1 cleansing foam
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2 cleansing foam
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > cleansing foam
3 oil
1. нефть || нефтяной2. масло ( растительное или минеральное) || масляный3. жидкая смазка, смазочное масло || смазыватьoil struck at... — нефть встречена на глубине...
— hot oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— form oil— fuel oil— lean oil— live oil— load oil— lock oil— net oil— oil in— raw oil— rich oil— rock oil— seep oil— sour oil— tank oil— tar oil— wet oil
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нефть (все жидкие углеводороды, получаемые из скважин, и конденсаты, извлекаемые из природного газа)pipeline quality crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования по трубопроводу (упругость паров по Рейду в подвижном состоянии -100)
tanker specification crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования танкерами (упругость паров по Рейду в подвешенном состоянии -10)
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
— bad oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— dry oil— dump oil— fuel oil— hot oil— live oil— load oil— raw oil— rock oil— sour oil— tank oil— wet oil— wild oil
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1. нефть
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нефть (<<жидкие углеводороды, извлекаемые из природного газа) || нефтянойoil in bulk — 1) нефть наливом; нефтепродукты наливом 2) нефть в резервуаре;
oil in hole — нефть в стволе скважины;
oil in place — нефть в пласте; пластовая нефть; нефть, предположительно находящаяся в коллекторе;
oil in reserve — 1) нефть, заполняющая трубопроводы и резервуары 2) нефтепродукт, заполняющий систему заводских резервуаров и трубопроводов;
oil in sight — видимые запасы нефти;
oil in situ — нефть в пласте;
oil in storage — 1) нефть в трубопроводах 2) избыточная ( не отправленная потребителям) нефть на нефтебазах;
oil initially in place — первоначальные запасы нефти в коллекторе;
oil originally in reservoir — начальное содержание нефти в пласте;
to carry oil — содержать нефть;
to flood oil toward production well — вытеснять нефть ( водой) к добывающей скважине;
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
to make oil — добывать нефть;
to run the oil — 1) измерять количество нефти в промысловых резервуарах 2) перекачивать нефть из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to skim off oil — собирать нефть, разлившуюся на поверхности воды;
to strike oil — обнаруживать месторождение нефти;
- oil of paraffinoil to surface — нефть, поступающая на поверхность;
- abandoned oil
- absorbent oil
- adsorbed oil
- absorption oil
- acid oil
- acid-refined oil
- acid-stage oil
- additive blended oil
- additive motor oil
- additive treated oil
- additive-type oil
- admiralty fuel oil
- aeroengine oil
- air filter oil
- aircraft oil
- airplane oil
- all-purpose engine oil
- alpha oil
- American paraffin oil
- Appalachian oil
- aqueous-soluble oil
- Arctic oil
- aromatic-base crude oil
- asphalt-base oil
- asphalt-free oil
- asphaltic road oil
- asphaltum oil
- automobile oil
- average-quality oil
- axle oil
- bad oil
- base oil
- batch oil
- Beaumont oil
- bentonite diesel oil
- benzolized oil
- benzyl mustard oil
- black oil
- blasting oil
- blended fuel oil
- blue oil
- bobbin oil
- bodied oil
- boiler oil
- branded oil
- break-in oil
- bright oil
- bubble point oil
- burner oil
- burning oil
- by-passed oil
- capacitor oil
- car oil
- carbon oil
- cargo oil
- catalytic gas oil
- circuit-breaker oil
- clay-filtered oil
- clean oil
- cleaning oil
- cleansing oil
- coal oil
- coastal oil
- coker gas oil
- cold-settled oil
- cold-test oil
- commercial oil
- compressor oil
- concrete form oil
- condensed oil
- condenser oil
- conventional oil
- cordage oil
- corrected oil
- crankcase oil
- crevice oil
- crude oil
- crude mineral oil
- crude petroleum fuel oil
- crude shale oil
- crystal oil
- cut oil
- cutter oil
- cutting oil
- cycle oil
- cycle gas oil
- cylinder oil
- dangerous oil
- dead oil
- debenzolized oil
- degassed oil
- denuded oil
- desalinized oil
- development oil
- dielectrical oil
- diesel oil
- diesel-fuel oil
- dispersed oil
- dissolved oil
- distillate oil
- distillate fuel oil
- domestic oil
- doped oil
- dry oil
- dual-purpose oil
- dump oil
- earth oil
- economically recoverable oil
- electrical switch oil
- emulsified crude oil
- emulsion oil
- engine oil
- enriched oil
- entrained oil
- equilibrium oil
- estimated original oil in place
- explosive oil
- extra-heavy crude oil
- first-quality oil
- fluid oil
- flush oil
- fluxing oil
- foam oil
- foot's oil
- foreign oil
- form oil
- fossil oil
- free oil
- fuel oil
- furnace oil
- gaged oil
- gas oil
- gas absorber oil
- gas and mud-cut oil
- gas-cut oil
- gas-cut load oil
- gear oil
- gearbox oil
- gearcase oil
- gelled oil
- graphite lubrication oil
- grease oil
- grease-spoiled oil
- green bloom oil
- green cast oil
- hard oil
- heating oil
- heavy oil
- heavy-cycle gas oil
- heavy-duty supplement oil
- heavy gas oil
- heavy lubricating oil
- heavy neutral oil
- high-gravity oil
- high-pour-point oil
- high-pour-test oil
- high-pressure oil
- high-temperature shale oil
- highly detergent oil
- highly refined oil
- highly resinous oil
- hot oil
- hybrid-base oil
- hydraulic oil
- hydraulic system oil
- hydrocarbon oils
- hydrofined oil
- hydrogen-deficient gas oil
- illuminating oil
- imported oil
- inactive oil
- incremental oil
- industrial white oil
- initial oil in place
- initial oil in reservoir
- in-place oil
- inspissated oil
- instrument oil
- insulating oil
- intermediate oil
- irreducible oil
- kerosene oil
- lake oil
- lamp oil
- lean oil
- lease oil
- light oil
- light crude oil
- light cycle gas oil
- light engine oil
- light fuel oil
- light gas oil
- light viscosity oil
- lightwood oil
- limestone oil
- live oil
- livered oil
- load oil
- lock oil
- long-time burning oil
- loom oil
- low-gravity oil
- low-viscosity oil
- lubricating oil
- machinery oil
- make-up oil
- marine oil
- marine engine oil
- merchantable oil
- middle oil
- Middle East oil
- migratory oil
- mineral oil
- mineral earth oil
- mineral seal oil
- miner's oil
- mixed asphaltic base oil
- mixed-base oil
- mother oil
- motor oil
- moveable oil
- mud oil
- mud-cut oil
- multigrade oil
- noncongealable oil
- nondrying oil
- opal oil
- naphthalene oil
- naphthene oil
- natural oil
- net oil
- net residual oil
- nonabsorbent oil
- nonfoaming oil
- nonrecoverable oil
- nonresinous oil
- nonsulfurous oil
- occluded oil
- offshore oil
- original oil in place
- original stock tank oil in place
- oxydized oil
- oxygenated oil
- pale oil
- paraffin-base oil
- paraffin-base crude oil
- paraffinic oil
- pattern oil
- penetrating oil
- petrolatum oil
- petroleum fuel oil
- petroleum gas oil
- pilot oil
- piped oil
- pipeline oil
- pipeline quality crude oil
- polybase oil
- power oil
- primary oil
- produced oil
- prospective oil
- pumping load oil
- pure oil
- range oil
- raw oil
- recirculating oil
- reclaimed lubricating oil
- recoverable oil
- recovered oil
- red oil
- reduced oil
- reduced fuel oil
- refined oil
- residual oil
- retained oil
- returning circulation oil
- rich oil
- road oil
- rock oil
- roily oil
- rustproof oil
- saturated oil
- scavenge oil
- scrubbing oil
- secondary oil
- seep oil
- selective solvent-extracted oil
- selective solvent-refined oil
- separator oil
- service DG oil
- service DM oil
- service DS oil
- service ML oil
- service MM oil
- service MS oil
- shafting oil
- shale oil
- Sherwood oil
- short oil
- shrinked oil
- skunk oil
- slightly gas-cut oil
- sludge oil
- slurry oil
- slush oil
- slushing oil
- solar oil
- solid oil
- solidified oil
- soluble oil
- sorbed oil
- sour oil
- spindle oil
- steam-distillable oil
- steam-refined oil
- stock-tank oil
- stock-tank oil in place
- stoker's oil
- stone oil
- stove oil
- straight mineral oil
- straw oil
- stripped oil
- stripping oil
- subzero oil
- sulfonated oil
- sulfur-bearing oil
- sulfurous oil
- summer oil
- surplus oil
- sweat oil
- sweet oil
- switch oil
- tank oil
- tanker specification crude oil
- tar oil
- tarry oil
- tertiary oil
- thin oil
- thinned oil
- topped oil
- torch oil
- tractor oil
- transformer oil
- trapped oil
- trimming oil
- trolly oil
- turkey-red oil
- undiluted engine oil
- univis oil
- unrecovered oil
- unrefinable oil
- unrefinable crude oil
- unstripped oil
- untreated oil
- vaporizing oil
- vulcan oil
- washed blue oil
- waste oil
- water-cut oil
- watered oil
- watery oil
- wax oil
- wet oil
- white oil
- wild oil
- winter oil
- wirerope oil* * *• нефть• нефтяной -
4 Bath
1. n геогр. Бат2. n купание; мытьёblood bath — кровавая баня, резня
bath point — обмывочный пункт; баня, душевая
to have a bath — принимать ванну; мыться, купаться
3. n вода в ванне4. n ванная комната5. n обыкн. баня; купальня; водолечебницаvapour bath — паровая ванна или баня; парильня
6. n спец. ванна7. n спец. расплав8. n полигр. текст. фото, ванна, ванночка; раствор9. v мыть, купать10. v мыться, купатьсяСинонимический ряд:1. ablution (noun) ablution; cleansing2. bath water (noun) bath water; douche; eyewash; rinse; shampoo; spray; suds; tubful; wash3. bathroom (noun) bathroom; lavatory; powder room; public baths; sauna; shower; shower room; spa; tub; washroom4. washing (noun) bathtub; dip; immersion; showering; soak; soaking; steam bath; washing -
5 cream
1. n сливки; крем2. n пюре; суп-пюре, протёртый суп3. n помадка4. n ликёр-крем5. n косметический кремnormal/oily skin cream — крем для нормальной и жирной кожи
6. n крем, мазь7. n пена8. n самое лучшее, цвет9. n «соль»10. n кремовый цвет11. n буланая лошадь12. n отстой13. a содержащий сливки14. a приготовленный со сливками или сметаной15. a предназначенный для сливокclotted cream — густые топлёные сливки; сливочный варенец
normal/dry skin cream — крем для нормальной и сухой кожи
16. a с кремом17. a кремовый, кремового цвета18. a буланый19. v снимать сливкиscalded cream — пастеризованные сливки; заварной крем
pan-set cream — сливки, получаемые путем отстаивания
20. v забирать лучшее, снимать сливки, пенкиto cream off the best pupils and send them to special schools — отбирать лучших учеников для определения в специальные школы
feathering cream — сливки, образующие хлопья жира
21. v наливать сливкиcream puff — пирожное со взбитыми сливками, буше
22. v готовить со сливкамиheavy cream — густые, жирные сливки
23. v сбивать сливки; готовить крем24. v протирать25. v пениться26. v отстаиваться, давать отстой27. v амер. сл. убить28. v амер. сл. избить до полусмерти29. v амер. сл. разбить наголову; разгромить30. v амер. сл. спорт. разгромить, переиграть31. v сл. обвести вокруг пальца; втереть очки32. v сл. добиться без труда,Синонимический ряд:1. best (noun) best; choice; elite; fat; flower; pick; pride; prime; primrose; prize; top2. ointment (noun) balm; cerate; chrism; ointment; salve; unction; unguent3. spume (verb) churn; foam; froth; lather; spume
См. также в других словарях:
soap and detergent — ▪ chemical compound Introduction substances that, when dissolved in water, possess the ability to remove dirt (detergent) from surfaces such as the human skin, textiles, and other solids. The seemingly simple process of cleaning a soiled… … Universalium
Soap — For other uses, see Soap (disambiguation). A collection of decorative soaps, often found in hotels … Wikipedia
Hand washing — is the act of cleansing the hands with water or another liquid, with or without the use of soap or other detergents, for the sanitary purpose of removing soil and/or microorganisms.The main purpose of washing hands is to cleanse the hands of… … Wikipedia
Shoe — This article is about footwear. For other uses, see Shoe (disambiguation). Various shoes for sale in Quarry Bay … Wikipedia
List of Procter & Gamble brands — Procter Gamble (P G) is a multi national consumer goods corporation of American origin with many brands. Contents 1 Brands with net sales of more than US$1 billion annually 2 Other current brand details 3 Divested brands … Wikipedia
Shaving — This article is about the use of a razor. For the thin strip removed from the surface of a piece of wood by planing, see Plane (tool). For the metalworking process, see Piercing (metalworking)#Shaving. A man shaving his undercheek using a… … Wikipedia
Chlorhexidine — Systematic (IUPAC) name N ,N hexane 1,6 diylbis[N (4 chlorophenyl)(imidodicarbonimidic diamide)] Clinical data Trade names … Wikipedia
Surfcaster — Infobox Guitar model|title=Charvel Surfcaster bgcolor=#FFFFFF manufacturer=Charvel period=1992 2005 bodytype=Semi Hollow necktype=Bolt on woodbody=Mahogony or Basswood woodneck=Maple woodfingerboard=Maple, Rosewood, Ebony bridge=Wilconson tremolo … Wikipedia
Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate — Chembox new Name = Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate ImageFile = Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate.svg ImageSize=250px IUPACName =sodium [dodecanoyl(methyl)amino] acetate Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 137 16 6 PubChem = 8716 SMILES = Section2 =… … Wikipedia
Shampoo — This article is about the haircare product. For other uses, see Shampoo (disambiguation). Bottles of shampoo and lotions manufactured in the early 20th century by the C.L. Hamilton Co. of Washington, D.C. Shampoo (English pronunciation:… … Wikipedia
Charvel Surfcaster — Manufacturer Charvel or Jackson Period 1992 2005 Constru … Wikipedia