1 coastal chart
Техника: карта побережья -
2 coastal chart
nWATER TRANSP carta costera f -
3 coastal
4 CO
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
5 Co
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
6 co
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
1) Компьютерная техника: Memory Stall Cycles, Multimedia Super Corridor, протокол MSC (Mass Storage Class - протокол, предназначенный для работы с устройствами хранения больших объемов данных.)3) Американизм: Mail Stop Code4) Спорт: Minnesota Ski Council, Montreal Soaring Council5) Военный термин: Chief Mess Specialist, Coastal Minesweeper, Major Subordinate Command, Major Systems Command, Manpower Services Commission, Material Status Committee, Medical Service Corps, Medical Specialist Corps, Medical Staff Corps, Meteorological Service of Canada, Military Service Committee, Military Space Command, Military Staff Committee, Military Staff Committee of the United Nations, Mission Support Center, maintenance support center, major subordinate commander, master status chart, material source code, medical supply company, message switching center, military scout car, military studies center, missile sequence chart, missile system checkout, multiservice center, Major Subordinate Command (NATO), главный моделирующий компьютер (ГМК) (main simulation computer)7) Математика: максимальный сильный компонент (ориентированного графа), сходимость в среднеквадратическом (mean-square convergence)8) Бухгалтерия: Mandatory Settlement Conference9) Страхование: Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk10) Биржевой термин: Market Stance Coefficient11) Ветеринария: Medicines Select Committee (of the BVA)12) Сокращение: Major Subordinate Commander (NATO), Management Sectional Center (manages all post offices within ZIP range), Manned Spacecraft Center, Maritime Safety Committee, Maritime surface Surveillance Capability, Medical Service Corps (USA), MicroSoft C, Military Sealift Command (USA), Minesweeper, Coastal, Missile and Space Council, Mission Success Criteria, Mobile Switching Center, Multiple Sidelobe Canceler13) Университет: Mad Science Club, Memorial Student Center14) Физика: Multiple Scatter Correction15) Электроника: Multiple Sidelobe Canceller16) Вычислительная техника: mobile switching centre, most significant character, Mobile services Switching Center (PLMN, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)17) Нефть: marine survival craft, margin and sales contributors19) Космонавтика: Mirco Space Capsule20) Банковское дело: merchant service charge21) Биотехнология: multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells22) Транспорт: Marine Safety Council, Mechanical Speed Control, Military Sea Command, Military Sealift Command23) Фирменный знак: Manhatten Supply Company, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Micro Surface Corporation24) СМИ: Mail Service Center25) Деловая лексика: Maintenance Saving Concept, Merchant System Component26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Service Contract, Мурманское морское пароходство (ММП)27) Автоматика: Multiprocessor Standards Committee, multistrip coupler28) Океанография: Management Service Center29) Химическое оружие: Major Subordinate Commands30) Безопасность: monoalphabetic substitution cipher31) Расширение файла: Microsoft C makefile32) Нефть и газ: multi-sensor caliper (Weatherford’s multi-sensor caliper (MSC) tool provides an accurate internal casing profile from an array of independent measuring, precision calibrated, carbide-tipped feeler arms.)33) Рыболовство: Marine Stewardship Council34) Электротехника: mechanically switched capacitors35) Общественная организация: Margaret Sanger Center, Monroe Senior Center36) NYSE. Material Sciences Corporation -
8 MSc
1) Компьютерная техника: Memory Stall Cycles, Multimedia Super Corridor, протокол MSC (Mass Storage Class - протокол, предназначенный для работы с устройствами хранения больших объемов данных.)3) Американизм: Mail Stop Code4) Спорт: Minnesota Ski Council, Montreal Soaring Council5) Военный термин: Chief Mess Specialist, Coastal Minesweeper, Major Subordinate Command, Major Systems Command, Manpower Services Commission, Material Status Committee, Medical Service Corps, Medical Specialist Corps, Medical Staff Corps, Meteorological Service of Canada, Military Service Committee, Military Space Command, Military Staff Committee, Military Staff Committee of the United Nations, Mission Support Center, maintenance support center, major subordinate commander, master status chart, material source code, medical supply company, message switching center, military scout car, military studies center, missile sequence chart, missile system checkout, multiservice center, Major Subordinate Command (NATO), главный моделирующий компьютер (ГМК) (main simulation computer)7) Математика: максимальный сильный компонент (ориентированного графа), сходимость в среднеквадратическом (mean-square convergence)8) Бухгалтерия: Mandatory Settlement Conference9) Страхование: Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk10) Биржевой термин: Market Stance Coefficient11) Ветеринария: Medicines Select Committee (of the BVA)12) Сокращение: Major Subordinate Commander (NATO), Management Sectional Center (manages all post offices within ZIP range), Manned Spacecraft Center, Maritime Safety Committee, Maritime surface Surveillance Capability, Medical Service Corps (USA), MicroSoft C, Military Sealift Command (USA), Minesweeper, Coastal, Missile and Space Council, Mission Success Criteria, Mobile Switching Center, Multiple Sidelobe Canceler13) Университет: Mad Science Club, Memorial Student Center14) Физика: Multiple Scatter Correction15) Электроника: Multiple Sidelobe Canceller16) Вычислительная техника: mobile switching centre, most significant character, Mobile services Switching Center (PLMN, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)17) Нефть: marine survival craft, margin and sales contributors19) Космонавтика: Mirco Space Capsule20) Банковское дело: merchant service charge21) Биотехнология: multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells22) Транспорт: Marine Safety Council, Mechanical Speed Control, Military Sea Command, Military Sealift Command23) Фирменный знак: Manhatten Supply Company, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Micro Surface Corporation24) СМИ: Mail Service Center25) Деловая лексика: Maintenance Saving Concept, Merchant System Component26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Service Contract, Мурманское морское пароходство (ММП)27) Автоматика: Multiprocessor Standards Committee, multistrip coupler28) Океанография: Management Service Center29) Химическое оружие: Major Subordinate Commands30) Безопасность: monoalphabetic substitution cipher31) Расширение файла: Microsoft C makefile32) Нефть и газ: multi-sensor caliper (Weatherford’s multi-sensor caliper (MSC) tool provides an accurate internal casing profile from an array of independent measuring, precision calibrated, carbide-tipped feeler arms.)33) Рыболовство: Marine Stewardship Council34) Электротехника: mechanically switched capacitors35) Общественная организация: Margaret Sanger Center, Monroe Senior Center36) NYSE. Material Sciences Corporation -
9 msc
1) Компьютерная техника: Memory Stall Cycles, Multimedia Super Corridor, протокол MSC (Mass Storage Class - протокол, предназначенный для работы с устройствами хранения больших объемов данных.)3) Американизм: Mail Stop Code4) Спорт: Minnesota Ski Council, Montreal Soaring Council5) Военный термин: Chief Mess Specialist, Coastal Minesweeper, Major Subordinate Command, Major Systems Command, Manpower Services Commission, Material Status Committee, Medical Service Corps, Medical Specialist Corps, Medical Staff Corps, Meteorological Service of Canada, Military Service Committee, Military Space Command, Military Staff Committee, Military Staff Committee of the United Nations, Mission Support Center, maintenance support center, major subordinate commander, master status chart, material source code, medical supply company, message switching center, military scout car, military studies center, missile sequence chart, missile system checkout, multiservice center, Major Subordinate Command (NATO), главный моделирующий компьютер (ГМК) (main simulation computer)7) Математика: максимальный сильный компонент (ориентированного графа), сходимость в среднеквадратическом (mean-square convergence)8) Бухгалтерия: Mandatory Settlement Conference9) Страхование: Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk10) Биржевой термин: Market Stance Coefficient11) Ветеринария: Medicines Select Committee (of the BVA)12) Сокращение: Major Subordinate Commander (NATO), Management Sectional Center (manages all post offices within ZIP range), Manned Spacecraft Center, Maritime Safety Committee, Maritime surface Surveillance Capability, Medical Service Corps (USA), MicroSoft C, Military Sealift Command (USA), Minesweeper, Coastal, Missile and Space Council, Mission Success Criteria, Mobile Switching Center, Multiple Sidelobe Canceler13) Университет: Mad Science Club, Memorial Student Center14) Физика: Multiple Scatter Correction15) Электроника: Multiple Sidelobe Canceller16) Вычислительная техника: mobile switching centre, most significant character, Mobile services Switching Center (PLMN, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)17) Нефть: marine survival craft, margin and sales contributors19) Космонавтика: Mirco Space Capsule20) Банковское дело: merchant service charge21) Биотехнология: multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells22) Транспорт: Marine Safety Council, Mechanical Speed Control, Military Sea Command, Military Sealift Command23) Фирменный знак: Manhatten Supply Company, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Micro Surface Corporation24) СМИ: Mail Service Center25) Деловая лексика: Maintenance Saving Concept, Merchant System Component26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Service Contract, Мурманское морское пароходство (ММП)27) Автоматика: Multiprocessor Standards Committee, multistrip coupler28) Океанография: Management Service Center29) Химическое оружие: Major Subordinate Commands30) Безопасность: monoalphabetic substitution cipher31) Расширение файла: Microsoft C makefile32) Нефть и газ: multi-sensor caliper (Weatherford’s multi-sensor caliper (MSC) tool provides an accurate internal casing profile from an array of independent measuring, precision calibrated, carbide-tipped feeler arms.)33) Рыболовство: Marine Stewardship Council34) Электротехника: mechanically switched capacitors35) Общественная организация: Margaret Sanger Center, Monroe Senior Center36) NYSE. Material Sciences Corporation -
10 aerodrome
abandoned aerodromeнедействующий аэродромaerodrome accumulator plantаэродромная аккумуляторная зарядная станцияaerodrome adverse weatherсложные метеоусловия в районе аэродромаaerodrome air pictureвоздушная обстановка в зоне аэродромаaerodrome alerting procedureпорядок действий по тревоге на аэродромеaerodrome alerting serviceаэродромная служба аварийного оповещенияaerodrome alert measuresдействия по аэродрому при объявлении тревогиaerodrome alert roomпомещение на аэродроме для размещения дежурных экипажейaerodrome alert statusсостояние готовности аэродрома по тревоге, состояние готовности служб аэродрома по тревогеaerodrome alert systemсистема объявления тревоги на аэродромеaerodrome altitudeвысота аэродромаaerodrome approachподход к зоне аэродромаaerodrome approach aidsаэродромные средства захода на посадкуaerodrome approach areaзона подхода к аэродромуaerodrome approach chartкарта подходов к аэродромуaerodrome approach control systemсистема управления подходом к аэродромуaerodrome approach lightsаэродромные огни приближенияaerodrome approach roadподъездная дорога к аэродромуaerodrome authorityадминистрация аэродромаaerodrome beaconаэродромный маякaerodrome boundaryграница аэродромаaerodrome calmотсутствие ветра в районеaerodrome categoryкатегория аэродромаaerodrome chartсхема аэродромаaerodrome check pointконтрольная точка аэродромаaerodrome checkpointконтрольная площадка на аэродромеaerodrome check-point signуказатель контрольного ориентира аэродромаaerodrome circleкруг полета над аэродромомaerodrome circlingполет по кругу над аэродромомaerodrome circuitкруг полета над аэродромомaerodrome circuit-circlingполет по кругу над аэродромомaerodrome climatographical tableаэродромная метеорологическая таблицаaerodrome climatological summaryаэродромная метеосводкаaerodrome complexаэродромный комплексaerodrome conditionsаэродромная обстановкаaerodrome controlуправление в зоне аэродромаaerodrome control communicationаэродромная командная связьaerodrome controlled zoneзона, контролируемая авиадиспетчерской службой аэродромаaerodrome controllerдиспетчер аэродромаaerodrome control pointаэродромный диспетчерский пунктaerodrome control radarдиспетчерский аэродромный радиолокаторaerodrome control radioаэродромная радиостанция командной связиaerodrome control sectorзона контроля аэродрома диспетчерской службойaerodrome control serviceслужба управления движением в зоне аэродромаaerodrome control towerаэродромный диспетчерский пунктaerodrome control tower clearanceразрешение аэродромного диспетчерского пунктаaerodrome control unitаэродромный диспетчерский пунктaerodrome cultureискусственные сооружения в районе аэродромаaerodrome directoryсправочник по аэродромамaerodrome drainageдренаж аэродромаaerodrome drainage systemдренажная система аэродромаaerodrome elevationпревышение аэродромаaerodrome emergencyаварийная обстановка на аэродромеaerodrome emergency exerciseотработка действий на случай аварийной обстановки в аэропортуaerodrome emergency planningразработка мероприятий на случай аварийной обстановки на аэродромеaerodrome emergency serviceаэродромная аварийная службаaerodrome engineeringпроектирование и строительство аэродромовaerodrome engineering instructorсоветник по проектированию и строительству аэродромовaerodrome environmentусловия в районе аэродромаaerodrome environsприаэродромная территорияaerodrome fencingограждение аэродромаaerodrome flight information serviceаэродромная служба полетной информацииaerodrome forecastпрогноз по аэродромуaerodrome forecast materialметеоданные по аэродромуaerodrome graded areaспланированный участок аэродромаaerodrome ground profileпрофиль местности в районе аэродромаaerodrome ground signalназемный аэродромный сигналaerodrome ground visibilityвидимость у земли в зоне аэродромаaerodrome handing capacityпропускная способность аэродромаaerodrome hazard beaconаэродромный заградительный маякaerodrome identificationопознавание аэродромаaerodrome identification signопознавательный знак аэродромаaerodrome in questionуказанный аэродромaerodrome ladndmarkназемный аэродромный ориентирaerodrome lavatory trackаэродромный ассенизаторaerodrome lavatory truckаэродромный ассенизаторaerodrome layoutсхема аэродромаaerodrome levelвысота аэродромаaerodrome lightingаэродромное светосигнальное оборудованиеaerodrome locating beaconаэродромный приводной маякaerodrome marking systemсистема маркировки аэродромаaerodrome marshallerаэродромный сигнальщикaerodrome master planгенеральный план аэродромаaerodrome meteorological minimaметеорологический минимум аэродромаaerodrome minimaминимум аэродромаaerodrome movement areaзона движения воздушных судовaerodrome networkаэродромная сетьaerodrome observationнаблюдение за аэродромомaerodrome obstruction chartкарта аэродромных препятствийaerodrome of callаэродром выхода на радиосвязьaerodrome of departureаэродром вылетаaerodrome of intended landingаэродром предполагаемой посадкиaerodrome of originаэродром припискиaerodrome operating minimaэксплуатационный минимум аэродромаaerodrome operationэксплуатация аэродромаaerodrome pavementаэродромное покрытиеaerodrome pressureдавление на аэродромеaerodrome reference codeкодовое обозначение аэродромаaerodrome reference pointконтрольный ориентир аэродромаaerodrome reference temperatureрасчетная температура воздухаaerodrome reportсводка по аэродромуaerodrome rulesруководство по производству полетов в зоне аэродромаAerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids SectionСекция аэродромов, воздушных трасс и наземных средств(ИКАО) aerodrome security lightingсветосигнальное оборудование аэродрома для обеспечения безопасностиaerodrome serviceаэродромное обслуживание(диспетчерское) aerodrome service roadслужебная дорога на аэродромеaerodrome siteрайон размещения аэродромаaerodrome snow windrowснежные заносы на аэродромеaerodrome stripлетная полоса аэродромаaerodrome strip markerуказатель летной полосы аэродромаaerodrome surveillance radarобзорный аэродромный радиолокаторaerodrome taxi circuitсхема руления по аэродромуaerodrome trafficдвижение в зоне аэродромаaerodrome traffic circuitаэродромный круг полетовaerodrome traffic circuit operationполет по кругу в районе аэродромаaerodrome traffic control zoneзона аэродромного управления воздушным движениемaerodrome traffic patternсхема движения в зоне аэродромаaerodrome traffic zoneзона движения в районе аэродромаaerodrome usabilityстепень загрузки аэродромаaerodrome usability factorкоэффициент использования аэродромаaerodrome utilization factorкоэффициент использования аэродромаaerodrome utilization rateстепень использования аэродромаaerodrome vehicle operationэксплуатация аэродромных транспортных средствaerodrome visual aidsаэродромные визуальные средстваaerodrome warningпредупреждение по аэродромуaerodrome wind distributionроза ветров аэродромаaerodrome wind roseроза ветров аэродромаaerodrome wind shiftизменение направления ветра в районе аэродромаaerodrome wind sockаэродромный ветроуказательall-weather aerodromeвсепогодный аэродромalternate aerodromeзапасный аэродромarrival aerodromeаэродром прилетаarrive over the aerodromeприбывать в зону аэродромаauxiliary aerodromeдополнительный аэродромbase aerodromeаэродром постоянного базированияcarry out a circuit of the aerodromeвыполнять круг полета над аэродромомcategorized aerodromeкатегорированный аэродромcircle the aerodromeлетать по кругу над аэродромомcivil aerodromeгражданский аэродромcoastal aerodromeбереговой аэродромconcrete-surfaced aerodromeаэродром с бетонным покрытиемcontrolled aerodromeаэродром с командно-диспетчерской службойdebarkation aerodromeаэродром выгрузкиdepot aerodromeбазовый аэродромdestination aerodromeаэродром назначенияdomestic aerodromeаэродром местных воздушных линийembarkation aerodromeаэродром погрузкиemergency aerodromeаэродром вынужденной посадкиen-route aerodromeаэродром на трассе полетаentry into the aerodrome zoneвход в зону аэродромаfactory aerodromeзаводской аэродромfamiliar aerodromeоблетанный аэродромfinal aerodromeконечный аэродромfog-plagued aerodromeаэродром, имеющий частые туманыget into the aerodromeприземляться на аэродромеgiven aerodromeуказанный аэродромgrass aerodromeаэродром с травяным покрытиемhard surface aerodromeаэродром с твердым покрытиемhelicopter aerodromeвертодромhigh-level aerodromeгорный аэродромhome aerodromeаэродром припискиidentify the aerodrome from the airопознавать аэродром с воздухаintermediate aerodromeпромежуточный аэродромjet aerodromeаэродром для реактивных воздушных судовjoint civil and military aerodromeаэродром совместного базирования гражданского и военных воздушных судовkey aerodromeузловой аэродромland aerodromeсухопутный аэродромlanding aerodromeаэродром посадкиlanding off the aerodromeпосадка вне аэродромаlayout of aerodrome markingsмаркировка аэродромаlocal aerodromeаэродром местного значенияlogistics aerodromeаэродром материально-технического обеспеченияmain aerodromeглавный аэродромmilitary aerodromeвоенный аэродромmunicipal commercial aerodromeмуниципальный аэродром для коммерческой авиацииnonradar aerodromeаэродром без радиолокационных средствoperate from the aerodromeвыполнять полеты с аэродромаoperational aerodromeоперативный аэродромparticipating aerodromeзадействованный аэродромpermanent aerodromeстационарный аэродромprincipal aerodromeосновной аэродромprovisional aerodromeвременный аэродромreceiving aerodromeаэродром прилетаrefuelling aerodromeаэродром, обеспечивающий заправку топливомregular aerodromeрегулярный аэродромreserve aerodromeрезервный аэродромrigid pavement aerodromeаэродром с жестким покрытиемsatellite aerodromeвспомогательный аэродромsupplementary aerodromeдополнительный аэродромtakeoff aerodromeаэродром вылетаtemporary aerodromeвременный аэродромterminal aerodromeконечный аэродромtest aerodromeиспытательный аэродромtraining aerodromeучебный аэродромuncontrolled aerodromeаэродром без командно-диспетчерской службыunfamiliar aerodromeнеоблетанный аэродромunmarked aerodrome obstructionsнемаркируемые аэродромные препятствияunpaved aerodromeгрунтовой аэродромX-type aerodromeаэродром с перекрещивающимися ВПП -
11 CAC
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
12 CD
1) Общая лексика: Commercial Directorate (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Change Directories, Change Directory3) Авиация: container dolly, control display, control drag4) Медицина: certified doula (DONA association), Crohn’s disease5) Американизм: Corps Diplomatic6) Военный термин: Cable Driver, Canadian Decoration, Canadian Forces decoration, Cavalry Division, Combat Developments, Command Director, Command Ship, Committee on Disarmament, Communications Deception, Community/Service-Developed, Comptroller Division, Conference on Disarmament, Control Data, Controlled Dissemination, Coordinating Draft, Council Deputies, Counter Drug, camouflage detection, career development, center distance, central department, central district, certificate of destruction, certificate of discharge, chaff dispenser, change directive, check digit, chemical defense, chief of division, circular dispersion, civil defense, classification of defects, clothing depot, coastal defense, collateral damage, combat development, command decoder, command destruct, common digitizer, comparable data, competitive design, concept definition, concept development, contract definition, contract design, coordination document, countdown, critical defect, КР, Конференция по разоружению7) Техника: Coherent Detector, cable duct, capacitance divider, capacitive discharge, chain data, charge displacement, chip density, clamping diode, clock delay mechanism, coastal defense radar, communications device, component development, condensate demineralizer, configuration-dependent, console display, controls and displays computer, copper dish, crystal diode8) Сельское хозяйство: contagious disease9) Юридический термин: Composite Document, Computational Dynamics, condemned, confidential document10) Экономика: ДС11) Бухгалтерия: Cash Disbursement12) Страхование: Commission du Danube13) Автомобильный термин: коэффициент сопротивления купе (Coefficient of Drag)14) Грубое выражение: Crap Detector, Crap Digger15) Металлургия: Ceiling Diffuser16) Музыка: компакт-диск17) Политика: Chad18) Телекоммуникации: Channel Delay, Connect Direct, campus distributor, Collision Detection (LAN), Call Disconnect (SS7)19) Сокращение: Canadian Dollar, Cavalry Division (USA), Civil Defence, Coast Defence, Cold Drawn, Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Compact Disc, Consular Declaration, Corps Diplomatique, Current Density, Customs Declaration, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory, chart datum, concealment device, controls and displays, Carrier Detect (EIA RS-232-C; properly DCD (q.v.)), Capacitor Diode, Contact Depth, Corrected Depth20) Университет: Class Demo21) Физиология: Cardiovascular Disease, Cause of Death22) Электроника: Cage Dipole, Circuit Design, Contact Discontinuity23) Вычислительная техника: clock driver, committee draft, компакт-диск (Одна из технологий оптических дисков, весьма успешно внедрённая в мир персональных компьютеров), Compact Disk (CD), Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2), Committee Draft (ISO), Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232), Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Carrier Detect (properly DCD (q.v.), EIA RS-232-C), (compact disk) лазерный диск24) Нефть: compensated density log, complementary distribution, contract depth, глубина скважины по контракту (contract depth), классификация дефектов (classification of defects), классификация неисправностей (classification of defects), уточнённая глубина (скважины)25) Иммунология: Controlled Delivery, cluster of differentiation26) Биохимия: Circular Dichroic27) Связь: Collision Detection28) Банковское дело: вкладной сертификат (certificate of deposit), депозитный сертификат (certificate of deposit), отражаемое в цене акции право покупателя на получение дивидендов (cum dividend)29) Транспорт: Compact Design, Compression Dampening30) Воздухоплавание: I Control Direction Indicator31) СМИ: Celebrity Disguise32) Деловая лексика: Can't Deliver, Certificates of Deposit33) Бурение: исправленная глубина скважины (corrected depth), бурение на обсадных трубах (сокр. от Casing Drilling)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Conceptual Design, compressor drive, Начальная дата (Commencement Date), Commercial Director35) Нефтегазовая техника контрактная глубина бурения36) Образование: Continuing Development37) Инвестиции: certificate of deposit, cum dividend38) Сетевые технологии: calling device, compact-disk, вызывное устройство, сигнал обнаружения несущей39) Полимеры: calendar day, circular dichroism, cold-drawn, cross direction, отслаивание при катодной поляризации40) Программирование: Cursor Down41) Автоматика: case depth42) Ядерная физика: Displaced Central Trajectory43) Сахалин Р: Commencement Date44) Медицинская техника: Color Doppler45) Химическое оружие: calibration device46) Расширение файла: C D description, Carrier Detect, Color Display, Compact Disk47) Нефть и газ: compressor department48) Собаководство: Companion Dog, canine distemper49) Каспий: расчётный каспийский уровень (Caspian Datum; согласно глоссарию KDPC - 'каспийский репер', 'уровень Каспийского моря')50) Чат: Cross Dresser51) НАСА: Critical Dimension -
13 CSC
1) Общая лексика: Consultant Selection Committee (ADB)2) Компьютерная техника: Client Side Cache, Cross System Consistency3) Американизм: стабилизации хлопчатобумажной промышленности4) Спорт: Crescent Ski Council5) Военный термин: Combat Support Cell, Communications Security Command, Community Support Center, Computer Security Center, Computer Systems Command, Computery Systems Command, Conspicuous Service Cross, cartridge storage case, central security control, certificate of security clearance, change schedule chart, chief sector controller, civil service commission, civilian screening center, coastal spotting center, coastal surveillance center, combat support command, combat support company, command and staff college, command support center, communication switch board, communication systems center, computer service center, conical shaped charge, continuous service certificate, control and supervision commission, conventional standoff capability, course and speed computer6) Техника: Communication Satellite Corporation, Communications Subcommittee, Communications System Center, color subcarrier, communications switchboard console, computer subsystem controller, computer system command, containment spray cooling, contrast sensitivity curve, control system computer, core support cylinder7) Шутливое выражение: Csc Stands For Canadian8) Строительство: Акт приёмки законченного строительством объекта9) Математика: Co-Secant10) Религия: Congregatio Sanctae Crucis11) Юридический термин: Close Supervision Centre12) Автомобильный термин: coolant spark control (Ford), Cell Supervision Circuit13) Грубое выражение: Crazy Sexy Cool14) Телекоммуникации: Common Signaling Channel, carrier selection code (код выбора оператора)15) Сокращение: C.S (Components Ltd (UK)), Cable Supply & Consulting Co (Pte Ltd (Singapore)), Canadian Space Center, Combat Stress Control, Combined Shipbuilding Committee, Command & Staff Course (Singapore), Communication System Control, Compass System Controller, Computer Science Corporation, Computer Sciences Corp. (USA), Computer Software Component, Consumer Service Card, Conventional Stand-off Capability, Conventions Systems Committee (USA), Course & Speed Computer, cold drawn copper, Computer Security Centre, since 1985 - NCSA16) Университет: Chinese Students Club17) Электроника: Common Signalling Channel, Communications Satellite Corporation, управление цветовым пространством (color space control)18) Вычислительная техника: Computer Sciences Corporation, Computer Sciences Corporation (Anbieter)19) Нефть: common services console20) Банковское дело: (card security code) код безопасности карты (аббревиатура часто используется в платежных системах на русском языке без перевода)21) Биотехнология: cell-surface capturing22) Транспорт: Container Safety Convention, Cost Of Saved Carbon23) Воздухоплавание: Chief Sector Control24) Фирменный знак: Cablevision Systems Corporation, Contemporary Services Corporation25) СМИ: Continental Sports Channel26) Деловая лексика: Client Support Centers, Customer Service Center27) Образование: Caring School Community, Китайский совет по стипендиям28) Сетевые технологии: Client Side Caching, centralized security controller29) Химическое оружие: Calorimetry Sciences Corporation30) Безопасность: Card Security Code31) Расширение файла: Corel Script32) Нефть и газ: Chairman of Subsidiary Commission for Emergency Situations, Опломбирован в закрытом положении (Car Sealed Closed), КПК - Коммерческий подкомитет (Commercial subcommittee), обсадная труба (м/р "Каражанбасмунай" - пос.старый Жетыбай), председатель КЧС ДАО, председатель КЧС дочернего предприятия33) HR. центр поддержки заказчика (Метран), Customer Support Center, ЦПЗ34) Электротехника: current source converter, преобразователь тока35) Фармация: Clinical Safety Committee36) Общественная организация: Christian Service Charities, Council of Student Chapters37) Должность: Code Snippet Creator, Community School Coordinator, Customer Satisfaction Coordinator -
14 Cd
1) Общая лексика: Commercial Directorate (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Change Directories, Change Directory3) Авиация: container dolly, control display, control drag4) Медицина: certified doula (DONA association), Crohn’s disease5) Американизм: Corps Diplomatic6) Военный термин: Cable Driver, Canadian Decoration, Canadian Forces decoration, Cavalry Division, Combat Developments, Command Director, Command Ship, Committee on Disarmament, Communications Deception, Community/Service-Developed, Comptroller Division, Conference on Disarmament, Control Data, Controlled Dissemination, Coordinating Draft, Council Deputies, Counter Drug, camouflage detection, career development, center distance, central department, central district, certificate of destruction, certificate of discharge, chaff dispenser, change directive, check digit, chemical defense, chief of division, circular dispersion, civil defense, classification of defects, clothing depot, coastal defense, collateral damage, combat development, command decoder, command destruct, common digitizer, comparable data, competitive design, concept definition, concept development, contract definition, contract design, coordination document, countdown, critical defect, КР, Конференция по разоружению7) Техника: Coherent Detector, cable duct, capacitance divider, capacitive discharge, chain data, charge displacement, chip density, clamping diode, clock delay mechanism, coastal defense radar, communications device, component development, condensate demineralizer, configuration-dependent, console display, controls and displays computer, copper dish, crystal diode8) Сельское хозяйство: contagious disease9) Юридический термин: Composite Document, Computational Dynamics, condemned, confidential document10) Экономика: ДС11) Бухгалтерия: Cash Disbursement12) Страхование: Commission du Danube13) Автомобильный термин: коэффициент сопротивления купе (Coefficient of Drag)14) Грубое выражение: Crap Detector, Crap Digger15) Металлургия: Ceiling Diffuser16) Музыка: компакт-диск17) Политика: Chad18) Телекоммуникации: Channel Delay, Connect Direct, campus distributor, Collision Detection (LAN), Call Disconnect (SS7)19) Сокращение: Canadian Dollar, Cavalry Division (USA), Civil Defence, Coast Defence, Cold Drawn, Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Compact Disc, Consular Declaration, Corps Diplomatique, Current Density, Customs Declaration, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory, chart datum, concealment device, controls and displays, Carrier Detect (EIA RS-232-C; properly DCD (q.v.)), Capacitor Diode, Contact Depth, Corrected Depth20) Университет: Class Demo21) Физиология: Cardiovascular Disease, Cause of Death22) Электроника: Cage Dipole, Circuit Design, Contact Discontinuity23) Вычислительная техника: clock driver, committee draft, компакт-диск (Одна из технологий оптических дисков, весьма успешно внедрённая в мир персональных компьютеров), Compact Disk (CD), Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2), Committee Draft (ISO), Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232), Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Carrier Detect (properly DCD (q.v.), EIA RS-232-C), (compact disk) лазерный диск24) Нефть: compensated density log, complementary distribution, contract depth, глубина скважины по контракту (contract depth), классификация дефектов (classification of defects), классификация неисправностей (classification of defects), уточнённая глубина (скважины)25) Иммунология: Controlled Delivery, cluster of differentiation26) Биохимия: Circular Dichroic27) Связь: Collision Detection28) Банковское дело: вкладной сертификат (certificate of deposit), депозитный сертификат (certificate of deposit), отражаемое в цене акции право покупателя на получение дивидендов (cum dividend)29) Транспорт: Compact Design, Compression Dampening30) Воздухоплавание: I Control Direction Indicator31) СМИ: Celebrity Disguise32) Деловая лексика: Can't Deliver, Certificates of Deposit33) Бурение: исправленная глубина скважины (corrected depth), бурение на обсадных трубах (сокр. от Casing Drilling)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Conceptual Design, compressor drive, Начальная дата (Commencement Date), Commercial Director35) Нефтегазовая техника контрактная глубина бурения36) Образование: Continuing Development37) Инвестиции: certificate of deposit, cum dividend38) Сетевые технологии: calling device, compact-disk, вызывное устройство, сигнал обнаружения несущей39) Полимеры: calendar day, circular dichroism, cold-drawn, cross direction, отслаивание при катодной поляризации40) Программирование: Cursor Down41) Автоматика: case depth42) Ядерная физика: Displaced Central Trajectory43) Сахалин Р: Commencement Date44) Медицинская техника: Color Doppler45) Химическое оружие: calibration device46) Расширение файла: C D description, Carrier Detect, Color Display, Compact Disk47) Нефть и газ: compressor department48) Собаководство: Companion Dog, canine distemper49) Каспий: расчётный каспийский уровень (Caspian Datum; согласно глоссарию KDPC - 'каспийский репер', 'уровень Каспийского моря')50) Чат: Cross Dresser51) НАСА: Critical Dimension -
15 cac
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
16 cd
1) Общая лексика: Commercial Directorate (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Change Directories, Change Directory3) Авиация: container dolly, control display, control drag4) Медицина: certified doula (DONA association), Crohn’s disease5) Американизм: Corps Diplomatic6) Военный термин: Cable Driver, Canadian Decoration, Canadian Forces decoration, Cavalry Division, Combat Developments, Command Director, Command Ship, Committee on Disarmament, Communications Deception, Community/Service-Developed, Comptroller Division, Conference on Disarmament, Control Data, Controlled Dissemination, Coordinating Draft, Council Deputies, Counter Drug, camouflage detection, career development, center distance, central department, central district, certificate of destruction, certificate of discharge, chaff dispenser, change directive, check digit, chemical defense, chief of division, circular dispersion, civil defense, classification of defects, clothing depot, coastal defense, collateral damage, combat development, command decoder, command destruct, common digitizer, comparable data, competitive design, concept definition, concept development, contract definition, contract design, coordination document, countdown, critical defect, КР, Конференция по разоружению7) Техника: Coherent Detector, cable duct, capacitance divider, capacitive discharge, chain data, charge displacement, chip density, clamping diode, clock delay mechanism, coastal defense radar, communications device, component development, condensate demineralizer, configuration-dependent, console display, controls and displays computer, copper dish, crystal diode8) Сельское хозяйство: contagious disease9) Юридический термин: Composite Document, Computational Dynamics, condemned, confidential document10) Экономика: ДС11) Бухгалтерия: Cash Disbursement12) Страхование: Commission du Danube13) Автомобильный термин: коэффициент сопротивления купе (Coefficient of Drag)14) Грубое выражение: Crap Detector, Crap Digger15) Металлургия: Ceiling Diffuser16) Музыка: компакт-диск17) Политика: Chad18) Телекоммуникации: Channel Delay, Connect Direct, campus distributor, Collision Detection (LAN), Call Disconnect (SS7)19) Сокращение: Canadian Dollar, Cavalry Division (USA), Civil Defence, Coast Defence, Cold Drawn, Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Compact Disc, Consular Declaration, Corps Diplomatique, Current Density, Customs Declaration, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory, chart datum, concealment device, controls and displays, Carrier Detect (EIA RS-232-C; properly DCD (q.v.)), Capacitor Diode, Contact Depth, Corrected Depth20) Университет: Class Demo21) Физиология: Cardiovascular Disease, Cause of Death22) Электроника: Cage Dipole, Circuit Design, Contact Discontinuity23) Вычислительная техника: clock driver, committee draft, компакт-диск (Одна из технологий оптических дисков, весьма успешно внедрённая в мир персональных компьютеров), Compact Disk (CD), Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2), Committee Draft (ISO), Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232), Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Carrier Detect (properly DCD (q.v.), EIA RS-232-C), (compact disk) лазерный диск24) Нефть: compensated density log, complementary distribution, contract depth, глубина скважины по контракту (contract depth), классификация дефектов (classification of defects), классификация неисправностей (classification of defects), уточнённая глубина (скважины)25) Иммунология: Controlled Delivery, cluster of differentiation26) Биохимия: Circular Dichroic27) Связь: Collision Detection28) Банковское дело: вкладной сертификат (certificate of deposit), депозитный сертификат (certificate of deposit), отражаемое в цене акции право покупателя на получение дивидендов (cum dividend)29) Транспорт: Compact Design, Compression Dampening30) Воздухоплавание: I Control Direction Indicator31) СМИ: Celebrity Disguise32) Деловая лексика: Can't Deliver, Certificates of Deposit33) Бурение: исправленная глубина скважины (corrected depth), бурение на обсадных трубах (сокр. от Casing Drilling)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Conceptual Design, compressor drive, Начальная дата (Commencement Date), Commercial Director35) Нефтегазовая техника контрактная глубина бурения36) Образование: Continuing Development37) Инвестиции: certificate of deposit, cum dividend38) Сетевые технологии: calling device, compact-disk, вызывное устройство, сигнал обнаружения несущей39) Полимеры: calendar day, circular dichroism, cold-drawn, cross direction, отслаивание при катодной поляризации40) Программирование: Cursor Down41) Автоматика: case depth42) Ядерная физика: Displaced Central Trajectory43) Сахалин Р: Commencement Date44) Медицинская техника: Color Doppler45) Химическое оружие: calibration device46) Расширение файла: C D description, Carrier Detect, Color Display, Compact Disk47) Нефть и газ: compressor department48) Собаководство: Companion Dog, canine distemper49) Каспий: расчётный каспийский уровень (Caspian Datum; согласно глоссарию KDPC - 'каспийский репер', 'уровень Каспийского моря')50) Чат: Cross Dresser51) НАСА: Critical Dimension -
17 csc
1) Общая лексика: Consultant Selection Committee (ADB)2) Компьютерная техника: Client Side Cache, Cross System Consistency3) Американизм: стабилизации хлопчатобумажной промышленности4) Спорт: Crescent Ski Council5) Военный термин: Combat Support Cell, Communications Security Command, Community Support Center, Computer Security Center, Computer Systems Command, Computery Systems Command, Conspicuous Service Cross, cartridge storage case, central security control, certificate of security clearance, change schedule chart, chief sector controller, civil service commission, civilian screening center, coastal spotting center, coastal surveillance center, combat support command, combat support company, command and staff college, command support center, communication switch board, communication systems center, computer service center, conical shaped charge, continuous service certificate, control and supervision commission, conventional standoff capability, course and speed computer6) Техника: Communication Satellite Corporation, Communications Subcommittee, Communications System Center, color subcarrier, communications switchboard console, computer subsystem controller, computer system command, containment spray cooling, contrast sensitivity curve, control system computer, core support cylinder7) Шутливое выражение: Csc Stands For Canadian8) Строительство: Акт приёмки законченного строительством объекта9) Математика: Co-Secant10) Религия: Congregatio Sanctae Crucis11) Юридический термин: Close Supervision Centre12) Автомобильный термин: coolant spark control (Ford), Cell Supervision Circuit13) Грубое выражение: Crazy Sexy Cool14) Телекоммуникации: Common Signaling Channel, carrier selection code (код выбора оператора)15) Сокращение: C.S (Components Ltd (UK)), Cable Supply & Consulting Co (Pte Ltd (Singapore)), Canadian Space Center, Combat Stress Control, Combined Shipbuilding Committee, Command & Staff Course (Singapore), Communication System Control, Compass System Controller, Computer Science Corporation, Computer Sciences Corp. (USA), Computer Software Component, Consumer Service Card, Conventional Stand-off Capability, Conventions Systems Committee (USA), Course & Speed Computer, cold drawn copper, Computer Security Centre, since 1985 - NCSA16) Университет: Chinese Students Club17) Электроника: Common Signalling Channel, Communications Satellite Corporation, управление цветовым пространством (color space control)18) Вычислительная техника: Computer Sciences Corporation, Computer Sciences Corporation (Anbieter)19) Нефть: common services console20) Банковское дело: (card security code) код безопасности карты (аббревиатура часто используется в платежных системах на русском языке без перевода)21) Биотехнология: cell-surface capturing22) Транспорт: Container Safety Convention, Cost Of Saved Carbon23) Воздухоплавание: Chief Sector Control24) Фирменный знак: Cablevision Systems Corporation, Contemporary Services Corporation25) СМИ: Continental Sports Channel26) Деловая лексика: Client Support Centers, Customer Service Center27) Образование: Caring School Community, Китайский совет по стипендиям28) Сетевые технологии: Client Side Caching, centralized security controller29) Химическое оружие: Calorimetry Sciences Corporation30) Безопасность: Card Security Code31) Расширение файла: Corel Script32) Нефть и газ: Chairman of Subsidiary Commission for Emergency Situations, Опломбирован в закрытом положении (Car Sealed Closed), КПК - Коммерческий подкомитет (Commercial subcommittee), обсадная труба (м/р "Каражанбасмунай" - пос.старый Жетыбай), председатель КЧС ДАО, председатель КЧС дочернего предприятия33) HR. центр поддержки заказчика (Метран), Customer Support Center, ЦПЗ34) Электротехника: current source converter, преобразователь тока35) Фармация: Clinical Safety Committee36) Общественная организация: Christian Service Charities, Council of Student Chapters37) Должность: Code Snippet Creator, Community School Coordinator, Customer Satisfaction Coordinator -
18 CSC
CSC, cartridge storage case————————CSC, central security controlцентрализованный контроль за соблюдением режима секретности, централизованный контроль мер безопасности————————CSC, certificate of security clearance————————CSC, change schedule chart————————CSC, chief sector controller————————CSC, civil service commission————————CSC, civilian screening center————————CSC, coastal spotting center————————CSC, coastal surveillance center————————CSC, combat support command————————CSC, combat support company————————CSC, command and staff college————————CSC, command support centerпункт [пост] обеспечения управления————————CSC, communication switch board————————CSC, communication systems center————————CSC, Communications Security Command————————CSC, computer service center————————CSC, Computer Systems Command————————CSC, conical shaped charge————————CSC, Бр Conspicuous Service Crossкрест "За особые заслуги"————————CSC, continuous service certificate————————CSC, control and supervision commission————————CSC, conventional standoff capability————————CSC, course and speed computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > CSC
19 CMB
1) Американизм: Объединённый совет военного снабжения2) Военный термин: Coastal Motor Boat, Collection Management Branch, Combat Medical Badge, central medical board, combat maneuver battalion4) Юридический термин: Conventional Moral Behavior5) Грубое выражение: Cute Married Blond6) Сокращение: Chase Manhattan Bank, Contact Memory Button, Cosmic Microwave Background, Ceramic Magnetic Bearing7) Фирменный знак: China Miniature Bearings8) Деловая лексика: Capital Market Board9) Полимеры: cold masterbatch10) Сахалин Р: Contract Master Bar Chart11) Должность: Cooking Master Boy12) Чат: Call Me Back13) NYSE. Chase Manhattan Corporation -
20 RPC
1) Биология: reversed phase chromatography2) Американизм: Regional Protection Code3) Спорт: Region Playback Control4) Военный термин: Rapid Positioning Capability, Regional Planning Committee, Regional Preparedness Committee, Regional Reporting Center, Reliability Policy Committee, Remote Procedure Calls, Resources Protection Committee, Royal Pioneer Corps, radar planning chart, radar processing center, recruiting publicity center, reefed parachute canopy, refugee processing center, regional personnel center, registered publications clerk, registered publications custodian, repair parts catalog, report to commander, reporting post, coastal, river patrol craft5) Техника: radiation policy council, radiation protection committee, receiver protection circuit, recording pressure controller, registered protective circuit, remote process cell, remote-position control, reversed-phase partition-column chromatography, rod pattern controller, rotating pancake coil6) Сельское хозяйство: Rice Polishing Concentrate7) Математика: узкое исчисление предикатов (restricted predicate calculus)8) Юридический термин: Rules of Professional Conduct (Court Rules)9) Экономика: Совет Регионального Планирования (Regional Planning Council)10) Автомобильный термин: remote parameter test11) Сокращение: Regional Processing Center (new naming convention, 2005), Remote Procedure Call (Internet), Royal Pioneer Corps (Now RLC (British Army)), РПЦ (республиканский перинатальный центр - republican perinatal centre)12) Физиология: Reports Of Patents Cases13) Вычислительная техника: Region Playback Control (DVD), Remote Procedure Call (Sun, Xerox, OSF, ECMA, RFC 1831)14) Нефть: каталог запасных частей (repair parts catalog), комитет по технической политике в области надёжности (reliability policy committee)15) Радиология: ЦРЗ - центр радиологической защиты (атомная энергетика)16) Биотехнология: retinal progenitor cell17) Транспорт: Regional Preparedness Committee (US)18) Фирменный знак: Root Person And Company19) СМИ: Rich Photorealistic Content20) SAP. route and process chart21) Инвестиции: Reports of Patent, Design and Trademark Cases22) Сетевые технологии: дистанционный вызов процедуры, механизм вызова удалённых процедур, удалённый вызов процедуры23) Полимеры: remote position control24) Программирование: (Remote Procedure Call) сервис вызова удаленных процедур (см. Remote Procedure Call)25) Химическое оружие: Project correspondence to client from Pasadena on RWCDC26) Безопасность: Region Protection Control27) Расширение файла: Remote Procedure Call28) ООН: Regional Protection Control29) Должность: Registered Professional Counselor
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Coastal geography — is the study of the dynamic interface between the ocean and the land, incorporating both the physical geography (i.e coastal geomorphology, geology and oceanography) and the human geography (sociology and history) of the coast. It involves an… … Wikipedia
Coastal Carolina Regional Airport — IATA: EWN – ICAO: KEWN – FAA LID: EWN Summary Airport type Craven County Owner Craven County … Wikipedia
chart — n Chart, map, graph are comparable as nouns meaning a graphic and explanatory representation by means of lines, dots, colors, and symbols of something incapable of verbal or pictorial representation (because too large, too detailed, or too… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Chart (disambiguation) — For information about charts in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Charts. A chart is a graphical representation of data. Chart may also refer to: A specific type of map, for example: Aeronautical chart, a representation of airspace and ground features… … Wikipedia
Nautical chart — A nautical chart is a graphic representation of a maritime area and adjacent coastal regions. Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show depths of water and heights of land (topographic map), natural features of the seabed, details of the… … Wikipedia
amphibious chart — A special naval chart designed to meet special requirements for landing operations and passive coastal defense, at a scale of 1:25,000 or larger, and showing foreshore and coastal information in greater detail than a combat chart … Military dictionary
combat chart — A special naval chart, at a scale of 1:50,000, designed for naval surface fire support and close air support during coastal or amphibious operations and showing detailed hydrography and topography in the coastal belt. See also amphibious chart … Military dictionary
Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping — The Center for Coastal Ocean Mapping (CCOM) / NOAA UNH Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC) was founded in 1999 to find ways to process the massive amounts of data coming from sonar systems at rates commensurate with data collection; that is, to make… … Wikipedia
Admiralty chart — Admiralty charts are nautical charts issued by the [http://www.ukho.gov.uk UK Hydrographic Office] and subject to Crown Copyright. Over 3,000 charts are available and cover virtually the entire world in various levels of detail depending on the… … Wikipedia
non-submarine contact chart — A special naval chart, at a scale of 1:100,000 to 1:1,000,000, showing bathymetry, bottom characteristics, wreck data, and non submarine contact data for coastal and off shore waters. It is designed for use in conducting submarine and… … Military dictionary
map — mappable, adj. mapper, n. /map/, n., v., mapped, mapping. n. 1. a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships… … Universalium