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  • Cloth of gold — Cloth Cloth (kl[o^]th; 115), n.; pl. {Cloths} (kl[o^][th]z; 115), except in the sense of garments, when it is {Clothes} (kl[=o]thz or kl[=o]z). [OE. clath cloth, AS. cl[=a][thorn] cloth, garment; akin to D. kleed, Icel. kl[ae][eth]i, Dan.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cloth of gold — This article is about the fabric. For the snail, see Conus textile. For the 16th century event, see Field of Cloth of Gold. Cloth of gold is a fabric woven with a gold wrapped or spun weft referred to as a spirally spun gold strip . In most cases …   Wikipedia

  • cloth of gold — a fabric woven wholly or partly of gold thread especially for ceremonial use * * * cloth of gold Cloth woven of threads of gold and silk or wool • • • Main Entry: ↑cloth * * * cloth of gold, cloth made of gold threads woven with silk or wool… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cloth-of-gold — /klawth euhv gohld , kloth /, n. a garden plant, Crocus augustifolius, of the iris family, native to the Crimean mountains, having orange red flowers. * * * cloth of gold, cloth made of gold threads woven with silk or wool threads. cloth of gold… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cloth of gold — Noisette Noi*sette , n. (Bot.) A hybrid rose produced in 1817, by a French gardener, Noisette, of Charleston, South Carolina, from the China rose and the musk rose. It has given rise to many fine varieties, as the {Lamarque}, the {Marechal (or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cloth of gold — noun fabric made of wool or silk interwoven with gold threads …   English new terms dictionary

  • cloth of gold — noun a tissue of threads of gold and silk or wool …  

  • cloth-of-gold — /klawth euhv gohld , kloth /, n. a garden plant, Crocus augustifolius, of the iris family, native to the Crimean mountains, having orange red flowers. * * * …   Universalium

  • Field of the Cloth of Gold — The Field of Cloth of Gold, also known as the Field of Golden Cloth (French: Le Camp du Drap d Or ) is the name given to a place in Balinghem, between Guînes and Ardres, in France, near Calais. It was the site of a spectacular meeting that took… …   Wikipedia

  • Field of the Cloth of Gold — von James Basire, 1774, Stich nach einem zeitgenössischen Ölgemälde. Vorne links Heinrich VIII. Das Camp du Drap d’Or ([kɑ̃ dy dra dɔr], engl. Field of the Cloth of Gold, dt. Feld des Güldenen Tuches) ist die historische Bezeichnung eines Ortes… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • (the) Field of Cloth of Gold — the Field of Cloth of Gold [the Field of Cloth of Gold] an event that took place near Calais in northern France in the summer of 1520 when the English king ↑Henry VIII met the French king Francis I. The meeting became famous for the beautiful… …   Useful english dictionary

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