1 coding sequence
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > coding sequence
2 coding sequence
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > coding sequence
3 coding sequence
кодирующая последовательность -
4 coding sequence
1) Математика: кодирующая последовательность2) Иммунология: экзон, кодирующая область (гена)3) Макаров: кодирующая последовательность (гена) -
5 coding sequence
кодирующая последовательность, кодирующая область ( гена); экзон -
6 coding sequence
7 coding sequence
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > coding sequence
8 coding sequence
Кодирующая последовательность — часть гена, которая непосредственно определяет:а) последовательность аминокислот в белковом продукте, кодируемом данным геном;б) функциональные РНК (тРНК и рРНК). Кроме К. п. ген содержит также регуляторные элементы, такие, как промотор, оператор, терминатор. Гены эукариот содержат также интронные последовательности (см. Интроны).Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов > coding sequence
9 coding sequence
кодирующая последовательность, кодирующая область ( гена); экзон -
10 coding sequence
11 sequence
sequence 1. последовательность; ряд; чередование; порядок следования; 2. последовательность оснований (в ДНК)amino acid sequence аминокислотная последовательностьarithmetic sequence биом. арифметическая последовательность, арифметическая прогрессияautonomously replicating sequence автономно реплицирующаяся нуклеиновая кислотаbase sequence последовательность основанийbiosynthetic sequence последовательность биохимических реакцийbounded sequence биом. ограниченная последовательностьcanonical sequence каноническая последовательностьcoding sequence кодирующая последовательностьcomplementary base sequence комплементарная последовательность основанийcomplementary sequence комплементарная последовательностьconsensus sequence обобщающая типичная последовательностьcontrol sequence регулярная последовательностьgeneration sequences чередование поколенийgeometric sequence биом. геометрическая последовательность, геометрическая прогрессияinsertion sequence инсерцияinterspersed sequence рассеянная последовательностьinverted repeat sequence обращенный повторleader sequence лидерная последовательностьrepetitive sequence повторная последовательность основанийsignal sequence сигнальная последовательностьsnapback sequence петлеобразующая последовательностьsporulation sequence последовательность этапов процесса спорообразованияtransforming sequence трансформирующая последовательностьEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > sequence
12 sequence
1) очерёдность; порядок следования3) геол. стратиграфический разрез4) серия, комплекс•- absolutely divergent sequence - absolutely limited sequence - absolutely summable sequence - absolutely unbiased sequence - adjusted homology sequence - asymptotically convergent sequence - asymptotically isotropic sequence - asymptotically lattice sequence - compactly divergent sequence - completely reversible sequence - conditionally divergent sequence - decimal geometric sequence - delicately divergent sequence - discretely convergent sequence - essentially convergent sequence - essentially finite sequence - essentially periodic sequence - everywhere dense sequence - infinitely large sequence - infinitely proceeding sequence - infinitely small sequence - integral stationary sequence - inverse sequence - inverted sequence - linearly independent sequence - locally convergent sequence - metrically convergent sequence - metrically transitive sequence - monotonically decreasing sequence - monotonically increasing sequence - never increasing sequence - numerical sequence - projectively realizable sequence - properly divergent sequence - rapid acquisition sequence - rapidly decreasing sequence - rapidly increasing sequence - recursively defined sequence - recursively divergent sequence - recursively enumerable sequence - relatively compact sequence - sequence of prime numbers - sequence of principal indices - slowly decreasing sequence - slowly increasing sequence - slowly oscillating sequence - stochastically compact sequence - stochastically stable sequence - strictly increasing sequence - strictly measurable sequence - strictly monotonic sequence - strongly convergent sequence - strongly downward sequence - strongly stationary sequence - strongly summable sequence - totally increasing sequence - totally monotone sequence - two-taile sequence - two-way infinite sequence - unconditionally divergent sequence - uniformly divergent sequence - uniformly integrable sequence - weakly convergent sequence -
13 sequence
1) последовательность || задавать последовательность2) вчт кортеж3) порядок следования, очерёдность; упорядочение || устанавливать порядок следования или очерёдность; упорядочивать6) вчт последовательность кадров, получаемых и обрабатываемых по единой методике ( в компьютерном видео)7) результат; следствие•- sequence of classes
- sequence of estimates
- sequence of moves
- sequence of quantifiers
- act-event sequence
- alphanumeric sequence
- alphanumerical sequence
- alternating sequence
- arbitrary sequence of input patterns
- ascending sequence
- Barker sequence
- bent sequence
- binary sequence
- bipolar sequence
- bitonic sequence
- boot sequence
- bordism spectral sequence
- calling sequence
- cleaning sequence
- code sequence
- coded sequence
- coding sequence
- collation sequence
- composed sequence
- confusion sequence
- control sequence
- convergent sequence
- countable sequence
- descending sequence
- deterministic sequence
- direct sequence
- directed sequence
- divergent sequence
- edge sequence
- encoded sequence
- ergodic sequence
- escape sequence
- events sequence
- finite sequence
- forward sequence
- frame check sequence
- geometric sequence
- harmonic sequence
- inner sequence
- M-sequence
- Markov sequence
- Markovian sequence
- maximal length sequence
- MIDI sequence
- multidimensional sequence
- natural sequence
- n-bit sequence
- negotiation sequence
- nested sequence
- n-stage sequence
- ordered sequence
- page sequence
- petal sequence
- PR sequence
- pseudorandom sequence
- pseudorandom binary sequence
- pseudorandom confusion sequence
- quasi-periodic sequence
- random sequence
- reciprocal sequence
- recurrent sequence
- recursive sequence
- reverse sequence
- sample sequence
- summable sequence
- test sequence
- thermal recalibration sequence
- time sequence
- undirected sequence -
14 sequence
1) последовательность || задавать последовательность2) вчт. кортеж3) порядок следования, очерёдность; упорядочение || устанавливать порядок следования или очерёдность; упорядочивать6) вчт. последовательность кадров, получаемых и обрабатываемых по единой методике ( в компьютерном видео)7) результат; следствие•- alphanumeric sequence
- alphanumerical sequence
- alternating sequence
- arbitrary sequence of input patterns
- ascending sequence
- Barker sequence
- bent sequence
- binary sequence
- bipolar sequence
- bitonic sequence
- boot sequence
- bordism spectral sequence
- calling sequence
- cleaning sequence
- code sequence
- coded sequence
- coding sequence
- collation sequence
- composed sequence
- confusion sequence
- control sequence
- convergent sequence
- countable sequence
- descending sequence
- deterministic sequence
- direct sequence
- directed sequence
- divergent sequence
- edge sequence
- encoded sequence
- ergodic sequence
- escape sequence
- events sequence
- finite sequence
- forward sequence
- frame check sequence
- geometric sequence
- harmonic sequence
- inner sequence
- Markov sequence
- Markovian sequence
- maximal length sequence
- MIDI sequence
- M-sequence
- multidimensional sequence
- natural sequence
- n-bit sequence
- negotiation sequence
- nested sequence
- n-stage sequence
- ordered sequence
- page sequence
- petal sequence
- PR sequence
- pseudorandom binary sequence
- pseudorandom confusion sequence
- pseudorandom sequence
- quasi-periodic sequence
- random sequence
- reciprocal sequence
- recurrent sequence
- recursive sequence
- reverse sequence
- sample sequence
- sequence of choices
- sequence of classes
- sequence of estimates
- sequence of moves
- sequence of quantifiers
- summable sequence
- test sequence
- thermal recalibration sequence
- time sequence
- undirected sequenceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > sequence
15 sequence
1) последовательность; ряд; чередование; порядок следования•- amino acid sequence
- amino-terminal sequence
- arithmetic sequence
- base sequence
- bounded sequence
- coding sequence
- complementary sequence
- consensus sequence
- conserved sequence
- degenerate sequence
- extra sequence
- flanking sequence
- gapped sequence
- generation sequences
- geometric sequence
- highly conserved sequence
- intervening sequence
- inverted repeat sequence
- leader sequence
- NH2-terminal sequence
- nucleotide sequence
- palindromic sequence
- repetitive sequence
- signal sequence
- terminal sequence
- untranslated sequence* * * -
16 sequence
1) последовательность; ряд; порядок следования2) последовательность (напр. аминокислот в белках)coding sequence — кодирующая последовательность, кодирующая область ( гена); экзон
conserved sequence — консервативная последовательность (нуклеотидов, аминокислот)
extra sequence — дополнительная последовательность (напр. в полилинкере фага)
intergenic sequence — 1) межгенная последовательность, межгенная область 2) интрон
signal sequence — сигнальная последовательность (в белке, гене)
spacer sequence — спейсер, спейсерная область (нуклеотидная последовательность, разделяющая кодирующие области в геноме)
terminal sequence — 1) концевая последовательность (аминокислот, нуклеотидов) 2) терминальный участок ( на пути активации комплемента)
17 coding
1) кодированиеа) представление информации в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт программирование2) модуляция (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)•- adaptive coding - alpha-geometric coding
- alpha-photographic coding
- alternate mark inversion coding
- AMI coding
- angle coding
- angular coding
- antinoise coding
- automatic coding
- binary coding
- bipolar coding
- bit-by-bit coding
- biternary coding
- blink rate coding
- block coding
- block-to-block coding
- channel coding
- color coding
- component coding
- composite coding
- conditional replenishment coding
- contour coding
- convolution coding
- convolutional coding
- depth coding
- deviations from means coding
- digital coding
- direct-feedback coding
- display coding
- double-frequency coding
- duobinary coding
- eight-to-fourteen modulation coding
- entropy coding
- fractal coding
- fractal block coding
- fuzzy coding
- gap coding
- grid coding
- Hadamard transform image coding
- hash coding
- image coding
- image sequence coding
- interfield coding
- interframe coding
- interleaved coding
- intraframe coding
- linear coding
- luminance coding
- MIDI coding
- minimum-access coding
- modular coding
- multilevel coding
- numeric coding
- parametric coding
- partial-response coding
- picture coding
- plateau coding - program coding
- progressive coding
- pulse-width coding
- relative coding
- reply coding
- robust coding
- run-length coding
- run-length limited coding
- sequential coding
- serial coding
- shape coding
- slant transform coding
- size coding
- source coding
- space-time coding
- specific coding
- structured coding
- subsampling coding
- symbolic coding
- symbology coding
- transformation coding
- transition coding
- two-dimensional transform coding
- variable-length coding
- video coding
- Walsh coding
- waveform coding
- Weston coding
- width coding -
18 coding
1) кодированиеа) представление информации в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт. программирование2) модуляция (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)•- adaptive coding
- adaptive transform acoustic coding
- alphabetic coding
- alpha-geometric coding
- alpha-photographic coding
- alternate mark inversion coding
- AMI coding
- angle coding
- angular coding
- antinoise coding
- automatic coding
- binary coding
- bipolar coding
- bit-by-bit coding
- biternary coding
- blink rate coding
- block coding
- block-to-block coding
- channel coding
- color coding
- component coding
- composite coding
- conditional replenishment coding
- contour coding
- convolution coding
- convolutional coding
- depth coding
- deviations from means coding
- digital coding
- direct-feedback coding
- display coding
- double-frequency coding
- duobinary coding
- eight-to-fourteen modulation coding
- entropy coding
- fractal block coding
- fractal coding
- fuzzy coding
- gap coding
- grid coding
- Hadamard transform image coding
- hash coding
- image coding
- image sequence coding
- interfield coding
- interframe coding
- interleaved coding
- intraframe coding
- linear coding
- luminance coding
- MIDI coding
- minimum-access coding
- modular coding
- multilevel coding
- numeric coding
- parametric coding
- partial-response coding
- picture coding
- plateau coding
- precision adaptive subband coding
- predictive coding
- program coding
- progressive coding
- pulse-width coding
- relative coding
- reply coding
- robust coding
- run-length coding
- run-length limited coding
- sequential coding
- serial coding
- shape coding
- size coding
- slant transform coding
- source coding
- space-time coding
- specific coding
- structured coding
- subsampling coding
- symbolic coding
- symbology coding
- transformation coding
- transition coding
- two-dimensional transform coding
- variable-length coding
- video coding
- Walsh coding
- waveform coding
- Weston coding
- width codingThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > coding
19 sequence number
1) Техника: номер последовательности, последовательный номер (напр. пакета данных), номер по порядку2) Нефть: порядковый номер3) Промышленность: код-идентификатор (Numbering and Coding Procedures), идентификационный номер4) SAP.тех. текущий номер -
20 sequence coding and search system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sequence coding and search system
См. также в других словарях:
Coding Sequence — Séquence codante La séquence codante (aussi appelée CDS pour Coding DNA Sequence) est la partie d un gène qui, après avoir été transcrite en ARNm, est traduite en protéine. Elle ne représente donc qu une partie du gène duquel elle provient, de… … Wikipédia en Français
coding sequence — That portion of a gene which directly specifies the amino acid sequence of its product. Non coding sequences of genes include introns and control regions, such as promoters, operators, and terminators … Glossary of Biotechnology
Conserved non-coding sequence — A conserved non coding sequence (CNS) is a DNA sequence of noncoding DNA that is evolutionarily conserved. These sequences are of interest for their potential to regulate gene production.[1] CNSs in plants[2] and animals[1] are highly associated… … Wikipedia
Coding region — The coding region of a gene, also known as the coding sequence or CDS, is that portion of a gene s DNA or RNA, composed of exons, that codes for protein. The region is bounded nearer the 5 end by a start codon and nearer the 3 end with a stop… … Wikipedia
Coding theory — is the study of the properties of codes and their fitness for a specific application. Codes are used for data compression, cryptography, error correction and more recently also for network coding. Codes are studied by various scientific… … Wikipedia
Coding conventions — are a set of guidelines for a specific programming language that recommend programming style, practices and methods for each aspect of a piece program written in this language. These conventions usually cover file organization, indentation,… … Wikipedia
Coding theory approaches to nucleic acid design — DNA code construction refers to the application of coding theory to the design of nucleic acid systems for the field of DNA–based computation. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Definitions 2.1 Property U 2 … Wikipedia
sequence analysis — A series of questions about how social processes are ordered, either temporally or spatially, together with the techniques for answering these. Many areas of sociology are concerned with events or actions in their temporal context or with what we … Dictionary of sociology
Coding strand — When referring to DNA transcription, the coding strand is the DNA strand which has the same base sequence as the RNA transcript produced (although with thymine replaced by uracil). It is this strand which contains codons, while the non coding… … Wikipedia
Sequence motif — In genetics, a sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino acid sequence pattern that is widespread and has, or is conjectured to have, a biological significance. For proteins, a sequence motif is distinguished from a structural motif, a motif formed … Wikipedia
Sequence database — See also: Protein structure database In the field of bioinformatics, a sequence database is a large collection of computerized ( digital ) nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences, or other sequences stored on a computer. A database can include… … Wikipedia