1 closeness
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closeness [ˊkləυsnəs] n1) бли́зость2) пло́тность3) духота́4) ску́пость5) уедине́ние -
3 closeness
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > closeness
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близость имя существительное: -
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[ˈkləusnɪs]closeness близость closeness духота closeness плотность closeness скупость closeness уединение -
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[ʹkləʋsnıs] n1. духота, спёртость2. плотность3. скупость -
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English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > closeness
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1. n духота, спёртость2. n плотность3. n скупостьСинонимический ряд:1. compactness (noun) compactness; denseness2. confidentialness (noun) confidentialness; intimateness; thickness3. fondness (noun) affection; affinity; alliance; attachment; attraction; bond; fondness; liking4. immediateness (noun) immediateness; nearness; proximateness5. silentness (noun) dumbness; reservedness; silentness; speechlessness; wordlessness6. stinginess (noun) costiveness; meanness; miserliness; penuriousness; stinginess7. stuffiness (noun) breathlessness; stuffiness8. tightness (noun) tautness; tenseness; tightness -
12 closeness
ˈkləusnɪs сущ.
1) уединение Syn: retirement
3), solitude
1), seclusion
2) духота, спертость the sudden closeness of the weather ≈ неожиданная духота воздуха Syn: sultriness, stuffiness
3) густота, плотность Syn: compactness, density
1), solidity
4) близость (по месту, времени, схожести и т. п.)
5) точность, сжатость Syn: exactness, conciseness
6) жадность, скаредность, скупость Syn: niggardliness, parsimony
2), stinginess духота, спертость - * of atmosphere спертость воздуха - * of the room духота в комнате плотность - * of texture плотность ткани скупость closeness близость ~ духота ~ плотность ~ скупость ~ уединениеБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > closeness
13 closeness
1) близость
2) убористость
3) теснота
4) тесность
5) плотность
6) точность
– closeness of contours
– closeness of seams -
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The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > closeness
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Tightness, impermeability, closeness, imperviousnessНепроницаемость f -
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См. также в других словарях:
Closeness — Close ness, n. The state of being close. [1913 Webster] Half stifled by the closeness of the room. Swift. [1913 Webster] We rise not against the piercing judgment of Augustus, nor the extreme caution or closeness of Tiberius. Bacon. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
closeness — index affection, affinity (regard), coalescence, consortium (marriage companionship), density, identity (similarity) … Law dictionary
Closeness — In mathematics, closeness defines what close means in a mathematical sense In graph theory, closeness is the shortest path between one vertex and another vertex. In social psychology, closeness is the personal distance between two people. The IOS … Wikipedia
closeness — n. closeness to * * * [ kləʊsnɪs] closeness to … Combinatory dictionary
closeness — noun 1. a feeling of being intimate and belonging together their closeness grew as the night wore on • Syn: ↑intimacy • Derivationally related forms: ↑close • Hypernyms: ↑belonging • … Useful english dictionary
closeness — tvankumas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Tvyrantis karštas ir drėgnas oras. atitikmenys: angl. closeness; stuffiness; sultriness; swelter vok. Schwüle, f rus. духота, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
closeness — Ⅰ. close [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) only a short distance away or apart in space or time. 2) (of a connection or resemblance) strong. 3) denoting someone who is part of a person s immediate family. 4) (of a relationship or the people conducting it) very… … English terms dictionary
Closeness (mathematics) — In topology and related areas in mathematics closeness is one of the basic concepts in a topological space. Intuitively we say two sets are close if they are arbitrarily near to each other. The concept can be defined naturally in a metric space… … Wikipedia
closeness — noun see close IV … New Collegiate Dictionary
closeness — See closely. * * * … Universalium
closeness — noun /kləʊsnəs/ a) The state of being physically close b) The state of being friends Syn: proximity, nearness, intimacy … Wiktionary