• Best cloth may have a moth in it (The) - И на жемчуге бывает царапина (И)• It is a bad cloth that will take no colo(u)r - Черное от стирки не белеет (4) -
2 cloth
[klɒθ]Abbreviation: cl -
3 cloth backing
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > cloth backing
4 cloth collector
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > cloth collector
5 cloth lap wheel
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > cloth lap wheel
6 Asbestos Cloth Neck
Metallurgy: ACNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Asbestos Cloth Neck
7 Baby Beehinds Bamboo (Australian modern cloth nappy)
Abbreviation: BBBУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Baby Beehinds Bamboo (Australian modern cloth nappy)
8 Delhi Cloth Mills
Trademark term: DCM -
9 Epoxy Glass Cloth Laminate Sheet
Engineering: EPGCУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Epoxy Glass Cloth Laminate Sheet
10 Epoxy glass cloth
Engineering: EPGC -
11 Piece Of Cloth
Textile: POC -
12 asbestos cloth
Polymers: AC -
13 cotton cloth
Polymers: CC -
14 electrical continuous cloth
Electrical engineering: ECCУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > electrical continuous cloth
15 glass cloth
Polymers: GC -
16 glass cloth tape
Engineering: GCT -
17 hardware cloth
Abbreviation: HDWC -
18 cleaning cloth
салфетка (напр., для очистки дисков)Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > cleaning cloth
19 filter cloth
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > filter cloth
20 lint-free cloth
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > lint-free cloth
См. также в других словарях:
Cloth — (kl[o^]th; 115), n.; pl. {Cloths} (kl[o^][th]z; 115), except in the sense of garments, when it is {Clothes} (kl[=o]thz or kl[=o]z). [OE. clath cloth, AS. cl[=a][thorn] cloth, garment; akin to D. kleed, Icel. kl[ae][eth]i, Dan. kl[ae]de, cloth, Sw … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cloth — [klɔθ US klo:θ] n [: Old English; Origin: clath cloth, piece of clothing ] 1.) [U] material used for making things such as clothes cotton/woollen/silk etc cloth ▪ a dress of the finest silk cloth 2.) a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose … Dictionary of contemporary English
cloth — cloth; cloth·ier; cloth·ier s brush; cloth·i·fy; cloth·ing; mort·cloth; cere·cloth; … English syllables
cloth — [ klaθ ] noun ** 1. ) count or uncount material used for making clothes, curtains, etc. that is made by weaving fibers together: linen/cotton cloth 2. ) count a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose such as cleaning or covering a table the … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cloth — [klôth, kläth] n. pl. cloths [klôthz, kläthz; ] also [ klôths, kläths ] for [ “] kinds of cloth [ ] [ME < OE clath, cloth, hence garment, akin to clithan, to stick, clitha, poultice < IE * gleit (> Ger kleid, dress) < base * glei , to … English World dictionary
Cloth — 〈[klɔ̣ð] m.; ; unz.; Textilw.〉 dichtes Atlasgewebe [<engl. cloth „Tuch“] * * * Cloth [klɔθ], der od. das; [engl. cloth = Tuch, Stoff, verw. mit ↑Kleid]: glänzender [Futter]stoff aus Baumwolle od. Halbwolle … Universal-Lexikon
cloth — (n.) O.E. clað a cloth, woven or felted material to wrap around one, hence, garment, from P.Gmc. *kalithaz (Cf. O.Fris. klath, M.Du. cleet, Du. kleed, M.H.G. kleit, Ger. Kleid garment ), of obscure origin. The cloth the clerical profession is… … Etymology dictionary
cloth — ► NOUN (pl. cloths) 1) woven, knitted, or felted fabric made from a soft fibre such as wool or cotton. 2) a piece of cloth for a particular purpose. 3) (the cloth) the clergy; the clerical profession. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Cloth — (engl.), halbwollener Futterstoff mit 45 Ketten u. 70 Schußfäden auf 1 cm, Kette Baumwollengarn Nr. 30 engl., Schuß Kammgarn Nr. 74 einfach, Bindung fünfschäftiger Atlas (s. Abbild.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cloth — 〈 [klɔ̣θ] m.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Textilw.〉 dichtes Atlasgewebe [Etym.: <engl. cloth «Tuch«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Cloth — [klɔθ] der od. das; <aus engl. cloth »Tuch«> glänzender [Futter]stoff aus Baumwolle od. Halbwolle in Atlasbindung (einer besonderen Webart) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch