1 cleansing lotion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cleansing lotion
2 cleansing lotion
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > cleansing lotion
3 cleansing lotion
1) Техника: очищающий лосьон2) Парфюмерия: лосьон для глубокой очистки пор -
4 cleansing lotion
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > cleansing lotion
5 deep-cleansing lotion
Парфюмерия: лосьон для глубокого очищения кожи -
6 non-drying cleansing lotion
Парфюмерия: очищающий лосьон, не вызывающий сухости кожиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > non-drying cleansing lotion
7 deep-cleansing lotion
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > deep-cleansing lotion
8 non-drying cleansing lotion
очищающий лосьон, не вызывающий сухости кожиEnglish-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > non-drying cleansing lotion
9 lotion
acne lotion
- after shave lotion -
astringent lotion
body lotion
cleansing lotion
emollient lotion
hand lotion
setting lotion
specialized lotion -
10 creamy cleansing face lotion
Парфюмерия: крем-лосьон для очистки кожи лица, очищающий крем-лосьонУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > creamy cleansing face lotion
11 очищающий лосьон
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > очищающий лосьон
12 очищающий лосьон
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > очищающий лосьон
См. также в других словарях:
lotion — [lō′shən] n. [ME loscion < L lotio (gen. lotionis) < lotus: see LOTIC] a liquid preparation used, as on the skin, for cleansing, soothing, healing, etc … English World dictionary
lotion — Synonyms and related words: Florida water, abstergent, after shave lotion, balm, balsam, bay rum, brilliantine, cathartic, cerate, chrism, cleaner, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing cream, cold cream, collyrium, cologne,… … Moby Thesaurus
lotion — n ointment, balm, salve, unguent, (in prescriptions) unguentum, inunction, Pharm. cerate; unction, balsam, oil, demulcent, emollient, spikenard, nard, pomade, pomatum; liniment, embrocation, vulnerary, Med. collyrium, eyewash; lubricant,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lotion — A class of pharmacopeial preparations that are liquid suspensions or dispersions intended for external application; some consist of finely powdered, insoluble solids held in more or less permanent suspension by suspending agents or surface active … Medical dictionary
lotion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ sun, sunscreen (esp. AmE), suntan, tanning ▪ cleansing, moisturizing, setting ▪ body … Collocations dictionary
lotion — [[t]lo͟ʊʃ(ə)n[/t]] lotions N MASS: usu n N A lotion is a liquid that you use to clean, improve, or protect your skin or hair. ...suntan lotion. ...cleansing lotions. Syn: cream … English dictionary
cleansing — adj. Cleansing is used with these nouns: ↑cream, ↑lotion, ↑ritual … Collocations dictionary
lotion — lo•tion [[t]ˈloʊ ʃən[/t]] n. pha a liquid preparation containing insoluble material in suspension or emulsion for medicinal, cleansing or protective application to the skin • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME < L lōtiō act of washing … From formal English to slang
lotion — /ˈloʊʃən / (say lohshuhn) noun a liquid containing oils or medicines, to be applied externally to the skin for soothing, healing or cleansing. {Middle English, from Latin lōtio a washing} –lotioned, adjective …
body lotion — noun A cleansing lotion designed for the body, to help keep the skin smooth … Wiktionary
Prada — For other uses, see Prada (disambiguation). Prada Type Public (SEHK: 1913) Industry … Wikipedia