1 closure error of traverse
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > closure error of traverse
2 closure error of traverse
English-Russian cartography dictionary > closure error of traverse
3 error
1) ошибка; погрешность2) искажение•error in indication — погрешность показания ( прибора); погрешность отсчёта;errors in the same sense — погрешности одного знака;error on the safe side — погрешность в сторону увеличения запаса прочности;to accumulate errors — накапливать погрешности;to combine errors — суммировать погрешности;to compensate error — 1. компенсировать ошибку ( показаний прибора) 2. возд. списывать (устранять) девиацию радиокомпаса;to distribute error of closure — геод. разбрасывать невязку;to hold measurement errors to... — удерживать погрешности измерений в пределах...;to introduce an error — вносить погрешность;to negate errors — исключать погрешности; компенсировать погрешности;to reduce errors — 1. уменьшать (снижать) погрешности 2. приводить погрешности ( к определённым условиям или определённому виду)error of approximation — погрешность приближения, погрешность аппроксимацииerror of closure — геод. невязкаerror or connection — геод. невязкаerror of direction — ошибка в определении направленияerror of division (error of graduation) — погрешность градуировкиerror of indication — погрешность показания ( прибора); погрешность отсчётаerror of observation — 1. погрешность наблюдения; погрешность отсчёта 2. геод. ошибка измерения, ошибка наблюденияerror of omission — 1. пропуск, пробел 2. упущениеerror of position — 1. погрешность в определении положения или местоположения 2. геод. координатная невязкаerror of traverse — геод. линейная невязка-
absolute error
acceptable error
accidental error
accumulated error
accumulative error
accuracy error
across-track error
actual error
additive error
admissible error
aggregate error
airborne equipment error
aliasing error
alignment error
along-track error
altering error
altimeter error
ambiguity error
amplitude error
angular error
appreciable error
approximation error
arithmetic error
assigned error
assumed error
azimuth error
backlash error
base error
basic error
beam landing error
bearing error
bias error
bias stability error
bit error
block mean-squared error
boresight error
burst error
calibration error
chaining error
chip error
chroma error
closing error
closure error in leveling
closure error of angles
closure error of azimuths
closure error
collimation error
color error
color-hue error
color-purity error
color-registration error
combined error
common error
compass error
compass turning error
compensating errors
complementary error
component error
composite error
composition error
computational error
computation error
computed error
concealed error
conformity error
connection error
consistent error
constant error
contributing error
conventional error
copying error
course error
crude error
cumulative error
cyclic error
data error
datum error
day-to-day error
dead-path error
delay error
detected error
digital error
displacement error
distance error
dynamic error
dynamic phase error
end errors
erratic error
estimated error
estimation error
excessive error
exposure error
extreme error
fatal error
fixed error
flight technical error
focusing error
focus error
folding error
following error
forecast error
form error
fractional error
frequency error
full-scale error
gaging error
gamma error
gang error
geometrical error
geometric error
glide path angular error
graduation error
gross error
group-delay error
guidance error
guide positional error
gyrocompass error
hard error
hardware error
head-penetration error
heeling error
height-keeping error
horizontal phase error
hue error
human error
implementation error
inbound error
index error
indicated displacement error
indication error
individual error
inherent error
inherited error
initial error
input error
instrumental error
instrument error
interference error
interlace error
interpolation error
interval error
intolerable error
intrinsic error
introduced error
ionosphere error
lead error
leveling error
limiting error
linear error
linearity error
logical error
longitudinal error
long-term error
machine error
marginal error
maximum error
maximum likely error
maximum relative error
maximum zero error
mean error
mean square error
measurement error
minimum error
minimum mean-square error
minimum prediction error
mismatch error
mispositioning error
momentary error
multiple error
navigation error
near-extreme error
negative error
noise error
nominal error
nonlinear error
observation error
observed error
offset error
omission error
operator's error
optimistic error
outbound error
output error
overall error
overlay error
parity check error
parity error
partial error
particular error
parts-to-platen error
patching error
path following error
peak error
peak-to-peak error
permissible error
personal error
pessimistic error
phase error
pitch error
platen-to-machine error
pointing error
position error
position following error
positional error
positioning error
positive error
predicted following error
prediction error
probable error
procedural error
propagation delay error
quadrantal error
quadratic phase error
quadrature error
quantization error
radial displacement error
radiation error
random error
range error
ratio error
reader error
reading error
reasonable error
recoverable error
reduced error
reference limiting error
registration error
relative error
residual error
resistance error
resolution error
resultant error
root-mean-square error
rounding error
routine/routine interface error
run-time error
sampling error
saturation error
scale calibration error
scale error
scanning error
select error
sequence error
servo excess error
servo following error
sextant error
shade error
shading error
sighting error
significant error
single error
skew error
slide-position error
soft error
software error
speed error
sporadic error
standard error
static error
statistical error
steady-state error
steering error
step-up error
substitution error
superposition error
systematic error
tape speed errors
targeting error
temperature error
temporary error
tilt error
time error
time-base error
tool setting error
total error
tracking error
transfer error
transient error
true error
truncation error
typing error
typographic error
unconcealable error
uncorrectable error
undetected error
unrecoverable error
unsuspected error
user clock time bias error
velocity error
vertical phase error
voltage error
weighted mean error
wiring error
zero end error
zero error
zero setting error
zero-drift error -
4 error of closure of traverse
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > error of closure of traverse
5 error of closure of traverse
English-Russian cartography dictionary > error of closure of traverse
См. также в других словарях:
error of closure — 1. : the ratio of the distance by which a survey fails to close to the perimeter of the tract surveyed 2. : the sum of the angles of a traverse as measured minus the true sum required by geometry called also closing error * * * Survey. 1. the… … Useful english dictionary
closure — /kloh zheuhr/, n., v., closured, closuring. n. 1. the act of closing; the state of being closed. 2. a bringing to an end; conclusion. 3. something that closes or shuts. 4. closer (def. 2). 5. an architectural screen or parapet, esp. one standing… … Universalium
error of closure — Survey. 1. the amount by which a closed traverse fails to satisfy the requirements of a true mathematical figure, as the length of line joining the true and computed position of the same point. 2. the ratio of this linear error to the perimeter… … Universalium
error of closure — noun Surveying 1. the amount by which a closed traverse fails to satisfy the requirements of a true mathematical figure, as the length of line joining the true and computed position of the same point. 2. the ratio of this linear error to the… …
open traverse — noun : a surveying traverse that fails to terminate where it began and therefore does not completely enclose a polygon compare error of closure 2 … Useful english dictionary
eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit The eye is protected from mechanical injury… … Universalium
Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport — DTW redirects here. For other uses, see DTW (disambiguation). Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport IATA: DTW – ICAO … Wikipedia
Comparison of C Sharp and Java — The correct title of this article is Comparison of C# and Java. The substitution or omission of the # sign is because of technical restrictions. Programming language comparisons General comparison Basic syntax Basic instructions … Wikipedia
Levelling — For other uses, see Levelling (disambiguation). Single levelling redirects here. For other uses, see Single level (disambiguation). Levelling or leveling is a branch of surveying, the object of which is 1) To find the elevation of a given point… … Wikipedia
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium