, Always Usually, American Racing Pigeon Union (Oklahoma City), American University (Washington, DC, USA), Americans United (for the Separation of Church and State: Washington, DC), Amman University, Anadolu University, Analyzer Unit, Anderson University (Indiana), Andhra University (India), Andrews University, Angeles University (Philippines), Ankara University, Anna University (India), Annamalai University (India), Another Universe (comics), Ansta"llningsutskottet (Swedish: Employment Committee), Apache University, Aquinas University, Araullo University, Arellano University (Manila, Philippines), Argosy University, Ashland University, Assessment Unit, Associate in Underwriting (insurance), Associated Universities, Assumption University, Astronomical Unit, Athabasca University, Atheists United, Atomic Unit, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama), Audio (file name extension), Audio Unit, Auris Uterque (Latin: each ear), Aurora University, Australia (top-level domain name), Austria, Authentication Unification (Sprint), Authorized User, Authors System, Autism, Autistic, Automated Underwriter, Automatic (welding), Automatic Updates (Microsoft Windows), Avila University, Avionics Upper (panel), Encoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT), Unity Alliance (Nicaragua)7) Университет: Auburn University8) Электроника: Amplifier Unit9) Вычислительная техника: access unit, arithmetic unit, Astronomical Unit (Space)11) Полимеры: полиуретан12) Химическое оружие: American University13) Хроматография: ЕОП (единица оптической плотности), оптическая единица, Absorbance Unit, area unit14) Спектроскопия: оптическая единица, единица абсорбции (Absorbance Unit)15) Расширение файла: Sun/Next Audio File16) Имена и фамилии: Arthur Upfield17) ООН: African Unity18) Единицы измерений: Absorbance Units, Allocation Unit, Arbitrary Units, Astronomical Units, Atomic Units -
5 Ag
1) Морской термин: (Arabian Gulf) Персидский залив2) Медицина: газонаркотическая смесь (anesthetic gas), ингаляционный анестетик3) Спорт: Aggravating Grunt, Anime Gamers, Anime Genesis4) Военный термин: Accountant General, Air-Ground, Army garrison, Army group, Auditor General, Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship, additional guidance, advance guard, air group, air gunner, air-to-ground, alignment group, antigas, armament group, armed guard, armor grating, armor group, army green, assault gun, assistant gunner, automatic gun5) Техника: above grade, above ground, air-to-ground communications, associated gas6) Шутливое выражение: After Garcia, After Goddess, Animal Girl7) Железнодорожный термин: Galveston Railroad L. P.8) Ветеринария: Association for Gnotobiotics9) Сокращение: Adjutant General, Adjutant-General (UK), Airlift Group, Aktiengesellschaft (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Algeria (NATO country code), Antenna Group, Anti-Gas, Arcade Game, Army Garrison (US Army), Attorney General, Miscellaneous ship (USA), agitate, A'ceros de Guatemala (Guatemala, steel industry), Aargau (Swiss canton), About good (coin collectin, grade), Academically Gifted, Acapulco Gold (marijuana strain), Access Gateway, Access Grant, Access Granted, Access Grid, Access Group, Accredited Genealogist, Aceros de Guatemala (Guatemala), Acid Gas, Activity Group, Adaptive Graphics, Addicting Games, Address Generator, Adenine-Guanine, Adjacency Graph, Adjutant General's Corps, Administrative Guide, Administrator General, Adrenaline Gamer, Aerographer's Mate (USN Rating), Agens Gratiam (Latin: Thankful, epigraphy), Agent General, Agent Group (Sprint), Agriculture Glossary, Agrigento, Sicilia (Italian province), Agronomy, Akademija za Glasbo (Music Academy; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Aktiengesellschaft (German: stock corporation), Al Gore, Al Greenspan (Federal Reserve Board chairman), Albert Gore Jr. (former US vice president), Albright Green (band from Washington, DC), Alexander Graham Middle School (Charlotte, NC), Algebraic Geometry (branch of pure mathematics), Algeria, Ali G (TV show), All Good, All Grain (home brewing), All Guide Inc. (Korea), Alphabet Goddess, Alter Guild, Alternating Gradient, Ambiguously Gay, American Girl, American Greetings Corporation, Aminoglutethimide, Amtsgericht (German district court), Amy Grant (recording artist), Analysis Group (CEOS), Andean Group, Anderson and Gill (Reliability Model), Anestesia General (Spanish, French: general anesthesia), Angular, Animo Grato (Latin: with a grateful mind, epigraphy), Anion Gap, Annual Gathering (Mensa's annual national convention), Another Girl (Beatles song), Anti-Glare, Anti-Ground, Antigua and Barbuda, Anything Goes (Guns N' Roses song), Application Gateway, Application Generator, Aravind Ghosh, Arbeitsgruppe (German: Working Group), Area Governor, Argentum (silver), Argovie (Swiss Canton), Army Guidance, Array Gain, Arresting Gear, Arroyo Grande (California), Art Guild, Artes Gra'ficas (Guatemala), Arthur Guinness, Artificial Gravity, Asistencia Global (Guatemala insurance agency), Assemble'e Ge'ne'rale (French: General Assembly), Assemblies of God, Assembly of God Church, Assistance Groups, Associated Grocers (New England), Assurances Ge'ne'rales (Belgian Insurance Company), Astronomische Gesellschaft, Attack Group, Attack Guidance, Attitude Gyro (NASA), Attogram (10 E^-18, one quintillionth), Attribute Group (GDMO), Audiogalaxy, Auditor General (Canada), Australian Geographic (magazine), Authors Guild, Automotive Group, Auxiliary Generator, Axiogingival10) Университет: Abstract Geometry11) Физиология: albumin/globulin ratio12) Транспорт: The Attorneys General13) Пищевая промышленность: All Grain14) Фирменный знак: Atri Graphics, Avant Garde15) Полимеры: air gap16) Авиационная медицина: apparent gravity17) Макаров: available gain18) Золотодобыча: AG mill, autogenous mill, autogenous tumbling mill, МСИ, мельница МСИ, мельница самоизмельчения, самоизмельчение, AGM19) Нефть и газ: галлон (American Gallon), Arabian Gulf20) МИД: Assistance Group, Australia Group21) Должность: Almost Governor, Ayatollah General22) Правительство: Aspiring Governor23) NYSE. Agco Corporation24) Хобби: About Good, Almost Good -
6 Au
1) Военный термин: Air University, Analog Applique Unit, Army unit, airship, utility, alignment unit, all-up, assault unit, auditor, auxiliary unit2) Техника: air-to-underwater3) Сельское хозяйство: antitoxic units4) Химия: atomic unit (атомная единица)5) Математика: почти равномерно (almost uniformly)6) Сокращение: Air University (USA), Austria (NATO country code), Astronomical Unit (93,000,000 miles), African Union (Африканский Союз), ATM User, Aarhus Universit (University of Aarhus; Denmark), About Uncirculated (numismatics; coin condition), Absorbance Unit, Accessible Unit, Acorn User (magazine), Adamson University, Adaptation Unit, Adaptive Unit, Addressee Unknown, Adelaide University (University of Adelaide, Australia), Adelphi University, Administrative Unit, African Union (formerly Organization of African Unity), Air University (US Air Force), Alcohol Unit, Alfred University, Aligarh University (India), Alopecia Universalis, Alternate Universe, Always Usually, American Racing Pigeon Union (Oklahoma City), American University (Washington, DC, USA), Americans United (for the Separation of Church and State: Washington, DC), Amman University, Anadolu University, Analyzer Unit, Anderson University (Indiana), Andhra University (India), Andrews University, Angeles University (Philippines), Ankara University, Anna University (India), Annamalai University (India), Another Universe (comics), Ansta"llningsutskottet (Swedish: Employment Committee), Apache University, Aquinas University, Araullo University, Arellano University (Manila, Philippines), Argosy University, Ashland University, Assessment Unit, Associate in Underwriting (insurance), Associated Universities, Assumption University, Astronomical Unit, Athabasca University, Atheists United, Atomic Unit, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama), Audio (file name extension), Audio Unit, Auris Uterque (Latin: each ear), Aurora University, Australia (top-level domain name), Austria, Authentication Unification (Sprint), Authorized User, Authors System, Autism, Autistic, Automated Underwriter, Automatic (welding), Automatic Updates (Microsoft Windows), Avila University, Avionics Upper (panel), Encoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT), Unity Alliance (Nicaragua)7) Университет: Auburn University8) Электроника: Amplifier Unit9) Вычислительная техника: access unit, arithmetic unit, Astronomical Unit (Space)11) Полимеры: полиуретан12) Химическое оружие: American University13) Хроматография: ЕОП (единица оптической плотности), оптическая единица, Absorbance Unit, area unit14) Спектроскопия: оптическая единица, единица абсорбции (Absorbance Unit)15) Расширение файла: Sun/Next Audio File16) Имена и фамилии: Arthur Upfield17) ООН: African Unity18) Единицы измерений: Absorbance Units, Allocation Unit, Arbitrary Units, Astronomical Units, Atomic Units -
7 ag
1) Морской термин: (Arabian Gulf) Персидский залив2) Медицина: газонаркотическая смесь (anesthetic gas), ингаляционный анестетик3) Спорт: Aggravating Grunt, Anime Gamers, Anime Genesis4) Военный термин: Accountant General, Air-Ground, Army garrison, Army group, Auditor General, Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship, additional guidance, advance guard, air group, air gunner, air-to-ground, alignment group, antigas, armament group, armed guard, armor grating, armor group, army green, assault gun, assistant gunner, automatic gun5) Техника: above grade, above ground, air-to-ground communications, associated gas6) Шутливое выражение: After Garcia, After Goddess, Animal Girl7) Железнодорожный термин: Galveston Railroad L. P.8) Ветеринария: Association for Gnotobiotics9) Сокращение: Adjutant General, Adjutant-General (UK), Airlift Group, Aktiengesellschaft (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Algeria (NATO country code), Antenna Group, Anti-Gas, Arcade Game, Army Garrison (US Army), Attorney General, Miscellaneous ship (USA), agitate, A'ceros de Guatemala (Guatemala, steel industry), Aargau (Swiss canton), About good (coin collectin, grade), Academically Gifted, Acapulco Gold (marijuana strain), Access Gateway, Access Grant, Access Granted, Access Grid, Access Group, Accredited Genealogist, Aceros de Guatemala (Guatemala), Acid Gas, Activity Group, Adaptive Graphics, Addicting Games, Address Generator, Adenine-Guanine, Adjacency Graph, Adjutant General's Corps, Administrative Guide, Administrator General, Adrenaline Gamer, Aerographer's Mate (USN Rating), Agens Gratiam (Latin: Thankful, epigraphy), Agent General, Agent Group (Sprint), Agriculture Glossary, Agrigento, Sicilia (Italian province), Agronomy, Akademija za Glasbo (Music Academy; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Aktiengesellschaft (German: stock corporation), Al Gore, Al Greenspan (Federal Reserve Board chairman), Albert Gore Jr. (former US vice president), Albright Green (band from Washington, DC), Alexander Graham Middle School (Charlotte, NC), Algebraic Geometry (branch of pure mathematics), Algeria, Ali G (TV show), All Good, All Grain (home brewing), All Guide Inc. (Korea), Alphabet Goddess, Alter Guild, Alternating Gradient, Ambiguously Gay, American Girl, American Greetings Corporation, Aminoglutethimide, Amtsgericht (German district court), Amy Grant (recording artist), Analysis Group (CEOS), Andean Group, Anderson and Gill (Reliability Model), Anestesia General (Spanish, French: general anesthesia), Angular, Animo Grato (Latin: with a grateful mind, epigraphy), Anion Gap, Annual Gathering (Mensa's annual national convention), Another Girl (Beatles song), Anti-Glare, Anti-Ground, Antigua and Barbuda, Anything Goes (Guns N' Roses song), Application Gateway, Application Generator, Aravind Ghosh, Arbeitsgruppe (German: Working Group), Area Governor, Argentum (silver), Argovie (Swiss Canton), Army Guidance, Array Gain, Arresting Gear, Arroyo Grande (California), Art Guild, Artes Gra'ficas (Guatemala), Arthur Guinness, Artificial Gravity, Asistencia Global (Guatemala insurance agency), Assemble'e Ge'ne'rale (French: General Assembly), Assemblies of God, Assembly of God Church, Assistance Groups, Associated Grocers (New England), Assurances Ge'ne'rales (Belgian Insurance Company), Astronomische Gesellschaft, Attack Group, Attack Guidance, Attitude Gyro (NASA), Attogram (10 E^-18, one quintillionth), Attribute Group (GDMO), Audiogalaxy, Auditor General (Canada), Australian Geographic (magazine), Authors Guild, Automotive Group, Auxiliary Generator, Axiogingival10) Университет: Abstract Geometry11) Физиология: albumin/globulin ratio12) Транспорт: The Attorneys General13) Пищевая промышленность: All Grain14) Фирменный знак: Atri Graphics, Avant Garde15) Полимеры: air gap16) Авиационная медицина: apparent gravity17) Макаров: available gain18) Золотодобыча: AG mill, autogenous mill, autogenous tumbling mill, МСИ, мельница МСИ, мельница самоизмельчения, самоизмельчение, AGM19) Нефть и газ: галлон (American Gallon), Arabian Gulf20) МИД: Assistance Group, Australia Group21) Должность: Almost Governor, Ayatollah General22) Правительство: Aspiring Governor23) NYSE. Agco Corporation24) Хобби: About Good, Almost Good -
8 au
1) Военный термин: Air University, Analog Applique Unit, Army unit, airship, utility, alignment unit, all-up, assault unit, auditor, auxiliary unit2) Техника: air-to-underwater3) Сельское хозяйство: antitoxic units4) Химия: atomic unit (атомная единица)5) Математика: почти равномерно (almost uniformly)6) Сокращение: Air University (USA), Austria (NATO country code), Astronomical Unit (93,000,000 miles), African Union (Африканский Союз), ATM User, Aarhus Universit (University of Aarhus; Denmark), About Uncirculated (numismatics; coin condition), Absorbance Unit, Accessible Unit, Acorn User (magazine), Adamson University, Adaptation Unit, Adaptive Unit, Addressee Unknown, Adelaide University (University of Adelaide, Australia), Adelphi University, Administrative Unit, African Union (formerly Organization of African Unity), Air University (US Air Force), Alcohol Unit, Alfred University, Aligarh University (India), Alopecia Universalis, Alternate Universe, Always Usually, American Racing Pigeon Union (Oklahoma City), American University (Washington, DC, USA), Americans United (for the Separation of Church and State: Washington, DC), Amman University, Anadolu University, Analyzer Unit, Anderson University (Indiana), Andhra University (India), Andrews University, Angeles University (Philippines), Ankara University, Anna University (India), Annamalai University (India), Another Universe (comics), Ansta"llningsutskottet (Swedish: Employment Committee), Apache University, Aquinas University, Araullo University, Arellano University (Manila, Philippines), Argosy University, Ashland University, Assessment Unit, Associate in Underwriting (insurance), Associated Universities, Assumption University, Astronomical Unit, Athabasca University, Atheists United, Atomic Unit, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama), Audio (file name extension), Audio Unit, Auris Uterque (Latin: each ear), Aurora University, Australia (top-level domain name), Austria, Authentication Unification (Sprint), Authorized User, Authors System, Autism, Autistic, Automated Underwriter, Automatic (welding), Automatic Updates (Microsoft Windows), Avila University, Avionics Upper (panel), Encoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT), Unity Alliance (Nicaragua)7) Университет: Auburn University8) Электроника: Amplifier Unit9) Вычислительная техника: access unit, arithmetic unit, Astronomical Unit (Space)11) Полимеры: полиуретан12) Химическое оружие: American University13) Хроматография: ЕОП (единица оптической плотности), оптическая единица, Absorbance Unit, area unit14) Спектроскопия: оптическая единица, единица абсорбции (Absorbance Unit)15) Расширение файла: Sun/Next Audio File16) Имена и фамилии: Arthur Upfield17) ООН: African Unity18) Единицы измерений: Absorbance Units, Allocation Unit, Arbitrary Units, Astronomical Units, Atomic Units
См. также в других словарях:
Coin orientation — (or coin alignment or variations of these) is a feature of coins printed by some nations. In these nations, most coins, including all modern coins, have their reverse turned, or aligned, in a specified way relative to the obverse. There are… … Wikipedia
Ireland 1988 commemorative 50 Pence coin — Ireland issued a commemorative 50 Pence coin in 1988.Obverse designA harp.Reverse designThe civic coat of arms of Dublin with dates on either side and the denomination above.Obverse inscription ÉIRE 1988 Ireland 1988.Reverse inscription AT CLIATH … Wikipedia
Ireland 1996 25 euro coin — A 25 euro coin was struck in 1996 to show what an Irish euro coin could have looked like.Obverse designA harp with the denomination below it and 12 stars within a border.Reverse designA squirrel on a paper disc with the country name above and the … Wikipedia
Ireland 2000 commemorative 1 Pound coin — Ireland issued a commemorative coin in 2000.Obverse designA harp.Reverse designThe Broighter boat with the denomination at upper left.Obverse inscription ÉIRE 2000 Ireland 2000.Reverse inscription ₤1 . MILLENNIUM .Metallic… … Wikipedia
Ireland 2007 commemorative 2 euro coin — Ireland issued a 2 euro commemorative coin in 2007.Obverse designA book on a generic design with 12 stars in the outer ring.Reverse designA map of Europe with the denomination superimposed with lines and 12 stars.Obverse inscription CONRADH NA… … Wikipedia
One Guilder coin (1840-1849) — This article is about the One Guilder coin struck under the reign of William II of the Netherlands(1840 49). For other coins of the same denomination, see One Guilder coin (Netherlands). 1 Guild … Wikipedia
One Guilder coin (1982-2001) — This article is about the Dutch 1 guilder coin struck under the reign of Beatrix (1982 present). For other Dutch 1 guilder coins, see Dutch 1 guilder coins. 1 guilder … Wikipedia
5 guilder (Dutch coin) — Infobox coin2 Country = flag|The Netherlands Denomination = 5 guilder Value = 5.00 Catalog Number = Unit = Dutch guilder Mass = 9.25 Diameter = 23.5 Thickness = ? Composition = ? alignment = coin Years of Minting = 1988 ndash;2001 Circulation = 1 … Wikipedia
1 guilder Wilhelmina (22-45) (Dutch coin) — This article is about the Dutch 1 guilder coin struck between 1922 and 1945,under the reign of Queen Wilhelmina (1890 1948). For other Dutch 1 guilder coins, see Dutch 1 guilder coins. Infobox coin2 Country = flag|The Netherlands Denomination = 1 … Wikipedia
Ireland 1990 50 ECU coin — The Ireland 1990 50 ECU coin was issued in 1990. It is a gold commemorative coin with milled edge and medallic alignment. It was minted at the Currency Centre, Dublin, Ireland. This medal coin was issued to commemorate the Irish Presidency of the … Wikipedia
One Guilder coin (1922-1945) — This article is about the Dutch 1 guilder coin struck between 1922 and 1945,under the reign of Queen Wilhelmina (1890 1948). For other Dutch 1 guilder coins, see Dutch 1 guilder coins. 1 Guilder … Wikipedia