1 closed-loop configuration
English-Russian dictionary of geology > closed-loop configuration
2 closed-loop configuration
1) Космонавтика: замкнутая схема, схема с обратной связью2) Геофизика: замкнутый полигон, замкнутый съёмочный маршрутУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > closed-loop configuration
3 closed-loop configuration
(структурная) схема замкнутого контура, схема с обратной связью; замкнутая система -
4 closed-loop configuration
схема с обратной связью; замкнутая системаEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > closed-loop configuration
5 closed loop control
автоматическое управление; регулирование; регулировкаcontrol key — кнопка управления; ключ управления
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > closed loop control
6 closed loop reactor control
control key — кнопка управления; ключ управления
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > closed loop reactor control
7 configuration
1. конфигурация; схема; компоновка; форма; комбинация2. структура3. вариант <ЛА>10x8 configuration15% unstable configurationactuator configurationaero-balanced configurationaeroelastic configurationaeromedical configurationaft CG configurationair defence configurationair-combat configurationair-to-air configurationaircraft configurationaircraft-like configurationairfoil-spoiler-flap configurationairframe-inlet configurationall-cargo configurationall-economy configurationall-freight configurationall-wing configurationanti-ice configurationapproach-flap configurationarrow-wing configurationas delivered configurationas-built configurationasymmetrical missile configurationback-staggered configurationbaseline configurationbenchmark configurationblade configurationblade/hub configurationblowing configurationbroad-brush configurationbutterfly configurationcabin configurationcanard configurationcanard-tail configurationcanard-wing configurationcanard-wing-body configurationcanardless configurationcargo-loading configurationchine configurationchined configurationcircular configurationclean configurationclose-coupled canard configurationclose-coupled wing-canard configurationclosed-loop configurationcoaxial configurationcockpit configurationconstant gain configurationcontrol configurationcontrol law configurationcontrol surface configurationcontrol system configurationcritical configurationcruise configurationdelta-canard configurationdelta-winged configurationdeparture resistant configurationdeployed configurationdisplay configurationdouble-delta configurationdownstop configurationdual cargo-hook configurationdual-console configurationeconomy class configurationejector-lift and vectored-thrust configurationelectronic reconnaissance configurationempennage configurationenergy-conservative configurationengine configurationevaluation configurationfairing configurationfighter-like configurationfilter configurationfinned configurationflap configurationflapped configurationflaps-up configurationflying boom configurationforebody configurationforebody off configurationforebody removed configurationforward-swept configurationforward-swept-wing configurationfour-blade configurationfour-engine configurationfree-turbine configurationgeometric configurationglide configurationglove-fuselage configurationgo-around configurationheavy store configurationhigh-angle-of-attack configurationhigh-control-effectiveness configurationhigh-altitude configurationhigh-density configurationhigh-fineness-ratio configurationhigh-lift configurationhigh-overshoot configurationhigh-wing configurationhorizontal ellipse configurationhypersonic configurationin-flight configurationin-line configurationinboard-jointed configurationinertially slender configurationinlet configurationinversely derived configurationiron bird configurationjet balanced configurationjoined wing configurationlanding configurationLEX configurationlifting body configurationlighting configurationlow-bypass configurationlow-drag configurationlow-fineness-ratio configurationlow-overshoot configurationlow-signature configurationlow-speed configurationmaneuver configurationmidwing configurationminimum drag configurationmixed-class configurationmultisurface configurationmultibody configurationmultiengine configurationmultiple-jet configurationnormal-shock configurationnose-boom-off configurationnose-boom-on configurationoblique-wing configurationopen-loop configurationordnance configurationover-the-wing configurationpanelized configurationparcel-freighter configurationpartial-freight configurationpassenger configurationpayload configurationpitch control configurationpitch attitude-tracking configurationpitch-only configurationpitch rate command configurationpodded configurationpole-zero configurationpoor RSS configurationpower approach configurationpower-on aircraft configurationpowered configurationpowerplant configurationpre-production configurationproduction configurationpropulsor configurationpusher configurationratchet configurationreal configurationrear-loading configurationrotor plus wing configurationrotor-airframe configurationrotor-fuselage configurationrotor-winglet configurationrotorcraft configurationseating configurationsensor configurationside-by-side configurationsimulation configurationsingle-jet configurationsingle-body configurationsingle-engine configurationsingle-fuselage configurationsingle-pilot configurationsingle-rotor configurationsingle-shaft configurationsized configurationslat configurationsoft in-plane configurationspoiler configurationstable configurationstall-resistant configurationstarting configurationsteady flight configurationstiff in-plane configurationSTOL configurationstore configurationSTOVL configurationstraight-wing configurationstrake off configurationstrake-wing configurationsupersonic cruise configurationsymmetrical missile configurationT-tail configurationtail configurationtail control configurationtail-aft configurationtailed configurationtailed-delta configurationtailless configurationtakeoff configurationtandem configurationtandem-wing configurationtandem-rotor configurationtest configurationthree shaft configurationthree-engine configurationthree-shock configurationthrust-down configurationthrust-up configurationthrust-vectored configurationtilt-rotor configurationtilting engine configurationtip-jointed configurationtractor configurationtrailing-edge configurationTrefftz-plane configurationtunnel-supported configurationturbojet-powered configurationturboprop configurationturboshaft configurationturning configurationtwin-lift helicopter configurationtwo-bladed configurationtwo-cabin configurationtwo-engine configurationtwo-shaft configurationtwo-stage configurationtwo-surface configurationunder-the-wing configurationunslatted configurationunstable configurationunstick configurationup and away configurationupper-surface-blowing configurationupper-surface-blown configurationUSB configurationV/STOL configurationvariable-bypass-ratio configurationvariable-geometry configurationVATOL configurationvectored-engine-over-wing configurationVEO-wing configurationvertical ellipse configurationVTOL configurationwidely spaced pod configurationWild Weasel configurationwing configurationwing mounted configurationwing-body-nacelle configurationwing-body-tail configurationwing-canard configurationwing-fence configurationwing-flap configurationwing-spoiler-flap configurationwing-tail-fuselage configurationwing-store configurationyaw vane configurationzig-zag configuration -
8 configuration
конфигурация; схема; компоновка; вариант (ЛА) ; положение ( органов ЛА) ; форма; система размещения [расположения]; расположение тела в потокеcross-sectional configuration of grain — форма заряда (твёрдого ракетного топлива) в поперечном сечении
fully extended configuration of the wings — полностью развёрнутое положение крыла (изменяемой стреловидности)
fully swept configuration of the wings — полностью убранное положение крыла (изменяемой стреловидности)
multiple jato launching configuration — расположение нескольких ракетных ускорителей [стартовых двигателей]
one power-unit inoperative approach configuration — конфигурация для захода на посадку при одной неработающей двигательной установке
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > configuration
9 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
10 control
1. управление; регулирование; управляемость; стабилизация/ управлять; регулировать2. управляющее устройство; регулятор; орган управления, средство управления; рычаг управления; поверхность управления, руль3. <pl> система управления; система регулирования4. управляющее воздействие, управление; отклонение органа управления; перемещение рычага управления5. контроль6. подавление <напр. колебаний>; предотвращениесм. тж. control,control in the pitch axis4-D controlacceleration controladaptable controladaptive controlaerodynamic controlaeroelastic controlaileron controlair traffic controlairborne controlaircraft controlairspeed controlall-mechanical controlsantispin controlsapproach controlarea controlarrival controlattitude controlaugmented controlsautopilot controlbang-bang controlbank-to-turn controlbimodal controlboundary layer controlbounded controlBTT controlbuoyancy controlbus controlCG controlcable controlcable-operated controlscamber controlcaptain`s controlscenter-of-gravity controlchattering controlclearance controlclosed-loop controlclosed-loop controlscockpit controlcockpit controlscollective controlcollective-pitch controlcolocated controlcompensatory controlconfiguration controlcontinuous controlcooperative controlcoordinated controlscorrosion controlcross controlscrowd controlcruise camber controlcyclic controlcyclic pitch controldamper-induced controldamping controldecentralized controldecoupled controldeformable controlsdeformation controldescent controldifferential controldigital controldirect force controldirect lateral force controldirect lift controldirect lift controlsdirect sideforce controldirect sideforce controlsdirectional controldirectional attitude controldirectional flight path controldiscontinuous controldiscrete controldisplacement controldistributed controldivergence controldrag controldual controlelastic mode controlelectrical signalled controlelevator controlen route air traffic controlengine controlserror controlevader controlFBW controlsfeedback controlfighter controlfinal controlfine controlfinger-on-glass controlfingertip controlfinite-time controlfixed-wing controlflap controlFlettner controlflight controlflight controlsflight path controlflow controlfluidic controlflutter controlflutter mode controlfly-by-glass controlfly-by-light controlsfly-by-wire controlsflying controlflying controlsforce controlforce sensitive controlforce sensitive controlsforebody controlsfountain controlfracture controlfriend/foe controlfuel controlfuel distribution controlfuel efficient controlfuel feed controlfull controlfull nose-down controlfull nose-down to full nose-up controlfull-authority controlfull-authority controlsfull-state controlfull-time fly-by-wire controlgain-scheduled controlglide path controlglideslope controlground-based controlharmonized controlshead-out controlhead-up controlheading controlheld controlshierarchical controlhigh-alpha controlhigh-angle-of-attack controlhigh-bandpass controlhigh-bandwidth controlhigh-speed controlhigher harmonic controlhigher harmonic controlshighly augmented controlsHOTAS controlshover mode controlhovering controlhydromechanical controlin-flight controlindividual blade controlindividual flap cruise camber controlinfra-red emissions controlinner-loop controlinput controlinput/output controlintegral controlintegrated controlinteractive controlsintercom/comms controlsirreversible controljet reaction controlkeyboard controlkeyboard controlsknowledge-based controllaminar flow controllateral controllateral-directional controlleading-edge controlsleft controlLiapunov optimal controllinear quadratic Gaussian controllinear quadratic regulator controlload factor controllongitudinal controllongitudinal cyclic controllow-bandwidth controllow-speed controlLQG controlLyapunov optimal controlmaneuver controlmaneuver camber controlmaneuver load controlmaneuvering controlmanual controlmass-flow controlmicroprocessor based controlMIMO controlminimax optimal controlminimum time controlminimum variance controlmisapplied controlsmission-critical controlmixing controlmodal controlmode controlsmodel-following controlmotion controlmultiaxis controlmultiple model controlmultiple-axis controlmultiple-input/multiple-output controlmultisurface controlmultivariable controlneutral controlsnoise controlnoninertial controlnonlinear feedback controlnonunique controlnose-down controlnose-down pitch controlopen-loop controlopen-loop controlsoptimal controlouter-loop controloxygen controlsperformance seeking controlperiodic controlperturbational controlpilot controlpilot-induced oscillation prone controlpiloting controlpiloting controlspitch controlpitch plane controlpitch-recovery controlpneumatic controlpneumodynamic controlpointing controlpositive controlpost stall controlpower controlpowered controlpredictive controlpressurization controlpreview controlpro-spin controlspropeller controlpropeller controlsproportional plus integral controlpropulsion controlspropulsion system controlspursuer controlpursuit controlradio controlsrate controlrate controlsratio-type controlsreaction controlreconfigurable controlsrecovery controlrecovery controlsreduced order controlrelay controlremote pilot controlresponsive controlrestructurable controlreverse controlreversed controlride controlrigid body controlrobust controlroll controlroll attitude controlroll-axis controlrotational controlrotor controlrudder controlrudder controlsrudder-only controlsea controlself-tuning controlsequence controlservo controlservo-flap controlservo-flap controlsshock controlshock wave/boundary layer controlshort period response controlsideforce controlsidestick controlsidestick controlssight controlssignature controlsingle-axis controlsingle-engine controlsingle-lever controlsingular perturbation optimal controlsix degree-of-freedom controlslew controlslewing controlsliding mode controlssmoothed controlsnap-through controlsoftware-intensive flight controlsspace structure controlstation keeping controlstepsize controlstiffness control of structurestochastic controlstructural controlstructural mode controlsuboptimal controlsuction boundary layer controlsuperaugmented controlswashplate controlsweep controlsystems controltactical controlstail controltail rotor controltailplane controltask-oriented controltask-tailored controltaxying controlterminal controlthin controlthree-surface controlthrottle controlthrust controlthrust magnitude controltight controltilt controltime-of-arrival controltime-optimal controltime/fuel optimal controltip clearance controlto regain controltorque controltorque controlstrailing-edge controlstransient controltranslational controltri-surface controltrim controlturn coordination controlupfront controlupward-tilted controlvariable structure controlvectorial controlvehicular controlvelocity controlvertical controlvibration controlvoice actuated controlsvortex controlvortex manipulation controlvortex-lift controlwing-mounted controlsyaw control -
11 test
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать2. тест; проба3. критерий; признакaccelerate-stop testsaccelerated mission testacceleration-deceleration testaerobatic flight testsaeroelastic testsagility testair resonance testair-to-air testair-to-air combat testairframe testairspeed calibration testall-attitude flight testasymmetric loads testsasymmetric wing sweep flight testsauto-guidance testsbefore-flight-rated testsbench testbiaxial fatigue testbird impact testbird ingestion testbird strike testbird strike testsburn-in testburst pressure testcatapult testscentrifugal load testcentrifuge testsclean configuration testclosed-loop testcockpit workload testcombined-systems testscompatibility testcomponent testscompression testcomputer-aided testconstant amplitude testcontinued takeoff testscontrol testconvergence testcooling testcrack-detection testscrash testcreep testcrush testscyclic testsdamage tolerance testdamage resistance testdeparture testdepressed-trajectory testdestruction testdevelopment testsdivergence testsdual-frequency testdurability testdynamometer testselectromagnetic interference testselectromagnetic-vulnerability testemergency survival testEMI testsendurance testengine reingestion testenvironmental testexploratory testsfatigue testflammability testflaps up landing testsflexure testflight clearance testflight simulation testsflight-by-flight fatigue testflight simulation fatigue testsflow field testsflow visualization testsflutter testflutter-proof testsflyover testsforce testsforced oscillation testsforeign object damage testfree oscillation testsfree spinning facility testsfree-flight testfree-to-roll testsfrequency response testsfrequency-sweep testfuel runout testfull-scale testground effect testground resonance testhandling qualities testshard-ride testheat testsheavyweight testhigh-angle-of-attack testshigh-alpha testhover testshover in-ground-effect testhover-in-ground testhovering testshumidity testsicing testimpact testin-plant testsinput-to-output testsiron bird testslanding testlanding flap testslife roll testlimit cycle testslimited-envelope flight testload-deflection testlogic testlow-observability testmaneuvering testsmanual flight testsmodal testmodal survey testmode interaction testsmodel tests of airfoilsmoire interferometry testsnoise testnondestructive testnormal takeoff testsNyquist stability testopen-loop testsoperability testoscillatory testsoverland testsoxygen testsperformance testpilot-in-loop testsplenum-chamber burning testspost-flight testpreflight testpressure testpressurization testproof-lood testproof-of-concept testsradar cross-section testradiographic testrain testramp testsrate of climb testrejected takeoff testreliability testremote-site testrepair testresidual strength testresonance testsreverse-thrust testsrig testrobustness testroll-on-rim testrolling testrotary-balance testsrough ground profile testshake testshakedown testshear testsideslip testssimulation verification testsimulator testsmall-scale testsmoke testspin testsspray ingestion teststability teststall testsstatic testsstatic strength teststeady rolling testssteady state teststealth teststiffness teststore compatibility teststrength testsstructural testssupercritical testsystem integration testtail on/off teststakeoff testtaxy testtensile testtension testtethered testtowing testtransfer function testsvalidation testsvectored thrust testvibration testvulnerability testwater-tank testwaveoff testswheel testwhirl testwind blast testwind tunnel testwing-fatigue testwingborne mode flight testyaw oscillation testszero-speed-zero-altitude testzero-zero test -
12 matrix
1. матрица <в математике, металлообработке, материаловедении>2. связующее4х4 matrixaerodynamic matrixaerodynamic damping matrixaerodynamic influence coefficient matrixaerodynamic stiffness matrixaerodynamics matrixaeroelastic matrixbanded matrixblock gain matrixcarbonised matrixcirculatory aerodynamic matrixclosed-loop matrixcoefficient matrixcolumn matrixcomplex matrixcompliance matrixcondensed matrixconfiguration matrixconsistent matrixconstant matrixconstitutive matrixcontrol matrixcontrol derivative matrixcontrol effectiveness matrixcontroller matrixCoriolis matrixcost matrixcovariance matrixdamping matrixdense matrixderivative matrixdiagonal matrixdifferentiating matrixdirection cosine matrixdownwash matrixdynamics matrixeigenvalue matrixeigenvector matrixepoxy matrixerror matrixfeed forward matrixfeedback matrixFisher's information matrixflexibility matrixFloquet transition matrixforce matrixfrequency matrixgain matrixgeneralized matrixgeneralized stiffness matrixgeneric configuration matrixHessenberg matrixHessian matrixidentity matrixinertia matrixinfluence matrixinfluence coefficient matrixinformation matrixinput matrixintegrating matrixinterelement compatible matrixinverse matrixJacobian matrixlateral-directional matrixlogic matrixmass matrixmeasurement matrixmeasurement noise covariance matrixmodal matrixmoment of inertia matrixnegative semidefinite matrixnoise intensity matrixnoncirculatory aerodynamic matrixnondiagonal matrixobservation matrixoutput matrixpentadiagonal matrixperiodic matrixperturbation matrixpilot transfer matrixplant matrixpositive semidefinite matrixpositive-definite matrixreal matrixresidual matrixreturn difference matrixrow matrixsensitivity matrixsequence-free transformation matrixsilicon carbide matrixskew symmetric matrixsolution matrixsparse matrixsquare matrixstability matrixstability derivative matrixstate matrixstate transition matrixstiffness matrixstress matrixstructural damping matrixstructure matrixsuperelement matrixsymmetric matrixsystem matrixtest matrixtime separation matrixtransfer matrixtransfer function matrixtransformation matrixtransition matrixtransmission matrixtransposed matrixtridiagonal matrixunitary matrixVandermonde matrixweightage matrixweighting matrix -
13 airplane
самолет/ самолетный,см. тж. aircraftantique airplanesbasic airplaneclassic airplanesclosed-loop airplaneconstrained airplanecorrosion-free airplanecranked-winged airplanefatigue test airplaneflutter-free airplanefour-propeller airplanefully augmented airplanehigh-maneuverability airplanehuman-powered airplanelarge airplanemilitary transport airplanenonjump assisted airplanenonflying airplaneopen-loop airplaneproduction configuration airplanerelaxed stability airplaneresearch airplaneRSS airplanesolar-powered airplanespan-distributed-load airplanesteadily spinning airplanesubsonic airplanesupercritical-wing airplanetee-tailed airplanethree-surface airplanetwo-propeller airplanetwo-surface airplaneunaugmented airplanevariable dihedral airplane -
14 CMP
1) Общая лексика: common depth point, Crisis Management Plan (SEIC)2) Авиация: customer maintenance program3) Медицина: CMP syndrome, Container Managed Persistence, MPS, chronic myofascial pain, cytidine monophosphate, myofascial pain dysfunctional syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, МДБ, МДБ синдром, миофасциальный болевой дисфункциональный синдром4) Американизм: Common Minimum Program5) Военный термин: Civilian Marksmanship Program, Combat Mission Planning, Common Message Parser, Communications Message Processor, Corps of Military Police, civilian medical personnel, commodity master plan, configuration management plan, contract management plan, controlled materials plan, counter-military potential6) Техника: CLEM (closed-loop ex-vessel machine) maintenance pit, calcium metaphosphate, celestial mapping program, coastal management program, common midpoint, comparator, condensate makeup pump, condition monitoring program, control microprocessor, controlled materials production7) Шутливое выражение: Can't Manage Process, Cream My Panties8) Химия: Chemical Mechanical Planarization9) Строительство: План организации строительства, Construction Management Plan10) Метеорология: Competitive Medical Plan11) Юридический термин: Civil Money Penalty12) Автомобильный термин: camshaft position sensor13) Биржевой термин: Current Market Price14) Грубое выражение: Crap My Pants15) Музыка: Chamber Music Players16) Полиграфия: Cross media publishing17) Телекоммуникации: Communications Module Processor18) Сокращение: Career Management Program (since 1999), Christian Movement for Peace, Command Module Pilot, Countermeasures Precursor, Crisis Management Plan (2004), Office of the Director, Cruise Missile Project (USA), component metal parts, counter military potential19) Физика: Colt Magnetic Particle20) Электроника: Component Maintenance Project21) Вычислительная техника: Customized Media Player, cellular multiprocessing, Cooperative Marketing Partner (DEC), Chip MultiProcessing (IBM, HP, Sun), Container-Managed Persistence (beans, Java, EJB)22) Литература: Club Management Plan23) Нефть: common mid point seismic, общая глубинная точка (common midpoint)24) Геофизика: ОГТ (в русскоязычной литературе доминирует термин "общая глубинная точка (ОГТ)", поэтому словосочетания "CMP method" и "CMP section" обычно переводятся как "метод ОГТ" и "разрез ОГТ"), ОСТ, общая средняя точка, общая глубинная площадка25) Транспорт: Cargo Movement Penalty, Central Meridian Passage26) Механика: химико-механическое выравнивание поверхности или полирование (chemical mechanical planarization or polishing)27) Фирменный знак: Central Maine Power28) СМИ: Captioned Media Program29) Деловая лексика: Certified Meeting Professional30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: common mid-point, contract management process, (Concrete Marking Posts) бетонные маркировочные столбы31) Образование: Connected Math Project32) Полупроводники: chemo mechanical polishing33) Океанография: Coastal Management Programs34) Химическое оружие: Comprehensive Monitoring Program, calcium methyl-phosphonate35) Макаров: chemical mechanical polishing36) Расширение файла: CorelDraw Header file for PostScript printer files, CraftMan Data file, Lead CMP compression Bitmap graphics, Microsoft Word for DOS User dictionary, PKWare compression library Compressed data, Photofinish Calibration map37) Нефть и газ: common mid-point reflection profiling, Common Mid Point38) HR. Corporate Management Policy39) NYSE. CMS Energy Corporation Tracking40) Международная торговля: Common Minimum Programme, Country Marketing Plan41) Базы данных: Certificate Management Protocol -
15 cmp
1) Общая лексика: common depth point, Crisis Management Plan (SEIC)2) Авиация: customer maintenance program3) Медицина: CMP syndrome, Container Managed Persistence, MPS, chronic myofascial pain, cytidine monophosphate, myofascial pain dysfunctional syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, МДБ, МДБ синдром, миофасциальный болевой дисфункциональный синдром4) Американизм: Common Minimum Program5) Военный термин: Civilian Marksmanship Program, Combat Mission Planning, Common Message Parser, Communications Message Processor, Corps of Military Police, civilian medical personnel, commodity master plan, configuration management plan, contract management plan, controlled materials plan, counter-military potential6) Техника: CLEM (closed-loop ex-vessel machine) maintenance pit, calcium metaphosphate, celestial mapping program, coastal management program, common midpoint, comparator, condensate makeup pump, condition monitoring program, control microprocessor, controlled materials production7) Шутливое выражение: Can't Manage Process, Cream My Panties8) Химия: Chemical Mechanical Planarization9) Строительство: План организации строительства, Construction Management Plan10) Метеорология: Competitive Medical Plan11) Юридический термин: Civil Money Penalty12) Автомобильный термин: camshaft position sensor13) Биржевой термин: Current Market Price14) Грубое выражение: Crap My Pants15) Музыка: Chamber Music Players16) Полиграфия: Cross media publishing17) Телекоммуникации: Communications Module Processor18) Сокращение: Career Management Program (since 1999), Christian Movement for Peace, Command Module Pilot, Countermeasures Precursor, Crisis Management Plan (2004), Office of the Director, Cruise Missile Project (USA), component metal parts, counter military potential19) Физика: Colt Magnetic Particle20) Электроника: Component Maintenance Project21) Вычислительная техника: Customized Media Player, cellular multiprocessing, Cooperative Marketing Partner (DEC), Chip MultiProcessing (IBM, HP, Sun), Container-Managed Persistence (beans, Java, EJB)22) Литература: Club Management Plan23) Нефть: common mid point seismic, общая глубинная точка (common midpoint)24) Геофизика: ОГТ (в русскоязычной литературе доминирует термин "общая глубинная точка (ОГТ)", поэтому словосочетания "CMP method" и "CMP section" обычно переводятся как "метод ОГТ" и "разрез ОГТ"), ОСТ, общая средняя точка, общая глубинная площадка25) Транспорт: Cargo Movement Penalty, Central Meridian Passage26) Механика: химико-механическое выравнивание поверхности или полирование (chemical mechanical planarization or polishing)27) Фирменный знак: Central Maine Power28) СМИ: Captioned Media Program29) Деловая лексика: Certified Meeting Professional30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: common mid-point, contract management process, (Concrete Marking Posts) бетонные маркировочные столбы31) Образование: Connected Math Project32) Полупроводники: chemo mechanical polishing33) Океанография: Coastal Management Programs34) Химическое оружие: Comprehensive Monitoring Program, calcium methyl-phosphonate35) Макаров: chemical mechanical polishing36) Расширение файла: CorelDraw Header file for PostScript printer files, CraftMan Data file, Lead CMP compression Bitmap graphics, Microsoft Word for DOS User dictionary, PKWare compression library Compressed data, Photofinish Calibration map37) Нефть и газ: common mid-point reflection profiling, Common Mid Point38) HR. Corporate Management Policy39) NYSE. CMS Energy Corporation Tracking40) Международная торговля: Common Minimum Programme, Country Marketing Plan41) Базы данных: Certificate Management Protocol -
16 CMP
1. calcium metaphosphate - метафосфат кальция;2. celestial mapping program - программа картографирования небесной сферы;3. CLEM (closed-loop ex-vessel machine) maintenance pit - приямок для техобслуживания CLEM внереакторного замкнутого механизма;4. coastal management program - программа берегового управления;5. common midpoint - общая глубинная точка;6. comparator - компаратор;7. compare - сравнивать;8. computational - вычислительный;9. condensate makeup pump - конденсатный подпиточный насос;10. condition monitoring program - программа управления условиями;11. configuration management plan - план управления конфигурацией;12. control microprocessor - управляющий микропроцессор;13. controlled materials production - контролируемое производство материалов;14. cytidine monophosphate - цитидинмонофосфат -
17 belt
ремень; плоский приводной ремень; лента; лента конвейера; пояс; брекер шины; брекерный пояс; полоса; бандаж; связь; звено; пассик; лента дорожного финишёра; обработка бетонного дорожного покрытия лентой; зона; район; II опоясывать; разг. быстро мчаться- belt anchorage location - belt anchorage point - belt-and-pulley arrangement - belt-and-pulley drive - belt and straight grinder - belt angle - belt brake - belt bucket-elevator - belt carcass - belt carrier - belt catch - belt cement - belt-chain conveyer - belt channel - belt clamp - belt-cleaning device - belt cone - belt-conveyed concrete - belt conveyer - belt-conveyer weigher - belt conveyor - belt creep - belt deflection - belt-down the road - belt dressing - belt-dressing composition - belt drive - belt-drive configuration - belt-driven - belt-driven hammer - belt-driven handpiece - belt-driven machine - belt-driven shuttle - belt-driven shuttle unit - belt-driven spindle - belt-driven wheelhead - belt driving - belt-driving over - belt-driving under - belt-drop hammer - belt-drop stamp - belt duck - belt dynamometer - belt fastener - belt feed - belt filter - belt finisher - belt flapping - belt for windshields - belt fork - belt-fray indicator - belt gear - belt gearing - belt grade - belt grinder - belt grinding - belt-grinding - belt-grinding machine - belt guard - belt-guard grid - belt guide - belt-guide fork - belt hammer - belt head - belt highway - belt hook - belt horsepower - belt idler - belt joint - belt lace - belt lacing - belt line - belt-line highway - belt-line railroad - belt loader - belt-machining apparatus - belt magazine - belt misalignment - belt modulus - belt mounting point - belt of land - belt-on control device - belt-operated - belt performance - belt pitch - belt-pitch line - belt polisher - belt power - belt pretension - belt pull - belt-pulley crown diameter - belt-pulley flywheel - belt punch - belt rail - belt railroad - belt release - belt-release button - belt reverser - belt reversing - belt ring - belt rivet - belt road - belt roller - belt route - belt sag - belt-sag factor - belt sagging - belt sander - belt saw - belt screen - belt screw - belt sheave - belt shifter - belt shifter cam - belt-shifting device - belt-shifting fork - belt-shifting mechanism - belt-shuttle unit - belt sling - belt slip - belt-slip detector - belt slipper - belt-slope tension - belt sorter - belt spindle - belt stacker - belt stress - belt stretcher - belt-stretching roller - belt tautness - belt tension - belt-tension adjuster - belt-tension adjustment - belt-tension lever - belt tensioner - belt tensioning - belt-tensioning bolt - belt test - belt tightener - belt-tightening pulley - belt track - belt transmission - belt transporter - belt tripper - belt-turnover system - belt-twist system - belt-type conveyor - belt-type desintegrator - belt-type feeder - belt-type grinder - belt-type levelling device - belt-type toolchanger - belt whipping - belt with half twist - belt with reinforced edge - belt work - active safety belt - armored belt - automatic seat belt control unit - automatic shoulder seat belt control belt - auxiliary drive belt - balance shaft belt kit - balata belt - banded-together belt - bare duck belt - buckle one's belt - buffing belt - camel hair belt - canvas belt - cemented belt - chain belt - channel belt - cleated belt - closed loop belt - coated abrasive belt - cog belt - cogged belt - continuous belt - conveyer belt - conveying belt - conveyor belt - conweigh belt - cord belt - cotton belt - crawler belt - cross belt - crossed belt - cross-stitched belt - discharge belt - double-layer belt - drive belt - driving belt - elevator belt - emery belt - endless belt - endless metal belt - face belt - fan belt - fasten one's belt - feed belt - finishing belt - flat belt - floating belt - flue belt - gate belt - glued belt - green belt - grinding belt - grinding aid belt - gut belt - half-crossed belt - halved belt - hemp belt - high-speed reversing belt - inclined belt - indexing belt - inertia safety belt - inertia seat belt - laced belt - laminated belt - lap belt - layered belts - leather belt - link belt - link leather belt - loosen one's belt - main belt - main driving belts able to transmit any required H.P. - mesh belt - metal belt - mother belt - multiple-V belt - oblique belt - open belt - perforated belt - poly-V belt - power transmission belt - quarter-turn belt - quarter-twist belt - radius belt - raised rib belt - resin-bond cloth belt - return belt - reverse belt - reversible belt - round belt - round driving belt - round-section driving belt - rubber belt - rubber-impregnated belt - safety belt - sand belt - sanding belt - seat belt - seat-integrated seat belt - seed belt - self-retracting seat belt - serpentine belt - sewn belt - shelter belt - shifting belt - shoulder belt - three-point seat belt - single-ply belt - solid woven conveyor belt - split belt - steel belt - steel cord conveyor belt - stepped-ply belt - stitched belt - stretching of a belt - synchronous belt - take up the belt - tapered grinding belt - three-ply belt - throw-off the belt - tighten belt - timing belt - toothed belt - transmission belt - travelling belt - triangular belt - turn belt - two-ply belt - two-point seat belt - undo one's belt - V-belt - V-ribbed belt - V-shaped belt - variable speed belt - variable speed V belt - vee belt - wedge belt - weigh belt - wet grinding belt - wind belt - woven fabric belt -
18 space
1) интервал, промежуток2) пробел || оставлять пробелы3) область; площадь4) пространство || пространственный5) космос, космическое пространство6) полость7) расстояние•- absolutely compact space - absolutely embedded space - absolutely thick space - algebraically parallel space - almost complex space - almost expandable space - almost isomorphic space - almost metric space - almost nonsingular space - almost paracompact space - almost pretopological space - analytically ramified covering space - arcwise connected space - centrally harmonic space - compactly ordered space - completely continuous space - completely degenerate space - completely disconnected space - completely harmonic space - completely metric space - completely normal space - completely reducible space - completely regular space - completely reticulated space - completely separable space - completely separated space - completely symmetric space - completely uniformizable space - constant curvature space - continuous sample space - continuously ordered space - contractible in itself space - countably compactifiable space - countably dimensional space - countably generated space - countably infinite space - countably metacompact space - countably multinormed space - countably normed space - countably paracompact space - countably refinable space - countably subcompact space - finitely productive space - finitely sheeted space - finitely triangulated space - fully normal space - general metrizable space - general topological space - global analytic space - globally symmetric space - hereditarily normal space - hereditarily paracompact space - hereditarily separable space - hereditarily symmetric space - holomorphic tangent space - holomorphically complete space - holomorphically convex space - homotopy associative space - iterated loop space - linearly connected space - linearly ordered space - linearly topologized space - load space - locally bounded space - locally closed space - locally compact space - locally complete space - locally connected space - locally contractible space - locally convex space - locally directed space - locally fine space - locally holomorphic space - locally homogeneous space - locally hyperbolic space - locally linear space - locally metrizable space - locally ringed space - locally separable space - locally simply connected space - locally solid space - locally spherical space - locally star-shaped space - locally symmetric space - locally timelike space - locally triangulable space - monotonically normal space - naturally isomorphic space - naturally ordered space - naturally reductive space - nearly paracompact space - negative metric space - normally separated space - not simply connected space - nowhere connected space - null space of linear transformation - n-way projective space - perfectly normal space - perfectly regular space - perfectly screenable space - perfectly separable space - peripherically bicompact space - peripherically compact space - pointwise paracompact space - projectively metric space - quaternion hyperbolic space - quaternion projective space - quaternion vector space - regularly ordered space - relatively discrete space - relatively strong space - sequentially closed space - sequentially compact space - sequentially complete space - sequentially quasicomplete space - sequentially separable space - simply ordered space - simply partitionable space - space of affine connectedness - space of complex homomorphisms - space of continuous functions - space of finite measure - space of linear interpolation - space of right cosets - space of scalar curvature - strongly bounded space - strongly closed space - strongly compact space - strongly complete space - strongly irreducible space - strongly normal space - strongly normed space - strongly paracompact space - strongly pseudocompact space - strongly pseudometrizable space - strongly rigid space - strongly screenable space - structural space - structure space - topologically complete space - totally disconnected space - totally geodesic space - totally imperfect space - totally normal space - totally orderable space - totally ordered space - water jacket space - weakly closed space - weakly compact space - weakly complete space - weakly covering space - weakly dense space - weakly favorable space - weakly n-dimensional space - weakly paracompact space - weakly regular space - weakly separable space - weakly symmetric spaceto space out — полигр. набирать вразрядку
19 integral
1) интеграл || интегральный2) неотъемлемый3) суммарный4) целостный; цельный•integral taken over — интеграл по; интеграл, распространенный на
integral taken over space — интеграл по объёму, интеграл по пространственной области
integral taken round closed circuit — круговой интеграл, интеграл по замкнутому контуру
integral taken through surface — интеграл по поверхности, поверхностный интеграл
- quadruple integral - topological direct integralto take integral of — брать интеграл от, интегрировать
См. также в других словарях:
Closed timelike curve — In mathematical physics, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a worldline in a Lorentzian manifold, of a material particle in spacetime that is closed, returning to its starting point. This possibility was first raised by Kurt Gödel in 1949, who… … Wikipedia
Loop antenna — A shortwave loop antenna A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop (or loops) of wire, tubing, or other electrical conductor with its ends connected to a balanced transmission line. Within this physical description there are two very … Wikipedia
Humbucker — A conventional humbucker (or Humbucking pickup) is a type of electric guitar pickup that uses two coils, both generating string signal. Humbuckers have high output since both coils are in series and because the magnetic circuit is low loss. Like… … Wikipedia
Operational amplifier — A Signetics μa741 operational amplifier, one of the most successful op amps. An operational amplifier ( op amp ) is a DC coupled high gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input and, usually, a single ended output.[1] An op amp… … Wikipedia
Boost controller — Boost control is the principle of controlling the boost level produced in the intake manifold of a turbocharged or supercharged engine by affecting the air pressure delivered to the pneumatic and mechanical wastegate actuator. Boost controllers… … Wikipedia
Ising model — The Ising model, named after the physicist Ernst Ising, is a mathematical model in statistical mechanics. It has since been used to model diverse phenomena in which bits of information, interacting in pairs, produce collectiveeffects.Definition… … Wikipedia
Feynman diagram — The Wick s expansion of the integrand gives (among others) the following termNarpsi(x)gamma^mupsi(x)arpsi(x )gamma^ upsi(x )underline{A mu(x)A u(x )};,whereunderline{A mu(x)A u(x )}=int{d^4pover(2pi)^4}{ig {mu u}over k^2+i0}e^{ k(x x )}is the… … Wikipedia
Geothermal heat pump — A geothermal heat pump system is a heating and/or an air conditioning system that uses the Earth s ability to store heat in the ground and water thermal masses. These systems operate based on the stability of underground temperatures: the ground… … Wikipedia
physical science, principles of — Introduction the procedures and concepts employed by those who study the inorganic world. physical science, like all the natural sciences, is concerned with describing and relating to one another those experiences of the surrounding… … Universalium
String theory — This article is about the branch of theoretical physics. For other uses, see String theory (disambiguation). String theory … Wikipedia
International Space Station — ISS redirects here. For other uses, see ISS (disambiguation). International Space Station … Wikipedia