1 clearing purpose
Лесоводство: цель очистки лесосек -
2 clearing purpose
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > clearing purpose
3 clearing purpose
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > clearing purpose
4 vehicle
средство передвижения; транспортное средство; подвижное средство; боевая машина, БМ; летательный аппарат, ЛА; см. тж. car, truckair cushion landing vehicle, assault — десантно-высадочное средство на воздушной подушке; десантный АВП
armored cavalry (assault) vehicle — бронированная разведывательная машина, БРМ
armoured vehicle, RE — Бр. саперный танк
assault vehicle, RE — Бр. десантно-высадочное средство инженерных войск
AT (guided) missile launch vehicle — БМ для пуска ПТУР; самоходный ПТРК
C2 vehicle — машина управления (войсками); (командно-) штабная машина
double air cushion vehicle, assault — десантный корабль на двойной воздушной подушке
landing vehicle, assault — десантно-высадочное средство; плавающий БТР на воздушной подушке
landing vehicle, hydrofoil — десантный КПК
landing vehicle, tank, engineer — десантный саперный танк
landing vehicle, track, armored — десантный (плавающий) гусеничный БТР
landing vehicle, track, covered — крытый десантный плавающий гусеничный транспортер
landing vehicle, tracked, engineer — десант ная гусеничная инженерная машина
landing vehicle, tracked, heavy — тяжелый десантный плавающий гусеничный транспортер
landing vehicle, tracked, howitzer — десантная гусеничная гаубичная СУ
landing vehicle, tracked, personnel — десантная гусеничная машина для ЛС
landing vehicle, tracked, recovery — десантная гусеничная ремонтно-эвакуационная машина
mine-clearing vehicle, flail-type — танк [танковый тягач] с бойковым тралом
mine-clearing vehicle, plow-pushing — танк [танковый тягач] с передним плужным минным тралом
mine-clearing vehicle, roller — танк [танковый тягач] с Катковым минным тралом
terminally guided (maneuvering) reentry vehicle — ркт. маневрирующая ГЧ с наведением на конечном участке траектории
— administrative use vehicle— bacteriological bomb vehicle— boost-glide reentry vehicle— flamethrower vehicle— ground-supported vehicle— launcher vehicle— logistical air vehicle— logistical vehicle— maintenance assistance vehicle— MarineCorps landing vehicle— oversize load vehicle— ship-to-shore assault vehicle— support armored vehicle— topographic surveying vehicle— troop-carryingair vehicle— wader-swimmer combat vehicle -
5 mine
мина; фугас; подкоп; минировать, подводить мину; подрывать, взрывать; минныйartillery (artillery-delivered, artilleryscatterable) mine — мина, устанавливаемая (дистанционно) с помощью артиллерийской системы
— AA mine— acoustic influence mine— aircraft-droppable mine— AP mine— AT mine— bar mine— booby-trapped mine— box mine— gas mine— hollow-charge effect mine— ice mine— magnetic impulse mine— mobile water mine— pot mine— pressure-action mine— scatterable mine— SP mine -
6 detachment
выделенное подразделение; отряд; расчет (орудия, миномета) ; подразделение МП ( на корабле) ; откомандирование; временное назначение; см. тж. team -
7 relay
1) реле5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•relay with latching — реле с механической самоблокировкой, реле с механической фиксацией воздействия
- ac relay- acoustic relay
- active-power relay
- add-and-subtract relay
- alarm relay
- Allström relay
- all-to-all relay
- annunciation relay
- antenna relay
- antiplugging relay
- armature relay
- auxiliary relay
- balanced relay
- baseband relay
- biased relay
- bistable relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- center-stable polar relay
- clapper relay
- clearing relay
- close-differential relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- code relay
- command relay
- compelled relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- contact relay
- contactless relay
- continuous duty relay
- control relay
- correed relay
- current relay
- dc relay
- definite-purpose relay
- delay relay
- diaphragm relay
- differential relay
- digital radio relay
- direct-action relay
- directional relay
- directional-current relay
- directional-overcurrent relay
- directional-polarity relay
- directional-power relay
- directional-resistance relay
- directional-voltage relay
- directivity relay
- distance relay
- dry-reed relay
- earth-fault relay
- electrical relay
- electrical-mechanical relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- electronic-tube relay
- electrostatic relay
- electrostrictive relay
- enclosed relay
- extraterrestrial relay
- fast-operate relay
- fast-packet frame-relay
- fast-release relay
- fault selective relay
- ferrodynamicrelay
- field application relay
- field loss relay
- flat-type relay
- flow relay
- frequency relay
- frequency-selective relay
- frequency-sensitive relay
- gas-filled relay
- gas-filled reed relay
- general-purpose relay
- ground relay
- ground protective relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heavy-duty relay
- hermetically sealed relay
- high G-relay
- high-speed relay
- homing relay
- hot-wire relay
- impedance relay
- indicating relay
- indirect-action relay
- inertia relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous overcurrent relay
- instrument-type relay
- integrating relay
- interlock relay
- intersatellite relay
- key relay
- Kipp relay
- lag relay
- latch-in relay
- latching relay
- LED-coupled solid-state relay
- light relay
- light-activated switching relay
- line relay
- line-break relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- lock-up relay
- logic relay
- magnetic reed relay
- magnetostrictive relay
- manual-automatic relay
- marginal relay
- mechanical locking relay
- memory relay
- mercury relay
- mercury-contact relay
- mercury-wetted reed relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- mho relay
- microwave relay
- microwave-radio relay
- motor-field failure relay
- multiposition relay
- NC relay
- net-to-net relay
- network relay
- network master relay
- network phasing relay
- neutral relay
- NO relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- notching relay
- open relay
- open-phase relay
- oscillating relay
- overcurrent relay
- overfrequency relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overvoltage relay
- percentage-differential relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-reversal relay
- phase-rotation relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- photoelectric relay
- plunger relay
- polar relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- power relay
- pressure relay
- protective relay
- pulse reed relay
- radar relay
- radio relay
- ratchet relay
- rate-of-change relay
- rate-of-change temperature relay
- rate-of-rise relay
- ratio-balance relay
- ratio-differential relay
- reactance relay
- reactive-power relay
- reclosing relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- remanent relay
- reset relay
- residual relay
- resistance relay
- resonant-reed relay
- reverse relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary stepping relay
- satellite relay
- selector relay
- self-latching relay
- semiconductor relay
- sensitive relay
- separating relay
- sequence relay
- sequential relay
- side-stable relay
- signal-actuated relay
- single-phase relay
- slave relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-action relay
- slow-cutting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- space relay
- speed-sensitive relay
- spring-actuated stepping relay
- SR relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supersensitive relay
- surge relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- temperature relay
- test relay
- thermal relay
- thermostat relay
- three-position relay
- three-step relay
- time relay
- time-delay relay
- timing relay
- transformer-coupled solid-state relay
- transhorizon radio relay
- trip-free relay
- tripping relay
- trunk relay
- tuned relay
- two-position relay
- two-step relay
- undercurrent relay
- underfrequency relay
- underpower relay
- undervoltage relay
- vacuum reed relay
- valve relay
- vibrating relay
- voltage relay
- zero phase-sequence relay -
8 relay
1) реле5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•relay with latching — реле с механической самоблокировкой, реле с механической фиксацией воздействия
- ac relay- acoustic relay
- active-power relay
- add-and-subtract relay
- alarm relay
- Allström relay
- all-to-all relay
- annunciation relay
- antenna relay
- antiplugging relay
- armature relay
- auxiliary relay
- balanced relay
- baseband relay
- biased relay
- bistable relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- center-stable polar relay
- clapper relay
- clearing relay
- close-differential relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- code relay
- command relay
- compelled relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- contact relay
- contactless relay
- continuous duty relay
- control relay
- correed relay
- current relay
- dc relay
- definite-purpose relay
- delay relay
- diaphragm relay
- differential relay
- digital radio relay
- direct-action relay
- directional relay
- directional-current relay
- directional-overcurrent relay
- directional-polarity relay
- directional-power relay
- directional-resistance relay
- directional-voltage relay
- directivity relay
- distance relay
- dry-reed relay
- earth-fault relay
- electrical relay
- electrical-mechanical relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- electronic-tube relay
- electrostatic relay
- electrostrictive relay
- enclosed relay
- extraterrestrial relay
- fast-operate relay
- fast-packet frame-relay
- fast-release relay
- fault selective relay
- ferrodynamic relay
- field application relay
- field loss relay
- flat-type relay
- flow relay
- frequency relay
- frequency-selective relay
- frequency-sensitive relay
- gas-filled reed relay
- gas-filled relay
- general-purpose relay
- ground protective relay
- ground relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heavy-duty relay
- hermetically sealed relay
- high G relay
- high-speed relay
- homing relay
- hot-wire relay
- impedance relay
- indicating relay
- indirect-action relay
- inertia relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous overcurrent relay
- instrument-type relay
- integrating relay
- interlock relay
- intersatellite relay
- key relay
- Kipp relay
- lag relay
- latch-in relay
- latching relay
- LED-coupled solid-state relay
- light relay
- light-activated switching relay
- line relay
- line-break relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- lock-up relay
- logic relay
- magnetic reed relay
- magnetostrictive relay
- manual-automatic relay
- marginal relay
- mechanical locking relay
- memory relay
- mercury relay
- mercury-contact relay
- mercury-wetted reed relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- mho relay
- microwave relay
- microwave-radio relay
- motor-field failure relay
- multiposition relay
- NC relay
- net-to-net relay
- network master relay
- network phasing relay
- network relay
- neutral relay
- NO relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- notching relay
- open relay
- open-phase relay
- oscillating relay
- overcurrent relay
- overfrequency relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overvoltage relay
- percentage-differential relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-reversal relay
- phase-rotation relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- photoelectric relay
- plunger relay
- polar relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- power relay
- pressure relay
- protective relay
- pulse reed relay
- radar relay
- radio relay
- ratchet relay
- rate-of-change relay
- rate-of-change temperature relay
- rate-of-rise relay
- ratio-balance relay
- ratio-differential relay
- reactance relay
- reactive-power relay
- reclosing relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- remanent relay
- reset relay
- residual relay
- resistance relay
- resonant-reed relay
- reverse relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary stepping relay
- satellite relay
- selector relay
- self-latching relay
- semiconductor relay
- sensitive relay
- separating relay
- sequence relay
- sequential relay
- side-stable relay
- signal-actuated relay
- single-phase relay
- slave relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-action relay
- slow-cutting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- space relay
- speed-sensitive relay
- spring-actuated stepping relay
- SR relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supersensitive relay
- surge relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- temperature relay
- test relay
- thermal relay
- thermostat relay
- three-position relay
- three-step relay
- time relay
- time-delay relay
- timing relay
- transformer-coupled solid-state relay
- transhorizon radio relay
- trip-free relay
- tripping relay
- trunk relay
- tuned relay
- two-position relay
- two-step relay
- undercurrent relay
- underfrequency relay
- underpower relay
- undervoltage relay
- vacuum reed relay
- valve relay
- vibrating relay
- voltage relay
- zero phase-sequence relayThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > relay
9 fund
1. n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) pl фонды, денежные средства
- accumulation fund
- adequate funds
- actual fund
- additional funds
- advisory funds
- aggressive growth fund
- amortization fund
- authorized fund
- available funds
- balanced fund
- bank funds
- basic fund
- bond fund
- bond sinking fund
- bonus fund
- borrowed funds
- budgetary funds
- burial fund
- buy-out fund
- capital fund
- capital redemption reserve fund
- cash fund
- charter fund
- claims settlement fund
- clearing house funds
- clone fund
- closed fund
- closed-end investment funds
- common stock fund
- common trust fund
- compensation fund
- consolidated fund
- consumption fund
- contingency funds
- contingent fund
- contract fund
- co-op share fund
- corporate income fund
- corporate liquid fund
- country fund
- cover funds
- credit funds
- currency fund
- debt fund
- debt funds
- deferred fund
- deposit funds
- depreciation fund
- development fund
- discretionary fund
- diversified common stock fund
- diversified common trust fund
- dividend reserve fund
- economic incentive fund
- economic stimulation fund
- emergency funds
- emergency reserve fund
- emerging markets growth fund
- employee benefit trust fund
- endowment fund
- equalization fund
- equalized fund
- equity funds
- equity common trust fund
- equity income fund
- escrow funds
- exchange stabilization fund
- expense fund
- extra funds
- extra-budgetary funds
- federal fund
- federal funds
- federal reserve fund
- federal small business support fund
- fiduciary funds
- financial fund
- financing funds
- floating funds
- floating funds in circulation
- footloose funds
- foreign funds
- fresh funds
- front-end load fund
- frozen funds
- general fund
- go-go fund
- gold settlement fund
- good funds
- government funds
- growth fund
- growth and income fund
- guarantee fund
- hard-currency funds
- hedge fund
- high-quality fund
- house funds
- illiquid funds
- imprest fund
- income fund
- income mutual fund
- indemnification fund
- indivisible funds
- inducement fund
- in-house funds
- insufficient funds
- insurance fund
- interest-sensitive funds
- internal funds
- International Monetary Fund
- investment funds
- joint fund
- labour fund
- lease fund
- lendable funds
- liquid fund
- liquid funds
- liquid foreign exchange funds
- liquid reserve fund
- liquidity fund
- load mutual fund
- loan fund
- loan funds
- loanable funds
- loan redemption fund
- local fund
- long-term funds
- low-cost funds
- material incentives fund
- maximum capital gain mutual fund
- monetary fund
- money market fund
- money market mutual fund
- mutual fund
- mutual mortgage insurance fund
- no-load fund
- off-budget fund
- offshore fund
- open-end investment fund
- open share fund
- outside funds
- overnight funds
- payroll fund
- pension fund
- performance fund
- petty cash fund
- policy reserve fund
- private fund
- private funds
- professional health insurance fund
- proprietary fund
- provident fund
- public funds
- public consumption funds
- public off-budget funds
- purchase fund
- real estate fund
- redemption fund
- registered fund
- released fund
- relief fund
- renewal fund
- research-and-development fund
- reserve funds
- retention funds
- revaluation rerserve fund
- revolving fund
- sector-specified fund
- share fund
- shareholders' fund
- short-term funds
- short-term bond fund
- sinking fund
- slush fund
- social consumption funds
- social security fund
- soft loan fund
- specialized fund
- specialty fund
- special-purpose fund
- special reserve fund
- stabilization fund
- standards of emergency funds
- standby funds
- state funds
- statutory fund
- sufficient funds
- superannuation fund
- surplus funds
- tax-exempt bond fund
- tied-up funds
- trust fund
- uncollected funds
- unit fund
- unpaid liability funds
- utility or other-enterprise fund
- volatile funds
- vulture fund
- wages fund
- welfare fund
- working capital fund
- working time fund
- fund for amortization
- fund for development of production
- fund for expansion of production
- fund for the support of small enterprise
- fund for technological improvement
- funds of a bank
- funds of an enterprise
- fund of funds
- administer a fund
- advance funds
- allocate funds
- appropriate funds
- attract funds
- be pressed for funds
- borrow funds
- call upon the fund
- commit the funds
- convert funds to another purpose
- create funds
- deposit funds
- draw money from the fund
- earmark funds
- establish a fund
- extend funds
- freeze funds
- generate funds
- grant funds
- invest funds
- launch a hedge fund
- make funds available
- manage a fund
- misspend federal funds
- obtain funds
- open a fund
- pay out funds
- provide funds
- raise funds
- redistribute funds
- release funds
- repatriate funds
- set aside funds
- set up a fund
- streamline a fund
- tie up funds
- transfer funds
- withdraw funds2. v2) финансировать, фондировать
- fund through taxation -
10 program
программа; управляющая программа, УП || программировать; готовить УП- 3D machining programto download programs to individual machine controls — вводить УП ( из центральной ЭВМ системы) в УЧПУ отдельных станков
- absolute program
- ACC programs
- analysis programs
- application design automation program
- APT program
- APT source program
- assembly language program
- assembly program
- automated data preparation evaluation program
- automatic NC machining data generation programs
- automatic offset program
- auxiliary program
- axis driver scaling program
- basic control program
- BCL program
- benchmark program
- bureau computer program
- CAD program
- CAD/NC programs
- CAM-generated program
- canned generic NC program
- canned program
- cellular conversion program
- channel program
- circuit analysis program
- CNC inspection program
- CNC program
- CNC turning-center program
- collision-free program
- communication control program
- communications control program
- companion program
- compensation program
- complex tooling cost program
- component program
- computer program
- computer-aided design and evaluation program
- computer-stored part program
- consultation program
- contingency program
- continuous NC program
- contour milling program
- control I/O program
- control program
- control-resident program
- conversational program
- coolant-dispensing program
- cutter path program
- cutting program
- data editor program
- data fetch program
- data I/O program
- DCS program
- declarative program
- dexel program
- diagnosis program
- diagnostic program
- DMIS program
- DNC programs
- DOS program
- download program
- draft program
- edited program
- error-correcting program
- ESPRIT program
- evaluation program
- execute program
- executive program
- extension program
- externally generated program
- family program
- fault diagnosis program
- finished program
- finite-element program
- fixture-building program
- Fortran-based program
- functions program
- general program
- general-purpose program
- geometric modeling program
- goal-oriented program
- graphics program
- grinding program
- grinding wheel wear compensation program
- hard program
- hardwired program
- high priority program
- higher priority program
- ICAM programs
- implementation program
- incremental program
- initial loading program
- inspection program
- integer program
- interface program
- interpretative program
- interpreter program
- interpretive program
- jaw change program
- ladder logic program
- logic program
- low priority program
- lower priority program
- machine cutting program
- machine program
- machine tool program
- machining program
- main program
- maintenance programs
- malfunction analysis program
- management program
- manipulator-level program
- master program
- master software program
- MDI program
- measuring machine program
- mirror program
- MMS programs
- mode control program
- modeling program
- modified program
- monitoring program
- MS program
- MS-DOS programs
- multisequence program
- NC data generation programs
- NC program
- NC tape program
- NC verification program
- nonresident diagnostic program
- nonresident diagnostics program
- numerical control program
- numerically intensive program
- occupational health program
- occupational safety program
- off-line diagnostic program
- one-to-one program
- operator-activated program
- optimizing program
- order-picking program
- palletizing program
- part inspection program
- part program
- part-family program
- part-plan program
- pass through program
- path calculation program
- PC vision programs
- peripheral support program
- pilot program
- plain language program
- plugboard program
- postprocessor programs
- preprepared program
- preselected program
- preset program
- priority program
- production program
- proved program
- proven part program
- punched tape program
- quality programs
- read-in program
- refining program
- requesting part program
- returning control program
- reverse program
- robot control program
- robot execution program
- robot program
- rule-based program
- running program
- scaling program
- scheduling program
- sequential program
- service program
- simulation program
- SMSG program
- software control programs
- software programs
- source program
- SPC program
- spreadsheet program
- spreadsheet-based program
- standard machining program
- standard program
- stored program
- stress analysis program
- structural optimization program
- swarf-clearing program
- system program
- system's executive program
- tape program
- task program
- task-level program
- teaching operations function program
- temporary diagnostic program
- test program
- testing program
- thread program
- three-dimensional surface program
- time program
- tolerancing program
- tool animation program
- tool management program
- tooling program
- tool-plan program
- tool-setting program
- tool-tracking program
- tracing program
- trajectory translator program
- turnkey programs
- type-related program
- unproved program
- upload program
- up-to-date program
- user friendly program
- user I/O program
- user-extension program
- user-written program
- utility program
- vehicular behavior analysis program
- work program
- working program
- workpiece program
- workstation programEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > program
11 statement
1) заявление; изложение; утверждение2) отчёт; амер. баланс3) амер. выписка счёта4) ведомость; таблица; расчёт, исчисление, подсчёт; смета, сметная калькуляция5) расценка за сдельную работу6) ответ опрашиваемого лица7) запись, регистрация; заполнение анкеты -
12 bank
1. n1) банк2) фонд; общий запас
- acceptance bank
- accepting bank
- account-holding bank
- advising bank
- affiliated bank
- agency bank
- agent bank
- agricultural bank
- agroindustrial bank
- ailing bank
- all-purpose bank
- associated banks
- authorized bank
- bankers' bank
- bankrupt bank
- big bank
- book-running lead bank
- borrowing bank
- branch bank
- business bank
- card issuing bank
- cash-strapped bank
- central bank
- Central Bank of Russia
- chartered bank
- clearing bank
- closing bank
- collecting bank
- colonial bank
- combined commercial and investment bank
- commercial bank
- confirming bank
- consortium bank
- consumer-credit bank
- continental bank
- cooperative bank
- corporate bank
- correspondent bank
- country bank
- credit bank
- credit-issuing bank
- creditor bank
- custodian bank
- data bank
- dealer bank
- debt-burdened bank
- debt-laden bank
- debtor bank
- deposit bank
- depository bank
- development bank
- discount bank
- domestic bank
- drawee bank
- drive-in bank
- emitting bank
- European Investment Bank
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- exchange bank
- exporter's bank
- Export-Import Bank
- Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
- Federal Land Bank
- federally-chartered bank
- Federal Reserve Banks
- fictitious bank
- first-class bank
- first-tier bank
- foreign bank
- foreign-owned bank
- fringe banks
- full-service bank
- government-owned bank
- guarantor bank
- High Street banks
- importer's bank
- incorporated bank
- independent bank
- industrial bank
- insolvent bank
- intermediary bank
- intermediate bank
- international bank
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- International Investment Bank
- interstate banks
- investment bank
- issuing bank
- joint-stock bank
- joint-stock innovation bank
- labour bank
- land bank
- large exposure bank
- lead bank
- leading bank
- lending bank
- loan bank
- local bank
- long-term credit bank
- loss-making bank
- mediating bank
- medium-sized bank
- major bank
- member bank
- mercantile bank
- merchant bank
- mid-sized bank
- mobile bank
- money market bank
- money trading bank
- mortgage bank
- multifunctional bank
- multinational bank
- multiple office bank
- municipal bank
- mutual credit bank
- mutual savings bank
- national bank
- negotiating bank
- nominated bank
- nonmember bank
- nonpar bank
- nonperforming bank
- notifying bank
- offshore bank
- opening bank
- originating bank
- outsider bank
- overseas bank
- parent bank
- paying bank
- penny bank
- primary bank
- prime bank
- private bank
- private sector banks
- provident bank
- provincial bank
- reference bank
- remitting bank
- reserve bank
- retail bank
- rural bank
- savings bank
- secondary bank
- small bank
- specialized bank
- state bank
- stock exchange bank
- stock savings bank
- third country bank
- thrift bank
- trading bank
- transferring bank
- troubled bank
- trust bank
- trustee bank
- trustee savings bank
- underwriting bank
- venture bank
- wholesale bank
- wildcat bank
- World Bank
- bank for international settlements
- bank of circulation
- bank of deposit
- bank of discount
- Bank of England
- bank of good standing
- bank of issue
- bank of settlements
- bank on a sharing basis
- bank with mixed capital
- authorize a bank
- bail out a bank
- bolster a bank
- deposit money with a bank
- draw money from a bank
- draw on a bank
- establish a bank
- expand a bank
- instruct a bank
- keep in a bank
- merge banks
- nationalize a bank
- pay into a bank
- pay through a bank
- prop up a bank
- run a bank
- set up a bank
- undercut the banks
- bank has gone bankrupt
- bank forfeited its licence
- bank, deprived of its licence2. vвносить деньги в банк; держать деньги в банке
- bank at a branch -
13 bank
14 fund
1.2.1) запас, резерв, фонд2) pl фонды, денежные средства•The funds hit the account. — Средства «упали» на счет, средства переведены на счет.
15 account
1. n счётaccount current, current account — текущий счёт
account rendered — счёт, предъявленный к оплате
to be in account with — иметь счёт у ; иметь дела, быть связанным с
2. n расчёт; подсчётdrawing account — текущий банковский счёт; открытый счёт
credit account — счёт с кредитным сальдо; счёт пассива
3. n обыкн. расчёты, отчётность; сводка4. n кредит по открытому счётуaccount turnover — оборот средств по счёту «дебиторов»
5. n отчёт; доклад, сообщениеnewspaper account — газетный отчёт; газетное сообщение
6. n описание, рассказ7. n сводка8. n мнение, отзыв, оценкаaccording to all accounts, by all accounts — по общему мнению, по словам всех
9. n причина, основаниеat all accounts — в любом случае; во что бы то ни стало
not on any account, on no account — ни в коем случае, ни под каким видом, никоим образом
10. n значение, важностьof good account — имеющий ценность ; пользующийся авторитетом
to be reckoned of some account — иметь некоторый вес, пользоваться определённым вниманием
of no account — не имеющий веса ; не пользующийся авторитетом
11. n внимание; принятие в расчёт12. n выгода, польза13. n заказчик, покупатель, клиент14. v считать, признаватьto account oneself lucky — полагать, что ты счастливчик
15. v отчитываться; давать отчёт16. v отвечать, нести ответственность17. v разг. убить, уничтожить; обезвредить; поймать18. v приписывать, вменять19. v объяснять20. v вызывать, приводить, служить причинойcall into account — приводить в действие; осуществлять
Синонимический ряд:1. explanation (noun) clearing up; elucidation; explanation; explication; exposition; justification; rationale; rationalisation; rationalization2. ledger (noun) balance; bill; books; checking account; inventory; invoice; ledger; reckoning; record; records; register; score; statement; tab3. motive (noun) excuse; ground; grounds; motive; purpose; reason; sake4. regard (noun) admiration; appreciation; consideration; esteem; estimation; favor; favour; honour; regard; respect5. story (noun) anecdote; chronicle; description; exposй; history; narrative; notice; relation; report; sketch; story; tale; version6. use (noun) applicability; appropriateness; avail; fitness; relevance; service; serviceability; use; usefulness; utility7. value (noun) advantage; benefit; consequence; distinction; importance; profit; reputation; valuation; value; worth8. account for (verb) account for; clarify; describe; elucidate; explain; explain away; explicate; justify; number; rationalise; rationalize9. blame (verb) accuse; blame; credit10. consider (verb) believe; consider; deem; esteem; reckon; regard; view11. estimate (verb) assess; count; estimate; hold; judge; look upon; thinkАнтонимический ряд:darken; deed; disesteem; misestimate; mystify; perplex; project; silence; underrate; undervalue
См. также в других словарях:
Clearing house (finance) — A clearing house is a financial institution that provides clearing and settlement services for financial and commodities derivatives and securities transactions. These transactions may be executed on a futures exchange or securities exchange, as… … Wikipedia
Clearing House Association, LLC — The Clearing House Association, LLC is the nation’s oldest banking association representing 17 of the world s largest commercial banks, which collectively employ over 2 million people and hold more than half of all U.S. deposits. It is a… … Wikipedia
Railway Clearing House — The British Railway Clearing House (RCH) was an organisation set up to manage the allocation of revenue collected by numerous pre grouping railway companies. These companies all operated their own railway lines, but gained revenue from fares… … Wikipedia
Mergers & Acquisitions International Clearing House — MAIC is the Mergers Acquisitions International Clearing House, a non profit organization comprising central securities depositories and MAIC clearing houses of the Americas. It is headquartered in Manila, Philippines. Its by laws were established … Wikipedia
List of coalition military operations of the Iraq War — Operation Aloha redirects here. For the band, see Operation Aloha (band). Nordlicht redirects here. For the Kriegsmarine ship, see SS Nordlicht. Operation Falcon Freedom redirects here. For the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973… … Wikipedia
Federal Reserve System — FRB and FED redirect here. For other uses, see FRB (disambiguation) and FED (disambiguation). Federal Reserve System … Wikipedia
Naval mine — Polish wz. 08/39 contact mine. The protuberances around the top of the mine, called Hertz horns, are part of the detonation mechanism … Wikipedia
Military engineering vehicle — The EBG combat engineering vehicle, based on the AMX 30 tank, is used by the engineers of the French Army for a variety of missions … Wikipedia
Corporate election — refers to a Christian soteriological view that understands Christian salvation to be based on God choosing in Christ a people whom he destines to be holy and blameless in his sight. [1] Put another way, Election is the corporate choice of the… … Wikipedia
Credit default swap — If the reference bond performs without default, the protection buyer pays quarterly payments to the seller until maturity … Wikipedia
Land mine — For other uses, see Land mine (disambiguation). Minefield redirects here. For other uses, see Minefield (disambiguation). Examples of anti personnel mines. From left to right: an M14, Valmara 69 (a bounding mine), and VS 50 … Wikipedia