1 closing
['kləʊzɪŋ] 1.nome chiusura f.2.aggettivo [minutes, days, date, words] ultimo; [scene, pages, stage] ultimo, finale; [ speech] di chiusura, finale; [ price] di chiusura* * *closing /ˈkləʊzɪŋ/A n. [u]chiusura ( anche di attività, ecc.): Sunday closing, chiusura domenicale; the closing of the local paper, la chiusura del giornale localeB a.di chiusura; ultimo; finale: closing date, ultimo giorno; ultima data utile; DIALOGO → - Enrolment- What's the closing date for enrolment?, qual è l'ultima data utile per l'iscrizione?; closing time, orario di chiusura; closing speech, discorso di chiusura; in the closing days of May, negli ultimi giorni di maggio● (rag.) closing account, conto sintetico □ (rag.) closing balance, saldo di chiusura □ (comm.) closing down, cessazione d'esercizio □ closing down sale, liquidazione per cessata attività □ a closing of ranks, un serrate le file (o i ranghi) □ ( Borsa) closing price, prezzo di chiusura □ ( Borsa) closing rate, corso (o cambio) di chiusura □ early-closing day, giorno di chiusura pomeridiana ( dei negozi) □ Closing time!, si chiude!* * *['kləʊzɪŋ] 1.nome chiusura f.2. -
2 closing-down sale
closing-out sale nome liquidazione f. (per cessata attività)* * *closing-out sale nome liquidazione f. (per cessata attività) -
3 closing-out sale
4 closing/sealing machine
Closing/sealing machineMacchina per chiudere/sigillareDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > closing/sealing machine
5 closing time
6 closing clos·ing adj
['kləʊzɪŋ](stages, remarks) conclusivo (-a), finaleclosing price — (Stock Exchange) prezzo di chiusura
7 closing lid
Closure lid, cover, cap, closing lidCoperchio m chiusuraDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > closing lid
8 closing price
nStock Exchange prezzo di chiusura -
9 means of closing/sealing
1.Sheathed cart, means of closing/sealingGabbia f di legno rivestita, gabbia f di legno foderata, mezzo m di chiusura2.Means of closing/sealingMezzo m di chiusuraDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > means of closing/sealing
10 filling and closing sealing machine
1.Macchina f per riempire e chiudere/sigillare2.Forming, filling and closing sealing machineMacchina f per formare, riempire e chiudere/sigillare, "form-fill-seal"Dictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > filling and closing sealing machine
11 early closing
n BritComm chiusura pomeridiana settimanale -
12 self-closing
[self'klouziŋ](which close automatically: self-closing doors.) a chiusura automatica -
13 filling and closing sealing maschine
Macchina f per reimpire e chiudere/sigillareDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > filling and closing sealing maschine
14 can closing machine
Folding and seaming machine, beading press, can closing machineMacchina f aggraffatrice, macchina chiuditrice per barattoliDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > can closing machine
15 means of closing
Sheathed cart, means of closing/sealingGabbia f di legno rivestita, gabbia f di legno foderata, mezzo m di chiusuraDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > means of closing
16 vacuum filling and closing or sealing machine
Macchina f riempitrice e chiuditrice sottovuotoDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > vacuum filling and closing or sealing machine
17 tube closing machine
Tube closing machine, tube sealing machineMacchina f chiuditrice di tubiDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > tube closing machine
18 close in
19 -Enrolment-
Education EnrolmentWhat's the closing date for enrolment? Qual è l'ultima data utile per l'iscrizione?The closing date is the 1st of October. L'ultimo giorno è il primo ottobre.The course is free. Il corso è gratuito.It's best to enrol as soon as possible to make sure you get on the course. È meglio iscriversi al corso appena possibile per assicurarsi di trovare posto.There are only twenty places on the course. Ci sono solo venti posti per il corso.How do you apply? Come si presenta la domanda?There's an application form at the back of the prospectus. C'è un modulo di iscrizione sul retro del programma.Just fill the form out and take it in person, or post the form to the address on the back. Riempia semplicemente il modulo e lo consegni di persona, oppure lo invii all'indirizzo sul retro.Leave it with me, I'll have a browse later. Me lo lasci, gli darò un'occhiata più tardi. -
20 bid
I [bɪd]1) (at auction) offerta f., licitazione f.the opening, closing bid — la prima, l'ultima offerta
2) (for contract) offerta f. di appalto; (for company) offerta f.escape, suicide bid — tentativo di fuga, di suicidio
4) (in bridge) (first) dichiarazione f.; (subsequent) licitazione f.II 1. [bɪd]1) comm. econ. offrire [ money]2) (say)to bid sb. good morning — augurare il buongiorno a qcn.
to bid sb. farewell — dire addio a qcn.
to bid sb. welcome — dare il benvenuto a qcn
3) (in bridge) dichiarare2.1) comm. econ. (at auction) offrire, licitare; (for contract) fare un'offerta di appalto; (for company) fare un'offertato bid against sb. in an auction — fare una controfferta in un'asta
2) (in bridge) dichiarare* * *[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) offrire, fare un'offerta2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) fare un'offerta3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) ordinare4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) dire2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) offerta2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) tentativo (per ottenere)•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *I [bɪd]1) (at auction) offerta f., licitazione f.the opening, closing bid — la prima, l'ultima offerta
2) (for contract) offerta f. di appalto; (for company) offerta f.escape, suicide bid — tentativo di fuga, di suicidio
4) (in bridge) (first) dichiarazione f.; (subsequent) licitazione f.II 1. [bɪd]1) comm. econ. offrire [ money]2) (say)to bid sb. good morning — augurare il buongiorno a qcn.
to bid sb. farewell — dire addio a qcn.
to bid sb. welcome — dare il benvenuto a qcn
3) (in bridge) dichiarare2.1) comm. econ. (at auction) offrire, licitare; (for contract) fare un'offerta di appalto; (for company) fare un'offertato bid against sb. in an auction — fare una controfferta in un'asta
2) (in bridge) dichiarare
См. также в других словарях:
closing — clos·ing / klō ziŋ/ n: the fulfillment or performance of a contract esp. for the sale of real estate; also: a meeting at which the closing of a contract takes place represented us at the closing ◇ At the closing for the completion of the sale of… … Law dictionary
Closing — may refer to: The closing of a letter or e mail: see Valediction or Complimentary close The termination or closure of a business Closing (real estate), the final step in executing a real estate transaction Closing (sales), making a sale Closing… … Wikipedia
closing — adj. final or ending; terminal; as, the closing stages of the election; the closing weeks of the year; the closing scene of the film; closing remarks. Opposite of {opening}. [Narrower terms: {year end}] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
closing — n. 1. the act of closing something. Syn: shutting. [WordNet 1.5] 2. the last section of a communication. Syn: conclusion, close, ending. [WordNet 1.5] 3. termination of operations. Syn: closure, closedown, shutdown. [WordNet 1.5] 4. a concluding… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Closing In — Studio album by Early Man Released October 11, 2005 Genre Heavy metal Speed metal Length … Wikipedia
Closing — (im deutschen auch Schließen) ist eine morphologische Basis Operation in der digitalen Bildverarbeitung. Anwendung findet der Operator beim Filtern von Bildern; durch das Schließen lassen sich lokal begrenzte dunkle Störungen in einem Bild… … Deutsch Wikipedia
closing in — index imminent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
closing — ▪ I. closing clos‧ing 1 [ˈkləʊzɪŋ ǁ ˈkloʊ ] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] when a shop or company stops operating permanently: • The risk of injury did not justify the closing of the factory. • The firm has announced a series of short term… … Financial and business terms
closing — I noun 1. the act of closing something (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑shutting • Ant: ↑opening • Derivationally related forms: ↑close, ↑shut ( … Useful english dictionary
closing — clos|ing1 [ˈkləuzıŋ US ˈklou ] adj [only before noun] happening or done at the end of an event or a period of time closing remarks/words/ceremony etc ▪ The judge gave his closing speech to the jury. closing stages/seconds/minutes etc ▪ in the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Closing — The end of a trading session. The closing of a trading day halts trading on exchanges. After hours trading still occurs until 8 pm. An action which will eliminate your position in a security. Closing a position is done by taking an action which… … Investment dictionary