1 coastal zone color radiometer
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > coastal zone color radiometer
2 coastal zone color radiometer
(сканирующий) радиометр для получения цветовых изображений прибрежных зонАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > coastal zone color radiometer
3 coastal zone color radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > coastal zone color radiometer
4 coastal zone color scanning radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > coastal zone color scanning radiometer
5 radiometer
радиометр, радиометрический приёмник-
acoustic radiometer
airborne radiometer
all-wave radiometer
along-track radiometer
- atmospheric sounder radiometer -
cavity radiometer
chopper radiometer
cloud-top altitude radiometer
coastal zone color radiometer
cooled cell radiometer
correlation radiometer
cross-track radiometer
Dicke radiometer
differential-correlation radiometer
Earth radiation budget radiometer
electronically scanned radiometer
far-infrared radiometer
gamma radiometer
geosynchronous radiometer
global ozone monitoring radiometer
heterodyne radiometer
high-resolution radiometer
hollow radiometer
imaging radiometer
infrared radiometer
laser radiometer
limb radiance inversion radiometer
mechanically scanned radiometer
microwave radiometer
moderate resolution radiometer
multichannel radiometer
multifrequency radiometer
multispectral radiometer
narrow-band radiometer
near-infrared radiometer
ocean color imaging radiometer
omnidirectional radiometer
optical radiometer
pressure-modulated radiometer
satellite-borne radiometer
scanning radiometer
self-balanced radiometer
self-calibrating radiometer
sky noise radiometer
solar extinction radiometer
spectral radiometer
spectrally scanning radiometer
spin scan radiometer
surface composition mapping radiometer
switching Dicke radiometer
switching radiometer
thermocouple radiometer
vertical temperature profile radiometer
visible and infrared radiometer
wide field-of-view satellite radiometer
wide field satellite radiometer
wide field-of-view radiometer
wide field radiometer
См. также в других словарях:
Coastal Zone Color Scanner — Ocean color around Tasmania (false color). Red and orange colors indicate high levels of phytoplankton. The Coastal Zone Color Scanner (or CZCS) was a multi channel scanning radiometer aboard the Nimbus 7 satellite. Nimbus 7 was launched 24… … Wikipedia
Liste der Erdbeobachtungssatelliten — Das ist die Liste der Erdbeobachtungssatelliten. Chronologische Übersicht (unvollständig) Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1960er · 1970er · 1980er · 1990er · 2000er · 2010er Startdatum Mission Bild Organisation (Land) Bemerkung 1960er … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nimbus program — Artist s drawing of the general design of the Nimbus series of satellites. The solar panel wings move throughout the day to track the Sun during the daylight part of the satellite’s orbit. The 10 foot tall satellite has the attitude control… … Wikipedia
Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor — Das untere Falschfarbenbild von SeaWiFS zeigt den Chlorophyll Gehalt des oberflächennahen Meerwassers vor der kalifornischen Küste. SeaWiFS (Abkürzung von Sea viewing Wide Field of view Sensor) ist das einzige wissenschaftliche Instrument an Bord … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ocean Surface Topography Mission — OSTM/Jason 2 Artist s interpretation of the Jason 2 satellite Operator NASA, CNES, NOAA, EUMETSAT Mission type Earth orbiter … Wikipedia
Lockheed P-3 Orion — P 3 Orion A P 3C Orion of Patrol Squadron 22 (VP 22) flies over Japan, 1 December 1991. Role Maritime p … Wikipedia
Indian Remote Sensing satellite — Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, mostly built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation of India as part of the Indian space program. The IRS series provides remote sensing… … Wikipedia