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  • 1 cock

    [kok] 1. noun
    1) (the male of birds, especially of the domestic fowl: a cock and three hens; ( also adjective) a cock sparrow.) kohout
    2) (a kind of tap for controlling the flow of liquid, gas etc.) kohoutek
    3) (a slang word for the penis.) pták
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to stand upright or to lift: The dog cocked its ears.) vztyčit
    2) (to draw back the hammer of (a gun).) natáhnout kohoutek
    3) (to tilt up or sideways (especially a hat).) zvednout
    - cocky
    - cock-and-bull story
    - cock-crow
    - cock-eyed
    - cocksure
    * * *
    • penis
    • kohout
    • kokoutek
    • čurák

    English-Czech dictionary > cock

  • 2 crow

    [krəu] 1. noun
    1) (the name given to a number of large birds, generally black.) vrána
    2) (the cry of a cock.) kokrhání
    2. verb
    1) ((past tense crew) to utter the cry of a cock.) kokrhat
    2) (to utter a cry of delight etc: The baby crowed with happiness.) výskat, jásat
    * * *
    • vrána
    • jásat

    English-Czech dictionary > crow

  • 3 strut

    past tense, past participle - strutted; verb
    (to walk in a stiff, proud way: The cock strutted about the farmyard; The man was strutting along looking very pleased with himself.) vykračovat si
    * * *
    • podpěra
    • příčka
    • naparovat se

    English-Czech dictionary > strut

См. также в других словарях:

  • cock — I. /kɒk / (say kok) noun 1. a male chicken. 2. the male of any bird, especially of the gallinaceous kind. 3. Obsolete the crowing of the cock: they were up at first cock. 4. a leader; chief person; ruling spirit. 5. a device for permitting or… …  

  • cock — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ fighting COCK + VERB ▪ crow ▪ The cock crowed at dawn. COCK + NOUN ▪ fight …   Collocations dictionary

  • cock-a-doodle-doo — /ˌkɒk ə dudl ˈdu/ (say .kok uh doohdl dooh) noun (plural cock a doodle doos) 1. the sound of the crowing of a cock. –verb (i) (cock a doodle dooed, cock a doodle dooing) 2. to crow …  

  • cock up — verb raise The dog pricked up his ears • Syn: ↑prick up, ↑prick • Hypernyms: ↑rear, ↑erect • Verb Frames: Somebody s something …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock — ► NOUN 1) a male bird, especially of a domestic fowl. 2) vulgar slang a man s penis. 3) Brit. informal nonsense. 4) a firing lever in a gun which can be raised to be released by the trigger. 5) a stopcock. ► VERB 1) …   English terms dictionary

  • cock-a-doo|dle — «KOK uh DOO duhl», intransitive verb, dled, dling. to crow; cock a doodle doo: »One of those egotistical…types who cock a doodle a great deal (New Yorker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock|er — cock|er1 «KOK uhr», noun. 1. = cocker spaniel. (Cf. ↑cocker spaniel) 2. a person who arranges or attends cockfights. ╂[< cock1 (the spaniel was used to hunt woodcock)] cock|er2 «KOK uhr», transitive verb. to indulge; pamper. ╂ …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock´ney|fi|ca´tion — cock|ney|fy «KOK nih fy», verb, fied, fy|ing. –v.t. to give cockney qualities to; make cockney. –v.i. to become cockney. –cock´ney|fi|ca´tion, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock|ney|fy — «KOK nih fy», verb, fied, fy|ing. –v.t. to give cockney qualities to; make cockney. –v.i. to become cockney. –cock´ney|fi|ca´tion, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • cock up — verb To ruin (something) unintentionally; to screw up, mess up or fuck up. Syn: balls up, bollocks up, bugger up, mess up, muck up, fuck up, screw up …   Wiktionary

  • cock-a-doo|dle-doo — «KOK uh DOO duhl DOO», interjection, noun, verb. –interj., n. an imitation of the loud cry of a rooster. –v.i. to make this sound; crow …   Useful english dictionary

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