1 cognitive complexity
1) Психология: сложность познания2) Авиационная медицина: когнитивная сложность, комплексность когнитивного процесса, сложность когнитивного процесса, целостность когнитивного процесса -
2 cognitive complexity
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > cognitive complexity
3 cognitive complexity
Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > cognitive complexity
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Category Cytology And Cytogenetics, контроль, управление и связь (Command, Control and Communications)4) Американизм: Credibility, Confidence, and Contracts6) Военный термин: CARDA Control Center, Calm Cool And Collected, Chaos To Control To Conquer, Civilian Credit Corps, Consolidated Command Center, Cool Calm Collective, Crisis Coordination Center, ceasefire control commission, central computer center, central computer complex, classified control clerk, combat control center, combined coordinating committee, command and control center, command control console, command, control, and communications, communications center console, communications control center, communications control console, complex control center, component change control, Corps Computer Centers (TOS)7) Психиатрия: Citrated calcium carbamide8) Техника: Charming China Cheapie, capacitor-coupled clamp, cause-consequence chart, chlorocholine chloride, closed-cycle cooler, command control center, common control circuit, communications channel capacity, computer communications console, computer communications converter, controller checkout console, cross-current conductance, cyclic check character, cycocel( 2-chloroethyl) trimethyl-ammonium chloride9) Сельское хозяйство: chlorcholine chloride10) Химия: Computer Controlled Combustion11) Религия: Calvary Community Church, Campus Christian Center, Campus Crusade For Christ, Catholic Curriculum Consortium, Christian City Church, Colorado Community Church, Contemporary Christian Center, Канадский Совет Церквей12) Юридический термин: Canadian Criminal Cases13) Бухгалтерия: Credit Card Cheque14) Страхование: care, custody and control15) Автомобильный термин: converter clutch control, computer command control system (GM)16) Грубое выражение: Cant Condone Cocks17) Телекоммуникации: Clear Channel Capability, Вызов с использованием кредитной карты18) Сокращение: CINC Command Complex, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Commercial Corporation, Canadian Committee on Cataloging, Central Criminal Court, Christ Church College, Civil(ian) Conservation Corps, Classification Currents Communicator (newsletter), Combat Control Centre, Combustible Cartridge Case, Combustible Case Charge, Combustible Charge Container, Commercial Credit Corporation, Communications Control Centre, Contemporary Culture Convention, Corporate Customer Contact, Corpus Christi College, Crisis Co-ordination Center (US Secretary of Defense), Customs Cooperation Council, Concourse Computer Center (MIT), Command, Control, and Communications (sometimes C^3)19) Театр: Creation Counter Creation20) Университет: Campus Computing Center, Campus Computing Clowns, Coast Community College, College Credit Certificate, Cook County College21) Физиология: Certificate Of Clinical Competence, Certificate Of Clinical Competency, Cognitive Complexity And Control, Counselling Code Of Conduct, Counting Carbs And Calories22) Электроника: Ceramic chip carrier, Circuit Cross Connect, Convert Character Code23) Вычислительная техника: Computer Control Center, Copyright Clearance Center, Центр по проверке авторских прав США, Cube Connected Cycles (MP), Chaos Computer Club (organization)24) Нефть: карта причин и последствий (отказов; cause-consequence chart)25) Генетика: ковалентно замкнутое кольцо (двухцепочечная молекула ДНК, не имеющая свободных концов; полная "замкнутость" CCC сохраняется даже после денатурации, в нативной форме CCC может быть суперскрученым), covalently closed circle26) Офтальмология: капсулорексис (capsulorrhexis)27) Космонавтика: consolidated control center (объединенный центр управления)28) Картография: Civil Conservation Corps29) Банковское дело: Корпорация подтоварного кредита (в США; Commodity Credit Corporation), безналичные расчёты между провинциальными банками (country check clearing)30) Транспорт: Camaro Custom Club, Cargo Carrying Capacity, Choice Capacity Class, Classic Contemporary And Custom, Climb Climb Climb, Culinary Catalytic Converter31) Пищевая промышленность: Chocolate And Cheap Champagne, Chu Chin Chow, Crispy Carmel Cookies32) Фирменный знак: Canadian Cloning Corporation, Capitol City Center, Cards Convention Center, Caribbean Casino Corporation, Caribbean Conservation Corporation, Carlton Chain Company, Certified Collateral Corporation, Clear Channel Communications, Computer Curriculum Corporation, Consolidated Construction Company, Consolidated Contractors Company, Continental Can Company35) Деловая лексика: Compliment Comment Or Complaint, Corporate Client Council, Customer Competence Center, Customer Contact Center36) SAP. (Customer Competence Center) ЦКК (Центр компетенции клиента)37) Менеджмент: current contract contingency38) Образование: Can Can Can, Chinese Compulsory Certification39) Инвестиции: Commodity Credit Corporation, country check clearing40) Сетевые технологии: cache coherency check, контроль когерентности кэша41) Программирование: Carriage Control Character42) Сахалин Ю: compressor controls corporation43) Химическое оружие: Central Control Console44) Расширение файла: Central Computational Computer, Computer Control Complex, Curtain Call native format Bitmap graphics45) SAP.тех. центр компетенции клиента46) Нефть и газ: Customer Competence Center (ТНК-BP), Change Control Committee47) Военно-политический термин: Capabilities Coordination Cell48) Аварийное восстановление: customer control center49) Фантастика Cosmic Camel Corps50) Общественная организация: Cache Creek Conservancy, Civilian Crop Conservationists, Consortium Of Collective Consciousness52) NYSE. Calgon Carbon Corporation53) Программное обеспечение: Clipper To C Compiler54) Хобби: Country Cooking Club -
5 closure
•• * В «Моем несистематическом словаре» это слово попало в статью vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases. Как всегда бывает с модными словами, оно обрастает новыми оттенками значений, причем существующие словари не всегда могут оказать существенную помощь переводчику. В опубликованной в Washington Post статье Political Opinion, Not Pathology, by Arie W. Kruglanski and John T. Jost оно употребляется в значении определенность, однозначность. Начало статьи:
•• In the May issue of Psychological Bulletin, we published a review that statistically summarizes dozens of studies conducted over 50 years dealing with psychological differences associated with left- vs. right-wing thinking. Based on this literature, we found that the likelihood of adopting conservative rather than liberal political opinions is significantly correlated, among other psychological dimensions, with a sense of societal instability, fear of death, intolerance of ambiguity, need for closure, lower cognitive complexity and a sense of threat.
•• Такая интерпретация слова closure подтверждается предложением в конце статьи:
•• The need to achieve closure and to resolve ambiguity, for example, are heightened under conditions of destabilizing uncertainty (for example, with the outbreak of terrorism, economic turmoil or political instability).
•• Как видим, closure здесь – антоним ambiguity.
•• Можно ли считать это отдельным значением или окказиональным словоупотреблением, требующим контекстуального перевода? Вопрос спорный.
6 science
7 science
1) наука•- cognitive science
- complexity science
- computer science
- embodied cognitive science
- hard science
- information science
- library science
- life science
- management science
- natural science
- physical science
- soft science
- software science
- space science
- system scienceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > science
8 theory
- theory of algorithms
- theory of central manifolds
- theory of diffraction
- theory of errors
- theory of evidence
- theory of magnetism
- theory of oscillations
- theory of relativity
- theory of reliability
- theory of vibrations
- theory of waveguides
- Abbe resolution theory
- Abrikosov-Gor'kov-Khalatnikov theory
- adaptive resonance theory
- AGK-theory
- analog adaptive resonance theory
- automata theory
- automatic control theory
- Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
- BCS theory
- big bang theory
- binary adaptive resonance theory
- bubble stability theory
- catastrophe theory
- category theory
- Cayley theory
- circuit theory
- classical field theory
- coding theory
- cognitive theory
- cohort theory
- communication theory
- complexity theory
- consensus theory
- decision theory
- descriptive theory
- diffraction theory
- domain theory
- domain-wall motion theory
- domino theory
- elasticity theory
- electromagnetic theory
- energy-band theory
- evolutionary theory
- field theory
- fluid theory
- fuzzy adaptive resonance theory
- fuzzy-set theory
- game theory
- general theory of relativity - graph theory
- group theory
- hydrodynamical theory
- information theory
- Kramers' theory
- large-signal theory
- learning theory
- logic theory
- mapping theory
- Mattis-Bardeen theory
- Maxwell's theory
- MB theory
- meta-theory
- microscopic theory
- microwave theory - neural net theory
- normative theory
- number theory
- one-fluid plasma theory
- organization theory
- Paley-Wiener theory
- perturbation theory
- phenomenological theory - Pippard nonlocal theory
- possibility theory
- potential theory
- prescriptive theory
- probability theory
- quantum theory
- quantum theory of radiation
- quantum field theory
- quantum light theory
- queuing theory
- radio-wave propagation theory
- rational choice theory
- reliability theory
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum theory
- RWH theory
- sampling theory
- scheduling theory
- self-consistent field theory
- semiconductor theory
- set theory - situational theory
- small-signal theory
- solid-state theory
- special theory of relativity
- spectral theory
- spectral theory of diffraction
- spin-fluctuation theory
- stability theory
- statistical communication theory
- steady state theory
- stochastic approximation theory
- string theory
- superconductivity theory
- superstring theory
- supersymmetric theory
- switching theory
- system theory
- transmission-line theory
- two-fluid plasma theory
- unified field theory
- uniform theory
- uniform theory of diffraction
- utility theory
- Whitham theory
- Zermelo set theory
См. также в других словарях:
Cognitive complexity — Psychology Cognitive psychology Perception … Wikipedia
Cognitive Complexity Theory — Cognitive complexity is a psychological characteristic or psychological variable that indicates how complex or simple is the frame and perceptual skill of a person. A person who measures high on cognitive complexity tends to perceive nuances and… … Wikipedia
Cognitive style — or thinking style is a term used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. Cognitive style differs from cognitive ability (or level), the latter being measured by aptitude tests or so called … Wikipedia
Cognitive infocommunications — (CogInfoCom) investigates the link between the research areas of infocommunications and cognitive sciences, as well as the various engineering applications which have emerged as the synergic combination of these sciences. The primary goal of… … Wikipedia
Cognitive miser — is a term which refers to the idea that only a small amount of information is actively perceived by individuals when making decisions, and many cognitive shortcuts (such as drawing on prior information and knowledge) are used instead to attend to … Wikipedia
Когнитивная сложность (cognitive complexity) — К. с. первоначально определялась Джеймсом Бьери как «тенденция истолковывать соц. поведение в многоаспектной (многомерной) манере». Его операциональное определение этого понятия основано на Тесте репертуарных решеток ролевых конструктов Джорджа… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems — Fred Lerdahl s Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems cites Pierre Boulez s Le Marteau sans Maître (1955) as an example of a huge gap between compositional system and cognized result, though he could have illustrated just as well with… … Wikipedia
Complexity — For other uses, see Complexity (disambiguation). In general usage, complexity tends to be used to characterize something with many parts in intricate arrangement. The study of these complex linkages is the main goal of complex systems theory. In… … Wikipedia
Cognitive Load Theory — Die Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) ist eine Theorie der kognitiven Belastung beim Lernen. Sie wurde von John Sweller und Paul Chandler aufgestellt. Die CLT geht davon aus, dass Lernen mit kognitiver Belastung verbunden ist, und beschreibt, wodurch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
complexity — /keuhm plek si tee/, n., pl. complexities for 2. 1. the state or quality of being complex; intricacy: the complexity of urban life. 2. something complex: the complexities of foreign policy. [1715 25; COMPLEX + ITY] * * * ▪ scientific theory… … Universalium
Cognitive load — The term cognitive load is used in cognitive psychology to illustrate the load related to the executive control of working memory (WM). Theories contend that during complex learning activities the amount of information and interactions that must… … Wikipedia